Chapter 2 - Part 2.
Submitted November 13, 2006 Updated November 13, 2006 Status Complete | Hope you like it. The series isn't really long, but I had good comments from other people. ENJOY!!!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 2 - Part 2.
Chapter 2 - Part 2.
Recap: You knew what he was thinking but didn't really care, so you walked backwards and started to run towards the cliff with a scared Sock in your arms and jumped over the cliff like it was a little step.
You were walking for a week now and you come to a cave hidden behind a waterfall with a lot of wolves and wolf demons. You walk towards it and they all stare at you but you don't pay attention to any of them until a young man comes op to you. -What are you doing here?- He asked. -I just need some water and my little friend to.- You answered not caring. You filed up your bottle(or whatever its called) to and stood up to go until a hand grabs your arm softly and you turn around to see the guy that was talking to you. ((Guess he's the leader)) You thought as you looked at him. If you want a place to stay for the night you can stay here.- He said politely. -Thanks, but no thanks, well sleep somewhere else.- You said looking for Sock. The young man and you saw him at the same time. -I think he does want to stay, so why not.- He said. You looked at Sock who liked it here and was playing with some other wolfs. -Fine, I guess it can't hurt.- You finely said to the man. -My name is Koga.- The man said.(I don’t think that I have to tell you people how he looks like, now do I) -I'm the leader of this wolf tribe.- -May, I'm a wander looking for something and that- You said pointing to Sock, -Is Whitesock, but I always cal him Sock.- Koga nodded, turned around and said: -Come, I'll show you where you and Sock will stay for the night.- As he walked away you followed him into the cave where he led you to the back of the cave, there was a little hole carved in the wall of the cave. You looked at it then at Koga. -Thank you.- You said politely. -But are you always so hospitable?- You asked curios. -No, but you're a wolf demon, well a hanyou.- He answered you with a smirk. -What is your other half?- He asked now as curios as you were. -Hn, nothing interesting.- You said as you walked outside. -Come one. Why don't you just say it?- He asked wanting to know what your other half was, because he knew that it wasn't human.. -I already said, it isn't interesting.- -I don't care I want to know.- -But I'm not gonna say it.- -Yes, you are.- -No, I'm not.- -No, you’re not.- -Yes, I am.- -Fine then, what are you?- Koga said in a mocking tone and with a to big grin on his face. -Get that grin of, of your face or I’m gonna take it of.- You said annoyed that you felt for that stupid joke. -My other half is an... angel- You whispered so soft that he could barely hear it, but he did and his eyes widened. -You said it wasn't interesting!- He hissed. -It isn't.- You said flatly. -You're nuts.- Koga said. -I know.- You answered not caring walking towards Sock and picking him up. He looks up at you then over your shoulder at Koga and barks. Koga and you look at each other and nod. -Yes, we will stay for a few days.- You answer to the little wolf in your arms. In the days you stayed at Kogas' didn't happen much until the group of people you past by. Immediately Koga and a hanyou in red start to yell at each other. -Inuyasha, Osuwari!!!- yelled a girl in weird clothes. -Who are these people?- You asked at Koga. -That girl over there is Kagome- He said pointing the girl in the weird clothes. -This mutt over here is Inuyasha- He said while glaring at the hanyou in red. -That is Sango and Kirara- He said pointing to the women that looked like a demon slayer and the cat demon. -And the monk over there is Miroku.- He ended it with a young human man, well monk. In a second Koga stood in frond of the Kagome girl holding her hands. -So you've decided to mate me.- Koga said to the girl who started to blush and tried to say: -Uuh... uuh... Koga,,,- -Let go of her, you wimpy wolf!- Inuyasha yelled. -Stay out of it, you mutt!!- Koga yelled back. You walked over to Kagome and Sango with a animesweatdrop. -Does this always go like that?- You asked. -Yes, I don’t know why they hate each other so much- Kagome said. You walked over to the two fighting figures. -Wolf, mutt. Quit it!- You yelled at them. They both looked at you and Koga started to laugh. -Told you, you were a mutt.- He said between giggles. Inuyasha hit him on top of his head and than said in a angry tone to you: -Don't ever cal me a mutt again.- -And what if I do,,,mutt.- You asked not caring you called him mutt again. -Shut up!!!- He yelled at you. -Don't yell at her!!- Koga came in between both. -Don't tell me what to do wimpy wolf!!- Inuyasha yelled at his turn. -Thanks Koga, but I can take care of myself.- You said to Koga. -Hah, you think you can defend yourself against me?!?- Inuyasha said a bit to full of himself for you. -Inuyasha, Osuwari!!!- Kagome yelled at the hanyou. -I said, I can take care of myself- You said now annoyed. Now Miroku came to you, took your hands and asked: -Would you bear my child?- You looked at him discussed and punch him in the face. -What the hell do you take me for!?!?!- You yelled at him. Inuyasha looked at the now screwed up Miroku and back at you. -Where did she learned that?- He said more to himself then anyone else. You walked up to Inuyasha, who wasn't paying attention to you anymore and said: -You wanted something to.- -Yeah, I want a fight!- He answered. You charged at him and you missed. He dodged it just in time but he couldn't dodge the kick you send at him right after you missed and kicked him in the face. Inuyasha flew backwards and through some trees. When he stood up he drew his sword and charged at you. You dodged it by a hair and kicked upwards in his stomach and send him flying up, you jumped out of the way and Inuyasha fell with a bang on the floor. -Now you’re gonna die!!- Inuyasha yelled. -You still stand???- You said surprised to hear him. -Of course I still stand, what did you think I was, a human!!- He yelled angry. -Well actually, yeah something like that.- You answered sarcastically. He charged at you again and you dodge it again. This goes on for a while and you got sick of it, so you stopped a few meters away from him and said: -I think I'll be serious now.- You could se Inuyasha’s face turn, he clearly didn't like it what you said. -What!!! You mean you were just playing!?!- He said not believing what he heard. -Yep, that is what I mend. Didn't you hear me or what.- You answered his question. You charged at Inuyasha again but now on full speed and hit him with full power. Inuyasha darted trough the are and trees, the only thing that could be seen was dust flying around. When the air cleared up you could see a path of broken trees. You heard a twig snap in the bushes behind you and turned around ready to charge again but now saw instead of Inuyasha a tall man with silvery hair white kimono with armour, you know the drift. -Where is Inuyasha?- The man said in a commanding voice. -Somewhere there.- You said arrogantly pointing in the way you send Inuyasha. The man looked at the path of broken trees and then at you. -Did you do that?- He said again in that demanding way. -Yep.- You said proudly but still in a not caring way. -Who are you?- You asked the man. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. -I am Lord Sesshomaru of the Western lands.- He answered. Then an eerie voice came screaming: -Lord Sesshomaru!!- over and over. You looked behind the so called Lord and saw a toad demon coming your way. -Jaken, where is Rin.- Sesshomaru said to the toad. The toad called Jaken stood still and looked behind him. -She and Ah-Uhn were behind me a second ago.- He said more to himself than to his Lord. -Jaken!!!- Sesshomaru said loudly. The toad looked scared at him. -Yes, mi Lord.- He answered. -Go and find Rin!- He ordered the toad. -Does that, travels with you?- You asked Sesshomaru. He looked at you, then simply said: -Yes.- You nodded then heard something behind you and turned around to see a angry Inuyasha. You looked surprised at him. -Still standing???- You said unbelieving. Sesshomaru smirked and said: -You get beaten by a girl, Inuyasha.- -I am not getting beaten by a girl.- He yelled at Sesshomaru. -Yes you are, or are you saying that I'm not a girl!!- You yelled at him. Inuyasha looked at you then at Sesshomaru. -Little brother, you are weak.- Sesshomaru said. -Little brother???- you said confused. -Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's half-brother. They have the same father but different mothers.- Kagome explained. You nodded and walked of. -Sock, come boy.- You yelled. -Koga, thank you for your hospitality, but I’m of now. Bye.- You said and walked of.
It suck again.
You were walking for a week now and you come to a cave hidden behind a waterfall with a lot of wolves and wolf demons. You walk towards it and they all stare at you but you don't pay attention to any of them until a young man comes op to you. -What are you doing here?- He asked. -I just need some water and my little friend to.- You answered not caring. You filed up your bottle(or whatever its called) to and stood up to go until a hand grabs your arm softly and you turn around to see the guy that was talking to you. ((Guess he's the leader)) You thought as you looked at him. If you want a place to stay for the night you can stay here.- He said politely. -Thanks, but no thanks, well sleep somewhere else.- You said looking for Sock. The young man and you saw him at the same time. -I think he does want to stay, so why not.- He said. You looked at Sock who liked it here and was playing with some other wolfs. -Fine, I guess it can't hurt.- You finely said to the man. -My name is Koga.- The man said.(I don’t think that I have to tell you people how he looks like, now do I) -I'm the leader of this wolf tribe.- -May, I'm a wander looking for something and that- You said pointing to Sock, -Is Whitesock, but I always cal him Sock.- Koga nodded, turned around and said: -Come, I'll show you where you and Sock will stay for the night.- As he walked away you followed him into the cave where he led you to the back of the cave, there was a little hole carved in the wall of the cave. You looked at it then at Koga. -Thank you.- You said politely. -But are you always so hospitable?- You asked curios. -No, but you're a wolf demon, well a hanyou.- He answered you with a smirk. -What is your other half?- He asked now as curios as you were. -Hn, nothing interesting.- You said as you walked outside. -Come one. Why don't you just say it?- He asked wanting to know what your other half was, because he knew that it wasn't human.. -I already said, it isn't interesting.- -I don't care I want to know.- -But I'm not gonna say it.- -Yes, you are.- -No, I'm not.- -No, you’re not.- -Yes, I am.- -Fine then, what are you?- Koga said in a mocking tone and with a to big grin on his face. -Get that grin of, of your face or I’m gonna take it of.- You said annoyed that you felt for that stupid joke. -My other half is an... angel- You whispered so soft that he could barely hear it, but he did and his eyes widened. -You said it wasn't interesting!- He hissed. -It isn't.- You said flatly. -You're nuts.- Koga said. -I know.- You answered not caring walking towards Sock and picking him up. He looks up at you then over your shoulder at Koga and barks. Koga and you look at each other and nod. -Yes, we will stay for a few days.- You answer to the little wolf in your arms. In the days you stayed at Kogas' didn't happen much until the group of people you past by. Immediately Koga and a hanyou in red start to yell at each other. -Inuyasha, Osuwari!!!- yelled a girl in weird clothes. -Who are these people?- You asked at Koga. -That girl over there is Kagome- He said pointing the girl in the weird clothes. -This mutt over here is Inuyasha- He said while glaring at the hanyou in red. -That is Sango and Kirara- He said pointing to the women that looked like a demon slayer and the cat demon. -And the monk over there is Miroku.- He ended it with a young human man, well monk. In a second Koga stood in frond of the Kagome girl holding her hands. -So you've decided to mate me.- Koga said to the girl who started to blush and tried to say: -Uuh... uuh... Koga,,,- -Let go of her, you wimpy wolf!- Inuyasha yelled. -Stay out of it, you mutt!!- Koga yelled back. You walked over to Kagome and Sango with a animesweatdrop. -Does this always go like that?- You asked. -Yes, I don’t know why they hate each other so much- Kagome said. You walked over to the two fighting figures. -Wolf, mutt. Quit it!- You yelled at them. They both looked at you and Koga started to laugh. -Told you, you were a mutt.- He said between giggles. Inuyasha hit him on top of his head and than said in a angry tone to you: -Don't ever cal me a mutt again.- -And what if I do,,,mutt.- You asked not caring you called him mutt again. -Shut up!!!- He yelled at you. -Don't yell at her!!- Koga came in between both. -Don't tell me what to do wimpy wolf!!- Inuyasha yelled at his turn. -Thanks Koga, but I can take care of myself.- You said to Koga. -Hah, you think you can defend yourself against me?!?- Inuyasha said a bit to full of himself for you. -Inuyasha, Osuwari!!!- Kagome yelled at the hanyou. -I said, I can take care of myself- You said now annoyed. Now Miroku came to you, took your hands and asked: -Would you bear my child?- You looked at him discussed and punch him in the face. -What the hell do you take me for!?!?!- You yelled at him. Inuyasha looked at the now screwed up Miroku and back at you. -Where did she learned that?- He said more to himself then anyone else. You walked up to Inuyasha, who wasn't paying attention to you anymore and said: -You wanted something to.- -Yeah, I want a fight!- He answered. You charged at him and you missed. He dodged it just in time but he couldn't dodge the kick you send at him right after you missed and kicked him in the face. Inuyasha flew backwards and through some trees. When he stood up he drew his sword and charged at you. You dodged it by a hair and kicked upwards in his stomach and send him flying up, you jumped out of the way and Inuyasha fell with a bang on the floor. -Now you’re gonna die!!- Inuyasha yelled. -You still stand???- You said surprised to hear him. -Of course I still stand, what did you think I was, a human!!- He yelled angry. -Well actually, yeah something like that.- You answered sarcastically. He charged at you again and you dodge it again. This goes on for a while and you got sick of it, so you stopped a few meters away from him and said: -I think I'll be serious now.- You could se Inuyasha’s face turn, he clearly didn't like it what you said. -What!!! You mean you were just playing!?!- He said not believing what he heard. -Yep, that is what I mend. Didn't you hear me or what.- You answered his question. You charged at Inuyasha again but now on full speed and hit him with full power. Inuyasha darted trough the are and trees, the only thing that could be seen was dust flying around. When the air cleared up you could see a path of broken trees. You heard a twig snap in the bushes behind you and turned around ready to charge again but now saw instead of Inuyasha a tall man with silvery hair white kimono with armour, you know the drift. -Where is Inuyasha?- The man said in a commanding voice. -Somewhere there.- You said arrogantly pointing in the way you send Inuyasha. The man looked at the path of broken trees and then at you. -Did you do that?- He said again in that demanding way. -Yep.- You said proudly but still in a not caring way. -Who are you?- You asked the man. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. -I am Lord Sesshomaru of the Western lands.- He answered. Then an eerie voice came screaming: -Lord Sesshomaru!!- over and over. You looked behind the so called Lord and saw a toad demon coming your way. -Jaken, where is Rin.- Sesshomaru said to the toad. The toad called Jaken stood still and looked behind him. -She and Ah-Uhn were behind me a second ago.- He said more to himself than to his Lord. -Jaken!!!- Sesshomaru said loudly. The toad looked scared at him. -Yes, mi Lord.- He answered. -Go and find Rin!- He ordered the toad. -Does that, travels with you?- You asked Sesshomaru. He looked at you, then simply said: -Yes.- You nodded then heard something behind you and turned around to see a angry Inuyasha. You looked surprised at him. -Still standing???- You said unbelieving. Sesshomaru smirked and said: -You get beaten by a girl, Inuyasha.- -I am not getting beaten by a girl.- He yelled at Sesshomaru. -Yes you are, or are you saying that I'm not a girl!!- You yelled at him. Inuyasha looked at you then at Sesshomaru. -Little brother, you are weak.- Sesshomaru said. -Little brother???- you said confused. -Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's half-brother. They have the same father but different mothers.- Kagome explained. You nodded and walked of. -Sock, come boy.- You yelled. -Koga, thank you for your hospitality, but I’m of now. Bye.- You said and walked of.
It suck again.
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