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Chapter 5 - Truth and Reconcillation

Continuation of a boys Struggle against Hell

Chapter 5 - Truth and Reconcillation

Chapter 5 - Truth and Reconcillation
“This is ain’t gonna settle a damn thing!”
“Well if you got a better idea then speak the hell up!”
“Don’t get ignorant, neither of you two even have the slightest idea of how to create something even worth listening too”
I stood there for a minute just observing the huge congestion of people screaming and hollering to talk over the others. Luther and Gabriel where sprinkled into the larger selection of people that I didn’t know so I went over to them.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Glad to see your both back in one piece” Luther said to Lenneth it was almost as though he ignored me.
“Your reinforcements couldn’t have come a second to soon. I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have made it without them” Lenneth said.
“Alexander couldn’t spare many and we’ve been receiving armada’s by the hour. Where close over 172, 000 soldiers.” Luther said proudly.
“Is that enough?” Lenneth asked
“Hardly…we’ll need twice this much and maybe more to even last past the first day …but it’s a good start,” He answered.
I ignored them for the time being. There wasn’t any since in going off on him now. I had questions still and risking never getting the answer out of him would hurt more then anything I could throw at him.
“Everyone take your seats. We are ready to begin” An older man took the front seat at the table as everyone crowded down to their seats, beside him in the table where Luther and Alexander followed by Gabriel and the rest of the people who where new. I was still wondering what was up with so many people down here. The Sanction hadn’t been open to civilians and from what I could tell it was held in the shadows of all of this.
“Welcome all Sanction members. It has been a long 3 years in preparation of this day. A grand meeting of all of us has not happened in many years and is a glorious day to see all you here” The older man spoke. He had a dark brown beard that came down to his chest and wore a white chain mail that dragged down to his knees. Beside him knelt a long spear resting beside the large armchair in the front of the table. Everyone murmured at his words, but they pissed me off. Luther never mentioned that their where more of the Sanction members. I clinched my fist but didn’t say anything. I glanced back over to John who looked over at me at exactly the same time. He didn’t look too pleased at how they treated him either. We didn’t take a seat; instead we leaned on the wall in the back and listened. Their was bound to be something more he was going to say that could answer some of the many questions I was going to get out of him anyway.
“As you all should very well know the wars will soon be upon us, and this is only the beginning. This Bloody war will rage on and the battles we will not be able to win, but this battle we must win. This city must hold! Let Hell and every bit of its Damnation that walks and destroys the fruits of our land pay head to this mighty fortress of god. We will stand together with the brothers and sisters of our lands and for this battle at least! Will Hell know exactly who it is up against and until it is destroyed it will know to fear from this world and all that stand up and fight for it!” The old man’s words echoed largely in the hall as everyone cheered and applauded. I had heard enough and walked over to Luther.
“Why didn’t you tell me about them” I asked in a harsh voice.
“You didn’t need to know. It was not important and had you had stayed you would have had the chance. There is no room for recklessness in this war Leon and though you may control the Twilight and it may have awakened in you. You still are incapable of using it to any extent of its potential.” Luther said.
Everyone turned to his words and stared at me like I had committed some type of sin and I was to be exiled just by my very words.
“I’ll take you up on that claim,” I said drawing my sword and putting it up against his neck.
“You know not who you draw your sword too. Put your weapon away there is no since in spilling blood in this hour of need” Luther said ignoring my threat.
“I know damn well who I’m drawing my sword too, and I intend to beat the living shoot out of you until I get every question I have answered and you will not tell me a lie or I will spill every drop of blood” I said holding my blade even closer to his neck.
“Put it away son we can solve all this in a few moments time I-“ But the old man was cut off when John drew his blade and held it at his neck.
Instantly the entire table drew their blades and they where either aimed at John or me. I froze.
“At ease” The old man said
They stared at me for a few seconds but slowly put their weapons away never taking their eye off me.
“I have heard about what has happened to the Trinity Islands, and I know that is what’s been causing you to act so reckless. I didn’t tell you about all of this because I knew you would take reckless actions that endanger lives and more importantly your own” Luther said so straight forward it was almost as though he didn’t care about the situation or that I had his life in my hands.
“ You knew about the crack in the islands and yet you didn’t tell me until I got there. Because of that lack of being prepared for it many lives where lost…and the blood of family that night.” I said lowering my head but keeping my blade ever closer to his neck.
“Not telling you in time was our mistake indeed it would seem, but blaming me on your inability to save your own is selfish and-“ Before he could even finish his sentence my fist hit him square in the jaw and sent him staggering backwards. Blood seeped from his mouth and without a second’s delay I was on him throwing blowing after blow at what ever I could reach. The room became uproar as the men violently threw me off to the side and helped Luther to his feet. Several of them had kicked me many times in the face and I could taste the warm blood in my mouth as I got to my feet. John stood beside me half beaten while we awaited their answer to this.
“ Is this really your answer Leon? Why do you think we would have held something this important if not to save you from going into a rage like fit like a childish little boy.” Luther said.
“Shut the hell up! Don’t give me anymore of your fracken bullshoot. I don’t give a damn about the Sanction or any of you. I will fight this war, but I will fight with the people I can trust.” I yelled and stormed out of the room.
There wasn’t a sound as I left and not a soul tried to stop me. John walked briskly behind me without saying a word. He had never seen me go off like that before and I was surprised to recall what I had said before too. The Sanction had been holding out on me and it was clear now they didn’t trust my decisions or me. They had every intention on taking plans into their own hands and just using me like a tool in it. I couldn’t believe I was fooled so badly. Blinded only of the sheer mass of what was going on, but as far as I was concerned I meant what I said about the Sanction. I don’t care what plan of action they take but they won’t be using me for what ever it is. I’m a free man and free to make my own decisions and I know what I have to do with this power. The Sanction in general I didn’t trust but there were a few inside I could still trust. I took a few deep breaths trying to cool myself down. John kept from eye contact for fear of starting any more trouble. I tried to calm myself down but the thought of even being around the castle and potentially seeing any of them sparked my nerves and my anger was like a short fuse waiting to go off. Eventually I gave up and left the castle. Right now it was only full of stress and anger. I stomped all the way through the city and down to the dock. It seemed that only water-cooled me off when I was like this. Maybe it was because of how I grew up on Drenora or just because I always liked the water. Whatever the reason it still helped. I wanted to go get Kayla and talk to her but now I didn’t even have the nerve to go back. On top of that I was still too pissed and upset to have probably come up with anything of any use to say to her except words of hate and malice towards the Sanction. I took a seat at the dock and let the cool ocean water run through my shoes. I watched out far into the see as ocean liners and other huge vessels where coming in only a few minutes apart. I splashed myself in the face with a bit of water to help slow my breathing. I was tense and all of what had happened was still getting to me. It was just building up from one incident to another and I just couldn’t control it. I rested my head in my arms and sat there and thought a moment. I didn’t see why they didn’t trust me. I hadn’t given them any reason since I first met them to give them any reason not to trust me. It just seemed out of the question that I would think to betray them. The warm rays felt good to my aching body now hurt physically and mentally. I still wanted to know how this war was going to be fought and the determining factor in this fight. It felt like the city had just become a place full of enemies and people out to hurt me. Only a number of people I could really trust and now even that number is slimmer. What I knew for sure was that I needed answers, and their was only one person inside all of this and at the head far enough to give me answers and dependable ones at that. I looked back up and started back to the castle.
“The Evacuation is starting…” John said looking towards families quickly abandoning their homes as soldiers ripping them to shreds for more battle room. I didn’t expect to see such a beautiful city torn down like this even for war. I expected a battle like no other but are the odds that far in the enemies favor? I thought. Soldiers scrambled around the city blocks as we walked by taking orders and setting up siege equipment. I’ve never seen a city take so many precautions. This just made me want to speak with him even more. Even if it’s bad I trust him to tell me.
We walked up the castle steps and into the main hall. We walked briskly up the stairs 4 floors up to the king’s quarters. The castle was full of people and not like I’d ever seen. The hallways where packed almost to the point of no breathing space and people either carried all their belongings and waited in line or where trying to muscle their way through the crowd. I pushed through the line of people and went directly into the King’s quarters ignoring anyone who had and audience before me.
“ Leon…I had a feeling you would come” Alexander said,” Give me a moment and I will be with you”.
I waited at the edge of the room as the king listened to an old man’s family’s complaint. They asked to take shelter in the castle during the battle but he refused. He told them that it would be best to get as many people to safe locations as possible. The man looked glum at the king’s reply but stepped out without another word.
When I stepped up to Alexander I noticed the gleaming plate mail and royal sword he had at his side. It was like he expected hell to come on us at any second.
“ I know why you’re here Leon so I should probably get to the point. We’ve left out of this because you only one matter to focus too. I apologize but saving humanity is your job… saving these people and fighting this battle is mine.” Alexander said.
I held my tongue to resist from saying anything I shouldn’t and I continued to let him speak.
“Leon the countries beyond this border aren’t safe anymore. “ Alexander said stepping over to the large world map in the corner of the room.” The Twin cities lies in the middle east of the map a perfect crossroads of north and south. Anything south of us however has been completely taken over by hell. They are literal wastelands Leon, nobody is alive down there.”
I looked through the map at all the places I had been.
“What of Drenora? What of my sister” I asked in the wavering tone.
“ Drenora was attacked early in this. After I got word that this had begun I started the evacuation. We’ve been evacuating the south for 2 months now…but countries don’t believe until they see it for their own eyes …and by then it’s much too late. Villages are gone in a heart beat…whole cities burn to the ground in a night…Whole islands conquered in blood within days…Their moving Leon…on a bloody war path that hasn’t left a single life not taken.” Alexander’s voice was choked when he said all of this and I couldn’t imagine how it had to feel to be there and not know.
“ If you actually thought of it…and I hate to admit that we knew about this so early in advance but we weren’t able to do anything…But we’ve already lost over 5 million lives and not a single army has been brought up to defend those people…It makes me just feel like I left all those lives to be condemned and I was too selfish to lend a hand even though I knew O to well of what might happen.”
“So my sister is dead…” I said in such a low whisper it could barley be made out. I didn’t look at him.
“Damien has been ordering the evacuation for some time now…but we haven’t heard a word from him …so I wouldn’t know” Alexander’s voice trailed off into the murmurs of the castle walls.
Their was a pause before I spoke again,” I trust him…I trust Damien to protect her just like he protected me…I see now why he couldn’t come with us back in Albina” I said.
“Albina…He went to Albina?” Alexander said.
“…Yes…I wouldn’t have been able to save Kayla if not for him,” I said.
He didn’t speak anymore on the subject but instead went to something different. I noticed it immediately but what he had to tell me afterwards almost made me forget about it completely.
“ I’m not going to lie and say that not telling you wasn’t in my interest…As for the Sanctions decision on how much they would tell you from its end I did agree you had a right know…but others didn’t see it my way…I won’t mention those names because I don’t want anymore disputes within the Sanction…I believe we have held enough from you and you need to grasp what is happening all around you… The Sanction is gathering all of its members… The ones you met earlier on your first visit where only a fraction of them. Deep within the mountains to the north there is a sacred place. Alden the holy place…it is a city where the Sanction was first formed and is where the Sanction takes birth. The Sanction is much larger then a few members…it spans over 200 qualified and equally strong men and women. All blessed with holy talents to end this war. The main members you should have met when you first arrived. They are one of our strongest cards to play in this war and when the entire Sanction has been summoned we maybe able to hold our ground in this fight…but for us to win…we need our Trump card…that’s you”
“ So I’m just a piece in this war like everyone else…well sorry…I’m not taking a command from any of them. I will fight, but not with them.”
“ Leon you must understand…holding the information like this was so that you could focus on the main goal…which is to use the Twilight to win this war. At this point…every life is disposable to reach that goal…even mine or any of the sanction members…the only one whose life actually matters…is yours and yours alone”
“Alexander…your wrong…no life is disposable…and all life is precious. I’m not here to win a war…nor am I here for anything the Sanction has planned for me…I’m here to save lives and give us a shot at a future. If you really cared for your people then their lives would mean as much to you as they do to me” I clinched my fist and walked out after a moments pause.
“ I’ve had enough of you Leon and if someone hasn’t told you the truth or you’ve been to damn thick to notice it. Then I damn well should be me the one to get it through your skull. First DON’T YOU EVER! Contest my faith and love for my people. I have suffered more humiliation more pain more suffering then anyone of your ignorant stature could comprehend. What you haven’t gotten through your damn head is that this war is breaking us apart. If the actions the Sanction and I have set down do not come into play even if you destroy hell there won’t be anyone left for you to save! I did say lives where disposable but I did not say they weren’t precious. How do you think it feels Leon to have to send thousands and thousands of men to their death!? Could you even imagine how that even affects someone!? I know their going to die! Every one of those lives I have to put into that battle so we can secure a future will die. These men know and I know that for us to be able to have a future. For our families to have any hope of seeing past another few weeks we must stand and lives must be lost for the higher cause. You think just because you lose someone that others haven’t Leon!”
I was silent as for the first time in my life I watched and listened as the king went on a rampage and lost his cool.
“ I heard about the Trinity Islands. I know the lives that where lost and how it affected you and Lenneth…I know it hurts, but don’t be selfish. In this war no one single man I can reach can make a single difference in this war. I could send a million men to their deaths and never come close to the results you would have with a power that you don’t even deserve. It’s sad when I when I look back at the men I have already had to send to an early grave. Children Leon…no older then my own daughter where sent to fight a losing battle and give their lives. We can’t even defend our own women…Women are actually being drafted in some countries and nations because there aren’t enough men to serve…You have to understand Leon…the Sanction isn’t looking out for themselves…Their trying to save lives but no matter how hard our efforts where losing more then we can save. Ask anyone Leon…the only good luck is this war for us now is if more people die. If their hadn’t been people in the southern sections of the world. If those people’s lives had not been taken…the Twin cities would have already fallen, and we would have already lost this war”
After that the room was quite and neither of us spoke. The king’s eyes where like cinders piercing into my own heart with rage. Sure…I knew lives had been lost but its always a lot more shocking when you actually hear the number. I walked out without a word and shut the door immediately before someone else tried to barge in. John just glanced at
Me and kept quite.
“What now?” He asked.
“I need to find Damien,” I said not looking back to him.
“About your sister?”
“That…and I need help”
I walked down the narrow corridor down into the Sanction chamber. When I got there most of the people had left but a few did remain, mostly the ones I didn’t actually know. They gave me weird glances but I ignored them I went directly to Lenneth.
“Where’s Damien?” I asked.
“He hasn’t returned yet…By the way…you mentioned you saw him in Albina correct” Lenneth said.
“Yeah…he helped me rescue the princess…” I said eyeing him.
“We haven’t heard from him since he left for the evacuation. He didn’t mention anything in a report about helping you”
“I guess some people are still loyal now aren’t they?” I said and walked off.
I quickly walked back up the corridor and waited outside the castle.
“Was saying that suppose to make you look better in the Sanctions light?” John asked.
“ No…but at least he’ll know how it feels,” I said leaning on the wall of the castle steps.
“Leon. didn’t expect to actually see you on time” Damien said coming up the steps of the castle.
“ Damien I need your help” I said pulling him over to the side.
“With what? Can it wait I have something important that the sanction needs to hear about.” He said.
“Its important.” I said.
He answered ok and followed me across the courtyard and around to the back of the castle.
“What’s this about?” Damien asked.
“First…Is Clair ok?” I asked with a serious face.
He smirks,” She’s fine…She should be on the next boat here. So she should be getting here in about a day or so”.
I sighed with relief. At least something went right today I thought.
“And next…” I said drawing my sword,” I need you to show me how to use my Trinity.”
“…Ok…but why me?” He asked,” Luther or Gabriel would be better suited since they where the ones who taught me” He said.
“ I can’t trust the Sanction…They’ve lied and kept far to much from me. They have never trusted me…but I’ve known you for years…and since you helped me in Albina against orders…it means you were not with them in the decision to hold back the information from me.” I said.
“I see…” He sighs,” Ok…I’ll try and teach you as much about the Trinity as I have learned so you better listen. First, it may not pertain directly to all of this…but the book you found from your father was almost identical to another set of his notes that I found in the South.”
“Say what?” I said lowering my blade.
“ It tells a lot about the original history behind the Twilight and Immorick…You already have put together that the princess has a part of the Twilight inside her or you wouldn’t have gone to Albina so quickly…His name was Balphados…Just before Immorick went into his Final battle and sealed Hell away for all this time…he gave some of his power to his close Friend Balphados in the hopes that if he couldn’t finish hell then Balphados would. Balphados accepted the power but not without regret especially after Immorick sacrificed himself to end the war. Balphados wanted to make sure all of what had happened stayed alive so that the day that hell brakes lose again his descendents could destroy it this time. Balphados founded the Sanction of Immorick and passed down some of his power to 7 men who where to keep all of the knowledge of hell and Immorick safe and help destroy hell when the day came. As you know Immorick married the widow Queen of the Twin cities some years later making King Alexander a direct descendent of Immorick but more importantly the princess. The Twilight was passed down to one of Balphados’ kids per generation, but the 7 Sanction members’ families all inherited some of the power. That is why the Sanction is 200 and counting members instead of the original 7…and in case you haven’t noticed Leon, you are a descendent of one of the 7 making you part of the Sanction you despise right now”
“My fathers notes said all of that?” I asked.
“He recreated the Timeline of what happened in Immorick’s time and what is happening now…he truly was a great man and even though we have no idea what happened to him…he is still helping man kind where ever he is” Damien said.
“Hmm” I said as I raised my sword from my side,” When this is over I will find my father…but until I can sort out all of this, it’ll have to wait”
I swung at Damien just before he raised his blade to block it.
“You have to understand” Damien said catching me off guard with a slow swing of his blade to my shins. I easily stepped back and watched for a counter reaction to my movement.” The Trinity and the Twilight are one in the same. You didn’t come to me to learn how to use the Trinity, you came because there are still parts of the Twilight that you don’t’ understand how to use”.
“So what if it is?” I said rolling to the side as Damien’s blade came down quick and smoothly on the wall I stood only moments before.
“ Its something you will have to come to pass with like so many other’s in the Sanction. It’s nothing that the Sanction can help you with and I actually do think that all of this is making finding that answer all the more difficult but you have to be strong. People look to you as support and will soon look to you as a savior because you will carve us a way into the future…or we are doomed not to have one at all”.
Damien returned his blade to its sheath on his back and looked back to me.
“ I’ll admit the Sanction’s actions aren’t always in your best favor but they are trying their best with what they have. Incase nobody has told you, you where destined for greatness Leon and it was no fluke that the Twilight did become yours to bear. It’s not something in normal man could ever hope or dream to be able to hold, and it certainly will not go without hardships…but be strong…I have seen you fight with heart and soul for the people who are close to you and I have no doubt in my mind that you will fight for all of these people that look to you as their last hope”.
I sighed and put my sword away.
John smirked at my reaction to Damien’s words and it wasn’t often as I could remember that he did compliment me.
Lord knows I needed though I thought.
“There will be an assortment of meetings before the battle begins and I hope we can be as prepared as ever when it comes. I want you to come and relies the Sanctions intentions with your own eyes. They are people just like you trying to make it in a war they know will overwhelm them…No matter how you look at it they will all depend on you” Damien said and walked back up the castle steps.
I took in some of the fresh air and followed behind Damien back into the Sanction chamber.
Kyoko…I thought to myself as we headed back down the narrow corridor back to the place I had been so many times. I hope that someday you will forgive my weakness…I’ll get stronger…I’ll find away to win…people need me…and its tough, but I’ll pull through… and one day soon…. I hope…I can return back to the land’s me you and john walked…and lay rest to your memories that I cherished and experienced… so long ago…
“I see…” Luther said in anguish,” They can’t come…but why?”
“ The demons’ movements are scarce but they have been attacking where we are vulnerable…The Sanction will not remain whole if we cannot recover the ones that are still protecting Alden” Numus said.
 “Why can’t they come? This battle is one of the most important of this war…and yet they’re defending a mere place that will soon be demolished anyway?” Reaverer said putting his arms on the table.
“Watch your tongue!” Lore yelled standing up.
“Sit down Lore its not important” Luther answered back to her.
“We still need negotiations to get Alden to release enough of us but we don’t have the means to travel there and then bring the entire Sanction back…” Lenneth said.
“The trip is only about 2 days… I’m pretty sure one of you could be up to the job?” Langston said looking around,” …Guess not…”
“Negotiations could take days, and I’ve spoken with them myself with no resolve” Damien said.
“Who are these guys?” I whispered to Damien as everyone else disputed.
“They are the main branch of the Sanction at this point in time…the best and minds of it you might say but they still are nothing compared to our counsel” Damien whispered back.
“Counsel…?” I tried to ask further but we where interrupted with more shouts and, as he got deeper into the conversation I could tell I wasn’t going to be able to drag him out.
“That’s enough for now” Luther said,” We will meet at the end of the day to discuss our strategies for this war…I hope you all come with a better head on your shoulders”.
Everyone was slow to finally leave the room. It left only John me, Luther and the old man from before.
“Leon, this is Antwan” Luther said,” He is the true leader of the Sanction”
“Its nice to meet you on friendlier terms this time” The man said and held his hand out to me.
I was tempted not to shake it from yesterday but I didn’t want to bring upon more suspicion then what I had already drawn so I shook it.
“Young man, all of our efforts will be in vain if not for your stand in this battle. It isn’t something we can win on our own so we will depend heavily on your support. I hope this comes out better then expected” Antwan said with a cough and then left followed by Luther close behind.
It was late now. The meeting had gone late into the night and half of it I didn’t even understand. The other half pertain more so to them than to me so I didn’t truly pay attention. I had one more stop before I called it a day and I wanted just to see her off if it was the least I could do.
I knocked softly on her door, as I heard her stir and quickly come to answer it.
“Leon’ She smiles,” come in”.
I take a seat on her bed and seeing as though the last time I was actually in her room it was doing something for the Sanction. It felt different actually being invited in.
“ I have to step out for a second just wait here ok” She said and hurried out the door.
What was that about I thought?
I waited for what seemed like an hour and she still hadn’t come back. I’d managed to make myself comfortable but I was tired from how the day had gone, and I had already caused enough stress on others so I wasn’t going to try anything.
I sighed and walked out closing the door gently behind me. The room I had been given was only a floor down so if she did come back tonight she knew where I’d be.
When I got to my room and actually laid down the bed felt so much better then it had ever felt. Once I was down I couldn’t find the strength to get back up again in a matter of moments I was asleep. I had trouble getting up the next mourning though. My back was strained and it felt like all the life and energy from my muscles had been sucked dry. I limped and fell to the floor trying to get to my feet but it didn’t get me anywhere. I’d never been so sore before and after awhile I couldn’t even move.
Was this some type of side affect of the Twilight I thought to myself closing my eyes trying to get as much rest in between my aches of pain.
If it was I said to myself I’m pretty sure the Sanction purposely left it out. I smirked and then immediately winced in pain when I heard a sound on my door.
“Yeah?” I answered.
“The King is calling a national gathering” A voice said from the door,” He requests your assistance and cooperation in this matter”.
“Gimme a minute” I said rolling out of the bed.
I tried getting to my feet again but my legs buckled from my weight and I almost landed flat on my face.
This is bullshoot I thought what the hell is wrong with me.
It took me a few minutes to finally be able to support my own weight and it felt weird. It almost felt like I was learning how to walk or move for that matter for the first time.
I inched over to the door and opened it taking deep breaths just to hold my balance. The halls and corridors where empty and it was almost odd compared to the over whelming number it was only a day before. I took the stairs slowly but as time went by I finally regained enough strength to move normally with a little strain of course. I didn’t exactly know what I had to do with a national gathering but damn was I shocked when I found out. I took only one step outside the castle walls to see an entire city full of people at the castle steps. They cheered and applauded as I could hear even from where I stood the King’s bold words echoing through out the halls. The King was in the center of the crowd and beside him was the entire Sanction as he introduced them to the people. I saw Kayla too, but it was like before. She didn’t smile and she looked sad and almost angry at the same time. I moved quickly through out the crowd of people until I heard my name called and every person within a meter of me back away. I looked around confused as they clapped and cheered and applauded me for some strange and unforeseen reason. Alexander extended his hand to me and I took it and was pulled up to the platform where he spoke.
“This man is our savior and with his help Hell will not step past these borders! They will no fear! Because we will fight and we will crush every opposition they through before us!” Alexander yelled raising my hand up high as the crowd let out even more cheers and applauds.
I looked out into the crowd, but I couldn’t see its end. The entire city was full of people and for as far as I could see I saw people cheering for me. Hoping that I would be the one who defended this city and putting all of their hope and compassion and will to live inside of me. I looked over to Kayla who said nothing and looked away and then over to the Sanction where everyone in it also applauded for me. I don’t know out of respect or of actual hope but they cheered just as loudly as anyone. Their cries of pride and hope and joy where almost above anything I had ever felt. It was overwhelming and at first it felt good, but later on that day it came crushing down on me with double the force in which it came. I sat in my room thinking of how many lives could be throw away should only the slightest thing happen, and how it would have solely been my fault because I’m the only one who can make a difference. No single man as Alexander had said to me will ever be able to make a difference like I could. The thought haunted me…it worried me…it terrified me inside. I couldn’t bring myself enough strength so save who I wanted…how would I pull the strength to defend so many others. My stomach tightened and my mind became nothing more then a spinning orb of questions with no answers to them. I felt alone and empty. Alone in an empty world with no one to comfort me. The hours ticked by and it was already late afternoon and the sun was setting. I climbed off my bed and prompted my arm on the window seal and looked out. I could see almost the entire city from here and all of its glory that would never be lost. I watched the sun steadily creep below the horizon when I felt a drop of water hit me on the arm. I looked at it for a second then looked back up. I had never noticed that her room was directly above mine only a mere coincidence, but I could see her from here, not clearly, but I saw her on her knees and I knew immediately something wasn’t right.
I hurried out my room and to the stairs and immediately up to her room. Her door wasn’t locked, and it was slightly cracked. I debated if I should knock but I quickly decided it wouldn’t serve much good.
I crept through her room into the balcony. She hadn’t moved an inch. I stood there and I could almost hear every drop of her tears as they slid from her face to the ground.
It took me a moment but I finally worked up the courage ask her what was wrong. I held her in my arms as she cried deeply into my chest. I didn’t need to know what was hurting her I just wanted to be here for her like she had been their when I needed her. It made all the difference to both of us that we had each other.
“ I can’t be with you” She barley made out in such a soft whisper that I barley heard it.
“What?” I said back.
“My dad…with the war and the Twilight I can’t be anywhere around you”.
“What!?” I yelled and looked dead into her eyes.
She looked away.
“Why?” I said
“He doesn’t want me to get hurt…physically or mentally…”
My heart stopped. I froze for a full second of my life. It all finally made since to me. All of the things he had said and done up until now rushed through me. When I first met the Sanction... up until the time we had talked and national gathering. It was as if he had planned to take everything from me from under my feet, and the only thing that returned when I unfroze was pure hate for the man I had trusted so dearly before.
She looked at me worried for second just before I stomped off out of the room. I drew my blade and the second a guard approached me for a reason I still don’t know my blade went through him with such intensity it made his entire body rock. He screamed in pain as other guards who where stationed not far started gathering. It didn’t matter to me because my brain and all reasoning had already shut down from pure malice and distortion that I was feeling. Anyone who approached me, weather I knew him or her or not I cut them down. Before I had made it to the king’s chamber I had already gone through 10 guards. I punched the door with such force It echoed through out the hall way and when I slammed the door closing out in opposing reinforcements I could tell he had been waiting for me.
I didn’t talk to him nor did I we exchange looks. I clinched my sword tightly in my arms and when I swung it almost cracked through the blade he had drawn to defend it. My slashes where hollow and without heart but they crushed through anything.  When I had aimed his gut he swiftly dodged causing me to cut through his entire throne with one clean slice. When our swords matched their sounds echoed through out the entire castle.
Suddenly the room door broke down and several Sanction members came in full blast with weapons and tackled me hard to the ground. I ripped and struggled elbowing, punching, biting, anything I could do to get to him. They tried to constrain me but I inched closer and closer to him. Then Luther came and pinned my neck to the ground and with the help of everyone else I finally couldn’t even move.
“You Son of a dog you can’t fracken run from me!” I yelled,” I know what you’ve been doing taking everything from me and stripping all bear just for your kingdom and yours wants. I’ll kill you! I don’t give a damn if you are King!” I yelled as the dragged me out of the King’s chamber.
Once I was out of the room Luther slammed me hard into wall.
“What the hell is your problem!” Luther yelled hitting me square in the jaw.
I tried to strike back but the other Sanction members held me down.
“ You just tried to assassinate the king you basterd! Do you know what that would have done at a time like this!” Numus yelled.
“Leon I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but stop acting like a damn immature kid and fracken grow up! People need you out their and all you can think of is your damn self!” Luther yelled.
“…So what are you going to do because I’m actually” I said in a sarcastic tone,” You going to lock me up? Try and put me in the dungeon till the fight starts and just release me like a fracken attack dog is that it!?”
“I’ve had it to hear with you kid!” Numus yelled grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer to him.
What a damn time for the Twilight or the Trinity not to work I thought. I’d been trying all this time to use it but it just wasn’t coming.
“Leave him alone!” I heard Kayla’s voice beyond the crowd of people that had now gathered around this scene.
“What did you do?” She said holding onto me as a tear dropped from her face.
My body stopped moving with her embrace and the Sanction members started heading back into the King’s chamber.
“I’ll take him to his room. You guys keep watch just incase” Luther said almost pulling me to my feet.
Kayla held my arm as Luther dragged me back to my room and the rest of the Sanction got rid of the people that had gathered.
None of us said a word even when we got to my room. When Kayla and I walked in he closed the door.
I didn’t even move. My failure to even touch the king was now sinking in deep.
Then without warning Kayla reached back and slapped me senseless.
“What where you thinking!?” She yelled at me.
I looked away.
“Leon Why!? How was trying to almost kill my father going to solve this!?” she said as tears streamed down her face,” you don’t think I’ve been through enough today…”
It was an awkward silence following that comment. I really didn’t know what to say. So much of what had just happened was so…I don’t even know how to really explain it.
We just stood there as Kayla tried drying her tears and claming herself down.
I started thinking again…and then…I think I asked 1 of the most self-impacting questions I ever asked ever.
“Will come with me?” I asked in a low voice.
“What?” She answered.
“Come with me…leave all of this behind and lets just go right now” I said and took her hand,” Just us”.
She looked dead into my eyes and I didn’t waver when I asked but then she put her hands on her lap and answered.
“I can’t…” She said.
I didn’t answer for a moment
“Why?” I finally made out.
“I’m all that my father has to hold on to…and my country needs me just like they need you”
I stopped and the air became increasingly thick.
“ So you take a lying man and a country that held everything from me and in one instant tried to take it all away…you’d stand by that?” I said.
“No, Leon” She tried to take my hand but I pulled it away.
“ I don’t know you” I said harshly,” I thought a woman I loved, and I thought we could be happy together…maybe she died before I ever did make it back to the Twin cities”
She was extremely taken back from what I said but I didn’t say anything past that. I stood up and left the room.
I should have known…I thought to myself as I reached an empty room on the 2nd floor. I should have known I couldn’t trust anyone…anybody… It’s only been me…its always been me.
I took a step back and then jumped from the window all the way down. I landed hard as I heard something crack in my leg. I clinched my teeth, but I kept moving. I heard voices from the castle but I ignored them. I couldn’t figure out why the Twilight would not come. Even when it seemed my life was in danger it still would not come to my aid. I had made it past most of the guards who where stationed and I was making my way through a dark clearing in the city when I heard a voice tell me to stop.
I turned around to see Luther…but not just him…the entire Sanction was there, and in only a few seconds other soldiers started coming forming a large circle around me. The number of soldiers that had come was enormous and I hadn’t seen so many men ready to fight.
“Are you going leave these people Leon” Alexander said,” Your going to run away from all of this and betray us all…leave us condemned on a battle field in a battle we would never win”.
“Now you know the feeling,” I said in a deep voice. I drew my sword and with this many of the soldiers and Sanction members did too.
“You’re going to fight all of us?” Luther said,” Stop playing with these peoples lives Leon!”
“The only person who’s been playing with lives is you people!” I yelled at him making sure that no one came any closer to me.
Then it came…from under all my sorrow and hurt the power to finally retaliate came to me. The Twilight over took my body and sent many staggering back in its glow.
“Leon! You can’t run away all these people will die!!” Luther said running over to me, but with a raise of my sword a powerful beam of light hit him and sent him flying backwards on his knees.
I didn’t say anything and with one flap of my wings I was air born.
“Leon!!!!!!!!” I heard a voice cry.
I knew who it was and I didn’t want to see her face especially now.
“Please…don’t leave again.” I heard her say.
I stopped for a second and then dug into my pocket and pulled out the pendent my father had given me. I dropped it and it landed in her hands as she looked up at me.
“Wait for me” where my last words to her until I flew off into the moon light and by then no one had known where I had gone.


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