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Chapter 4 - It's On

The Shippuden Sequal to "Naruto: The Final Countdown"

Theme Song For Chaps 1-10
Theme Song For Chaps 10-End

Chapter 4 - It's On

Chapter 4 - It's On
Dislcaimer: I Didn't Make Naruto!
Katsu turned up the Machine a little higher to see the demon actually inside her. He zoomed to 50x40 vision inside Nara to he if he could find the demon. But it was useless. Inside, was empty, and pink. Very, very pink. He turned the vision to 60x70 vision but still, he got pink. He looked at the other Ninja hoping that they had any ideas but, he was wrong. Not anyone in the room, even unconscious Nara didn't have an idea. So he drew a conclusion.

"Okay so isn't working," he began. "We have to find a way to release the Demon out of Namida. But how?" he tapped his lip and then the shoulderband Ninja showed him a piece of paper.

"It seems in Nara Namida's profile says the Hokkoyoku demon is released by anger, or sadness. So which one shall we be doing today?" asked the shoulderband Ninja.

"I'm going to try the anger path." said Katsu. "If the anger path doesn't work. We'll try sadness...wait a minute." Katsu evilly smirked. "It also says on July 18th, he family died. I'm going to remind her of her cruel, fatal past. Which will both bring sadness, and anger. It's the only way to go."

"Okay," said the waistband Ninja. "Katsu, you're going to far. Nara Namida can't handle all of this. If it gets out of hand, who's going to stop the Hokkoyoku? You barely even know illusion jutsu because your Genjutsu sucks. So if you are going to try and release the Hokkoyoku like that, well then, I feel sorry for you. Because I am not going to be apart of this!"

"Hitomi, Hitomi, Hitomi," said Katsu. "I thought you were a Snow Eagle. The Yukihagetaka never backs down! Even if the chances are fatal. If we die, so what! That's what being a Snow Eagle is about! So if you feel the need to be a goody-goody and punkish, now is your chance. So do you want to leave the Yukihagetaka? Or not?!"

Hitomi looked at the ground. She put her arms behind her back and squated down. She was quiet for about a moment. Then she was thinking up a plan. Her eyes were tightly closed, and her hands were making secret handsigns behind her back. She looked up at Katsu and evilly smirked. Her hands were in the sign of a "Boar". She yelled out. "Yuki Style, Bald Eagle justu!!!" A rather large Blue and White sbow eagle flew into the lair and froze everything in sight. Hitomi let Nara free, climbed on the Eagle with Nara, and flew to Konohagakure.
In Konohagakure
Kiba was standing by the Leaf Village gate when he saw a lock of Light-Brown hair by his foot. He sniffed i and it had the scent of Strawberry-Kiwi Lemon-Lime hair shampoo. Akane's shampoo scent. He clutched the hair to his chest and looked up at the sky. Then he saw two Ninja with black robes with red clouds decorated on them.

"Oh Great." He thought. "She must be back. With someone else. But then again.

As the Ninja reached the gate, Kiba backed up slowly. Not realizing Selina was behind him so ofcourse, he fell on top of her. When the Ninja came inside the gate. They saw Kiba on top of her. One Ninja with blonde hair and a peice hanging down covering his left eye helped Kiba up and pushed him aside. Where then he'd pick up Selina. Realizing who he was, Selina jumped up and yelled.

"Deidara-Samma what are you doing here!?" she extacticly yelled.

"I need to see Lord Hokage." Deidara answered. "Now where is he?"

"Uh...he?" she asked

"Yea," he answered again. "The Third Hokage. He...He is here, right?"

"Um..." she stuttered. "Not exactly. You see, a Long time ago, Orochimaru....well...killed him. So now we have Gondaime Hokage!"

"The Fifth Hokage?"


"Well, where is she? I was told by Master Pein to deliver a certain message to her."

"Sooo..." said Selina. "He sent you AND Sasori?"

"Yea." answered Deidara.

"DeiDei-Kun. Let me deliver this message to her. I'm pretty sure Pein-Samma won't mind."

"Well..." said Deidara. "It saves me some time, and it's alot of work. Soooo, yea you can do it. At least I'll seize the Day."
In Yukigakure Skies
Hitomi was constantly looking back to see if any of her Yukihagetaka members were ganging up on her. They weren't. At least, not until she turned back around to fin Kastu, the Headband Ninja, and the shoulderband Ninja floating in front of her.

"Think You Could get away that easy? Huh Hitomi?" he asked.

"K-Kastu?" she stunendly said. "How did you escape? That Jutsu doesn't wear off for another Four Hours!"

"Did you forget that you're dealing with the master of escape justu?" he asked. "You don't know who you're dealing with. So like I said before. Hand over Nara Namida!!!"

Hitomi squinted her eyes. She grabbed Nara and flew of the Eagle where then, she would pull out a sliver food pill. When she at it, she grew wings that looked like Dragon hands. Shiny, Silvery-Gold wings. She'd fly toward the Yukigakure Village Gate. Gracefully and quickly, she flapped her wings as fast as she could to get away from the rest of the Ninjas. But her plan didn't go to smoothly. Eventually, her food Pill wings ran out. And she Fell to the ground. Kastu took advantage of that. He would fly down and take Nara when Hitomi was unconscious. But as he reached down to touch her, her would poof and disappear.

"What!" yelled Katsu. "How did she-? When did she-? She couldnt've-!"

"Um..." said Hitomi from a far distance. "Yes I could've! And Now, since you still have on your Yukihagetaka armor on, you can't go at least Three Miles from the Snow Village gate!"

Hitomi had on her ANBU uniform. She'd ditched the Yukihagetaka uniform a long time ago. They just hadn't noticed. She flapped as fast as she could leaving Yukigakure and off to Konohagakure.

"This is Impossible!" said Katsu.

"Actually," said the Headband Ninja. "No it's Not. I mean Hitomi was the most intelligent and sophisticated member of the Yukihagetaka. So this isn't New News."
In Konohagakure
Hitomi had made it to the Leaf Village gate. Where'd she see Deidara, Kiba, Sasori, and Kiba. She looked around at all four Ninja who noticed she had Nara in her right hand clutched to her waist. She gently let Nara down who purposly woke up after the situation in Yukigakure. She smirked, got up and wiped herself clean. She stood up proudly and shook Hitomi's hand.

"W-What?" asked Hitomi apauled by these Actions. "N-Nara Namida? You weren't unconscious?"

"Nope Not at all!" said Nara. "That justu you guys used was totally flawless on me! But now, since you lead me to the Leaf Village gate, I'll be able to start the Destruction."

"D-Destruction?" asked Kiba. "What do you mean Destruction?"

Nara poofed and it was non-other than Akane Hyuuga. She had pretended to be Nara for a while because she knew that one of the Yukihagetaka memebers were soft. But that wasn't the case. When Katsu turned on the Machine which spit smoke and other inaction objects, Akane switched Nara with herself and poofed into Nara.

"A-Akane?!" yelled Kiba. "I've got to go tell Lady Hokage!"

"You're not going anywhere punk!" yelled Akane. She did some handsigns and did 8 Trigrams 64 Palms on each one of them. "8 Trigrams: Two Palms! Four Palms! Eight Palms! Sixteen Palms! Thirty-Two Palms! 8 Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms!"

Everybody was lied out on the ground Chakra-Less, and a whole Blockcade of Sound Ninja filled the Leaf Village Gate.
In Yukigakure
Katsu noticed something strange. He saw Nara Namida, in the snow, on the ground. He picked her up and showed her to the other members. He used his Anti-transformation Jutsu but it didn't work. This was the real Nara Namida.

"Heh," he chuckled. "Nice try Hitomi, but you've gotten the wrong Nara Namida." He whispered in Nara's ear. "Remeber July 18th? When you're family died? It was the most horrid day in your entire life right?"

A Bit of Pale Blue Chakra flowed through Nara's body

"That's right," he whispered again. "Your Mom, Dad, and younger brother were killed in this tragic accident. Or was it an accident at all? Did someon plan for this to happen? Or was it your fault?

Then, a Whole lot of Pale-Blue chakra exposed it's way through Nara's Body as she would angrily get up. She swatted Kastu away and slammed him agaisnt the tree. She took the Headband Ninja, and through him to an electric gate. Where he would burn up. Then, She took the Shoulderband Ninja and punch her in the face, giving her a broken nose. The Era of Hokkoyoku Nara, has begun. Yukigakure would never be the same again.
In a Random Place In Yukigakure
"Did you see her?" asked Random Ninja One.

"Yes," said Random Ninja Number Two. "It looks like our Ninja friend has did our Dirty work of us. Shall we continue our quest?

"No," said Random Ninja One. "We'll just sit back and relax. We'll attack when the time is right.
A/N: It's offical. Those Random Ninja are weirdos! Who do they want. Why do they want them! Why am I Eating Potato Salad! Why do I think Katsu's a peadofile!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!

Next Chappie: ~Like I know!~[/b]


Comments (8)

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sweetsacrifice28 on November 23, 2007, 1:13:01 AM

sweetsacrifice28 on
sweetsacrifice28Great job!!!!

AnimeAngel87 on November 23, 2007, 1:16:27 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87Thanks K00s

I will

ladychaos on November 22, 2007, 5:43:18 PM

ladychaos on
ladychaosawesome chapter
poor Kiba, DeiDei and Sasori didn't notice the transformation jutsu

AnimeAngel87 on November 23, 2007, 12:16:39 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87I Knows


FluffysPrincess2968 on November 22, 2007, 1:07:43 PM

FluffysPrincess2968 on
FluffysPrincess2968Ending: XDDDDD
This was AWESOME!!! :D One thing though, in the chap before this, you made Ishizu sound dumb... D: FLUFFY NO LIKEY!!! There was even a report on the news that girls with curves were smarter than stick-ish people!!!

AnimeAngel87 on November 22, 2007, 1:40:37 PM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87XD I be Sorry

I'll back her sound more Smart in the next chaps!!!!

Kouni46892742 on November 22, 2007, 12:53:32 PM

Kouni46892742 on

AnimeAngel87 on November 22, 2007, 12:58:15 PM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87Tank K00s!

Kouni46892742 on November 22, 2007, 1:02:43 PM

Kouni46892742 on
Kouni46892742Can't wait for next chapter!