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Chapter 15 - Chapter 14

Lynn, Iris, Loray and Joanne and now Trystan have been taken from there families because of their mental abilities, and most of them feel alone in the world. They go on a journey to find acceptance in the world and in their families.

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14
The ride was short. It wasn't long when they saw the sign for Shen Cutters.
"Morning ladies and Steven." Iseul said to her employees when she entered
"Morning Iseul." Her employees responded
"And Lynn? We weren't expecting you for a couple more months." said a young lady named Riley who had dark brown and pink hair.
"Well I missed you ladies and Steven."
"Lynn is gonna take her chair and work on a couple of her friends." Iseul explained. Lynn walked up to her chair. It was a little dusty so she cleaned it.
"So hows life been going for you Lynn." asked Riley, her chair was next to Lynn's.
"Pretty good and you?"
"Same here. I almost have my degree."
"Congrats. Okay who's up first."
"I'll go." Joanne said.
"So what do yo want me to do to you." Lynn asked while running her fingers through Joanne's long blonde hair. "Joanne what this?" She pointed to the now scabbed cut on her cheek.
"I cut my cheek in the escape, and anything you want. What you think fits me."
"Okay do you mind going shorter, but did you clean it?"
"Yes and how short?" Lynn placed her fingers in front of her.
"Near mid chest."
"That sounds good."
"So yo want me to cut 10 in off and donate it to locks of love-"
"Okay then." She measure off 10 inches and and tide a hair band just above the mark and hacked through it with the scissors. "Here you go." She handed the lock to her friend.
"This is 10 inches?" she said skepticly. "I feel like I've lost 5 lbs." She shock her head.
"You just have thick hair. Okay time for the cut." she started by evening the bottom adding layers to thin her hair a bit and then she cut her bangs to look a little less childish.
"I love it."
"Your not done yet. I'm gonna add a little color."
"One no highlights and two is it environmentaly safe."
"I wasn't gonna add that and its way safe than most."
"Fine" Lynn was mixing the color, and started to brush it on the foil.
"I'm adding light brown and khaki brown colored streaks." She was done in about 10 minutes. "Stand up ad sit here," she moves her to a chair near her station, "I'm gonna have you sit there for about 20 minutes to the dye will set it. Then I'll wash it out and blow dry it." Lynn set a timer.
"While she's setting, who's next?"
"I am." Loray said and sat down."
"What do you want me to do to you.?" She was fideling with her curls.
"I want it to be shorter. About up to here," she waved her hand just below her shoulders, "and two orange streaks here." She took a small lock of hair just behind her ears."
"I saw that coming." She started to spray her hair with water to make the cut easier and combed it straight and started to cut. she cut in a couple layers to make her curls look better without effort. She was done with the cut in about 10 minutes. "Time for the bleach. Yeah I have to bleach your hair before I add the orange." She took up Loray's hair in a small pony tail excluding the two chunks she wanted orange. She applied to bleach and wraped to foil around it. "I'm gonna have you sit next to Joanne for twenty mintutes."
"Kay." Loray sat down and Lynn set another timer and just as she set it Joannes went off.
"Joanne come with me to the sink." She washed out the dye wrapped her hair in a towel and took her back to the chair, blow dried it. She was done in about 8 minutes. "So what do you think."
"I love it." she was running her fingers through her hair and flipping it a little bit.
"And its easy to maintain too." Loray's timer went off. "Joanne your done Loray sit in that chair where the sinks are. She went to the sink. Lynn followed and washed the bleach out, and wrapped her hair in a towel. She took her back to her chair, and dried the bleached areas, her hair was still in the ponytail, half way and finished mixing the orange, "Here goes the first orange of this tone ever." she applied the orange to the foil, and folded it. "I have to have you sit back there again. She set the timer for thirty minutes. "Can I have someone that doesn't want color I'm feeling a little light headed."
"I guess I'm next." Trystan said and sat down in the chair. "Do whatever you want?"
'Kay what do you feel about angled and short layers."
"Sounds good." Lynn combed her hair to the way she would need it and started to cut her hair.
"You have good hair, This is virgin hair right."
"I guess."
"All you guys must have virgin hair."
"Pretty much said Loray while reading a Smithsonean magazine."
"I'm cuting the bangs like this cuse I feel it fits you."
"Kay." Lynn finished the cut and she dipped her fingers into some styling wax and ran it through Trystan's hair.
"And your done."
"Nice, What's the stuff you put in my hair." Her hair was now a good two inches shorter from the steak knife cutting and angled bangs covering her left eye.
"Styling wax."
"It does intresting things." Loray's final timer went off.
"You know the drill Loray." she walked over to the sink and Lynn washed it out and half dried it, and ran something through it. "This is a curling serum it helps your curls seperate and look awesome and just bang your head and your done." Loray did so and patted it down. "I love it."
"Glad you do. Okay Iris set down your rear," she sat down, "What do you want me to do." She said as she cut her hari tigh out of its death grip on her hair. "You have pretty hair."
"Thank you, I want something funky. I want two colors put in a ginger red on the top and a small layer of dark brown at the bottom."
"I can do that."
"And for the cut I want it layered with the black area the longest some angled bangs with the brown."
"Do you want to keep the length?"
"Take it up three inches."
"Okay." She did the cut first, that included the three inch trim, the layers and bangs. She then sperated her hair.
"What do you want more of the ginger or the dark brown?" she said as she mixed both colors
"Okay." she started with the dark brown and then added the ginger. "No I'm gonna leave you for 30 minutes." She set the timer. "And now time for me." She sprayed her hair and combed her bangs in front of her and cut them shorter to just bellow her eye brows and she cut the rest so that they grandualy got longer. Then she walked over to her grandma after checking on Iris. "Grandma can you help me with the rest of my cut."
"Yes as soon as I'm done with Mrs. Towner here, which should be in a few minutes. Good job with your bangs."
"Thank you." She did the last touches on Mrs. Towner's hair. "Kay Lynn sit down. What do want me to do?"
"Just bring the length up 6 inches and get the green out."
"Okay," she did the trim and removed the green to reveal the blonde, "do you want me to fill that in?"
"No I'll do that my self. Iris' timer is gonna go off soon." Just as she said that the timer went off. she got up and took Iris to the sink and washed it out. "Over to the chair wherest I will blow dry."
She blow dried it. "And your done."
"Oh my god, I love it." Iris said while going through it with her fingers.
"Now for me to finish my self." She mixed up the jet black dye and painted it on to the blonde. She set the timer for 20 minutes. After the twenty minutes. "Riley can you rinse me."
"Sure." Riley took her to the sink and rinse out the dye. She wrapped her head in a towel.
"No prob."
"Lynn are you done?"
"Yes Grandma. Whats the time?"
"It's 10:50. What do you want to go shopping or something?"
"Do we?" Lynn directed at her friends.
"I guess if it'll kill time," said Trystan.
"And if there's stuff we like," continued Iris.
"There's a ROSS right be us. Here's $400. Spend wisely."
They walked out of the salon and entered ROSS. They split up.

After about thirty minutes they met at the front of the store to survey the puchases. Iris had picked up 3 pairs of skinny jeans in the colors black, light blue, and grey and 1 pair of light wash flare jeans and a pair of shorts, a pair allstar black chucks She also picked about 10 of the $3 T-shirts that had various band names or patterns, and she picked up a grey beanie that had a small brim and the matching gloves that had dark pink skulls. Trystan found her only purchases a pair of Purple trim Tripps, a black T-shirt, a new mesh top this time the mesh was a dark teal and dark purple instead of black, and a black hoodie. Lynn got some 3 pairs of jeans that were tighter than you normally see her in with some shorts, a Fox Racing zip-front hoodie, and a couple of the $3 T-shirts. Loray got 3 pairs of flare jeans and two pair of shorts, a few of the $2 tank tops, some short-sleeve and long-sleeve T-shirts, and a couple zip-front hoodies. Joanne got 2 pairs of jeans, and a demin pleated minnie, she also got a few pairs of leggings and the tank tops, short and long sleeve shirts. and a couple pairs of Vanns. They minus Trystan got a few accessaries They went to the cashier to pay and the total was about 200 dollars. They walked out with their purchases. They just walked past a Tattoo/Piercing shop called PuebloInk.
"You think I could get some peircings or tattoos." asked Iris.
"Yep we have about 200 dollars as long as you keep the tats small. I've been in this palor. They charge on size."
"Okay." They walk in.
"Hey Night Owl!" Lynn waved at a native american lady in the back.
"Hey Lynn, you finally gonna get a tattoo."
"Yep and some of my friends want either one or both."
"I'll take you first." she motioned Lynn and her friends over to her area. "So Lynn what do you want."
"The Korean flag on my left wrist, just the emblem no white." Night Owl went through her pictures and found it.
"So this here."
"Yep." she drew it to the transfer paper, pressed the paper on her skin and pealed it off. She turned on the needle on and dipped in the the black and did the outlining first. Lynn's eyes closed for a bit.
"So how have you been?"
"Good, how have you been?"
"I'm good and business is better. You came on a good day, we have a friends sale. We wait untill you all are done we measure the tattoo and charge based on that."
"Do you have some of that transfer paper?" asked Trystan.
"Yeah is over there. You want to draw your own tattoo." Trystan nodded.
"You want a tattoo Tryst." she asked disbelievingly
"I like decoration." she took a sheet of the paper and the pen or pencil whatever is was. Night owl was now on the color.
"Aaannndd your done." she took some liquid and ran it over the tattoo and measured it, recorded it and placed a bandage on it.
"Next," Iris walked up and sat down, "What do you want?"
"A shamrock on my left wrist."
"Done." she quickly drew it and pressed and pealed it off her skin to show the outline. "What happened here?" She noticed the scar. "You don't have to tell me."
"It was a bad day." Iris said as she made the first strokes with the needle. Iris didn't even wince.
"Oh," it was silent during teh completion of her tattoo. When she finished.
"Can I get some piercings?"
"Sure, where do you want them?"
"Second ear set, a third single on my right ear, and navel." Night Owl reached up her bench, and pulled out a tray filled with all kinds of rings and bars. Iris' eyes fell imediatly ot a pair of black studs, a navel bar with a shamrock dangling on it and a single shamrock stud. "These please." Night Owl picked them up and set up her gun.
"Which on do you want first?"
"Navel, Get it over with."
"Okay," Night Owl positioned the gun and Iris closed her eyes. She heard a shot and jumped a little. She looked down and it was in her bellybutton, "Now for your ears," there was a series of three shots, "and your done. Next"
"I guess I am." Trystan sat down and handed her the design.
"Nice wings your a gifted artist."
"Thanks." she held out her left forearm.
"You want it there."
"Yes." Night placed the paper on her arm and pealed it off.
"You want any color." she turned the needle on.
"No just black and white." She dipped the needle and started to fill the wings. Trystan was quiet during the whole process, jst watching the needle at work.
"And you're done." She mearsured it and recorded that and put a bandage on it.
"Who's next?"
"Me I just want a navel piercing." she sat on the bench. Night picked up her box of peircings.
"Chose your weapon." Loray's eyes scanned the lot. She picked up a bar that had a flame dangling from it.
"What a surprise Loray?"
"Shut it." Night set up the gun and pierced Loray's navel. "That stung."
"That's nothing. Look." Night tucked her hair behind her ears. She had about 5 pairs of earrings not including the bellybutton peircing she probably had. "Who's next. You perhaps"
"Yea." Joanne sat done on the bench. "I want my nose and navel pierced."
"Kay chose." Joanne picked up a small diamond stud and a simple metal bar that had a metal star of david dangling from it. "What side?"
"Left," Night postioned the gun and pierced her nose then her navel.
"And I guess you guys are all done. I'll add up your total that would be $22 per inch so that's $88 for the tattoos $10 for the ear pair and $8 for the single and $39 for the navels and nose so you total is $145. Lynn handed her the money. "Oh and included are the cleaning supplies for your earrings and tats. "Thanks. bye Night." They left and walked past the Wal-Mart near the Salon.
"Guys, you need to see this?" said Trystan.
"What?" Lynn responded
"They know we're alive."
"No way."
"Yes way look." Lynn reluctantly looked and she saw it the fliers for missing children. "Quickly take them down." They took them down.
"I'll burn them."
"No, not yet we have to show Iseul." scolded Trystan. They speed walked back to the salon. It was about 5:00PM. 1 hour until closing. "Grandma. We have a problem," Lynn whispered.
"What is it?" She was sweeping up the hair around her station.
"They know we are alive." She showed her the fliers.
"This is a problem." She stuffed the flier into her pocket. "Ladies I have to go it seems that we have no food and I have to get groceries." They left. "I see that you got a tattoo, all you ladies got something. What did you ladies get." They told Iseul what they got. "You should get in the car we don't want to risk someone recognizing you even though you did change your appearance." She handed Lynn the keys. They walked to the car.
"I start thinking of names cause I know whats gonna go down."
"Clarify Lynn," Trystan asked.
"We may have to leave the country for a little while. The secret government close cases after three or four years."
"You know this how?" asked Joanne. They were now in the car.
"I hacked them the night we went to Grandma Iseul's house."
"You heard them say this."
"Where would we go? Only Iseul that knows about us."
"There is another person. A friend his name is Josh and he lives in Australia."
"I think that's far enough," said Trystan sarcastically. The car was silent for about 30 minutes.
There was a knock at the window, it was Iseul. Lynn unlocked the door and got out to help load the car with groceries
"So, what were you girls discussing?"
"Lynn, was saying that we might have to leave the country." answered Loray.
"No might, you must. You have to be out of the eye so you can think straight."
"Do you have Josh's address?"
"Yes, he sent a package to you as an early birthday present last week I'll give it to you when we get home."
"Girls do you know your Social Security numbers." asked Iseul
"Yes." They reply.
"Why do you ask?" asked Iris.
"Casue I have a sure fire way to 'erase you from the face of the earth."
"That'll help." Responded Joanne. The remaineder of the drive home was quiet except for the radio.

When they got home they helped Iseul with the groceries and went to their rooms to change into their pajamas.
"What's that smell?" asked Trystan.
"Salmon I love salmon," Trystan said quickly with unusual emotion,"I mean Salmon cool." she fixed with her usual monotone.
"So, you love salmon Tryst." asked Loray while setting the table.
"I'm from Washington. We live off the stuff."
"Ah." Loray continued to set the table.
"Grandma, do you still have the computer firewalls and the proto-viruses on your computer."
"Yes. Are you gonna hack into the IRS?"
"Stay unseen." Iseul said with consern.
"Why are you hacking now? We're gonna have be having dinner." asked Joanne.
"Hacking takes time...especially if its the IRS. Its near impossible. If we get caught we go to jail."
"They why are you?" Joanne asked.
"Its the number one best way to stay unseen if we leave the country. If I can hack this system we can create new lives, that would include new names anything that will look like we just vanished, or we can change the saved information at area 42 to throw them off. What do you want?"
"I'll go for a combination of the two." answered Trystan.
"Just as I was thinking." She loaded something into the screen."Okay all set up let's eat." They said grace and ate.

After dinner they went into the study. Lynn had her grandma's computer suped up. Her grandma's computer was a new Mac. She had two computer screens a tablet and a keyboard.
"Should I start now?"
"Just hack into Area 42 and we'll scrambled up our information." suggested Loray.
"You're right take care fo the easy stuff first." she clicked on an icon and it took them straight to the mainframe of Area 42.
"So prisoners' information." she clicked on the icon and symutaniously she added a anti-trace virus. "So how's first." All of their names showed up on the screen. "I can change your pictures if you guys want."
"I'll leave you ladies alone." Iseul left.
"I go first." Loray. She clicked on her name and rewrote and photoshopped a bunch of personal information like her eye color went frmo her yellow to green her hair stayed the same though. The rest of the girls made pretty much the same fixes to the information.

It was 10:00PM when they were done. They went to bed but Lynn stayed bhind to erase their intrusion, but her eyes fell on the icon titled 'Fixed Videos and Unedited videos[/b]. she clicked on it and saw footage being clipped and edited. She saw Officer Nelms overseeing this the screen had subtitles. They read "If these gilrs show up again we will try them in court and with this fixxed evidence they will have to come back to us and live the remander of their lives at Area 42."
"This is the last straw. You want to go to court fine but first let me get some evidence of our own." She scrolled through the video clips and dowloaded them, even the one of Nemls fixing the tapes. She erased everything, and saved the videos to her jumpdrive that was in the top door of the desk. She turned of the computer and went to bed, it was 11:00PM.


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