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Chapter 1 - The Truth

Proverbs of a Prophet, that the wisdom of children should be increased.

Chapter 1 - The Truth

Chapter 1 - The Truth

The Desert Rose hath many thorns,

But he who perseveres obtains the Fragrance,

The Fragrance that is richer than the finest perfume.

Life is but a sweet dream in the slumber of eternity,

Though Grace provides a haven from the nightmare,

Truth enters the mind of the humble in their rest.

Peace is unto the Saints, and a sound mind,

Because they uphold the righteousness of the World,

Fear is but a distant memory to those who know glory.

A man's greatness is not defined by who he is,

Rather, a man's greatness is defined by those around him.

For it proves his love is greater than their strife.

A beggar hath more dignity than those who ordain themselves,

For our own ability is judged not among us, but among Him.

Seek humility, only then can you find your truth.

The truth will come upon everyone,

So find it before it finds you,

For the Truth comes to the wicked as a maelstrom.

Would not pleasure so easily substitute joy?

Would not the wrath of evil be so sweet among the wicked,

For they are of one accord…and folly lies in their steps.

Your fathers teach you not to judge others, this is so,

However, a thousand flames rest on brows the persecutors,

Never judge the man thou doest not know, for it leads to destruction.

A man will grab a ram by the horns,

Though he is drunk with his self-righteousness,

So the ram breaks his neck, and shatters his back.

The Wicked must realize their truth before they can be convicted,

Do not convict the ignorant man, for he knows not of himself,

Do not kick a man into the river help him cross.

If true love conquers all, why don't the oppressed seek it?

They shun love, for fear of angering their oppressors,

A worse fate lies for the oppressed that remain of their free will.

Is not the word mightier than the sword?

A sword may break your body, but a word can break your heart,

Master thy tongue, for it could tip the scale to salvation, or utter ruin.

Worse off is a man who commits a crime against himself,

For a murderer knows what he does,

One who destroys himself is blind, and has deafened himself.

Be at peace my children, for life comes to the sound of heart,

Do not exalt yourself among men, but be humble before your brethren,

Better a man who exalts his brother, for his time is yet to come.

Love my children, love one another,

I did not save you to be cast as a token,

A symbol of persecution among brethren.

The arrogance of some of my children…

It pains me more than it angers me,

A child should not shame his Father.

Blessed are my children who wish to give love,

For to give is much greater than to receive,

Love is meant to be given, not taken.

The hungry are hungry for a time,

And the poor are poor for a time,

But they shall have their time, give yourself to them.

I am always with you,

Why do you say I am not hear when you do not call my name?

For I sleep in your heart, waiting to be awoken.

Every man has his truth,

A lesson he must learn,

For only those who understand life can save it.

Persecute my children and you persecute yourself as well as Me,

Judge My Ways and you judge your own existence,

Doubt Me, and you doubt your Heart.

Be at rest my children, rest in my arms.

You all are loved in my site, and you all have meaning.

You plan will be fulfilled, but only when you accept your Truth.

So sleep, but not too long, because there comes a time when you must awaken.

A time of war will come, and you must fight for your heart…so rest, save your strength…

A man of the swords should never doze too soundly,

Lest he be murdered in the night.

A man of words should never sleep with his mouth open,

For the ravens will come down and steal his tongue.

A man of love should give his heart to them that lack one.

For My Heart has yet to awaken in them.

Know Me, for I am your Truth…

Seek Me, and Find Me…

Love Me, for I gave My Heart to You…

-King of the Sword

-Prince of the Word

-Spirit of the Heart


Comments (2)

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Trinity_Fire on February 26, 2006, 6:47:46 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireLovely! I adore the images I get reading this, and the lovely words...
And how certain words are capitalized, it gives it a kind of... feeling...
It's so hard to find the words to describe your work! It's so good! XD
Amazing. :)

shoujoneko on February 18, 2006, 9:26:19 PM

shoujoneko on
shoujonekoWoah! It's such an impressive poem! It uses words I haven't even heard of to, =-.-;=
Anyways, it definatly has a strong religious feel to it with all the Old English and all. I'm not a strongly religious person but theology has always intrested me. I love the way you write your poems! Your punctuation and spellings great to! (I'm a bit of a perfectionst, I think it's a Virgo thing, lol).
*adds to faves*