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Poem: The Crazy Egyptian

Yah ummm... this here's my first poem in Fanart central... and also it's my first poem with anything to do with YGO, so please don't hate...
...and if you like Yami no Yuugi and/or Rishid, please don't read this...cuz they kinda get hurt...



Chapter 1 - Poem: The Crazy Egyptian
Submitted: April 14, 2005 • Updated: April 14, 2005
Word count: 2008 • Size: 9k • Comments: 27 • views: 822


Comments (28)

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highteckdudu on March 27, 2007, 3:27:49 AM

highteckdudu on (Chapter: index)

Hellzangel83 on January 17, 2007, 12:52:09 PM

Hellzangel83 on (Chapter: 1)

Love2talk11 on December 8, 2006, 5:37:05 AM

Love2talk11 on (Chapter: 1)
Love2talk11woah ok Im lost

TurtleQueen on August 31, 2006, 8:22:17 AM

TurtleQueen on (Chapter: 1)
TurtleQueenhaha! nice poem!

zeldafan92 on August 13, 2006, 11:44:52 PM

zeldafan92 on (Chapter: 1)
zeldafan92lol! this is funny! ^^

Amene_Bakura on May 3, 2006, 9:32:55 AM

Amene_Bakura on (Chapter: 1)
Amene_BakuraAWSOME!!! COOL!!! INTERESTING!!! Cool opening and closing!!!!

Broken-Heart on April 12, 2006, 2:43:05 AM

Broken-Heart on (Chapter: 1)

Lightning_Cobra on March 29, 2006, 1:15:56 AM

Lightning_Cobra on (Chapter: 1)
Lightning_CobraYou are very funny!! You should write more and post it!!!! *favs*

unknowngrl352 on February 14, 2006, 12:02:19 AM

unknowngrl352 on (Chapter: 1)
unknowngrl352I cant believe I didn't read this earlier. It is a wonderful peom... funny too. And right now my friends are laughing up tears. I guess I could say that, but the teachers giving us mean looks... gotta go! Byebye! Kewp it upsie!

vixenrath on December 30, 2005, 5:57:17 AM

vixenrath on (Chapter: 1)
vixenrathweird. cool as all hell! but weird. faves!!!

_Sanctuary_ on September 9, 2005, 4:13:17 AM

_Sanctuary_ on (Chapter: 1)
_Sanctuary_Cool! Very.. interesting...
( )( )

Ryoukitten on August 19, 2005, 12:08:14 PM

Ryoukitten on (Chapter: 1)
RyoukittenI luv this poem! You are an awsome writer!!!

shakezula2 on August 15, 2005, 5:39:34 AM

shakezula2 on (Chapter: 1)
shakezula2wow thats good the funny thing thow is i was whatching a video of marik and yu-gi-oh and bakura in the old time robing and crap

Mar1lyn_Man5on on July 4, 2005, 1:00:48 AM

Mar1lyn_Man5on on (Chapter: 1)
Mar1lyn_Man5onI love this poem! Great Job, keep up the good work!
*~Mari1yn Man5on~*

Jaded_Skie on June 28, 2005, 11:51:07 PM

Jaded_Skie on (Chapter: 1)
Jaded_SkieExtremely AWESOME!! That must have taken you forever!! But it was worth it!!! What an awesome poem!!

Nemya on June 28, 2005, 6:18:04 PM

Nemya on (Chapter: 1)
Nemya*glomps you*
Waha! Its totally awesome! I was laughing and everyone in the class thought I was insane. Yes. Im in school. Its a free period, so I get to go on the library computers..
Anyways, I loved it! Totally awesome! Hee, I liked the parts about slicing his dad real slow, and "So get away, you big ugly gay, Or I'll have to chop your head" XDDDDDD
So hilarious! You are so good at writing aswell as drawing! Grak! *faves*

DemonTheifQueen on June 18, 2005, 2:50:41 PM

DemonTheifQueen on (Chapter: 1)
DemonTheifQueenHAHAHA! RISHID DIED! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! >) I'll join you Marik in your killing spree! ^-^

Your awsome hellpoemer!

hellpoemer on May 29, 2005, 5:28:49 AM

hellpoemer on (Chapter: 1)
hellpoemerlolz BlackBreeze ^^
yah, ummm i think i was high on chocolates when i wrote this, and that's why it's so ... vernacular? yah, that's the perfect word! besides, i could never sound professional =D

oh, yah! and i switched the names cuz i wanted it to rhyme

Black_Breeze on May 29, 2005, 1:17:52 AM

Black_Breeze on (Chapter: 1)
Black_BreezePretty good. Interesting story. Although I do have a few things to say about it. . . you switched names a little in the poem, like instead of saying Rishid, you said Odion. I thought that was pretty funny.

Second, you used "bish", "faves", "cuz", and others. In a story/poem you have to use actual words and not just abreviations. That seems a bit unprofessional if you do. The rhythm and rhyme of this poem was excellent however, yet I think Rishid was a bit OOC.

Great job!

AZNgummigurl on May 25, 2005, 11:28:39 PM

AZNgummigurl on (Chapter: 1)
AZNgummigurlthis is an Awesome poem Hellpoemer!! u have lots of talent!! not only can u draw, but u can also write very well!! ^-^ i like this! *ADDS TO FAVES*

Darkdust_cookie on May 23, 2005, 3:09:12 AM

Darkdust_cookie on (Chapter: 1)
Darkdust_cookieYes Yami Marik gets too stay^^ that was really good. Great Poem

Lex on May 10, 2005, 3:51:59 AM

Lex on (Chapter: 1)
LexWow, I really really like Pharaoh, and I mean i REALLY like the Pharaph, but good god this poem is sooo cool! Well done!!

yami_no45 on April 27, 2005, 5:52:32 AM

yami_no45 on (Chapter: 1)
yami_no45thats funny
fave poem and artist

Lynxie on April 21, 2005, 12:14:25 AM

Lynxie on (Chapter: 1)
Lynxiei like the ryming...

Lynxie on April 21, 2005, 12:13:16 AM

Lynxie on (Chapter: 1)
LynxieAmazing autor

cowqueen13 on April 16, 2005, 1:11:30 AM

cowqueen13 on (Chapter: 1)
cowqueen13Woah! I knew you could draw, but you can write too!? You are too amazing!! AMAZING!! Hahaa, That would be funny if this really happened, instead of Yami Marik having to leave*cries* I love this poem, you ROCK hellpoemer!! *+faves*