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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

When the weather unexpectedly changes for the worst and it is linked to the mysterious collapse of Kenshin's master, can Kenshin and his allies find out what is going on before it's too late?

Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Frozen Time

``By now, other generations of time have already frozen over.''
Kikyo from Inu-Yasha: Affections Touching Across Time

Chapter One
``Kenshin, are you sure this is such a good idea? I mean, your master may not appreciate our being here with you to check on him.'' Kaoru said, as she and Yahiko trudged after the bright-haired form of the ex-hitokiri. Kenshin turned and nodded; giving them a grave look as he did so.
``Sessha knows, Kaoru-dono; but something is wrong. Sessha also knows Shishou isn't one for answering letters, but he does answer some from time to time....Not answering at all is a sign that something isn't right.'' Kenshin murmured, with worry very evident on his boyish features. Kaoru sighed and gave him a slight smile. Even though Kenshin had denounced the inheritance of the Hiten Mitserugi Ryu, he still regarded the white-mantled hermit as his master and father-figure. And every good son worries about his father, right?
``Don't worry, Kenshin! If anything, he probably already knows we're here, and he's heading this way to tell us to get off of his mountain. He's a tough guy, remember?'' Yahiko said, as they continued on down the path; his eager brown eyes showing that he wanted to talk to the swordmaster again. Kenshin managed a wan smile.
``True.''Kenshin replied, but didn't sound at all convinced. Even from where they had been standing, he'd been reaching out; trying to pick up on his master's ken-ki.
``It's usually strong enough that sessha can feel it from a great distance away.....And yet, now, even this close to his home, sessha can barely sense it.....What has happened, Shishou?'' Kenshin wondered, as he led the remainder of the way to the hut in silence.


They got to the glen where the potter's kiln and Hiko's hut stood just as the sun was beginning its' descent into the west. At first, Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko could see nothing amiss; no signs of struggle of foul play. Just undisturbed snow as far as the eye could.....Kaoru jumped when Kenshin suddenly bolted off, his eyes showing a faint trace of dread and fear as he did so.
``Kenshin! Wait!'' Kaoru shouted, as she took off after him. Yahiko wasn't too far behind her. They arrived at the bank of a small mountain stream just moments after Kenshin, and gasped when they saw the sight that he had come upon. There lay Hiko, lying almost as still as death on the ground. He had several inches of freshly-fallen snow on top of him, and he appeared soaked to the bone.
``Shishou! Shishou!'' Kenshin called, desperately, as he turned the man onto his back and checked for any signs of life. He got no response.
`` he....?'' Kaoru asked, afraid of what the answer would be.
``No....not yet......but he's so cold, Kaoru-dono....'' Kenshin whispered, as Kaoru carefully approached, and placed a hand on the older man's face. His skin was cold to the touch, and had a slight bluish tinge to it.
``Let's try and get him back to his hut. From there, we'll decide what to do next, okay?'' Kaoru suggested. Kenshin nodded.
``Hai......'' Kenshin agreed, then silently added, ``Please hang on, Shishou!''


After an intense struggle to get the taller man into the hut, Kaoru and Kenshin both went about searching for dry clothing and anything that resembled medicine. Yahiko, in the meantime, had been sent back to town to get some help from Aoshi and some of the other Oniwabanshu to carry Hiko to the Aoiya, and to get a doctor there.
``Even his mantle is soaked......How long was he in that snowdrift, anyway?'' Kaoru murmured, when she'd returned to Hiko's side after an unsuccessful search for some medicine.
``There's no way of knowing, Kaoru-dono. All that matters is getting his temperature back up.'' Kenshin said, as he handed a kettle and jug of sake to her.
``I know. But I wonder why he collapsed? He seemed healthy enough the last time we saw him.....'' Kaoru mused, as she poured some of the sake into the kettle, then started a small fire in the hearth so it could warm.
``Sessha is wondering the same thing.'' Kenshin murmured, looking up when he noticed a very slight movement outside, and saw that it was snowing.
``It's snowing again......'' Kaoru said, softly. Kenshin nodded, thoughtfully, as he watched the flakes slowly drift down.
``So unusual, for this time of the year....'' Kenshin again murmured, then added, with a slight smile,''The sake is going to have a strange taste to it this year.''
``Why do you say that?'' Kaoru asked, as she glanced up at the ex-rurouni with confusion in her blue-grey eyes.
``There was a saying that Shishou always seemed to bring up, whenever he was in a thoughtful mood.....that the sakura in the spring, the stars in summer, the full moon in autumn and the snow in the winter were enough to make sake taste good. Sessha has no doubt that this out-of-season snow is going to add a rather unique flavor to the sake made this year.'' Kenshin said, getting a soft laugh from Kaoru as a response.
``Count on him to be poetic about sake, ne?'' Kaoru asked. Kenshin chuckled softly and nodded in agreement.
``Indeed. But right now sessha is wondering if he'll even live to taste it, considering how long he may have been out there before we found him.'' Kenshin stated, as worry again clouded his purple-hued eyes. He knew, as well as Kaoru did, how deadly it would be if Hiko developed pneumonia as a result of the prolonged exposure to the elements, or if hypothermia set in first.
``He'll survive. It wouldn't be like him to just give up without a fight.'' Kaoru said, with certainty, as she poured some of the warmed sake into a cup, propped the swordmaster's head up onto her lap, and put the cup to his lips. To her relief (as well as Kenshin's) the downed man reacted to the sake in his mouth by swallowing; his eyebrows furrowing slightly when the taste of the warmed drink hit his tongue. But he didn't show any signs of waking.
``He's going to live.....I just know it.'' Kaoru whispered, as she continued pouring small amounts of the sake into Hiko's mouth; hoping that the warmth of the drink would spread through him and bring his temperature back up.

A little while later, Kenshin and Kaoru found themselves trudging back to Kyoto, dragging the unconscious swordmaster between them as they did so. Hiko had not awakened, and, despite their efforts, his temperature had not risen in the slightest. If anything, he felt a little bit colder than before.
``Well, now. If this isn't something unusual?'' a calm male voice asked, in a bored tone, as its' tall owner appeared on the path in front of them.
``Saito.....'' Kenshin muttered, his eyes narrowing as he said that. The ex-Shinsengumi was really the last person he wanted to see at this point.
``Saito-san, do you think you could help us? Hiko-san is really too heavy for us to carry, and, at this rate, he'll freeze before we can get him to the Aoiya.'' Kaoru said, appealing to the cop for help. Kenshin gave her a look of alarm, while Saito merely arched an eyebrow.
``What happened?'' Saito asked; sounding mildly curious, compared to before.
``We're really not sure. Yahiko and I came with Kenshin because he was concerned that Hiko-san had not answered any letters sent to him. When we got there, we found him collapsed in the snow.'' Kaoru replied, as Saito slowly approached; ignoring the very slight growl that came from Kenshin in response to that move.
``I see.....'' Saito muttered, his amber eyes taking on a strange look as he felt for a pulse in the downed man.
``There's more to this than what they are able or willing to tell me.'' Saito mused, his eyes narrowing when he sensed the life ebbing from the mantled swordsman.
``Will you help, Saito?'' Kenshin asked, tensely.
``For now, yes.'' Saito replied, surprising both Kenshin and Kaoru by lightly pushing them aside, and lifting Hiko onto his own shoulders.
``To the Aoiya?'' Kaoru questioned.
``Probably. But the answer to this may lie in Edo.'' Saito murmured, then added, when Kaoru gave him a confused look, ``Tokyo.''
``Why there?'' Kenshin again asked, suspicious, and yet, grudgingly trusting in Saito's judgement.
``We'll all soon see, Battousai.'' Saito answered, as he began to move towards the city, forcing the kendo instructor and former hitokiri to jog along behind him in order to keep up.


Sanosuke grumbled uneasily as he stood watch outside of the Aoiya. Beside him, Misao also waited; blue eyes anxiously peering into the growing darkness for the duo that had not returned yet.
``I hope they're okay, and that Hiko-san is all right.'' Misao murmured, as she wrapped her cape tightly around her and stood closer to Sanosuke for added warmth.
``Same here. I can't help but feel that somethin' bac has happened.'' Sanosuke mumbled, as the snow again started to fall.
``You might not be far from the truth, Tori-atama.'' a familiar voice said, as the owner appeared from the gloom.
``Saito!'' Sanosuke shouted, ready to beat the cop to a bloody pulp, but stopping dead in his tracks when he saw that the cop now half-carried an unconscious Hiko Seijuro towards them. Without another thought, Sanosuke rushed over and got on Hiko's other side; effectively shouldering the weight between him and Saito.
``What in the world happened?! How did he get like this?'' Misao asked, as she felt the swordmaster's brow for a fever, and gaped at him in horror when she felt how cold he was.
``We just found him like this, Misao-dono.'' Kenshin said, wearily, as he and Kaoru joined Saito and Sanosuke.
``Damn....the let's hurry and get `im inside!'' Sanosuke said, for once ignoring Saito when he uttered a sarcastic response to that.
``The place we should be going is Tokyo. Saito-san said we might find some answers there.'' Kaoru stated, as they entered the inn, anyway.
``Then wait here while sessha goes and gets some tickets for the next train bound for Tokyo.'' Kenshin said, as he grabbed a dry coat from one of the pegs on the wall (not really caring at this point in time that it was a little too big for him) and took off into the night.
``Well, I guess this really does make this his master, then.'' Saito muttered, thoughtfully, as he helped the group get the tall swordsman situated for the time being in one of the ground-level rooms; knowing that it wouldn't take the rurouni long to get the tickets.
``Yeah.'' Sanosuke murmured, too disturbed to realize that he'd actually agreed with Saito, for once.


It was very early the next morning when the group (which now consisted of Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko, Sanosuke, Misao, an unconscious Hiko, and Saito) trudged into the confines of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu dojo.
``He'll have to use my father's room while he's here, since it's the largest and farthest from the training hall.'' Kaoru stated, wide-awake in the face of these disturbing events.
``That's all well and good, Kamiya, but that is assuming the man lives.'' Saito grumbled, wincing slightly under the deadweight of the senseless man, and his mantle (Sanosuke had gone to get Megumi and Doctor Gensai, thus leaving the carrying job to Saito alone once again).
``True. But we can't give up on him.....Not yet.'' Misao added, speaking softly as they moved down the hallway. They made it into the room just as Yahiko was turning down the covers on the futon, and Kenshin appeared with some extra blankets. After a bit of a struggle to get the taller man settled, they finally were able to get him between the warm blankets.
``That was harder than it looked!'' Misao muttered, tiredly, voicing the sentiments of the group, exactly.
``The understatement of the hour, Itachi Musume.'' Saito grumbled, with less than his usual icy calm, as he stood up and stretched; popping his joints back into place as he did so. Misao growled and gave him the finger, but, before she could give him a taste of her kunai, another male voice interrupted her.
``That was shameful, Misao.'' Aoshi's voice said, as the owner of it appeared; seeming to melt from the shadows.
``How long have you been here, Aoshi?'' Kenshin asked, a bit surprised by this turn of events.
``Long enough to know that time isn't on Seijuro's side.'' Aoshi replied, simply.
``What have you found out, Shinomori?'' Saito questioned, getting curious looks from Misao, Kaoru, Yahiko, and even Kenshin, but ignoring them all.
``Judging from what you told me to look for, the only shrine in the area that has reported unusual activity is the Higurashi Shrine. Apparently some strange lights and sounds have been occurring within the shrine keep.'' Aoshi informed, coolly, yet casting a concerned glance at the strangely still swordsman on the futon.
``Any particular part or building within the shrine keep, Shinomori?'' Saito again asked; his amber eyes glinting when he sensed a potential clue.
``A small well-house, and a tree on the grounds near the top torii. Those are the only ones I noticed.'' Aoshi replied. Saito nodded silently; satisfied with the onmitsu's report.
``What does this have anything to do with? You don't mean to say that the lights and sounds are connected to Hiko-san, do you?'' Kaoru asked, voicing her skepticism on the matter.
``They could be.'' Saito murmured, looking aside when a slight movement caught his attention.
``Hey! Hiko-san's waking up!'' Misao chirped, as Kenshin and the rest noticed the swordmaster rousing up as well. At first, only the sound of slightly quickened breathing could be heard, and then his eyebrows furrowed and his dark eyes opened.
``W-what.....? Where....?'' Hiko asked, weakly; his voice a far cry from having the strength it once had.
``Rest easy, Hiko-san. You're in Tokyo, in the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu dodjo.'' Kaoru said, looking relieved, yet still a little concerned since Hiko still looked far too pale for her liking.
``Tokyo? What am I doing here?'' Hiko again asked, confused and a bit alarmed by this bit of information.
``It will take a while to explain, Shishou, but it started when Kaoru-dono, Yahiko, and sessha found you collapsed in the snow.'' Kenshin explained, quietly. Hiko sighed.
``The don't bother explaining.'' Hiko snapped, tiredly, as he allowed himself to relax; reclining on some pillows that Kaoru and Misao had thoughtfully piled behind him when he'd struggled into a sitting position.
``Hiko-san, do you know why you collapsed earlier?'' Kaoru asked.
``Yes. But it is something I can handle on my own. No need to worry.'' Hiko replied, as he made a move to get up. He didn't get very far.
``Shishou!!'' Kenshin yelped, as the light seemed to fade from his master's eyes, and the taller man started to lapse into unconsciousness again; falling forward into Kenshin.
``Hiko-san!'' Kaoru and Misao shouted, just as Megumi and Doctor Gensai arrived and rushed to his side.
``Kenshin....'' Hiko gasped, getting his apprentice's attention instantly.
``Shishou?'' Kenshin responded, very afraid that his master was dying in his arms.
``The Go-shinboku.....the seal is giving way....freezing time....'' Hiko whispered, shivering as he said that.
``Freezing time? Shishou, sessha doesn't understand....'' Kenshin said, as several pairs of concerned eyes gazed at the two.
``The Bone-eater's Well....only way to get to the era.....Please hurry....'' Hiko muttered, before his eyes closed again, and he went limp in Kenshin's arms.
``Shishou!'' Kenshin shouted, as Megumi hurriedly pressed her fingers to Hiko's neck. A look of genuine alarm flitted across her features before she looked up at the group gathered closely around, and at Kenshin's horror-stricken face.
``He's still alive....but....'' Megumi trailed off, hardly believing what she was seeing.
``He's colder than death, right?'' Saito finished for her. Megumi could only manage a numb nod as she brushed her fingertips across Hiko's skin; actually scraping frost from it as she did so.
``And he'll only keep getting colder unless we find the cause.'' Saito said, gravely; for the first time allowing a minute trace of concern to emerge on his lupine features.
``Shishou had said something about a well before losing consciousness. That it is the only way `to the era'......Sessha only wishes he knew what he'd meant by that.'' Kenshin murmured, as he laid his master back down on the futon, stood back, and allowed the two doctors to get a good look at the ailing man.
``We may find out, if we find the well he was talking about. Did he give the well a specific name, Himura?'' Aoshi asked. Kenshin nodded.
``The `Bone-eater's Well'.'' Kenshin answered.
``And there seems to be a well goin' by that name on the Higurashi Shrine grounds.'' Sanosuke added, surprising Aoshi and Saito somewhat with that bit of news.
``Then that would make sense. Maybe that glowing well Aoshi-san had mentioned leads back to another time.'' Kaoru suggested.
``It sounds like both the Tanuki and Tori-atama may be on to something.'' Saito mumbled, smirking somewhat when Sanosuke and Kaoru both gave him their `Bite me' looks in response to being called by their hated nicknames.
``If that is the case, then what time does the well go to? How far back does it go, and how will you get back to this time if you do make it through?'' Misao asked, pointing out some possible problems.
``Again, those are some things we're going to have to find out for ourselves. But, as a precaution, we should each take something that ties us strongly to this time, so we don't end up in the future, or back in the Bakumatsu.'' Aoshi stated, as Kenshin shuddered at the thought of that possibility.
``The Battousai already has what he needs; that being his sakabatou shinuchi. Since it was and still is a sacred sword, its' power alone should be enough to get him back here.'' Saito said, then added, ``I also have something that ties me to this pathetic era, as well.''
``Oh? And what is that, pray tell?'' Megumi asked, skeptically contributing something to the conversation at hand, since there was nothing else she or Doctor Gensai could do for Hiko at that moment.
``A gift from my wife.'' Saito said, simply.
``He has a wife? You've gotta be kiddin' me.'' Sanosuke muttered.
``We'll explain that later, Sano.'' Misao said, as Kenshin nodded in agreement. Then all the attention turned to Aoshi and Sanosuke.
``Do you still need something, Aoshi-sama?'' Misao asked. Aoshi only nodded. With that motion made, Misao wasted no time undoing the ribbon from the end of her braid and tying it carefully onto Aoshi's coat.
``That should do it! That ribbon is brand new, so it should get you back here okay.'' Misao said, brightly, as Aoshi gave her what could only be his version of an abashed look. With a slight growl, Megumi walked over to Sanosuke and tied something to his wrist.
``What's this, Megumi?'' Sanosuke questioned, bewildered when he saw what appeared to be a dark blue ribbon tied there.
``Just something to get you back to this era, that's all....Though I am more than a bit skeptical about all this.'' Megumi mumbled, as she stood back and looked at the four men.
``Any sane person would be, if the situation were a normal one.....But, unfortunately, it isn't. This out–of-season snow and the strange collapse of this swordmaster.....And now the odd occurrences on the shrine grounds......None of these are by any means normal.'' Aoshi reasoned.
``Very true....And I want you all to be careful.'' Kaoru said, thoughtfully, as she stood and walked over to them, embracing Kenshin when she was close enough.
``Please be careful. Come back safely.'' Kaoru urged, softly.
``Don't worry, Kaoru-dono. Sessha will return, that is a promise.'' Kenshin assured, as he gently broke the embrace. Kaoru smiled in a way that said `See that you do', then glanced at the other three men. Even though she didn't really trust Saito, she wished no ill will upon him, and genuinely hoped that he would also come back safely.
``We'll be back, Jou-chan. And we'll have that arrogant ahou back on his feet in no time.'' Sanosuke said, with a confidence he may or may not have felt at that time.
``Let's get going, then. By the looks of things, Seijuro may not have that much time left.'' Aoshi murmured, as he led the way out of the dojo. Silently, Kenshin, Saito, and Sanosuke followed.
``Kenshin!'' Yahiko called, breaking his silence for the first time since they had gotten Hiko to the dojo.
``What is it, Yahiko?'' Kenshin replied, even though he didn't turn around.
``Let me come with you! I'm sure I can get Tsubame-chan to give me something that'll tie me to this era!'' Yahiko cried, stubbornly. At this, Kenshin turned and looked at Yahiko.
``No, Yahiko. Sessha can't let you come with us. It might be too dangerous in that time for you.'' Kenshin said, seriously.
``Why? Don't you trust in my abilities?!'' Yahiko asked, furiously. Kenshin shook his head, in exasperation. How in the world had Hiko put up with this sort of thing?!
``Yahiko, sessha is counting on having you strength here to defend the dojo in case something happens. While it is true that Kaoru-dono and Misao-dono can take care of themselves, they'll need all the help they can get if the dojo is attacked while sessha is away.'' Kenshin explained, as patiently as he could.
``And besides, brat, we won't have time to protect or rescue you every five minutes. So shut up and let us leave.'' Saito growled, irritably, as he took up the leadership of the small group and briskly walked away. Without another word, Kenshin followed; but not before giving Yahiko an apologetic glance as he did so. Moments later, the four men were swallowed by the darkness, and the falling snow muffled their footsteps into eerie silence.
``Kenshin.....'' Yahiko muttered, as he stared after them. He received no more responses.


All seemed normal around the shrine, as a young man in his early twenties patrolled the grounds. That is, as normal as it could get, considering the huge tree near the entrance of the shrine grounds and the old well house were glowing a brilliant shade of blue.
``Just what in the world is going on here? Why are the Go-Shinboku and the Bone-Eater's Well glowing like this? Could it be a sign that the Shikon no Tama is about to be found?'' the man wondered, looking up when he heard footsteps coming his way.
``Halt! What brings you to this shrine at this time of the night?!'' the man asked, as he held a ceremonial spear towards the four men that had just gotten onto the grounds.
``Gomenasai for the intrusion, de gozaru.'' On said, politely, even though his voice had a strained note in it.
``We have reason to believe that that tree and a well on these grounds are linked to these odd happenings hereabouts.'' another man added; his strange, amber eyes catching the light of the few lit torches and making it seem as though he was only partially human.
``Is that so? Then why are you here at such an odd time? Couldn't you have come during the daylight hours?'' the man asked, suspiciously.
``We were told to come here by a dying man.....a man whose life now hangs in the balance because of all that has been happening here.'' a third man murmured, quietly.
``Why would he tell you to come here?'' the guard asked; now curious, despite himself.
``He'd mentioned a well......A `bone-eater's well'. Does that sound familiar to you?'' the first asked, in turn, with some hope in his voice. The guard reeled back in shock, then nodded.
``Hai. There is a well here going by that name. But why would a dying man be interested in an old, dry well?'' the guard questioned, completely baffled by what he'd heard so far.
``Because that man had said something about it getting us to a certain era. Which one, we have no idea.'' the third replied, matter-of-factly.
``I think I may.....'' the guard said, trailing off when the men gave him expectant looks.
``What time does the well go to?'' the fourth man asked, having been unusually silent until that moment.
``The Sengoku Era. At least.....that is what the old tales about this well say.'' the guard said, hesitantly. For a moment, the four men gave one another befuddled glances.
``Kenshin, are your master's ancestors in trouble or somethin'?'' the fourth man questioned, turning to the first for answers. `Kenshin' shook his head and shrugged.
``Sessha has no idea, Sano. The only way to really find out is to go down into the well and find out.'' Kenshin replied.
``And that is what we intend to do. Lead the way to the well.'' the amber-eyed man ordered, fingering his sheathed katana as he did so.
``R-right away. F-follow me, gentlemen....'' the guard stammered, before hurriedly leading them to the now-glowing well house.


Once inside, Kenshin, Sanosuke, Aoshi and Saito could see that something was happening inside the well itself.
``What the....?! There's moths coming from inside it!'' Sanosuke yelped, as he eyed the glowing insects warily.
``Indeed.....but they certainly aren't of the ordinary variety. These insects are demonic in nature.'' Saito muttered, as he and the guard started to descend the steps leading to the well.
``How can you tell.....aside from the obvious?'' Sanosuke asked. Saito smirked slightly in response to the disgust he heard in the ex-fighter-for-hire's voice.
``Let's just say that I have always been able to see what normal humans shouldn't.....Now, to open the well so we can get through......'' Saito said, as he slid his sword up under the well cover, and pried it open. The moment he did so, however, they were all blown back by a fierce, icy wind; and an overwhelming aura of evil washed over them.
``This is it! This is what's causing the snow to fall!'' Sanosuke shouted, then let out a startled cry when Kenshin dashed over to the well, leaped into it, and disappeared in a flash of blue light.
``Kenshin!!'' Sanosuke yelped, as he followed the rurouni down.
``And thus, I follow fools.'' Saito growled, when Aoshi had disappeared into the well after the first two.


In a quiet forest glen, a miko stood gazing morosely at a well that stood before her. She had, just moments before, pushed another, younger girl down into it; before the suddenly alive wood blocked the way forever.
``You must never be with Inu-Yasha again....Nor I. For I am one of the dead, and as such.....I, too, do not belong here.'' the miko said, sadly, before turning to walk away. Yet, before she could even take one step, she sensed a shift in power in the well, and turned just as blue light flashed within it once again.
``What the......?! How could she return? The well is blocked!'' the miko thought, as she went and hid behind some trees, then faced the well and waited for the schoolgirl to reemerge. Instead, to her shock and consternation, four men climbed out of the now overgrown well, instead!
``Well, this doesn't sound like the Bakumatsu, at any rate.'' One man stated, as he scanned the area with his ice-blue eyes, calmly taking every detail in.
``It certainly doesn't, but sessha can sense that this time is just as turbulent.'' another added, his fiery red hair shining in the evening sun (or what little of it could be seen through the thickening clouds); reminding the miko of a creature whose fur made up the raiment of one she'd cared so much for in life.
``Indeed. Now, if the one who had seen us come through the well will show herself, we can be on our way.'' a third man demanded, as he unsheathed his katana and pointed it in the miko's direction; his golden eyes showing impatience on his part. Silently impressed that he'd known she was there, the miko emerged from her hiding spot and walked over to the quartet. She could tell that at least three of the men were trained warriors, since their expressions changed slightly when she got closer.
``The wolfish one, the one in the strange white coat, and the one with the red hair know that I am not alive; but the fourth, though strong, does not.'' the miko mused, then asked, ``Who are you? What brings you to these troubled times?''
``We're looking for the cause of some strange weather in our own time, Miko-sama.'' the man in the white coat replied, calmly.
``Then you have come to the right time....But do you have the means to stop it?'' the miko asked, again.
``Not exactly. In fact, we came to see what this time has to do with sessha's master.'' the fire-haired one stated.
``What is happening to him?'' the miko asked, out of curiosity.
``He's freezin' to death.'' the fourth man said, point blank. The miko's eyes widened slightly; how could that be possible?!
``That would only happen if he were in some way directly connected to this time....'' the miko said, trailing off when she saw the disbelieving looks appearing on the men's faces as well.
``Kenshin, how old is your master, really?'' the fourth man questioned, voicing the sentiments of the whole group, exactly.
``Sessha really has no idea, Sano.'' the redhead tiredly replied, then glanced at the miko again.
``Miko-dono, if sessha may, could he ask you something?'' Kenshin asked.
``Go ahead.'' the miko urged.
``Where might sessha find a man going by the name of Hiko Seijuro?'' Kenshin queried, getting an unusual look from his companions while he was at it.
``Last I had heard, there was a warlord going by that name living to the west of here. In fact, his lands border....the other....Go-Shinboku.....Oh no.....'' the miko muttered, finally realizing what these men had come for.
``Arigato, Miko-dono!'' Kenshin shouted, before he again rushed off; moving faster than a normal man towards the evil glow that could be seen in the west. As the other three moved to follow `Kenshin', the wolf-eyed turned, dipped a respectful bow to her, then murmured, ``I hope you find the peace that has been stolen from you, Miko-sama.''
And with that, Kikyo, the undead miko, watched them go with trepidation.
``Keep safe, you four. And may you return to your own time safely.'' Kikyo thought, as she again turned away from the well, and disappeared into the forest.


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