Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Submitted February 2, 2007 Updated February 2, 2007 Status Incomplete | This is Just something I've been working on for the past two years. It's definitely not your average Vampire/Demon story though. Definitely more complex...but I guess that's up for you to decided, huh? |
Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Chapter One
"Lyra, wake up!"
Lyra blinked and rubbed her eyes. "It's early!" She whined as she sat up in her coffin. The last few rays of the sun could be felt beneath her skin. She shuddered.
"Shush! We have to hurry," Lyra's older brother, Bryant, said as he threw some garments towards her. "Quickly, get changed." Lyra shrugged and yawned, her white fangs gleaming in the dim light. She slowly got dressed after Bryant left her room, despite the hint of urgency she could hear in his voice. Soon after, though, Lyra ran upstairs to meet with her old sibling.
"What's the rush?" She asked as Bryant handed her a coat.
"Master Koron wants to have an emergency meeting. I just got the message, and we're already late!" He replied impatiently as he pushed Lyra out the door, forgetting to lock it as the two began sprinting out of the wooded area in which there house was located.
"But why?" Lyra gasped, trying to keep alongside her brother. Suddenly, though, Lyra was cut off when a loud explosion came from somewhere near the edge of the village.
"Damn humans!" Bryant growled, and then grabbed his sister's hand. "C'mon!" They both ran over to a building, flinching when more explosions sounded. Bursting through the door, all eyes fell on the two young Vampires.
"What the hell is going on?"Bryant demanded as he guided Lyra into a room where a large group of Vampires were sitting around a large, straight table.
"The Humans are angry with us," The being at the head of the table began. "I brought all our people to this underground shaft because I'd like to keep you safe, and..." He paused for a moment."...And to find out why they seem so angry with us."
All looked around amongst themselves, silently shrugging towards each other.
"Lyra and I rarely go outside at all," Bryant defended, noting the confused expressions on all members of the coven.
"I don't drink Human blood," One of the women, Xia, added. "Only animal's."
"I'm clean," A teenager, named Jordan, justified when the group glanced at him. "I haven't been around any Humans! The Angel stench is bad enough!"
Eventually, the entire room filled with undead beings had all given explanations as to why they arent to be blamed for the Humans newly fused anger. After the room quieted down, a young girls voice asked the intrigued question that all want to know.
"Well, then, why would they be coming after us?" Lyra asked quietly. Thinking for a moment, everyone shifted their eyes, turning to look at the one Vampire who had yet to clear her name.
"Mistress Souroc?" Master Koron interrogated skeptically, raising an eyebrow, while sauntering towards her seat at the table. Souroc glanced around defensively, trying to stare down the whole of her species with her malevolent blood-red eyes.
She failed.
"Alright, alright! I did it, okay? It was me! I was hungry, and right in front of me was a mindless idiotic mortal who had stumbled upon Vampire territory! Please...forgive me, Master Koron."
"You were so hungry that you decided to put the whole coven in danger?!" Master Koron bellowed, staring into the cold eyes of the guilty Vampriss. Lyra flinched from the dangerous growl of anger in Koron's voice, even though she was not the one being yelled at.
"Humans can reproduce genetically, faster than we can!" Souroc challenged. "Eventually, they're going to overpopulate us and the Demons; soon, we'll become history! Just like the dark ages!"
"We'll figure out that solution when the proper time comes," Koron snapped, strutting back to his seat at the head of the table, his hands held in the formal position; the left hand hold his right wrist behind one's back "Humans die, Vampires are immortal."
"Yeah, until they put a stake through your heart," Jordan muttered, just loud enough for the few around him to hear.
"They're going to kill us?" Lyra asked, horrified. She looked up with wide-eyes towards her brother. He shook his head.
"No, of course not," He replied, squeezing her hand protectively. That only made Jordan smirk and frighten the young Vampire girl more.
"No, they can't kill us, because we are already dead. But they can destroy us. It's simple, really. The Humans are going to come around to all our homes," Jordan started, a malevolent shine in his eyes when he saw the great increase of fear in the young girl's violet eyes. "During the day, while we're sleeping, they'll walk up to your coffin, and begin to get cocky with you because you're not allowed to come out until dark. Then, they'll open your coffin, stake at hand, and..."
"That's enough, Jordan!" Bryant said in a low growl, quiet but threatening, when he saw Lyra tremble next to him. All through her 12 years, she never had to live through anything as destruction, until now. Jordan shrugged and rolled his eyes.
"I'm just telling her what's going to happen..."
Bryant growled, and began to rise out of his sitting position, making his way across the room to where Jordan was at.
"Jordan! Bryant! That's enough!" Koron said wearily, rubbing his eyes. "Bryant, let us try not to make more enemies amongst ourselves than already exists."
"But he-"
"And Jordan, please dont frighten anyone anymore than we already are!"
"But she-"
"Lyra's only a child!" Koron interrupted. "She's not yet old enough to understand our history, let alone the future."
"I am too!" Lyra objected standing up suddenly. But that conversation was ended, as suddenly there was a loud knock from the trap door above them, making nearly everyone jump.
"Come in," Koron called out, as everyone tensed up. They obviously thought that perhaps this was the Humans, trying to attack. The door creaked as it opened, and a body walked in, his face hidden beneath the hood of a dark cloak.
"I came as soon as I heard," He announced, as Koron stood up from his throne-like chair, shaking the strangers hand.
"Thank you," Koron replied, and then turned to his people in front of him. "Everyone, this is Lord Nagreed; Ruler of all Demons." Lyra stared at Nagreed in amazement. Vampires had always been naturally tall, but this Demon could make one feel almost tiny. Bryant nudged her sharply, and she sent him a questioning look as more Demons began to descend down the stairs, making the large room extremely uncomfortably crowded.
After a couple moments of silent discussion between the masters of both species, the two rulers stood before their people.
"We'd be honored to help your kind while the Humans vent out their anger," Nagreed announced, while casually breaking the silence.
"Thank you, kindly," Koron glanced towards Bryant and Lyra. "You two might want to go collect a couple of your belongings, seeing as your home seems to be closest to the explosions."
Bryant nodded seriously and started to walk towards the exit, Lyra followed close behind, but Nagreed hindered the rise of the stairway.
"One moment," He looked at Koron and muttered something to him that Lyra couldn't hear. Koron nodded and Nagreed glanced at the back of the room. "Merrind, Blaire; go with the two to their home, so they can collect their things. We cannot take any chances." From the back of the room, two cloaked demons stepped in front of the rest, and followed Bryant and Lyra out of the building.
"This is a nice place, you two have," The female demon, Merrind, commented as she followed Lyra down to her chambers in the cellar. Bryant and Blaire went on the main floor to retrieve certain necessities. Lyra just shrugged and pulled a bag out from under the stairs. Merrind made sure she stayed close to the girl, incase any Humans or Angels happened to be lurking around, as unlikely as it seems. "What is your name?" She asked politely.
"Lyra," The girl replied blankly as she packed a few of her most treasured belongings.
"That's a pretty name," Merrind commented softly, trying to show the young vampire that she was friendly, despite the beastly appearance upon her face.
"Whatever," Lyra scoffed. She looked over her shoulder towards Merrind and raised an eyebrow. "I may look like I'm young, but I'm not." She defended as she walked over to her coffin.
"How old are you then?"
Lyra dropped her shoulders, and turned around to face Merrind with a cold look upon her face. "Fine, I'm only 12 years old," She sighed.
"Hurry up down there! I think someone's coming!" The two heard Bryant shout from the upstairs.
"I just have to get one more thing!" Lyra yelled back. Turning around once again, Lyra went back to her coffin. Her eyes went wide when she saw someone inside of it, screaming as they sat up. She took a quick step back as Bryants coffin opened and someone jumped out, grabbing her arms.
"Lyra!" Merrind yelled as she ran over to save the young girl from the Human. Bryant and Blaire ran down the steps leading to the cellar and stared, wide-eyed, at the two Humans and three Angels surrounding the young vampire girl.
"Bryant!" Screamed Lyra, helplessly. A Human was trying to bind her hands behind her back. Merrind was trying to get through the small crowd, but an Angel was putting up a pretty good fight. Bryant's eyes gleamed a dark blood in color, and he sprinted over to them, when another Human turned around and out a cross, the silver tips just barely missing him.
"Come any closer, Vampire, and you'll have a permanent stake in your heart," The man spat coldly. His cold gray eyes locked an icy hatred between the Vampire and himself.
Bryant hissed angrily and stepped back, licking his canines as they grew with rage.
"Bryant, please, help!" Lyra pleaded, as dark tears of fear began to fall off of her cheeks.Another one of the humans cupped a hand over the girl's mouth, but before he could, Lyra suck her teeth into the side of his palm, draining blood.
"Ow!" He yelled, pulling his hand away, "Dammit, she bit me!" Lyra licked the Human's blood from her lips and smiled darkly.
"Let her go!" Bryant demanded, trying to find a way to get around the Humans and Angels with crosses, however, it wasn't possible.
"I think," One of the men started, evilly, "that we're going to keep her...Consider this as a trade."
Lyra tried to struggle free, but two Angels kept an extremely tight grip on her. She growled loudly and a pale blonde Angel turned around to face her.
"Try to get free," He threatened and turned to Bryant, "Or try to save her, then she'll suffer a very painful death; I promise."
He moved the slight of his hand so that the silver cross was but an inch from Lyra's neck. It began to glow, and she started whimpering from the crucifix's deadly heat so close to her body.
Bryant stepped forward, but Blaire placed upon Bryant's shoulder, his hand. "Let them leave," He said softly, staring coldly into the Angel's eyes that had threatened Lyra's death.
The group of Angels and Humans surrounding the young vampire left. Bryant angrily threw a chair to the ground, soon sending shards of wood in all directions "How the hell could you let them leave with her?" He yelled at Merrind and Blaire. "How could you? She's my sister! And you let her leave with them to die?"
"Would you have preferred your little sister to die right in front of your eyes, or would you prefer to give her the chance to live long enough for her 13th birthday?" Merrind asked in a soft, soothing voice.
Bryant slumped down into a large plushy chair. "If I were a better brother..."
"Don't you start that," Blaire interrupted. "Lyra will think you're the greatest brother in the world if you save her!" There was a brief awkward silence as Bryant mumbled to himself, and the two Demons stared at each other, not knowing what to do.
Suddenly, Bryant lifted his head up from his hands, "What do you think Master Koron is going to say?" Bryant asked the Demons.
They both shrugged.
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Heatherenie on June 13, 2007, 1:42:38 PM
Heatherenie on