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Chapter 7 - All-For-One and One-For-None

The Shippuden Sequal to "Naruto: The Final Countdown"

Theme Song For Chaps 1-10
Theme Song For Chaps 10-End

Chapter 7 - All-For-One and One-For-None

Chapter 7 - All-For-One and One-For-None
Disclaimer: I Didn't Make Naruto!
After Ishizu and Kii's lesson about explosives, they went to go find Sinshea and Raine. As soon as they found them, they told them about the telescope bombs. They went to Lady Hokage's office to explain what happened. After they did, Lady Hokage got up and went to the Leaf Village with them. They pointed to bushes with eyes poking out of them. Lady Hokage scractched her head and bent down to look at the telescope eye to eye. When she got a little bit closer, the eye went from black to an icy yellow color. Lady Hokage screamed in fear and backed away slowly. She turned back to Ishizu with a face of surprise and looked at the rest of the Leaf Village.

"So This is all Orochimaru's plan?" she asked with suspicion while looking around at the Leaf Vilage.

"Yep!" said Kii. "There are so many of these Telescope bombs planted in bushes all over the Leaf Village. And We came across this big ol' hole planted inside the center of Konoha. We were going to look inside but I thought it was going too be dangerous so we didn't."

"Well that was good thinking Kii. Now we've got to get all these bomb out of here before the Leaf Village becomes one big hole!"

"But since the bombs are touch activated, don't we need something to carry it with so it won't explode?" asked Raine.

"Oh," said Lady Hokage. "I never thought of that. So, what are we going to do if we can't touch them? Only Orochimaru has the key to that jutsu. But asking something from him is like asking something that costs money. He always has to make a bargin."

"Well," said Sinshea. "Akane joined Orochimaru. So She has to have learned all his jutsu. You think we should ask her? You even said if she wanted to come back to the Leaf Village, you're hands would be open anytime to let her in."

"Yea," said Lady Hokage. "I did say that. But Orochimaru is going to do something to foil the plans, so we're going to have to do something else. But what? Who would want to come back to the Leaf Village for anything in the world if he or she joined Orochimaru?"

"Naruto?" asked Kii. "Naruto loves the Leaf Village. He would Leave and come anytime. Let's ask Naruto to see if he could do it."

"Are you serious?" asked Ishizu. "This could but Naruto's life in Danger. You know how Orochimaru gets when he's double-crossed. He has Kabuto, Sakon and Ukon, Tayuya, Jirobo, Kidomaru, and Kimimaro do his dirty work for him since he has no arms to do his jutsu. But I wouldn't believe Naruto would join Orochimaru since he hates him so much for taking Sasuke. So What's our Plan B?"

"Um...One of Us Poof as Orochimaru and Get the Jutsu!" said Sinshea.

"Or how about we Just get Kakashi-Sensei to make one of Orochimaru's Ninja do the that jutsu and let him copy it. Or at Least When he Does it let him do it too."

"That's an exellent idea Raine!" exclaimed Lady Hokage. "We'll make Kakashi copy that jutsu! Now where is he?"

"Last time I heard He was with Asuma and Kurenai in Iwagakure doing something for Tenzou." said Ishizu. "So now what?"

"Hm..." said Lady Hokage. "I don't know. I usually only have about two plans because the second one always seems to work. So there's no need for a thrid one."

"Isn't there another person in the Leaf Village with Sharingan?" asked Raine.

"No." said Lady Hokage. "Itachi killed his clan so he's gone. Sasuke Joined Orochimaru. And Kakashi's on a mission. If you know anyone with Sharingan please tell me."

Lady Hokage wnt back to the Hokage faces and went into her room. She plopped down in a seat looking out thw window. Ishizu looked rows of telescopes in the bushes. She gazed at each one of them closly to see their eye color. She noticed one with these icy-blue cat like eyes. She went behind a bush and saw a Sound Village Ninja aiding the telescope. She took out one of her Kunai's and beat up 4 Ninjas.

"Kii, Raine, Sinshea!" she yelled. "Get behind those bushes and aid those telescopes."

"Right!" they said
In Yukigakure
Nara threw a Kunai at a spot in the Armor glass. When the spot cracked, it repaired quickly. She threw a Kunai at the middle spot. She noticed it repaired very slowly. She threw another Kunai at the same spot. The crack was large and it repaired slower than before. She threw one more Kunai at that spot and the glass broke. The chakra ball disappeared. Katsu got weaker and slammed against the snow covered ground.

"W-Well," said Nara. "I-I g-guess I was th-the only one wh-who found the w-weak spot in your a-armor? I-I k-knew there was a w-weak sp-spot. B-But you tried to tr-trick me and make be b-believe there wasn't. B-But that last sentence y-you said gave away y-your secret t-to disabling th-that armor."

"Well," said Katsu. "I see I was an idiot and gave away the weak spot. Now what Namida? What are you going to do now?"

"Surrender to us." said Random Ninja One. "We need the Namida girl for a little experiment. She's the key to our success. So if you would just come with us, we can get this over with."

"I-I'm n-not going anywhere!" exclaimed Nara. "I'm going w-where I b-belong!"

"That's the point Namida." said Random Ninja Three. "You belong here. With us. In your hometown. Yukigakure. The Village Hidden in the Snow. So if you would kindly step inside the tree, we can continue this process."

"I don't think so!" yelled Hitomi. She grabbed Nara under the Arms and placed her on the Hawk. "Nara's comming with me back to the Leaf Village where she belongs. You creeps are making her feel like hating this place. Kidnapping a girl. How dumb and immature does that sound. You're older than her. I thought you knew better."

Hitomi jumped off her Hawk and told it to take Nara back to the Leaf Village. As soon as the Hawk Left, Random Ninja Four jumped on the tail and hung on the bottom as it took Nara to the Leaf Village. He front-flipped off the tail onto the body and stood behind Nara.

"You weren't getting away that easily Namida." he said. "I have a duty to do and you're not about to ruin by running away. You can run but you can't hide. I have a secret Jutsu that can find you. So don't think you're going to get the special treatment. You know, Hitomi was very dumb for leaving you unsupervised. So Now it's just you, me, and Ninjutsu.
In Konohagakure
Team 14 were looking at passing by Ninja. They searched for sound Ninja up and down but didn't notice any. They saw a pale skinned girl with purple hair and piercing goldish-yellow eyes. She has the Sound Village Headband on around her Neck. She looked around and got into a fighting position. Kii thought she spotted a Leaf Village Ninja so she hid for a minute. Kii jumped out and the girl grabbed her wrist. She threw her to the other side. As the same with Sinshea. Raine and Ishizu being smart, stayed in the bushes while Kii and Sinshea were fighting the girl.

"Who are you?" asked Sinshea.

"Aimi Kumagae." answered the girl. "I'm a rouge Ninja from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. I transferred to The Village Hidden in the Sound because I could."

"But why?" asked Kii. "What does Orochimaru offer?"

"Power, ability, and strength. Something that regular Village never give." answered Aimi.

"Come to the Leaf Village!" said Sinshea. "We offer all of that!"

"Maybe that's the reason Lord Orochimaru is taking over this piece of crap called the Leaf Village. He's building some spice to it." she said shallow-like.

"That's it!" yelled Raine. "I'm not having any Orochimaru Mini-Me disgrace the Leaf Village Like that." She jumped out the bush and landed by Aimi.

They stood face to face with the wind blowing their hair. Raine took out a Kunai, as did Aimi. Raine took the Kunai and slightly slid it in her pocket. Aimi looked at what she was doing with confusion. She wondered what she was doing. Raine tried to kick her in the face. Aimi grabbed her foot, and flipped her upside down. Raine landed on the ground but flipped right back up.

Raine charged Aimi with force and started attacking with taijutsu. Aimi dodged, ducked, and stopped her punches and hits with her fists. Aimi kicked Raine in the face and flipped to do it once more. Raine would then backflip about 3 metes and jumped back to Aimi and start punching and kicking again. She took out her Kunai and sliced Aimi's leg but Aimi got away in time.

Aimi took out her Kunai and held it against Raine's neck. Raine took Aimi's arm and threw her toward a building. The Building cracked as Aimi slighttly got up from the pain. She charged Raine and stared punching her in the stomach, face, and ribs. Raine countered by spinning around and swipping Aimi off her feet. Aimi fell, got back up and started quick-punching Raine.

Raine would fall into those hit's and get thrown about 6 more meters than normal. She slowly got up and fell back down. She coughed up blood and stayed in the ground. Aimi looked at the telescope with Ishizu's eyes and walked behind it. As she moved the bush to see Ishizu, she wasn't there. She turned arond and there was Ishizu with her crystal arms charging at Aimi. Aimi jumped up in a tree avoiding Ishizu's contact.
In the Hawk
Nara stood up to notice Random Ninja Four has green chakra glowing out of his palm.

"I call this, Rasengan the second stage." he said.

"W-Who are y-you?" asked Nara

"Riku Sakai." he answered.

"W-What do you w-want?" asked Nara again.

"Well," Riku said. "Technically I'm not supposed to tell you, but since you're about to die, I will. My Group wants you to see your demon. We find the Hokkoyoku very interesting."

Nara skydived out of the Hawk and enjoyed the breeze of the wind in her face. Riku noticed and quickly sky dived out of the Hawk. He caught up to Nara. He grabbed her just as they were about to hit the ground. They fell into a hole only to not be seen.
A/N: Uh-Oh, another Big whole. Good thing Riku grabbed her. What will they do now?!!! WILL WE EVER FIND OUT???!!!??!!! Oh, and The Purple haired girl was some random girl Orochimaru adopted. Her Description makes her sound Like Orochimaru's fangirl but she's not. Deep down she hates Orochimaru! Or does She? TUNE IN TO SEE! WILL WE EVER FIND OUT?!?!?! Yes, we will, on X-mas. Big O'l Cliffie Right? HAHAHA!!! I'm Evil Big Big Big Cliffie So Enjoy this chappie when you Can!!!!!!

Next Chapter:~HAHAHAH!!!!! CHRISTAMS DAY!!!!!!![/b]

Jk( But idk when I'm gonna update. My Principal said me and my friend Raneika Vandilized the gilrs locker room bathroom but we didn't. She said she saw us with the camrera. First off, why is there a camera in the locker room? )


Comments (9)

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ladychaos on December 8, 2007, 10:19:34 PM

ladychaos on
ladychaosawesome chapter
very cool fight scenes

AnimeAngel87 on December 9, 2007, 2:11:03 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87Thank You^_^
I Try

FluffysPrincess2968 on December 8, 2007, 1:16:10 PM

FluffysPrincess2968 on
FluffysPrincess2968w00t! RAINE SEMI-KICKED THAT GIRLS ARSE!!!! XD

AnimeAngel87 on December 9, 2007, 2:10:52 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87HELLZ YEA SHE DID!!!

tinystarkitten on December 8, 2007, 9:36:54 AM

tinystarkitten on
tinystarkittenLots of fightin' scenes! >D
Oh snap, another dude who know Rasengan! :O Awesome! >w<

just one thing... I believe you are talking about a "hole" That Nara and Riku dived into, not "whole"... just sayin'! x3

AnimeAngel87 on December 8, 2007, 9:42:26 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87I Luvs Me Some Fightin Scences =3

Yea it's a Habit. I Get Whole and Hole mixed up

Kouni46892742 on December 8, 2007, 7:16:25 AM

Kouni46892742 on


AnimeAngel87 on December 8, 2007, 7:57:27 AM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87I Take it u didn't see the jk part...did you?

Kouni46892742 on December 8, 2007, 8:01:30 AM

Kouni46892742 on
Kouni46892742Now I did!
That's evil! You need to give proof that you didn't! Like a security tape! Or a decent alibi! Or even better! Try and redraw the grafitti in your own style! Once they see how different the styles are, you'll be in the clear!