Chapter 1 - the love demon rinkou
Submitted July 20, 2006 Updated July 20, 2006 Status Complete | my first ever fan fic please comment!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sango |
Chapter 1 - the love demon rinkou
Chapter 1 - the love demon rinkou
"this time you've done it miroku"! sango yelled at the top of her lungs coupledby a stinging slap to miroku's face. "it was just a question" he said smiling and rubbing the prominent bruise on his left cheek. "you went too far". sango grumbled off in to the nearby forrest, kagome and inuyasha just watched on holding in every last bit of theirlaughter, why does he have to do that kagome thought.meanwhile, Sango, still grumbling, walked further on and sat on a smooth rock near a river bank her face a red as the rising sun. "are you ok?" a kind voice asked "DO I LOOK OK?!"not realizing who she was talking to. "no you sure don't", a hansom smiling man said as hesat down beside her, "what happened?" he kept smiling. "its nothing just some idiotic monk"she felt her face flush,the young man had taken her hand, your eyes, they sparkle like themoon." Sango pulled away very embarassed,no one had ever complimented her like that.that just made the man smile more, "Sango" he said, as she turned to look he touched her chin softly they gazed into each others eyes, all rage left her, and love filled the void. at that moment it was like all the world had paused and all that mattered was them together.looking up quikly he said " I must go, but I would love to see you again, meet me here tonight when we wont be bothered". she said nothing just watched as he left."miroku, you know women dont appreciate being treated like that." kagome protested. "inuyasha!"she said suddenly "I sense a jewel shard." "well go get Sango we need to move out now!" he said sniffing the air " and I smell a demon" "I'm on it!" emmediatly she ran into the forest , "Sango!" she yelled many times before catching a glimpseof the slayer. "I'm sorry about miroku, I know he can be a jerk but you should come to expect stuff likethat from him" she reassured her, "huh? wh...what, oh ok." sango was dazed and didnt seem to care anymore. "you ok sango?" " .......yeah" kagome worried but sango is tough she'll be fine. "I found her!" they both made their way to the rest of the group. "Dammit I lost his scent." he sniffed frantically. "kagome?" he looked at her, she shook her head " I gotnothing" "How could this happen?!" It was so strong and then it just vanished. "that is odd" Miroku rubbed his chin."I guess we could just camp out in the nearest village." "sounds good" replied Kagome. Inuyasha gave a stern look I dont know why we can't just sleep outdside"."dont be silly inuyasha there are women around" Miroku said in that voice of his, He also knew there would beNEW women in the village. Miroku worked his usual charm on one of the elders and found a nice house to stay in. After dinner they all sataround a cozy fire, all except Sango. she had wandered off back to that same spot where she had met the wonderfulman. what would he say next, what would they do? she could think nothing but his beautiful smile and soft voice.he hadn't arrived yet, she must have been early, she sat at the same spot as before , the sky was clear and the nightair was still. "You came" she stood to greet him. "of course I did,I am always true to my word. would you come withme,back to my house, we could have tea" Sango took his hand as he led her deeper into the forrest, "You know, I dontthink I got your name."" how rude of me!" he looked suprised " my name is Rintou,oh,and here we are!"it was a beautiful house very homeyand very elegant. "well do come in"inuyasha sat up very quickly,"Whats wrong"kagome asked "that scent!" they all got up and followed inuyasha, "where's Sango!?"miroku's eyes grew large, no one had seen her since dinner."oh it is so beautiful."Rintou led her into the center of the house where he served the tea. "Sango" he said. " I saw what that monk did, you dont deserve such mistreatment, I would never dream of violating you in such a way, please allow me to make it up to you."Sango didnt know what to say, he seemed to good to be true. he began to come closer to her as she moved closer towards him. just as they were about to kiss, inuyasha kicked down the door, "Rintou! leave her alone!" Miroku yelled , "Run Sango!" "there it is! I see the jewl shard!" "what's going on?!" Sango asked. Miroku ran to her side. "are you ok?""yeah, but whats happening?" just then a piee of the ceiling nearly crushed them both, "lets get out of her Ill tell you later."Kagome lifted her bow and just missed the area of the shard, inuyasha revealed the tetsiaga. "Kagome! where is it?""its in his chest! near his heart!""got it!" He raised the giant sword and yelled "WINDSCAR!" at that very same moment Rintou shouted " mirror wall!"before inuyasha could do anything the wind scar was headed right back at him. "INUYASHA!" kagome ran to him."Kagome, shoot again." he moaned. lifting the bow once more, her aim found its mark. peircing the hansom yet evil Rintou.another shard was added to their collection and another demon was vanquished. later on ...while sitting under the stars Mirokubegan to reveal the information about Rintou. he told them that he was a powerful Demon who would seduce young women, andby kissing steal their very souls. he had met Rintou while training under his former master who had told him that that particular demon had twohearts and strange hipnotic powers, which is how he was able to manipulate the minds of women to make them think they were in love.Kagome interrupted "Two hearts?! But I only peirced one! does that mean he could still be alive??" Miroku nodded. "we could have done with that information sooner Miroku!!!!" inuyasha yelled. As a fight started to brake loose between the two of them Kagomelooked at Sango "I'm sorry" she said "no its ok, really" she smiled kindly. in Kagome's mind she wondered how Sango could be so calm. Maybe it was somethingher and Miroku talked about while they were alone. TO BE CONTINUED??