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Chapter 3 - Holidays, Home movies and Forgiveness?

This is a contiuace of Love is in the Air. Read that one first please. COMMENTS AND FLAMES ARE WELCOME!

Chapter 3 - Holidays, Home movies and Forgiveness?

Chapter 3 - Holidays, Home movies and Forgiveness?

At the tower

Rob: Lilly were…(is stopped by Mas y Menos who are now standing at the door)

M y M: Robin! Como est tas?

Bee: Hey you two get back here!

Rob: When did you guys get here?

Aqua: A little while after you left.

Speed: We wanted to hear about the concert!

Bee: But instead we heard crying coming from the crime lab. (Looks at Cyborg) FROM A GIRL WHO WAS YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND UNTIL YOU CHEATED ON HER!

Cy: Hey how would you feel if you're boyfriend didn't call you for two months?

Lilly: Bad.

Cy: Um hi listen I'm.

Lilly: Sorry I got mad at you. (she looks up showing her red eyes from crying while Cyborg stands in shock) I really over reacted I mean I should have called you and I'm sorry.

Cy: Apology accepted.


Lilly: I know but hey, he's human….I mean robot but wait Abby? Wait what does she look like?

BB: Black hair, tall, tan, Bluish green eyes.

Lilly: I'm gonna kill her.

Lilly stomps out of the room all the Titans and Titans east follow her


Abby: Hey girl!

Lilly: You know Cyborg is my boyfriend?

Abby: Oh! Crud I'm sorry I had no idea……you can have him back.

Lilly: Oh O.K

Cy; You know each other?

Lilly: Oh yeah best friends in the 7th grade.

Abby: Yeah she was MS101

Rav: And that stands for what?

Abby: Math Stupidity 101

Lilly: And let's not forget EEFF

Star: And what is the purpose of which that serves?

Lilly: English Exam Failing Friend

Speed: So you're both idiots right?

Aqua Lad and Speedy tumble over in laughter

Lilly: And that makes you mini Robin and Leotard guy right?

Every one besides Aqua Lad and Speedy tumbles over in laughter

Aqua: Very funny.

Mas: Si.

Menos: Aqua Lad y Speedy….HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Lilly: Whoa! I crack myself up.

Cy: Hey Lilly

Lilly: Yeah?

Cy: Were good right?

Lilly: Frosty.

BB: Hey that reminds me! The holidays are coming up right?

Rav: Yeah so?

BB: We've got to go Christmas shopping!

Rob: Shoot I forgot!

Star: Agreed! We must journey to the mall of shopping!

Lilly: Don't forget Hanukah!

Cy: What?

Lilly: I'm Jewish.

Cy: Oh.

Abby: Yeah she's always been and always will

Lilly: Put a sock in it Abby

Abby: Sorry

Rob: So let's go!

Cy: O.K

Lilly: Abby and I will take my car.

Cy: The Titans and I will go in mine.

Bee: The Titans East and I will go in our T-Ship.

Rob: O.K then…TITANS SHOP!

At the mall

Star: Oh I do not know what to purchase for my friends…(looks and sees a Hot Topic) Friend Raven would shop in this store!

30 minutes later

Star: Oh friend Raven will love this (Star looks in the bag and giggles)

You go to Robin

Rob: What an I get Star…(looks to side and sees a Victoria's Secret) Robin you pervert!

(Looks to other side and sees a Anthropology) Perfect!

20 minutes later

Rob: I hope she likes this.

You go to BB

BB: Dude! What do I get Terra?

BB turns and sees a little cart selling little silver trinkets.

BB: Umm do you have any necklaces?

Sales man: Why of course

BB: Sweet!

You go to Raven

Rav: What to get Aqua Lad

Sees a Dicks sporting goods

Rav: O.K….. *walks in*

40 min later

Rav: Um now for the rest of the Titans

Bee: What can I get Speedy…

Sees a Bed Bath and Beyond

Bee: Hair products duh!

You go to Speedy

Speed: Maybe if I get the little twins something to play with they won't play with my gel.

Sees a Toys R Us

Speed: Awesome!

You go to Aqua Lad

Aqua: O.K what do I get for Bee…

Sees a Icing

Aqua: I should go there.

You go to Mas y Menos

(I can't write Spanish so the are going to speak English sorry!)

Mas: What would Starfire like…

Sees a LTD

Menos: Oh she would like that!

You go to Cyborg

Cy: Lilly…what do I get her…

Sees a Kay jewelers

Cy: Booya!

You go to Terra

Terra: What would BB like?

Sees a pet store

Terra: Rock on!

You go to Lilly

Lilly: Man what do I get the team…

Sees a Pier 1 Imports

Lilly: Got it!

You go to Abby

Abby: Nothing seems right…

Sees a build a bear

Abby: Perfect!

All the Titans and Titans East and girls go home put the presents away and go to the main room.

BB: Let's watch a movie.

All: Groan


All: Hooray!


All: Groan


All: Groan

BB: How about…

Lilly: How about you don't choose a movie

All (except BB): Hooray! Joy to the world BB's movies weren't picked!

Lilly: We could watch a home movie I made….

Cy: Cool.

Lilly puts on the movie you now see the screen

Lilly's face appears close to the monitor.

Lilly: Is this thing on? *tap tap tap* O.K welcome to…Titans Tower! First on our list is the living room! Here you see grumpy old Raven reading!

Rav: get the camera out of my face.

Lilly: What…do you have zits?

All the Titans except Raven laugh. Raven seizes the camera and breaks it with massive force.

Lilly: O.K we're back and now to Robin's room!

Lilly peeks the camera through the door and you see Robin with some flowers.

Rob: Starfire… I really like no um…hey Star! How's it going! No…..Starfire will you be my…

Lilly: Girlfriend?

Rob: WHAT! How did you get here!? AHHH! Is this on tape?! Aw man!

Lilly: Whoa Romeo! Don't get your spandex in a knot! On to the next room!

Lilly continues to walk down the corridor

Lilly: Now for Raven's room. Shhhhh.

Lilly walks in to the room

Lilly: Wow very spooky… why does Raven have Aqua Lad's picture? Oh well…on to BB's room!

Lilly enters BB's room.

Lilly: Whoa boy! BB get some deodorant! Hey look at this *picks up book* Goals of my life By: Beastie Boy. Goal 1 find a girlfriend…Goal 2 get a moped….Goal 3 eat the most tofu and get in the world records book. O.K that is strange but Oh well on to Cyborg's room!

Lilly walks down the corridor and is stopped by Beast Boy.

BB: Hey is that a camera? Ooo! Film me!

Lilly: O.K Here is Beast Boy (BB is flexing) the worlds biggest nerd!

BB: Hey cut it out!

Lilly: O.K but I gotta go!

BB: Fine…*mumbles* little miss goody-goody grrr.

Lilly: Look! This is Cy's room! Wow he seems to still like Jinx! He's a player! Any way now let's go to…oh crud I'm out of tape!

Screen goes blank.

To Be Continued……………………………………………………………


Comments (5)

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RaexBB_72sol on December 19, 2005, 7:17:36 AM

RaexBB_72sol on
RaexBB_72solNot stupid at all.

RaexBB_72sol on December 19, 2005, 7:16:57 AM

RaexBB_72sol on
RaexBB_72solAwesome chapter. On to the next one.

terry_titanqueen on December 4, 2005, 11:19:12 PM

terry_titanqueen on
terry_titanqueensweetness!!!!! i love this one!!!! u have a Hot Topic were u live?????? sweetness!!! i say that alot don't i... anyway... that was cute about robin and star!!!! I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!!!

RaexBB_72sol on December 2, 2005, 7:28:25 AM

RaexBB_72sol on
RaexBB_72solI thought is was great and funny! =)

cyborggirl on November 30, 2005, 5:18:35 AM

cyborggirl on
cyborggirlStupid yes. I didn't mean to be so boring. By the way I'm jewish so yeah.