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Chapter 4 - Christmas Special

Just some random ideas from books, TV, and games!

Chapter 4 - Christmas Special

Chapter 4 - Christmas Special
NOTE: Since Moos only speak in Moolese (wtf?), I will gladly translate what they say! :D

On Christmas Eve, at 6 p.m., a huddle of Moos were making preparations for their own little Christmas party.

One Moo though, was scanning the area with a scope. He saw Tora stack up a pyramid of cans, but Shima tripped and crashed into. Instead of being pissed off, Tora laughed along with her young brother. The moo then scanned over to see that a golden-haired baby cabbit girl was playing alone, while her parents were making dinner. He quickly scanned over to see Guntz lighting a Christmas Tree, his sister Midori was truly impressed by this. He scanned over to see the villains drinking and having a good time, telling jokes and sharing stories of how they have been foiled in taking over the world. The moo went back to the cabbit girl's house, as she was still playing alone.

Moo 1 (Spider Moo): oh, that poor little cabbit..she looks so sad...*looks through the scope again*
Moo 2 (Numa Moo): Miku Moo! I want that tree up "Moostered"...
Moo 3 (Miku Moo): *takes out a couple of leeks and goes ninja on a tree, cutting off unwanted branches*
Numa Moo: Sim Moo, what's the status on Moosic selection?
Moo 4 (Sim Moo): Schedule!
*soft music plays on a radio*
Numa Moo: excelente! right on track!
Spider Moo: Numa Moo!
Numa Moo: what is it Spider?
Spider Moo: One baby girl appears to be alone on this holiday, and she seems so sad. Can we bring her a present to cheer her up?
Numa Moo: Sim Moo!
Sim Moo: *does some calculations* Negative, Numa Moo. We have 4 presents and there are only 4 of us...
Spider Moo: we can go and search for something!
Numa Moo: Sorry, Spider. No can do!
Spider Moo: But no one should be sad and alone on Christmas!
Numa Moo: exactamente! so throw those troubles away and be Moory! Pronto!
Spider Moo: But Numa!
Numa Moo: That's an order, mister!...Alright pals, stand by for Egg Nog!
Sim Moo: Aye Aye, Numa!
Miku Moo: Gon Gge! (she speaks backwards; Egg Nog!)
Numa Moo: Spider?
Spider Moo: I'll pass...

Spider Moo got a quick idea. He went over to his piggy bank and chucked out a few coins. His Moo siblings were too distracted with Miku Moo chugging down the Egg Nog! Spider Moo swiftly and silently crawled away from them and exited out their fortress through a secret tunnel.

Numa Moo: Hold on Miku! This girl can seriously Egg her Nog!

Time passes, it is now 9 p.m.

Numa Moo: 21 hundred hours, pals! Engage cranberry sauce!
Miku Moo: *repeated playing drums on the table with leeks*
Numa Moo: Miku!
Miku Moo: Huh?! (Huh?!)
Numa Moo: Not at the table...
Miku Moo: Wwwaa...(Aawww...) *looks the leek and polishes it*
Numa Moo: *looks around* Wait a second...something's missing...
Sim Moo: *does a count* Cranberries, CHECK! Egg Nog, CHECK!
Numa Moo: Can you gimme a head count?
Sim Moo: *does some calculations* We have 3 heads sir!
Numa Moo: Where is the Spider Moo?!
Sim Moo: Unknown sir! It appears that he is-*grabs the Egg Nog carton and turns it to the side, tapping at a picture of Spider Moo missing* MISSING.
Numa Moo: Missing? Moover Dam! *throws his Santa cap to the ground, then glances over at Spider Moo's bed* Oh wait, there he is! He just went to bed! *pulls the covers, revealing a rock with a poorly drawn face* What the!? *grabs the rock, slapping it across the face* What have you done with Spider?! Talk mister!
Sims Moo: Numa! Over here! *tapping at the secret tunnel*
Numa Moo: I'll deal with you later! *gives one last slap at the rock*

Numa Moo and Miku Moo strided over to where Sim Moo was at, looking through the tunnel.

Sim Moo: oh, no...He must be out there...all by himself.
Numa Moo: He's one of us, pals! And you all know the Moolese Credo!
Sim Moo: Never...bathe in hot ketchup and Crisco?
Numa Moo: what-NO!
Miku Moo: *speaking Japanese gibberish*
Numa Moo: No! That's the Ring Spirit's credo! It's "Never waddle alone"! And Spider's out there all by himself! And we never leave one of our own! *shakes his head in pity*
Miku and Sim: oooh...
Numa Moo: Now let's go!


Comments (1)

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CreamandPoppufan166 on December 20, 2011, 10:33:19 AM

CreamandPoppufan166 on
CreamandPoppufan166Spider Moo does whatever a Spider Moo does >w>
Oh, and Miku Moo speaking backwards Moolese rules xD