Chapter 6 - Part 6.
Submitted November 13, 2006 Updated November 13, 2006 Status Complete | Hope you like it. The series isn't really long, but I had good comments from other people. ENJOY!!!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 6 - Part 6.
Chapter 6 - Part 6.
Please read Memo.Recap: You stood there with your hands on his chest. He had one of his hands on your hip and the other one behind your head. You both were enjoying it until you heard an evil and familiar laughter.
You and Sesshomaru looked around you to see were the laughter came from. -Come out you coward!!!- You screamed angry. Naraku appeared a few meters away from you and Sesshomaru. You turned around and took your sword from your back and charged at him. -Are you still angry from last time?- Naraku asked amused. -Yes, but you got me in a bad mood to!!!- You yelled at him and saw he got his arm back. -How did he do that???- You thought out loud. -You like what I did??- Naraku asked proudly. -No, I don't. Now I have to cut it of again!!!- You said. Naraku looked angry at you and said: -Show respect you wench.- Now you were really pissed of and charged at him with full speed. You cut his new arm of and swept your sword back again leaving a big gash on his back. Naraku looked at you with fury and left in that purple smoke of his again and again not finishing the fight. You got even more pissed and stormed of not thinking of Sesshomaru who was still standing there. He run after you and in a second stood in frond of you. -Where do you thing you’re going???- -Away!- You said angrily. -Where is away?- Sesshomaru asked. -Death.- You said coldly. Sesshomaru’s eyes widened for a second and he said: -You won't- -Why not!!! Now there is another one who wants to make my life a living hell. So why live if I can choose to die?!?- you asked him frustrated. -Because I say so.- He answered simply. Your yaw dropped. You couldn't believe what he just said, your going crazy and he just acts like he can decide everything. You tried to walk past him but he just grabs your arm and turned you to face him. You looked him in the eye and said: -What do you want.- Your voice was so cold it send shivers down Sesshomaru’s back. -I want you to come with me and to forget about Naraku.- He answered you. You looked at him then you tried to pull yourself away from him but to no use. Sesshomaru pushed you to a tree and kissed you again. Just like the last time you felt powerless in his arms. When he broke the kiss you looked up at him but soon looked away. -You will come with me.- Sesshomaru said sternly. -Just like I said to Naraku, I am not a thing!- You walked away to wherever you were going. -If you’re not at my castle in a week, I will come and look for you...- He said. You didn't even turn around but just walked on. -And you will never see Sock again.- You turned around and said: -How the Hell should I find YOUR castle in a week if I don't know where it is and if I first go the other way!!?!!- -That is your problem.- He said. You looked angry at him. -And if I'm not back in a week,,, What will you do to Sock???- You asked unsure if it was a smart thing to ask. -I will kill him... slowly.- Sesshomaru said turning around so you couldn't see him smirk. -THAT IS CARZY!!!- You screamed at him. -Than come.- He said. You looked at the ground in shame of your own weakness and nodded that you would come with him. Sesshomaru lifted your face and kissed your forehead. You looked at him confused but just followed him. After walking for nine days you asked Sesshomaru: -How did you expect me to come to your castle in a week if you know that it takes longer???- Sesshomaru smirked and you knew that you in his eyes asked a stupid question. -Because, if I would have given you enough time you wouldn't have come with me.- He answered. You again looked at the ground in shame that you were so weak and cursed yourself under your breath. Sesshomaru turned around and walked up to you. Because you were looking at the ground, you didn't notice him walking up to you and bumped into him. You looked up startled and blushed when he lifted you up bridal style. He started running in demon speed and you held him tightly shutting your eyes. Sesshomaru chuckled at your reaction and kept running. After some minutes he stopped running, you opened your eyes and saw a gigantic castle. You looked at it in aw until you felt a light push in your back. You looked back at Sesshomaru who started walking to the door. You walked behind him and looked at the new place and your surroundings. After a while a servant from him walked by and Sesshomaru said: -Make a room ready for May. She'll be staying here.- The female servant bowed and walked on. You looked at Sesshomaru and asked: -How long do I have to stay?- Sesshomaru looked at you. -At least as long as it takes for me to figure you out.- He said in his monotone. He entered a room and you walked in after him. -Whoa... It's beautiful.- You said looking around with your mouth open. Sesshomaru walked up to you and stood behind you, you didn't notice because you were to busy looking at his office. -I don't know what your doing, but your mouth is almost hanging on your feet.- He whispered in your ear. You blushed and shut your mouth again looking at your feet. Sesshomaru turned you around and lifted your face up so you looked him directly in the eye. You tried to look away again but he held your chin with his index and middle finger. -Why do you blush every time I kiss you? And why did your face turn red just now??- Sesshomaru asked you in confusion. -I... I...- You started. You felt really uncomfortable with him looking in your eyes so deeply. It felt like he was reading your soul. -Yes, You???- He asked. I... I don't really know...- You said and blushed again at your stupid answer. Sesshomaru chuckled and kissed you softly on the lips, walked to his desk and sat down. When you got out of your little daze you looked at Sesshomaru doing his paperwork. You walked up to him and asked: -Why did you kiss me?- -Because you looked cute.- He answered. -And why did you kiss me back in the forest??- You asked again. -Because I wanted to.- -Why???- You asked shyly, knowing that it was annoying. Sesshomaru looked at you and you blushed again what annoyed you and amused Sesshomaru. He stood up and started to walk up towards you. You got nervous and asked: -Where is my room???- in a peeping voice. Sesshomaru smiled and said: -I'll show you.- Now you looked even more nervous. ((Why can't he just tell me,,, I'm already nervous enough... And why am I so nervous???)) You thought. Sesshomaru walked to the door and held it open. ((Why is she so nervous? And why does she blush so much?? And why in gods name do I feel so weird around her...)) Sesshomaru thought.
-Why do you want to figure me out? And what do you want to figure out??- You asked when Sesshomaru stopped in frond of a door. -Because you're a difficult girl. You took my interest.- -What do you mean???- You asked. You didn't get a answer. -What is it that you want to know than.- You asked. Sesshomaru entered the room with you following. As soon as you entered the room you looked around. Your room was BIG. Light brown walls with dark red beams. The floor was from dark bleu almost black marble with in the middle a whit star. In that star stood your bed. It was a queen-sized bed with black with red sheets. There was a desk under a window in a corner from the room with three dark red shelves above it. There stood a big wardrobe in frond of the bed against the wall. At both sides of the door stands a little closet for your personal belongings. (Not that you have any yet...)You went further into your room and sat on the bed looking at Sesshomaru. -So, what is it that you want to know from me???- You asked nicely. Sesshomaru walked up to you and sat beside you on the bed. You looked at him not knowing what to say. Sesshomaru just stared in frond of him without saying a word. You stood op but looked back when Sesshomaru said: -Why do you want to die?- You were shocked that he asked that. You never thought anyone would ask or more importantly care. -Why do you want to know??- You asked ignoring the question. -I just want to know more about you. And don't ask me why.- He said. You were going to say why again but shut your mouth before you did. -So, why do you want to die??- Sesshomaru asked again. You looked down and went back to the bed and sat down. I wanted to die because, because...- You started. -Because...- Sesshomaru said calmly. -Because, I didn't care for anyone and no one cared and cares for me.- You said looking down trying not to cry. Sesshomaru lifted your face and looked you in the eye. You saw in his eyes that he was struggling with himself, something was bothering him. Finally he said something. -I care.- He said with a faint blush. You cupped his face in your hand and whispered in his ear: -Thank you... And you look really cute when you blush.- Sesshomaru looked shocked and you giggled a little. Then you kissed him on his lips and he kissed you back, pushing you back on your bed, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt so happy that tears started to flow down your cheeks. Sesshomaru smelled the salty water and pulled away looking at your face. He brushed your tears away and gave you a small peck on your forehead and stood up. You looked at him confused, you didn't want him to leave and sat up looking at him. -You should get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow.- He said. You nodded and were going to get changed but remembered that you didn't have any other clothes than your other outfit. You ran out of your room and called Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked back at you and asked: -What is it?- You looked at him shyly and answered: -I don't have any pajamas.- Sesshomaru smiled and said: -There are clothes in the wardrobe. So are the pajamas.- You thanked him and went back into your room. You walked to the wardrobe and looked what kind of clothes and pajamas were in there. There were a lot of beautiful kimono's. Then you spotted under in the closet the pajamas. You saw pink ones and laid them in the back of the closet because you hate pink. Then you saw a beautiful short red sleeping dress with white and black flowers on it. You changed into it and went to bed.
Nice story.
Keep writing. ^_^ Please...
I hate it!!! (-_-''' Than stop reading it!!!)
You and Sesshomaru looked around you to see were the laughter came from. -Come out you coward!!!- You screamed angry. Naraku appeared a few meters away from you and Sesshomaru. You turned around and took your sword from your back and charged at him. -Are you still angry from last time?- Naraku asked amused. -Yes, but you got me in a bad mood to!!!- You yelled at him and saw he got his arm back. -How did he do that???- You thought out loud. -You like what I did??- Naraku asked proudly. -No, I don't. Now I have to cut it of again!!!- You said. Naraku looked angry at you and said: -Show respect you wench.- Now you were really pissed of and charged at him with full speed. You cut his new arm of and swept your sword back again leaving a big gash on his back. Naraku looked at you with fury and left in that purple smoke of his again and again not finishing the fight. You got even more pissed and stormed of not thinking of Sesshomaru who was still standing there. He run after you and in a second stood in frond of you. -Where do you thing you’re going???- -Away!- You said angrily. -Where is away?- Sesshomaru asked. -Death.- You said coldly. Sesshomaru’s eyes widened for a second and he said: -You won't- -Why not!!! Now there is another one who wants to make my life a living hell. So why live if I can choose to die?!?- you asked him frustrated. -Because I say so.- He answered simply. Your yaw dropped. You couldn't believe what he just said, your going crazy and he just acts like he can decide everything. You tried to walk past him but he just grabs your arm and turned you to face him. You looked him in the eye and said: -What do you want.- Your voice was so cold it send shivers down Sesshomaru’s back. -I want you to come with me and to forget about Naraku.- He answered you. You looked at him then you tried to pull yourself away from him but to no use. Sesshomaru pushed you to a tree and kissed you again. Just like the last time you felt powerless in his arms. When he broke the kiss you looked up at him but soon looked away. -You will come with me.- Sesshomaru said sternly. -Just like I said to Naraku, I am not a thing!- You walked away to wherever you were going. -If you’re not at my castle in a week, I will come and look for you...- He said. You didn't even turn around but just walked on. -And you will never see Sock again.- You turned around and said: -How the Hell should I find YOUR castle in a week if I don't know where it is and if I first go the other way!!?!!- -That is your problem.- He said. You looked angry at him. -And if I'm not back in a week,,, What will you do to Sock???- You asked unsure if it was a smart thing to ask. -I will kill him... slowly.- Sesshomaru said turning around so you couldn't see him smirk. -THAT IS CARZY!!!- You screamed at him. -Than come.- He said. You looked at the ground in shame of your own weakness and nodded that you would come with him. Sesshomaru lifted your face and kissed your forehead. You looked at him confused but just followed him. After walking for nine days you asked Sesshomaru: -How did you expect me to come to your castle in a week if you know that it takes longer???- Sesshomaru smirked and you knew that you in his eyes asked a stupid question. -Because, if I would have given you enough time you wouldn't have come with me.- He answered. You again looked at the ground in shame that you were so weak and cursed yourself under your breath. Sesshomaru turned around and walked up to you. Because you were looking at the ground, you didn't notice him walking up to you and bumped into him. You looked up startled and blushed when he lifted you up bridal style. He started running in demon speed and you held him tightly shutting your eyes. Sesshomaru chuckled at your reaction and kept running. After some minutes he stopped running, you opened your eyes and saw a gigantic castle. You looked at it in aw until you felt a light push in your back. You looked back at Sesshomaru who started walking to the door. You walked behind him and looked at the new place and your surroundings. After a while a servant from him walked by and Sesshomaru said: -Make a room ready for May. She'll be staying here.- The female servant bowed and walked on. You looked at Sesshomaru and asked: -How long do I have to stay?- Sesshomaru looked at you. -At least as long as it takes for me to figure you out.- He said in his monotone. He entered a room and you walked in after him. -Whoa... It's beautiful.- You said looking around with your mouth open. Sesshomaru walked up to you and stood behind you, you didn't notice because you were to busy looking at his office. -I don't know what your doing, but your mouth is almost hanging on your feet.- He whispered in your ear. You blushed and shut your mouth again looking at your feet. Sesshomaru turned you around and lifted your face up so you looked him directly in the eye. You tried to look away again but he held your chin with his index and middle finger. -Why do you blush every time I kiss you? And why did your face turn red just now??- Sesshomaru asked you in confusion. -I... I...- You started. You felt really uncomfortable with him looking in your eyes so deeply. It felt like he was reading your soul. -Yes, You???- He asked. I... I don't really know...- You said and blushed again at your stupid answer. Sesshomaru chuckled and kissed you softly on the lips, walked to his desk and sat down. When you got out of your little daze you looked at Sesshomaru doing his paperwork. You walked up to him and asked: -Why did you kiss me?- -Because you looked cute.- He answered. -And why did you kiss me back in the forest??- You asked again. -Because I wanted to.- -Why???- You asked shyly, knowing that it was annoying. Sesshomaru looked at you and you blushed again what annoyed you and amused Sesshomaru. He stood up and started to walk up towards you. You got nervous and asked: -Where is my room???- in a peeping voice. Sesshomaru smiled and said: -I'll show you.- Now you looked even more nervous. ((Why can't he just tell me,,, I'm already nervous enough... And why am I so nervous???)) You thought. Sesshomaru walked to the door and held it open. ((Why is she so nervous? And why does she blush so much?? And why in gods name do I feel so weird around her...)) Sesshomaru thought.
-Why do you want to figure me out? And what do you want to figure out??- You asked when Sesshomaru stopped in frond of a door. -Because you're a difficult girl. You took my interest.- -What do you mean???- You asked. You didn't get a answer. -What is it that you want to know than.- You asked. Sesshomaru entered the room with you following. As soon as you entered the room you looked around. Your room was BIG. Light brown walls with dark red beams. The floor was from dark bleu almost black marble with in the middle a whit star. In that star stood your bed. It was a queen-sized bed with black with red sheets. There was a desk under a window in a corner from the room with three dark red shelves above it. There stood a big wardrobe in frond of the bed against the wall. At both sides of the door stands a little closet for your personal belongings. (Not that you have any yet...)You went further into your room and sat on the bed looking at Sesshomaru. -So, what is it that you want to know from me???- You asked nicely. Sesshomaru walked up to you and sat beside you on the bed. You looked at him not knowing what to say. Sesshomaru just stared in frond of him without saying a word. You stood op but looked back when Sesshomaru said: -Why do you want to die?- You were shocked that he asked that. You never thought anyone would ask or more importantly care. -Why do you want to know??- You asked ignoring the question. -I just want to know more about you. And don't ask me why.- He said. You were going to say why again but shut your mouth before you did. -So, why do you want to die??- Sesshomaru asked again. You looked down and went back to the bed and sat down. I wanted to die because, because...- You started. -Because...- Sesshomaru said calmly. -Because, I didn't care for anyone and no one cared and cares for me.- You said looking down trying not to cry. Sesshomaru lifted your face and looked you in the eye. You saw in his eyes that he was struggling with himself, something was bothering him. Finally he said something. -I care.- He said with a faint blush. You cupped his face in your hand and whispered in his ear: -Thank you... And you look really cute when you blush.- Sesshomaru looked shocked and you giggled a little. Then you kissed him on his lips and he kissed you back, pushing you back on your bed, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt so happy that tears started to flow down your cheeks. Sesshomaru smelled the salty water and pulled away looking at your face. He brushed your tears away and gave you a small peck on your forehead and stood up. You looked at him confused, you didn't want him to leave and sat up looking at him. -You should get some sleep. We will talk tomorrow.- He said. You nodded and were going to get changed but remembered that you didn't have any other clothes than your other outfit. You ran out of your room and called Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked back at you and asked: -What is it?- You looked at him shyly and answered: -I don't have any pajamas.- Sesshomaru smiled and said: -There are clothes in the wardrobe. So are the pajamas.- You thanked him and went back into your room. You walked to the wardrobe and looked what kind of clothes and pajamas were in there. There were a lot of beautiful kimono's. Then you spotted under in the closet the pajamas. You saw pink ones and laid them in the back of the closet because you hate pink. Then you saw a beautiful short red sleeping dress with white and black flowers on it. You changed into it and went to bed.
Nice story.
Keep writing. ^_^ Please...
I hate it!!! (-_-''' Than stop reading it!!!)
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