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Chapter 20 - Chapter Twenty

Takes place in the middle of Season Five- right after the Grand Prix tournament, and before they go on the memory journey to Egypt. I hope you guys like it! I'm not used to writing fanfictions! X]

Chapter 20 - Chapter Twenty

Chapter 20 - Chapter Twenty
I took a sharp breath and jerked my eyes open. I was on the ground, in the third temple- the Pharaoh was propping me up on his arm, shaking me, looking horrified; Mokuba was kneeling over us with a look of utmost terror on his face. I looked up at them; the Pharaoh gasped. “Kaiba! Are you okay? Say something!”

I pushed myself off of the floor. When Mokuba saw me stand, he yelled, “Big brother…!”

Somewhat dazed, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs-up; I turned back to the Pharaoh, who was standing again, and said, “Sorry about that.”

Adella gasped. “How are you…” she stammered. I ignored her and looked at the Pharaoh. “…Do you trust me,” I asked him.

He looked stunned; obviously didn’t understand.

“Do you trust my dueling skills?” I asked him.

“Y… yes…” he said. “Yes.”

“Then,” I said, firmly, “Give me Slifer.”

“Slifer?” he gasped. “I… what is your plan…”

“Trust me,” I said.

Hesitantly he handed the card to me. I looked up at Adella, who clearly couldn’t believe that I was standing.

“Your attack showed me something,” I said, walking up to Adella, who frowned. I held out the god cards. She stared at me, stunned.

“Take them,” I said. “You’re right.”

“Kaiba! What the hell are you doing?” Joey asked, horrified. “Don’t give her the god cards! She’s gonna win!”

“I don’t care,” I said. “She can take my soul, then. I want her to have them.”

Adella eyed me, searching my face for signs of lies. Unfortunately for her…

“Fine,” she said, snatching the cards from me. “I’m glad you surrender.”

…I was a very convincing liar.

“I summon Obelisk the Tormentor and Slifer the Sky Dragon!” she yelled, holding up both of the cards. The Pharaoh stared daggers at me; he yelled, “Do you realize what you have done? What are you trying to prove? You’ve killed us all!”

“Watch carefully,” I told him; clearly he thought that I was giving Adella the cards in order to see if I could defeat them on my own. Now that I thought about it, that idea actually was something that I would consider acting on, if so much wasn’t at stake.

The three god cards formed together in a spectacular explosion of light; when the light subsided, we all gazed at a spectacular, huge monster- completely white and golden, it was a woman, towering thirty feet above our heads. I knew that when Slifer and Ra were sacrificed, their power fueled Obelisk to infinite strength- but this is what happened when the three god cards were combined.

The Pharaoh gasped. “…Horakhty,” he whispered. I smirked. I could tell that now he understood my plan. Even though he didn’t have his memories… Horakhty had awoken something inside of him.

“Attack all three of them, my great beast!” Adella shrieked. Joey swore loudly; Horakhty did nothing. Adella turned around to face Horakhty, furious. “Obey me! I possess the Millennium Scales! Attack them!”

Horakhty stepped forward and beamed down at me and the Pharaoh. “I am honored to be in the presence of the two greatest pharaohs Egypt has ever known,” she said, in a soothing voice.

The Pharaoh smiled at her. “Thank you,” he said. Joey gasped, “What? This is our monster now?”

Adella was standing, horrified and unarmed, staring at Horakhty. With a single burst of lightning from Horakhty, the seal of Orichalcos surrounding us was destroyed; Adella shrieked in fury.

Horakhty then turned to Adella. “It is my duty to protect the Pharaohs,” she said. “For endangering the souls of the two great Pharaohs and their loved ones, I will send you into the darkness which you deserve.”

And with another bolt of lightning, Adella disappeared. She was gone; defeated. The large shard of Orichalcos stone dissolved; the Orichalcos was gone, finally. Now, all that was left was the pathetic, weakened Leviathan.

“Come on!” the Pharaoh shouted, and we all ran out of the temple; immediately outside, the giant snake was lying on the ground; alive, but useless.

Horakhty disposed of it with another bolt of lightning; the snake dissolved.

It was over.

There was some sort of happiness explosion in front of the temple; Tristan, Duke and Joey all yelled aloud in victory and ran up to high-five each other; Tea planted an enormous kiss on Yugi’s cheek, and, now done with his high-fives, Joey was dancing with Serenity. Mokuba had thrown himself at me, like a little missile; arms around my hips, he was whimpering, “don’t scare me like that again, big brother! When you fell, I thought you were actually hurt!”

He let go of me; I knelt down so that we could make eye contact. He wasn’t crying or anything; I smiled at him. “I’m sorry,” I said. “How long was I down?”

“Only like one second,” he replied.

I paused and decided not to tell him about the insane conversation I’d had with… well, myself. “Don’t worry; the attack just knocked me off of my feet. I’m fine, but I’ll tell you what… to make up for scaring you, I’ll call off the order I’ve placed on your artistic skills.”

he gasped. “You don’t want the picture anymore?”

“Well, it’s not that I don’t want it, but I’ll let you draw a picture on your own terms. We’re even now. Is that good?”

“No!” he said, almost angrily. “I already drew the picture!” He took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me; I unfolded it and saw that he had drawn a picture of me in long red, king-like robes, holding a golden scepter, standing on top of the Earth, with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon behind me.

I smiled uncharacteristically warmly; “So, you still owe me!” he said.

“I bid you farewell, Great Pharaohs.” I stood up to face Horakhty. “May you have luck in your lives… and to you,” she nodded towards Yugi- “good look in finding your lost memories. We will meet again.”

“I look forward to the day we do,” the Pharaoh replied. Horakhty nodded, bowed to him, then bowed to me, then disappeared in a flash of light- when the light died down, the three god cards were lying neatly on the ground. The Pharaoh picked them up.

A horrible shockwave then crashed through me. Pharaohs? Horakhty had used it in a plural form. …who was the other pharaoh…? Could it be… possibly...he had been wearing the Millennium Puzzle…

The Pharaoh approached me. “Kaiba,” he said seriously. “How could you have known that Adella wouldn’t be able to control the combined form of the god cards?”

I frowned. “You said you trusted my judgment,” I said. “Call yourself the king of duelists, but don’t forget that I once held that title- I know everything about every duel monsters card.”

He smirked. I could tell that he didn’t quite believe me… well, he knew that I knew everything about the game, but somehow, he could tell that I’d had some help in coming up with that plan. Something inside of me didn’t necessarily want to try to correct him.

“’Ey, Kaiba… I still hate you, you know, but I gotta say, you’re a pretty good teammate,” Joey said, giving me a thumbs-up. “Nice thinkin’ up that plan, you know.”

I scowled at him. “Don’t misunderstand me,” I said. “I would never enjoy being a teammate to a duelist as pathetic as you are. You, be my partner in dueling? You barely have enough dignity to wash my shoes!”

Joey could have exploded on the spot; Duke and Tristan had to hold him back from leaping on me and beating me up. “You damned son-of-a-dog! I’m gonna kick your @$$ so hard you’re gonna have to take your stupid money and buy yourself a new @$$! And then I’m gonna kick that one!”

I smiled. “That’s more like it,” I said.

The helicopter landed on our front lawn, hours later. Mokuba sighed. “Aw, dang…” he said, looking up at the setting sun. “Your days of freedom are up. Our employees aren’t going to do our jobs anymore.”

“Oh, really?” I asked. For the first time in my life, I had actually forgotten about work. “I suppose we’d better get started on the Miami park, then.”

“Fine,” he said. “I can set up a meeting to meet with the spokesperson in Miami. School starts soon, but we can fly out this weekend and be back in time to go to school on Monday. I’ll go do that now.”

He left my side and went towards the house. I paused. “Mokuba,” I said.

He turned around. “What,” he said.

“…how about we jump on the trampoline for ten minutes,” I said hesitantly.

His jaw dropped. “No… you… really?” he gasped, in total disbelief.

“Just ten minutes,” I said.

“But the park in Miami…”

“Oh. Hmm… then, I have a good idea,” I said.

“What?” he asked, walking back towards me.

“How about you jump on the trampoline with me for ten minutes.”

He frowned, and then smiled widely. “Alright, just for ten minutes,” he laughed.


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