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Chapter 2 - ''The first fight could be the last.'' part one,

This is my new fan story; Hopefully you'll like it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Terra

Chapter 2 - ''The first fight could be the last.'' part one,

Chapter 2 - ''The first fight could be the last.'' part one,

Episode 2 ''The first fight could be the last.'' part one,

Tim and his newly founded friend were walking towards severeleven heading in the path of severone where the mystic voice told them to go. Tim was looking at his digivice wondering what it could be for, ''Hey Rarukamon, do you know what this thing is used for?'' Rarukamon wasn't listening to him he was more worryed about leomon, leomon told him to leave the city forever not come back with a strange unknowed creature called a human. he also didn't think that leomon would belive the story about Tim falling from the sky from a digital rip. And him and Tim would most likely be attacked and deleted.

-WACK!- Tim puched rarukamon in the head, ''Hey listen you big lizard! I asked you a question!'' Rarukamon held his head in pain, ''WHAT WAS THAT FOR?'' he yelled at Tim. Tim smirked in a cocky way and hit him again this time leaveing his first on his head holding him down. ''Listen Rarukamon, Since your MY digimon that must mean I'm your leader and leaders never get talked back to or not awsered, now tell me what is this digivice for?'' Rarukamon lifted his head over powering Tim, ''Who said I would follow you! I also don't know what that thing is let alone what it's used for!'' he growled. Tim didn't like that at all he hit Rarukamon again but this time Rarukamon hit back and they started fighting.

''You stupid lizard!'' Tim screamed as he punched him in the jaw, ''Stupid human!'' Rarukamon yelled then bit Tim on the arm, They rolled down a hill and entered the city unknowingly. Severeleven shimmered almost golden as the light flickered on the metal towers that surounded the city. All the city digimon stared at the scene, a digimon who had a virus and a strange creture fighting wasn't something you saw everyday. Tim and Rarukamon kept on rolling through out the block of the city almost hiting into some unwarey digimon, all of a sudden they both smacked into something. They were both breathing heavly, Tim was bleeding from the bite and rarukamon was also bleeding from the punch to the jaw.

They both stoped breathing as they hear a roar comeing from above them, They both looked up slowly and saw that they had stomped all right, they had stomped right infront of leomon himself! Leomon glared at Rarukamon then at Tim, ''What is the meaning of this?! I told you young digimon to leave this sever! And you,'' He looked at Tim, ''I don't know what you are but you have broken the rules and now you must pay along with this digimon!''
Leomon picked Tim up from the back of his shirt and picked Rarukamon from his tail and tossed them a little ways infront of them. Tim landed first and Rarukamon landed on Tim, ''get off Rarukamon...'' Tim growled then lifted him off and got to his own feet.

''Alright you over stuff kitty! I'll fight you!'' he said then charged at Leomon ready to give him a good left hook in the face. but Leomon jumped swiftly out of the way and came up behide Tim and pulled out his dager ready to strike the young teenager down and end the fight. ''Now you die!'' Leomon roared and swung his arm down.
''Dark buster!'' A virus shot hit leomon in the back stomping his attack, It was Rarukamon, ''Stay away from Tim!'' He charged Leomon with all his nerves on end. Tim turned around to see rarukamon geting smacked away by Leomon with such ease, Rarukamon smashed into one of the towers and fell to the ground in pain, bleeding and wounded.

''Such foolishness...'' Leomon said, Then charged Rarukamon with his dager ready to strike him down and end his life. ''Now you virus, You will die and be rid of this world!'', Tim couldn't look anymore and rushed in at the last moment and took the hit for Rarukamon, blood splashed in the air infront of Rarukamon. ''Urk...'' Tim mummered, Rarukamon's eye widend in shock at what Tim did for him. ''T-Ti-TIM!!'' He yelled as Tim fell to the ground, silent. Rarukamon got to his feet and took Tim in his arms, ''Hang on Tim! please hang on!'' He said almost crying while shakeing Tim a bit. Leomon looked just as suprised as rarukamon, '' blocked the attack for a virus.'' He said almost regreting what he did.

''Of course I did...'' Tim said quietly, ''He is MY digimon...I have to protect him, no matter what.'' with that Tim looked at Rarukamon, ''I know, that sounded sappy...heh it's not like me is be kind.'' Rarukamon looked at him now crying completely. '' did...'' he said and tryed to smile but couldn't, ''rarukamon...your...the only real thing that ever came close to being a true friend to me,I thank you for that.'' Rarukamon looked really suprised at those words,'' were the only friend I ever had...I don't want you to die.'' Tim made that cocky smile again, ''Stupid lizard...'' Tim head then fell limp.

Leomon looked at Tim, ''He is dead, and now you will die too.'' He raised his blood ridden dager at Rarukamon,
''Farwell virus,'' He slamed his dager down but before the weapon contected a bright light came from the digivice. Rarukamon felt power surgeing though his body as Tim got to his feet! ''Tim your alive!?'' Rarukamon screamed as he got to his own two feet. ''Yeah..but how?!'' He said and took out the digivice that was glowing blue. ''What is the meaning of this?!'' Leomon asked them in a confused voice, Tim looked at Rarukamon and Rarukamon looked at Tim, they both said together but they didn't know how they knew but they said, ''It's...DIGIVOLUTION!'' With that Rarukamon started glowing, ''Rarukamon digivolve toooo....'' ''Zanrukomon!''
Zanrukomon roared with power, Leomon and all the rest of the digimon looked in suprisement, ''You digivolved...but how...'' he looked at Tim, ''No matter,I will delete you both!'' Leomon charged Zanrukomon with his dager armed.

What will happen to Tim and Rarukamo---I mean Zanrukomon....Stay tune.


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