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Chapter 6 - BIATR 4

I trap the bladers from season one and V-force into a tiny room and do many random things with them. You will laugh they will scream and I think I need a new computer machine, lol. ^-^ Well it is humour and also up on if you want to look. R&R

Chapter 6 - BIATR 4

Chapter 6 - BIATR 4
“Hi, sorryfor this really late update but I am kind of stuck with this story so it took awhile. But now I am back and I hope that you all will like this chapter. I amnot going to kick someone out because I have not got any votes on witch one inthat case. So to all you I need reviews witch says who I am going to kick outso I can kick someone out.”
“Can youget this started already?” Kat says standing in a perfect copy of the Kai pose.
“Alright Iwill, I will.”
“Maybe youshould tell them were we are.” Sinja says smiling at me, before she continueswhat she was doing.
“Yes thatis a good idea. Okay we are here in the dungeon under the room (were thebladers are) and here are some things I am thinking of using on this show. Likethis” holds up a big giant crab[/i].
“And howdid you think you would be able to use that?” Sinja says looking up from thebox she had been looking thru.
“I don’tknow maybe in a trap or something.”
“Boring,boring, boring!” Tiilia sings while she is sitting on top of a giant box.
“Do youhave a better idea then.”
“I want toeat it, I want to eat it.”
“Saph giveme that.”
“Okay” gives the crab to Kat[/i].
“Come herewith me Tiilia.”
And theywalk away but it takes less than ten seconds before Tiilia come running backscreaming. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Wonderwhat Kat did?”
“Saph if Iwere you I would ignore it.”
“You haveprobably right Sinja, oh what is this?” Saphopens a big box with pranks written all over it.[/i]
“Maybe itis some prop from your other show.” (Who is soon going to be finish so justpretend that it already is at this moment.)
“Oh youmean A New Authoress And Pranks, but what is this?” Saph takes up a huge hat from the box.[/i]
“You think?I would never wear a hat especially not this, its pink and has feathers gluedon it… Sinja are you thinking what I am thinking.”
“Okay canyou please put this aside so we can use it later.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Tiilia screams when she runs between Sinja and me.
“Is shealready back it did not take long for her to run around the set.”
“She musthave taken the short cut this place is huge.”
“Is thereanother short cut? And you did not tell me!”
“Where isshe?” Kat says while she walks into the dusty room.
“Who? Ohyou mean Tiilia she ran away that way and what did you do to her?”
“You don’twant to know”, Kat has a very evil grinon her face.[/i]
“I believeyou. But now Kat and Sinja can you two please help me with the boxes so we canget going.”
“What arethey going to do?” Dragon says with a confused look on his face.
“Don’t knowand don’t care.” Dranzer says with a bored look.
“You needto loosen up a bit; you are starting to act like your master.”
“You meancool, smart and rich.”
“Quit itthey are up now.” Drigger says to make the two other bitbeasts to shut up.
“And we areup.”
“I think wecan see that.” Kat says to me and her gaze tells me that she thinks that I amacting stupid.
“Maybe butnow all we got to do is finish everything so we better get started, Kat can youplease get Tiilia to stop running around screaming?”
“It is thator hearing her.” Sinja says witch makes us go quiet.
“And Ithink hearing her is more annoying than make her stop.”
“Fine.” Katsays while she walks away.
“Okay letsget this started, oh and you the audience can go and look at this commercialmeanwhile.” I say with a huge smile and then a sign comes up on the TV screen.
Get Sugarhigh With Max!!![/b]
“Hi andwelcome to this sneak peak to Get Sugarhigh With Max!!! I am your host SapphireAngels Devil and with me I have Max and Oliver.”
The liveaudience starts to cheer and give a round of applause.
“Thank youand now to the candy.”
“I don’tunderstand why I had to be in this show it is so bizarre.” Oliver says lookingat me like I was a freak if I am really trying to make him eat it.
“What thisis funny, candy, candy, candy!“ Max says jumping up and down.
“Yes and itis some special candy, made just for you two.” I say and glare at Oliver.
“Yeeeesssss…”Oliver says that with sarcasm in his voice “Max you eat it first.”
“No, noOliver you are the one who is going to eat it first because you are the guest.”
“But I wantto eat it.”
“No Max youhave to wait.”
“I won’teat it, it is disgusting.”
“But youhave to.“ But before I can finish my sentence has Oliver already run away. “Heycome back here.”
“Yes thecandy!!!” Max says when he runs to eat all the sweet things.
“Well Ithink this was all we had time for, See Ya!!! Oliver come back here!
“No way, Irefuse to eat that.”
“I thinkthat it is a little too late, for you to eat it.”
“Yes I didnot have to eat it.”
“I havemore hidden.”
“Where is it?”
“Never thatI will tell you that Max.”
“That wasweird.” Unicorlium say looking at the screen.
“Hey Iwanted to eat it!” Dragoon says looking disappointed at the screen with salivadripping from his mouth.
“I canunderstand that. You are after all a living walking and, at least I think so, thinkinggarbage can.” Draciel says looking at his friend.
“Yup, hey!”
“That is sotrue, and hey Robert is gone.” Griffoleon says shining up, witch is reallyweird on him.
“Didn’t heend up in the hospital?” Dranzer says looking interested at Griffoleon.
“Yes he didlook, I have pictures.”
“Let mesee, let me see.” And in less than three seconds is the pictures destroyed becauseof the awful breath that Dragon has.
“No mypictures!”
“Um got togo, aaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!”
“Do youhave all the costumes Sinja?”
“Yes I haveSaph.“
Me: “Okayhelp me put them outside the door.”
And withthat said Sinja and I put the huge box outside the secret door and walks away.And when we are in the control room Sinja pulls a switch and the door opens,the bladers notice this and is trying to run out but who said the floor wassafe? So I just pull another switch and tips all the boxes on them and closesthe door before they can get out.
“NO and it wasso close.” Tyson screams from somewhere on the top of the human and box pile.
“Get off menow!” Mariah screams from under Tyson’s butt and with a really red face shealso gritting her teeth’s and hisses like an angry cat.
“That isnot how you are supposed to talk to the world champion in Beyblade.”
“You doknow that we in your team are also champions it is not like you are the onlyone Tyson.” Kenny says standing a bit away.
“Awwwww,but Chief.”
“I said getoff me now!!!”
And when she screamed that, (I got to get to a doctor for this my hearing isstarting to disappear,) she punches Tyson and the rest off the people in theroom looks at the flying world champ/junk eating/annoying and don’t forgetstupid boy fly.
“Mariahcalm down.” Kevin says trying to calm his team mate down when she runs aroundtrying to hit Tyson with a large bat since he is stuck in some wires on theroof and looks like a piñata.
“How calmwould you be if you had to smell his socks that he has not change in two years!”(Me: I understand her)
“Hey theyare giving me luck!!!”
“I thoughthe was KO.” Max says looking with a sweat drop at his team mate that fallsdown.
“Maybe itis the same as they say about diseases. The only ones who don’t get them arethe stupid ones.” Ray says while he stands with Max and Lee looking at thestupid boy aka Tyson.
“In thatcase, must Tyson be the healthiest boy alive.” Lee putts in this while they arelooking at Mariah and Emily who is beating Tyson up because of his awful smellysocks. “Or maybe not after this”
“Sinja, didwe burn that diving suit thingy I used when I moved Tyson’s socks last time?”
“I don’tknow but last time I saw it was when Tiilia walked away with it.”
“You don’tthink that it is still…”
“If it isit must be alive by now it is more than a week since you used it.”
“What areyou two talking about?”
“Kat youdon’t know what happened to my diving suit, who keeps the smell away costume?”
“Tiiia hadit the last time I saw her.” Sinja says looking at Kat.
“Oh, thatwould explain that horrible smell near her room, I just thought that it wastime for her to clean it.”
O.o, “I’ll beright back. And with that Saph runs away to see if it is like she thinks it is.”
“She isbrave to go near that.” Sinja says looking at Saph when she runs away
“Oh Ialmost forgot, Kat you are coming with me.”
”What?NO!!!” O.o
But it isno use because I am dragging her with me.
“Sinja takecare off everything while we are gone.”
“Sure Saph,as long as I don’t have to go near what I think they are going to see.”
-------------------------------------------------Aftera while---------------------------------------------
“She mustbe around here somewhere.” Saph says sneaking around the corner imitating a spyon a mission.
“Awwwww,what is that smell coming from?” Kat says when she walks a bit behind Saph.
“Whatsmell?” Sniffs the air. “Yuck, oh that smell, it’s awful!”
“It comesfrom that room.” Points at a room with a pink and green door.[/i]
“Come onKat it’s time to hold your breath and save the human kind.”
“It’s timeto get in and burn the thing that smells so much.”
“On, three.One”
“Three”, andwhen I say three I push Kat into the room (what I need to check if you couldbreath in there at all and why should I sacrifices my life.)
“Do youwant more tea, Ms. Smelly pants.” Tiilia says offering more tea to the smellydiving suit thingy that I used to move Tyson’s sock with.
“Tiilia,what on earth are you doing?!?!” I say and looks into the room witch now hasKat as a carpet.
“Having teaparty, do you two want some?”
“I think wepass, please Tiilia can you come with the suit.” I say and looks at Kat whileshe stands up holding her nose.
“What suit?”
“Are youthat stupid, it’s…“ I am holding my hand in front of Kat’s mouth trying toprevent her from scaring our pray away.
“Can youcome and take Ms Smelly pants with you.” I say with a smile and looks atTiilia.
“Why didyou not say that from the beginning?”
“Because Ireferred to her with her first name.”
Tiiliastarts to carry the suit to the point I have pointed out.
“I wantedto be in the tea party with Tiilia” Dragon says sobbing a bit since he didn’tget invited.
“Go aheadwe won’t miss you.” Dranzer says looking at the dragon bitbeast that issupposed to one of the strongest, and hopefully not smartest.
”He isscary.”
“Tiilia Canyou please go and help Sinja, we are going to help her (the suit Ms Smellypants) home.” I say and points at the suit.
“Okay.” Andwith that is she skipping, (Indian jumping) jumping and sometimes evencrawling?! Away.
“Kat didyou bring the photogene?”
“Let itburn.”
“First thebladers have a barbeque and now we have one.”
“We are notgoing to eat the suit!”
“I did noteven say that the crazy one is you.”
“But, you…Ah forget it.”
“And nowlet it burn.” I light matches and drop them on the suit and then I just standon the side and watches the flames conceal the suit, burn it so it so itdisappears in smoke away from the earth and our lives. “And finally the suit isdead, let’s go back.”
“No why didthey burn it I wanted that suit.”
“And why didyou want to do with that?” Galux asks Dragon looking at him a bit dishusted.
“You doknow that his pocket is really near his feat, plus I thought the suit was cool.”
“Go figure.”Dranzer says while she and the rest just sighs before they watches the rest ofthe show.
“Hi Sinjawe are back has something special happened?”
“Look atthe screen.”
In daroom
Mariah andEmily is still running around chasing Tyson when Mariah sees something shethinks looks interesting
“Oh look,what a beautiful hat.” (Guess witch one, neh)
Mariah drops the unconscious Tyson on the floor (yes they got him) and runstowards the hat and the rest of the stuff. “Look it is enough with clothes forall of us to wear.”
Everybodyells does the anime sweat drop.
“It’s timeto do my announcement.” I pick up a mike and start to talk into it andeverything I say can the bladers hear “Uh, hum attention everyone! The clothesyou see on the floor are for you guys just because there is no shower in thereand frankly you are all starting to smell like Tyson’s socks. So we have connectedtwo separate rooms to the one you are in that you all can use and change yourclothes in. And a note from my brother to Kevin, Kevin we are not filming inthe dressing rooms so no you can’t get a copy of the tape and the same goes foryou Kenny.”
“What! Ihave never asked for that!” Both Kenny and Kevin scream.
“I was notthe one who said you guys did, if you have something to complain about talkwith my brother. But now please change your smell is coming out from the roomand the wildlife civilisation around 10 miles from this spot is currently dead.”
“We don’tsmell that much!!!“ All the bladers screams looking pissed of. And then theyscream several more things but I don’t listen to them.
“Well thatwas nice.” Sinja says looking at Saph.
“SometimesI just get the urge to be that but this was not one of that moments.”
“Huh?” Katsays looking at me with a cooked eye brow.
“Some ofthe clothes have some miner problems.”
“Such as?”Sinja says looking at me with her arms crossed.
“Oh, wellsome clothes have holes in them, some are discoloured from the laundry, has gluethat is not dry yet, and….”
“Wait, whatwas that last?”
“No theglue part.”
“Oh thatwell you see some off the feathers on the hat was falling of so I fixed it,more or less.”
“That was just… Brilliant!” Kat says actually smiling at me.
“Thank you.”I say and bow in front of an imaginary public.
“Why didn’tI think off that, now I can fix Saph’s shoes.”
“Did yousay something?”
“Oh nothing, I just said that it was a great idea.”
“Oh I lovethis hat, and this dress and this shoes and…” Mariah says looking trhu theboxes tossing everything out at the same time.
“I am agirl but don’t expect me to act like that.” Mariam says looking at the pinkhaired girl closing her eyes for a second she then finds out that Mariah havestarted to drag Mariam arm.
“Come onMariam we got to get change and I have found a beautiful dress that you canwear.”
Mariam isscreaming in her mind; “somebody help me,the dress is pink!!!”[/i]
After 30minuets are all the bladers in their ¨new¨ clothes, everyone except Kai.
“Kai, whyhave not you changed your outfit?” Hilary says to Kai and taps her foot at thesame time.
“I won’twear that”, he says and points at some clothes that looks spookily similar likeTyson’s clothes (A/N I can understand his point O.o)
“You haveto.” Mariah says starting to look pissed of.
Butmeanwhile has Mariam gathered the guys so they can catch him and change hisclothes.
Mariamsthinks “If I have to wear this stupidpink dress then you can wear Tyson’s clothes.”[/i]
And withsome rather disturbing noises, a fight and some giggles from the girls side(they took him in to the dressing room and the girls are outside, what did youthink?) They got the clothes on him, and their old clothes have in some spookyway disappeared.
“Oh this isgood.” I say inside the control room with a smirk on my face.
Mariah hasthe hat on her head and is turning so she is facing Hilary.
“Hilary youwould look great in this hat why don’t you try it?”
“Sure whynot.”
And whenshe said that Mariah is starting to take the hat off her head but it don’t workso she pulls harder and with a ritsching sound Mariah stands with the hat inher hands and on her head is some, (giggle) bald spots.
“What iswrong why are you looking in me like that?”
“Uhm Mariahyour hair.” Ray says trying to not laugh.
“What aboutit, did I get hat hair or something?”
“Well yougot something.” Max says before he burst out in laugh.
Mariah looksconfused at the others and the she searches the room after a mirror andmeanwhile the bladers is desperately trying to not laugh at her, or almosteveryone is but they are getting weaker and some of them has already given upand rolls around on the floor laughing.
“Oh, look Ifound a mirror… Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! My hairmy beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!”
“And thatwas funny.”
“Saph thatwas extremely mean.” Says Sinja while she looks at me disappointed.
“What?! Ohher hair, well I am intending to give her some Hair grow out[/b] the only thing that actually works, in the endof the today but if you don’t think I should do that…”
“That isnot what I said.”
“I know,and don’t worry Mariah fans she is going to have her hair to grow back again,and it is not that noticeable, lol. But now so you guys won’t kill me for this anotherclip from Get Sugar High With Max.”
“Welcomeback for another clip from Get SugarHigh With Max!!!” [/b]
“Hi and welcomeI am still Sapphire Angels Devil and that was my newly hired announcer thatintroduced the show. Since Oliver has run away”, looks angrily at the directionhe ran at, “we now have a new guest so give it up for Tyson!”
Cricket’schirps can be heard but after a while a voice is heard
“Yay, hiTyson!!!”
“Well uhm,thank you for the applause Max”, I say and thinks; did he not see the sign thatsays BE QUIET OR ELLS, ¨shrugs¨. (A/N if you had not guessed it already I amnot a Tyson fangirl now back to the story) “And now… Tyson are you ready.”
“Yes… Readyfor what?”
I am doingthe anime fall.
“For the challenge,of course.”
“Oh that.”
I sayquietly “Baka.” (A/N Baka = idiot in Japanese)
“Tyson andMax are going to have a; who can eat the most sugar in the shortest time race.Are you guys ready?”
“Ready,yum.” Max says and smiles
“Ready forwhat?” Tyson says and looks at me with a confused look on his face. I then hitTyson on the head with my trusty mallet.
“You reallyare an air head Tyson, but now begin.“
And theeating starts, but do to how hideous they eat we can not send that part so youjust have to satisfy with the end and your imagination.
“And thewinner is… Max…”
“What but Iate most the shortest time?!”
“That’strue but in the rules it says that you get disqualified if you eat the table,the chairs or a camera. And you broke every single one.”
“But I washungry.”
Sigh “Andthat was all for now join us next time in this short and disturbing clips.BYE!!!”
“Yay, Ialso want sugar. I want to be in GetSugar High With Max.” [/b]Dragon says wagging his tail.[/b]
“You wouldfit right in.” Dranzer says.
“Yes Iwould”, [/i]big smile.
“Can’t hetake a sarcasm?”
“It’sDragon we are talking about.” Draciel says looking at Drigger that continues.
“Yes but heseems more stupid lately.”
“It can bebecause he is starting to act like his master.” Amphilion says and looks atDranzer that looks like she is going to panic.
O.o “And Ican’t even understand how master Kai can live with that moron. Let me out ofhere.”
Dragonlooks into the cameraman’s camera with his tail wagging: BYE!!!
Me: Oh longchapter, I really hope this will make it up for you guys just because you hadto wait. But now to not make it any longer BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and R&RPlease.


Comments (1)

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lady_chaos on April 18, 2005, 9:08:54 PM

lady_chaos on
yay sugar high weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
all that vote out tyson say IY!
well that settles it bye tyson
TYSON:you can't kick me out thats saphs job!
ME:i can *kicks tyson up the @$$*