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Chapter 11 - Chapter 10

Lynn, Iris, Loray and Joanne and now Trystan have been taken from there families because of their mental abilities, and most of them feel alone in the world. They go on a journey to find acceptance in the world and in their families.

Chapter 11 - Chapter 10

Chapter 11 - Chapter 10
It was 8 PM when Loray got to her room, she went ot her bag to get her pajamas, and when she opened the trunk she saw that everything was in disaray. She was driven into a frenzy of organization, she pulled out all of her clothes and proceded to arranged them by type of garment then to color, and I think season. then she moved on to her drawings, then to her music. she stopped for a second and thought, 'Stupid OCD, what will you make me do next.' They she went to her photos and organized them too, but she stopped at one photo. One of her at 10 years old lining up her stuffed animals along her bed and her Barbies under her bed. 'Have I always been like this?' after her organizing her stuff and not finding anyhting else to organize she trudged to her bed, exhausted and feel asleep; it was 9 PM.

Lynn had been hacking into different areas of the compound, 'So I see that I have the most guards. I see that I will have to ditract them somehow.' She click on another quadrent and saw that Iris was closet to the food supply, and that her room was closet to Santa Fe, by about 300 or more miles. 'Perfect.'her mouth formed a smirk. She closed her laptop after de-hacking, sending their guarding spects to the others, and saving the blueprint and materials aspects of the compound. 'I wish that the people at Beckford would of excepted me', she thought randomly.

"Lynnda Johnston the bus is here." her mom called.
"I know ma but I'm not going out like this." Lynn replied.
"You know why." she stepped down the stairs in her uniform of a grey, plaid, pleated skirt which under she had her plaid shorts-their were some very perverted boys there and the shorts they insued were Very short-, fitted long-sleeve Oxford, black blazer, dark red tie, white knee-high socks and brown docks. All though it doesn't seem that bad, her skirt had some major bleach damage. "You ruined my only uniform." You see Lynnda's family didn't have the most money mainly cause her step-dad would keep most of it. She got to that prep-school on a full academic Scholarship.
"But I thought you liked the distroyed look."
"Only for my street clothes ma, I could be called to the office for this."
"This is new how."
"Ma, I haven't been called to the office anytime this year."
"There's nothing I can do."
"I know I'll just live with it." She grabbed the lunch her mom held out and ran to the bus. She felt her phone vibrate.
"Hey Lynn."
"Oh hey Josh." Josh was her next door neighbor before he had to move.
"How's today looking for you?"
"I see that you can't really sleep or your bored. What time is it there?"
"I dunno. There's no clock around and I'm talking to you so I can't see this clock."
"Anyway, school looks like a turn for the worst. My mom accidentally bleached my skirt."
"Oh Principle Jenkins will be displease as he would say it."
"You've been away to long," she step into the bus,"Its Mrs McKay how will have a field day."
"Oh right. Well I guess I'll let you go now. Have a good day, Bye."
"Bye and you too," she hung up.
"Who was that?"
"The hottie who moved?"
"Yea I guess."
"Why did he call you?"
"Cause I'm his friend."
"Oh riiight"
"Shut the frack up Tammie."
"Sumuni." she babbled, and Lynn cracked her knuckles, and Tammie turned back around and sat down. The rest of the ride to school was quiet.
She was in the middle of 5th period when she was called to the office. She licked her lip ring with her tongue while she waited to be called into the principles office.
"She really is the brightess student we have here. Ah miss Johnston, This is Mrs. Torres of Duke University.'
"Pleasure" Lynn extended her leather-gloved hand to Mrs. Torres, and Mrs Torres just stood there. Lynn then removed her glove and tried it again a this time she responded, and she recovered her hand.
"So Mr. Jenkins has told me that your are bright." She said with doubt.
"Yes ma'am, I have a GPA of 6.2 weighted. that would be 4.0 unweighted." She said with a smile.
"Really well how did you here about the program of engineering at Duke."
"I was looking for cheap parts so that I can make my own Motocross bike and I saw the add clicked it and now I'm here. I would be so happy to get into your program; engineering is really a passion of mine. Well anything that involves technology..." She saw the way she was looking at her. Doubt. She knew why.
"Is that all Miss Johnston." Mr. Jenkins asked.
"Yes that is all I have to say."
"Then you are dissmissed." she got up from her seat and walked out but when she closed the door she heared. "Well what do you think of her."
"She is smart but she isn't what we want at Duke. She looks to torn-up."
"Understand that her family isn't that rich."
"Then why is she here.'
"We offered her a scholarship and she took it."
"How often is she here?"
"Well everday she attendeds clases and on teacher work days she helps out the teachers."
"She is our best student. she desereves this."
"If I give her the scholarship she will taint the name of Duke. Good day sir." Lynn ran back to her class after hearing this and she hit her books harder than ever.

"And word spread from that and I was never treated with respect again." she mumbled as she fell asleep.

"Iris, time for talent portion. What are you doing?" her mother said when she walked into her daughters room.
"I'm writting my Economics final. So I can pass 9th grade Social Studies."
"So you are skiping your potencial carreer practice for school."
"Mom I've been thinking, I want to be a street musician when I go to college for my major in--"
"Muscian that is perfect you can sing to next months pagent."
Mom I don't want to be like you. I don't want to be a beauty queen. want to learn."
"No matter what I do I can't take the shey out of you."
"You aren't my blood daughter... Your real parents are my god-parents the O'Shey's they were unable to take care of you so we tok you in."
"I'm not your daughter."
"yes so go ahead and waster your life in front of thoses books." She slammed the door behind her and Iris broke down. She was crying and then she found herself in the bathroom with her shaving razor on her wrist slowly moving across her flesh. Her mother bardged in and said, "I'm sorr- Iris what are you doing?" Iris quickly droped the razor and pulled some toilet paper out and cover the cut just as the crimson fluid was beading up on her skin. Scared to death her 'mother' called Suicide Watch and she was under their watch for 2 days. Then she saw a conselor on why she did this. She was later diagnost with depression when Iris had said she was like that from lake of family interaction.

Iris sprung up from her bed the clock read 11:00 PM. "Dream," she said rubbing gthe raised scar that spanned half her wrist. "No... it wasn't ...that was a bittersweet day." directing her attention to the dream. Bitter from her 'mom' saying that she wasn't her daughter and that her real parents are in Ireland, but sweet from the guard that was watching her while she was in Suicide Watch the guard told her about God and that he would forgive her and give her happiness if she believed and gave her life to Him. She did and she was a bit of a different person.

Joanne's eyes opened. She turned to her computer and saw that it was 2:25 AM.
'Will I ever sleep?' She thought. This was the fifth time she has woken up. "Stupid Insomnia." she said out loud. She got out of bed and started to do yoga. 'Normally this makes people feel rejuvenated but for me it tires me out, but not for long'

She started with Sun Salutation. Then to down dog, and slowly worked her way to mermaid and after she brought her legs up and her head back and went into cradle. Then she stood up and started to do sun salutation when she shot her fist out with a gust of wind that sent her into the wall: with her eyes sealed tight she got up and did it again with her being sent into the wall.
"I can get this," she commanded herself. She tried a different stance other that just standing there. The being sent onto the wall was delayed.
"Almost got it," she said will rolling her neck. She took a diferent stance and sent a punch, and she remain still.
"Yes I can finally send a consentrated stream of air at a target, no more back bruises." she yawned. "I think I found a cure to my insomia. She then walked over to her bed and pulled out a bible, she opened up to Isaiah, and fell asleep on chapter she read for her Bat Mitzva

"He was despised and rejected by men,a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." She read aloud in hedrew with her head cover with a veil.
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed....He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth." She looked up and saw that her mother was crying and smiling. She finished her reading with, "herefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." It was at her party when she started to think about her passage. She learn hebrew so that she acould understand what she was saying during her Bat Mitzva lessons. 'What is Jesus was the Messaiah? What if he fulfilled those profecies?' After her party she went home and the next day she went ot the Mall and got a Bible and she read the gospel meticulously cross- referencing the profecies of Isaiah and the other prophets to what happened to Jesus. It was a perfect match Jesus was the Messaiah. She completely broke down and accepted Chirst into her heart. She then told her parents expecting ridicual, but instead they hug her and said that they were Christinas too. they just wanted her to make that descion on her own.

"I love you mom and dad, but why did you send me here." she mumbled in her sleep.


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