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Chapter 12345 - located at top of each chapter

heres my second book. hope you enjoy. if you didnt read the first you wont get this one. hope you enjoy!

Chapter 12345 - located at top of each chapter

Chapter 12345 - located at top of each chapter
A Young Mans War 2:
Robertos Revenge

By Daniel Ryan Moon


The day I thought would never come is happening. Im standing on the second step, next to the alter holding a pillow with two rings on it. One for my single next door neighbor, and the other for my mom. I dont know why people on T.V hate their parents getting re-married, its freakin awesome! I mean, you get to ride in a limo, eat cake, and dance! To bad I didnt make it to the cake part or the limo part. They were about to kiss, but Hinerick (my next door neighbor) grabbed the side of his head, and fell to the ground bleeding. I looked up to see none other then dad with a sniper in the door way. Jealous, dad? Shut up Robert! How did you get out of the crossing point? You make the devil mad? Come on you pansy! we charged at each other and& well I might as well tell you the whole story. It all started on a Friday night, the night the missile launched.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1&..... Horror night

Chapter 2........ Good news

Chapter 3&& The source of all things evil, MySpace

Chapter4&&. The new kid in town

Chapter 5&&. Second times the charm.

Chapter 6&&. Demon boy saves the Earth


Horror night

Its Friday night, Im watching Stephen Kings It, and Im an easy target for Huver. I dont get it, how come Pennywise doesnt just hunt them all down? I dont get it. Huver said. Can we turn it off PLEASE? God Bob, youre a wuss The door bell rang and I threw the popcorn into the air, landing on Huvers head. Thanks Bob, now I have popcorn in my nose. I answered to door and it was the old man. Hello Bob, enjoying your horror movie? Lets just say that I wet my pants. Okay& well I need you to do something for me. Okay. I need you and Huver to cover your ears. Why? Trust me. Youll thank me. Huver! Cover your ears! Just then a missile launched out from behind the border wall and left the planets atmosphere. Where did it go? Just wait. When the missile came back, it hit a satellite that keeps the border wall strong. When it hit, something fell from the satellite. And of course Im the only one who saw it. Huver, did you see that? Well its kind of hard to see a missile hit a satellite. Not that, the thing that fell from it! Yes, that would be fire. I looked at him with an angry expression. We went back in the house just in time for the most blood filled scene of the movie. Huver. Yes Bob? I know what Im going to do tomorrow. What? Im going to mommys house.

Good News

Saturday morning, still freaked out, and driving to my mothers house and it gets better! Oh, hello Robert. Hey mom. I was in the neighborhood and thought Id stop by and chat. Well Im glad you did. My last marriage didnt go so well, so Ive decided to get married to a man that has never cast any spells, been in war, or done drugs. Youre getting married? Yes. Im getting married to your neighbor, Hinerick. You mean that one guy that talks like a British king? I find his accent charming. Huver finds it annoying. Robert! What?! So mom kept yelling at me, telling me how its impolite to make fun of peoples voice. Im just saying, what if his accent is so annoying, that it makes you head explode? Like last week, I was on a mission and-Bob, I get it. So thats all the good news? Well, not exactly. Every time mom uses the words well, not, and exactly in the same sentence, the good news turns into terrible news. Bob, youre going to have a baby sister. A sister. A baby sister thats twenty years younger than me!? Now Bob, I know your upset, Upset?! What makes you think Im upset?! Well, youre tone of voice is kind of, Whatever mom, Im going over to Huvers. As I walked out the door, Huver jumped out from the bush. Bwowlwow!! I think my heart gave out. Come on Bob, youre not that week. I gave him the eye and we went to the slurp shack, which is like a Neither world seven-eleven. Well, my moms getting married. When? Dont know. Oh yeah, it gets better! Im going to have a sister! Huver spit his cherry freeze all over the front of my pants. A SISTER! THATS CRAZY!! You know whats also crazy? Chile cheese corn dogs? Uh... no. The fact that you spit out every thing you drink on my pants! Name one time! Just now. You got me beat there. Im going home. Check your e-mail when you get home Okay. So then I started to head home when I ran into Hinerick. Pip pip! Yeah sure whatever. So youve heard, eh? Yeah sure whatever. Just listen. Yeah sure whatever. So when I got home I went on the computer and looked at the message Huver sent me. It said:

Hey Bob! Neither World just got a new web site called Ur space or the space& uh& wait& MySpace! Yeah thats it. Click on the link Ive provided below ->

hpt/ connection

So of course I clicked on it out of curiosity, and it led me to a sign in page. So I made my account, made my profile, and all that other good stuff. Then I saw a link on the new clubs section. All it had on it was white and a black cross. That looks familiar. Where have I seen it? So I clicked on it.

The Source Of All Things Evil, MySpace

Left out? Tired of this horrible planet? Join the club. The Black Hearts that is. Interested? Come to the border wall on the day we can see that pathetic blue planet. Those who fail to join will die a slow and painful death. So dont pass up this offer. Its a one way ticket to living. Only 24:09 hours left. Ill send someone to pick up all applicants.

Black Hearts!? It couldnt be true. How did he come back? Where is he? Whats his plan? All these thoughts were racing through my mind. I called Huver to tell him to get his board ready. Hes back!? Why didnt you tell me in person? Because I only have one pair of good pants. Oh& So after him I called Allen, Pander, Blain, and then Throttle. Then the door bell rang, and I screamed so loud I cracked the glass on the monitor. Hello? Hello Rob& Bob. It was the old man. So you know!? Youre fathers the one who blew up the strength satellite. Kinda though that. So what do we do? Just go to the border wall when Neither World can see Earth. Okay& oh no! I have school in an hour! Pretty late to go to school, its noon. Im in collage. Oh, right& you have a test today. Drat& So Im in class, ready for the pop quiz the old man told me of, in till Mr. Triskaidekaphobia had an announcement.

The New Kid In Town

Class, we have a new student joining us today. A tall kid with a grey cloak and black hair walked in, and on his cloak, was a black cross. High-low, I am Bloodlust. I just moved from ze dark zide of ze planet. And of course, Im the only one who cared about him being a darkonian. So I raised my hand. Mr. Triskaidekaphobia, is it really a good idea for us to let a darkonian into our class? I assure ju zat Im no threat to ze people of good& zvats jor name? Bob Renge& Dont worry Boob. My names Bob& not Boob. Iz zvat I said. & So through out the quiz, I watched him very closely. Huver and I finished first, so I texted him.

Bob: Do you notice any thing weird about Bloodlust?

Huver: Not really& why?

Bob: His cloak!!?!?!?!!??!?!!?!!?!!

Huver: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh& Wha?


Huver: God Bob, dont be an @$$

Bob: Im not being an @$$!

So of course, Mr. Triskaidekaphobia saw Huver and I texting. Mr. Renge, may I ask you what youre talking about with Huver? Honestly sir, Said Huver. Bob and I were talking about what an awesome teacher you are. Oh& continue.

Bob: Nice move Huv

Huver: Its wat I do& boob!


After that we realized that we have different cell companies and we have to pay for texting, witch sucks&The test ended and we went to get some lunch. Todays mystery meat delday right? Yup& So I guess were eating out then huh? So as Huver and I went to the parking lot, there was a barricade of people in the hall. One word came to mind. Bloodshed. People, people! Stop the block! And of course, the person to answer my yell was non other than Mr. All- Bark- N- No- Bite himself, Lance. Make us loser! Huver, the hot shot he is, replied. Shut up four-eyes! I dont even have glasses retard! &.. Whatever&. We cut our way to the middle of the barricade when we noticed all the room we suddenly had. So I looked up to see Bloodshed. High- low Boob. IM NOT A BOOB! Iz my accent. Dont try to fool me! I know youre accents fake! My dad probably told you to use it to pick up the applicants. Jor dad? Yes my dad! I know your working for him! Oh! Ju mean Roberto! You admit to it! Iz just for ze money. He pays you?!... Wait, witch Roberto are you talking about? Ze one zat owns ze burrito shop. Oh. So of course Lance had to say something. What a loser! And as you could have guessed, all of the school laughed. So after being publicly humiliated, Huver and I went to a really nice sports bar. Im telling you Huver, that kid is not normal. But what if hes not a black heart? Maybe the club on MySpace was a joke. No one but we and that old guy know about the Black Hearts. For the last time, Im not that old. And once again I screamed so loud I broke Huvers root beer bottle, and he spit root beer down the front of my pants. HUVER!!! WHY MUST YOU TOURTER ME SO???!!! After a half hour of yelling, we got back on subject. So, what should we call you besides old man? Just call me Dave. Except you Bob, call me Uncle Dave. I was so exited!! He was my long lost uncle! Youre my fathers brother Dave?! Sure am. You know, after every sentence in this book you say, theres only periods. Really? Not any more. So Uncle Dave joined us. So I thought everything would better now, but, of course, I was wrong. Hey guys! Its the losers and an old guy! Just guess who that was. Yep, Lance. Dont call my uncle old! Make me loser! Is that youre only comeback? Youre always saying loser, loser, loser. Whatever Boob. Ha... See what I did there? I said Boob instead of Bob. Im funny. Ya, youre a riot. Even you agree with me! Whats up with that? It was sarcasm Numbskull!! After another half hour, Lance and his so called friends left us alone. Uncle Dave had a few things to ask us. Who was the one in the cloak? He is the one Huver and I think is the one sent to pick up all applicants. Ah, I see. His cloak is very misleading. Okay, thats all I need, thank you. After school, Huver and I decided to watch Bloodlust very closely. First stop, the& whatever his last name iss house. What do you think Bloodlusts house looks like? Huver whispered. Probably like a hide out for criminals and drug dealers. Well I guess youre not going in huh? Wha? Why wouldnt I go in? Well, you know. Ever since we watched Stephen Kings It, youve been, well, kind of jumpy. Okay, so Ive been a little jumpy, but I am a member of the Neither World Artillery And Army, also called the N.W.A.A.A. The nwaaa? Yes, also called the nwaaa. So lets get in there and capturer a Black Heart! You with me? Im with you all the way Bob, all the way. Once we took a look at Bloodlusts house, we found it to be a living nightmare. Blood was oozing out of walls, molds on the porch, broken windows, and a ravenous looking dog on the little chair on the side without a leash. Hey, Bob. Remember when I said I was with you all the way? Well I meant all the way to Bloodlusts house. Good luck! As he started to walk away, I grabbed his collar. Oh no you dont! You are going into this really scary, horrifying, murderous looking house with me! As I was yelling at Huver, Bloodlust walks right past us. Hey Boob, zu vite zvant to get of my neighbors luwn. Neighbor? I that this was youre house. My house iz over zere. He pointed to yellow doll house of a house. It was yellow with a little picture of a rose above and below the door. Two pink swirls reached for the sun like vines on the side of the house. A welcome mat greeted you at the door. And if you know Huver like I do, he is going to say something really stupid about the house. Hey Bob, the rose above the door? Yeah, why? Talk about sub-rosa! And, well I guess I was the only one that didnt get it, because Huver and Bloodlust started laughing like crazy. So I had Huver explain it to me. Apparently sub-rosa is Latin for under the rose, but what surprises me most, Huver knows Latin. So while you read this, look for any signs of Armageddon. So we left after that to my house to look at MySpace.

All of the applicants were brought to me. If you signed up but never got picked up come to the border wall on the earth and darkonian eclipse. You have 00:03 minuets till the time comes be ready and alert. And you might

The computer shut off before we read the whole thing. Three minuets Huver. We have two to call the guys and one to get over there. Im on it. Huver called all the guys and told them to bring their weapons. I always have my cuff links on, Huver got his board, and we met the rest of the guys at the wall. Nothing. Nothing was there, just an empty lot of dirt and brick. Bob you said the Black Hearts were meeting here. Pander said. Well... oh no! Oh god! What? Moms wedding! I got to go! I ran home, got the rings, ran by the dry cleaners, changed in a portal-potty, and ran to the church and found out that I left the rings at the dry cleaners. They held the wedding till I got back with the rings. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, he went on and on and on. I heard a clink but didnt bother to turn around a see what it was, although I should have. You may now kiss the bride. They leaned in while I covered my eyes when I hear a bang. I look and my new dad is on the floor bleeding from the head with a bullet on the ground. I look over to see the self proclaimed number one assassin on Neither World, Roberto. Jealous, dad? Shut up Robert. He responded. How did you get out of the crossing point, make the devil mad? Come on you pansy! We ran at each other full force, then when we were about to hit each other, his watch beeped. He backed up and disappeared. The crossing point. I said to myself. I called everyone back to the wall, and once again nothing. Okay Bob, are you on anything? asked Allen. Im not a druggie Allen. Then we heard what sounded like a Neither World quake. We looked over the wall and saw thousands of people and Darkonians, including Lavont, Spidon, and Ax-Tail. On a stage was the chief commander of the N.W.A.A.A and dad. Today, we the people of darkness will wipe out all life on this planet and the pitiful blue planet. Making us the supreme rulers on both worlds! Most of you all are here because of the letter on that new web site, MySpace, just to warn you in advance, when we are done killing all life on both planets, we, the Darkonians, will kill you all. Many gasps came from the people watching. But the first step to our victory is to kill the head of the N.W.A.A.A, chief commander Prowl. Dad pulled out a hand gun and fired. Seeing my boss get shot turned me into an uncontrollable rage. I leaped off the wall and onto the stage. Okay dad, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. How `bout the bloody way? Bring it sissy man. He and I ran at each other full force again. I punched him, and he shot me in the gut, but I was too preoccupied about killing him to stop and look at it. Youre goanna die for that dad! I punched him again and he punched me back. We both were out of breath, so we had a stare down. From above I heard Huver yell. Dont worry Bob, were on our way! Pander jumped off the wall and on to dad fist first. Then Allen used his UFO to shoot dad in the gut while he said, How you like it you child of unmarried parents? So I say, What? Look in the dictionary under b.a. Wha&oh I get you. After the pounding we gave him, he had to respond some way. Okay everyone, if you all kill these kids, I will let you all live. So, of course, everyone there came on stage trying to kill us, yet not doing a good job of it while dad got up. From above, I heard another voice, but it sounded unfamiliar, almost like the voice of someone Lance would hang out with. Dont worry Bob, Im here to save youre sorry behind. Every one of the people trying to kill us looked up and ran away. A tall kid with black hair and a blue and red cloak landed on the middle of the stage. He turned around and said, Hello Boob.

Second times the charm

The kid turned around for us to see no other than Bloodlust. Sup? He said. Bloodlust, what happened to your voice? Its normal. Darkonian people can adapt to different& well anything really. The more I was around Lance, the more non European sounding it got. But thats not what Im here for. What are you here for? To stop the Black Hearts. He said. Its too late you little trader! I just set the two minuet timer on the missile. Say goodbye to your little girlfriend on Earth. Yelled dad. I could see flames of rage in Bloodlusts eyes. You know Bloodlust, I said. I still need to get my dad back for shooting me in the gut. Your dad? Yeah, you know, Roberto Renge? Im in. We both ran at him with more than full force. When we were right in front of him, he vanished, and the next thing we know, we are tied to a tree. What the devil just happened?! yelled Bloodlust. Huver! Do something! Huver came over and untied us. Guys, weve got to hurry, only one minute left. Its because of me he wants to destroy Earth. Ill shut off the missile while you get the Black Hearts. Got it. Okay team, roll out. While we started to fight with Ax-Tail, Bloodlust went to the controls of the missile. Okay, He said to himself. Blue button, red button, and skull. Its defused Bob! Just then, the missile started to take off slowly. You did the lift code, retard. Said dad. So say bye bye to Earth. No! Im not giving

Demon boy saves the Earth

Bloodlust hopped on to the missile while in mid-takeoff, and flew a way on the explosive, until it looked like a red dot. Wow, I thought I was just goanna drive him mad by destroying Earth, but I killed him. And now time for you Robert. Dad started to walk toward me. Then I heard Bloodlust. Like I said Bob, Im here to destroy the Black Hearts! I look up to see the missile headed straight for the Black Hearts. Well its been old chap, but I got to hop a wall, see ya! What? No, how? The guys and I climbed the wall and hid behind a boulder. BAM!! The missile hit, wiping the whole dark side of Neither World, and no sign of the Black Hearts, nor Bloodlust. We searched for him three weeks straight, but no luck. We held a funeral a week after the search. After that Neither World was safe. But if there is one thing I learned throughout my life, its to expect the unexpected.


After what Neither World did for the Earth, they paid Neither World an amount of six hundred thousand dollars in cash. They also came to me and my army of seven to come to earth to help on a mission to Delta, to see if there is any life. As for Bloodlust, he turned up on the planet. Not everyone in the mini army could go to earth, so we took that could. Oh yeah, the N.W.A.A.A found dad where Bloodlust was. They put him in an insane asylum with a crazy wanna-be Black Heart. Later we found that Roberto, who I refuse to call dad, wanted to destroy earth because Bloodlust turned on them by misguiding a recon missile to Earth, making it slam into the strength satellite. Roberto knew that Bloodlust had feeling for someone on Earth, so he vowed to destroy Earth. And that thing that fell from the satellite on that Friday was Bloodlust. Well thats the squeal, hope you enjoyed! By the way the next book is& oh, I was just informed I cant tell you about it. But if youre Mrs. DAmico the author is goanna tell ya. Here is a picture of Neither World before and after the missile.

The new war!

Bob is back and better than ever, and so is Roberto. Bob finds a new web site with a freaky message to Neither World on it. A new kid makes Bob nervous, and his mom is getting remarried?! All this and more in this sequel of A Young Mans War.


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