Chapter 1 - Coming Back
Submitted August 25, 2007 Updated March 9, 2009 Status Complete | (Somewhat like 'Stuck in Limbo') Wizardmon wakes up in an unknown area...(Contains light WizGato)
Anime/Manga » Digimon series » Couples/Pairings |
Chapter 1 - Coming Back
Chapter 1 - Coming Back
(Wizardmon's POV)
That's the only thing I can feel...I feel's like I'm engulfed within the grasp of freezing water...disconnected from everything, nothing but silence to the silence is deafening...
I know I've died...I remember Gatomon speaking to me as I lay on the ground, dying...and then...I was gone...I remember nothing till the time I saw her again, though I was but a mere phantom of warn them...I remember her trying to grab my hand, but it slipped through with no obstruction...quite upsetting...
But am I?
My eyes open, and instantly feeling starts to sink into my system once again...a prickling feeling of grass was the first thing I noticed...and the breeze was the next. I hesitantly rose to my feet and looked at myself first. Everything was intact, nothing missing except my main weapon...I turned to gaze at my seemed as if I was in the center of an area surrounded by trees and runes...with a large, but seemingly shallow puddle just in front of me. I curiously blink as I study the symbol coated stones around me, though I couldn't quite understand what they said.
I was startled when I looked back at the puddle to find my wand, the one Myotismon had supposedly destroyed, rise from the water. With a pause, I reached out and took it, stepping back a foot or two when a orange gloved hand had come out to sit with it's fingers out of the liquid as a result of me taking my wand.
Silently, I watched as it felt around in the air, looking for the item I retrieved, and upon finding nothing, it slipped to the edge of the puddle and grasped it...and the other hand appeared, doing the same with the opposite side. There was a momentary pause before they started to pull up their owner from the supposedly shallow liquid.
First, there was a hat, much like my own, that sat upon the water, before it's wearer started to rise out of the water, eventually standing upon it as though it was the ground. They stepped off of it and came onto the grass, their eyes looking upon me.
He was a Wizardmon, though he appeared quite different. His pointed steeple hat, which had a black line around like mine, except a bright red diamond replaced the skull, was a dull orange, his vest sharing the same color. His cape was the color of blood, it's collar hiding away most of his face. However, you could still see his peach skin, amber colored eyes and his uneven coal colored hair that hid most of his right eye. Whereas my jumpsuit was a light yellow, his was a burnt orange..that had zipped up pockets with faces appearing as evil, insane and depressed. His gloves and shoes were both a rather bright red-orange, his gloves missing the zippers mine had, and unlike where two crescent moons sat upon my pair of shoes, golden suns sat upon his...which was the exact opposite of his own wand, which was silver and metal with a blue crescent moon sitting atop it.
Curious enough of the being that stood before me, I asked...
(Lucifer's POV)
"Who are you?" My elfen ears twitched slightly as I heard that question. I clear my throat and pull my steeple hat off as I bow with an elegance. "I am Lucifer, the 'Keeper'" I reply, rising up quickly and returning my hat to it's rightful place. "What exactly is 'here'?" The Wizardmon before me inquires. My dark honey-colored eyes glance around and I speak. "Heaven...somewhat."
His questioning gaze made me sigh, I'd have to explain a little bit. "It's made for Digimon in somewhat of a limbo...their data cannot go to the Digital World for some reason or other, and the creature with said data cannot be recreated...therefore, it places them here." I wave my hand to indicate the whole place around the two of us. "And, that really has only happened once before with moi. Some come around...but usually their data manages to squirm it's way out of here and takes them back to the Digital World."
"So, in other words...welcome to limbo for maybe 15 or 20 minutes!" I give a small chuckle before I quiet down as he spoke again. "How did you end up here?"
(Wizardmon's POV)
"I do not know...I remember how I died, though..." He pulled down his collar, revealing a half-stitched mouth that was twisted into a fanged, and insanity hinted, grin. He had an eerie glaze over his eyes. "I was burned alive...toasted to nothing but my data...all because I helped a human girl...a friend..out of the building..but the building crashed down upon me before I had the chance to escape."
"How I ended up here, however, is a mystery." He waved it off like it was nothing...while I stood, somewhat in the name of the Digital World could he just do that? Wave off his death of being killed by fire like it was nothing?
"How about you?"
(Lucifer's POV)
"I died trying to save my friend..." I heard the other say, his emerald eyes watching me...studying me...judging me. Of course, I would understand why. "Now, why would you be here, is what I wish to know." I said, finally moving, slowly encircling him, to look at him.
"You are a creature that has befriended a digi-destined. You jumped in front of a blast from an evil entity to save said digi-destined....and you died. Very caring, never regretted being friends with them...but, you seem to be unable to return to the digital world because you wish to still watch over your friend...and you cannot do that if you are recreated. Correct?" I speak, guessing...and I seem to do so correctly by the surprise that lingers in the light blue skinned Wizardmon that I circle around.
With a silent nod of his head, I give a grin. "Then there is hope for you yet to be recreated. You see..." I stop abruptly in front of him and twist on my heel, facing the puddle. "Being I am the Keeper of this place...I can see each and every digital creature and human that someone, like you...or I know of..." I outstretch my hand and move it quickly over the water, which allowed to gently glow with a dim and mystical light.
I slipped to the side, and let my raised arm stretch to the side, encouraging the other to come and peer into the liquid.
(Wizardmon's POV)
I saw him tilt his head towards the water, and I carefully came over and kneeled down, gazing at the blue liquid...I couldn't help but give a grin as I saw Gatomon with Kari. "You can watch over her...but you don't have to stay dead in order to do that.."
I glance up at Lucifer...he lacked the smile he had had upon his face a moment ago, now it was a neutral line upon his face. He calmly came over and sat on the opposite side of the small pool of water. "So, that is the one you protected?" He inquired, his head tilted curiously. I gave another nod as an answer to his question...he gave a slight grin. "Would you wish to return to her?"
(Lucifer's POV)
"What?" He asked, making sure he heard correctly. "I said, would you wish to return to her?" I repeated, and a stare was my reply, before the Wizardmon finally managed to string together words. "You mean you could...?" "Yes...if you wish to, however." I told him, my dark honey colored eyes gazing at him.
"Yes...I would like to go back."
I gave a smile, and I bowed my head before rising. The pool of water began to grow larger, and Wizardmon rose to his feet with a hint of interest. I stepped onto the water, standing on it as if it were just glass, and held out my hand. "Then let's go and see Gatomon."
(Wizardmon's POV)
I look at his gloved hand for a moment...I had been dead for so long...what if Gatomon didn't remember me any longer? Lucifer seemed to notice my hesitation and he spoke. "She still remembers you, are her friend, and friends remember friends." With that, I reach out and take his hand, following him onto the water.
The feeling of sinking...sinking into water...was frightening...the fact I couldn't swim just made me quite...uneasy. But the flame clad being next to me just looked at me, a grin on his face, as that dark, freezing liquid came around us....and then was suddenly gone...lights of the city and stars in the sky came to my surroundings...everything just faded into reality..or rather, we faded into reality.
I hear Lucifer inquire as to where Gatomon and Kari live...and after I answered him, he led the way through the chilled night.
(Lucifer's POV)
Eventually, we landed upon the concrete deck Kari's home had outside...we both looked into the interior of the home to find the human and the Digimon inside, watching something on the television...that is...until Gatomon caught sight of Wizardmon. She alerted Kari immediately and they were both quick to come out into the night and see if it was really him.
(Wizardmon's POV)
" that really you?" I heard the cat question, looking up at me with her light-blue eyes. "You died did you come back?" "Lucifer, here...helped me come back." I glanced over at the flame-clad Wizardmon. He bowed elegantly once again, though he spoke nothing. I raised out my hand, like I did before...the feline digimon looked at me, and my hand. I could tell she had the fear of thinking I was just a ghost...she reached out and looked a little amazed when her clawed glove was encased within my own hand, unlike before.
The next thing I knew, I was tackled in a hug from the same little feline, who happily clung to me and wept joyfully that I had returned, and I smiled warmly and returned the embrace, if albeit unused to it.
(Lucifer's POV)
It was quite an emotional moment to see that reunion...I wiped the few tears slipping from my eyes, muttering as 'something in my eye' and I looked at them all. I thought now, I should make my leave. I tilted my hat and turned around, prepared to leave when I heard Gatomon, the little feline, hop down to the ground and tug on my cape. My eyes fell down upon her, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you." I heard her say, while she rubbed away her own tears. "You are welcome." Was a whisper of my reply before I rose up from the ground. I saw them all wave, even the Wizard Digimon I was leaving behind to stay with them. "Goodbye and good-luck!" Were my last words before my physical form finally disassembled ito take me to my isolation once again.
(Wizardmon's POV)
As me, Gatomon and Kari watch as Lucifer disappeared, I could not help but feel a sense of overwhelming happiness as Gatomon came back over to me, back into my arms to hug me once again. I looked up at the sky once more and smiled, before Kari offered for me to come in, saying something about how cold it was. Appreciatively, I thanked her and entered the building, all the while Gatomon told me how happy she was to have me back.
(Lucifer's POV)
I watch through the puddle from the Digital limbo, watching as Kari sat Wizardmon down with she and Gatomon, whom had came out of the Wizard Digimon's arms, and joined them in watching the movie they had been watching till he had arrived...till the feline had kissed him upon the cheek at one point, and he blushed and just looked very dazed..poor guy. Heh.
I chuckle and stand, walking away from the little thing of water. "I am such a nice person."
(The End)
That's the only thing I can feel...I feel's like I'm engulfed within the grasp of freezing water...disconnected from everything, nothing but silence to the silence is deafening...
I know I've died...I remember Gatomon speaking to me as I lay on the ground, dying...and then...I was gone...I remember nothing till the time I saw her again, though I was but a mere phantom of warn them...I remember her trying to grab my hand, but it slipped through with no obstruction...quite upsetting...
But am I?
My eyes open, and instantly feeling starts to sink into my system once again...a prickling feeling of grass was the first thing I noticed...and the breeze was the next. I hesitantly rose to my feet and looked at myself first. Everything was intact, nothing missing except my main weapon...I turned to gaze at my seemed as if I was in the center of an area surrounded by trees and runes...with a large, but seemingly shallow puddle just in front of me. I curiously blink as I study the symbol coated stones around me, though I couldn't quite understand what they said.
I was startled when I looked back at the puddle to find my wand, the one Myotismon had supposedly destroyed, rise from the water. With a pause, I reached out and took it, stepping back a foot or two when a orange gloved hand had come out to sit with it's fingers out of the liquid as a result of me taking my wand.
Silently, I watched as it felt around in the air, looking for the item I retrieved, and upon finding nothing, it slipped to the edge of the puddle and grasped it...and the other hand appeared, doing the same with the opposite side. There was a momentary pause before they started to pull up their owner from the supposedly shallow liquid.
First, there was a hat, much like my own, that sat upon the water, before it's wearer started to rise out of the water, eventually standing upon it as though it was the ground. They stepped off of it and came onto the grass, their eyes looking upon me.
He was a Wizardmon, though he appeared quite different. His pointed steeple hat, which had a black line around like mine, except a bright red diamond replaced the skull, was a dull orange, his vest sharing the same color. His cape was the color of blood, it's collar hiding away most of his face. However, you could still see his peach skin, amber colored eyes and his uneven coal colored hair that hid most of his right eye. Whereas my jumpsuit was a light yellow, his was a burnt orange..that had zipped up pockets with faces appearing as evil, insane and depressed. His gloves and shoes were both a rather bright red-orange, his gloves missing the zippers mine had, and unlike where two crescent moons sat upon my pair of shoes, golden suns sat upon his...which was the exact opposite of his own wand, which was silver and metal with a blue crescent moon sitting atop it.
Curious enough of the being that stood before me, I asked...
(Lucifer's POV)
"Who are you?" My elfen ears twitched slightly as I heard that question. I clear my throat and pull my steeple hat off as I bow with an elegance. "I am Lucifer, the 'Keeper'" I reply, rising up quickly and returning my hat to it's rightful place. "What exactly is 'here'?" The Wizardmon before me inquires. My dark honey-colored eyes glance around and I speak. "Heaven...somewhat."
His questioning gaze made me sigh, I'd have to explain a little bit. "It's made for Digimon in somewhat of a limbo...their data cannot go to the Digital World for some reason or other, and the creature with said data cannot be recreated...therefore, it places them here." I wave my hand to indicate the whole place around the two of us. "And, that really has only happened once before with moi. Some come around...but usually their data manages to squirm it's way out of here and takes them back to the Digital World."
"So, in other words...welcome to limbo for maybe 15 or 20 minutes!" I give a small chuckle before I quiet down as he spoke again. "How did you end up here?"
(Wizardmon's POV)
"I do not know...I remember how I died, though..." He pulled down his collar, revealing a half-stitched mouth that was twisted into a fanged, and insanity hinted, grin. He had an eerie glaze over his eyes. "I was burned alive...toasted to nothing but my data...all because I helped a human girl...a friend..out of the building..but the building crashed down upon me before I had the chance to escape."
"How I ended up here, however, is a mystery." He waved it off like it was nothing...while I stood, somewhat in the name of the Digital World could he just do that? Wave off his death of being killed by fire like it was nothing?
"How about you?"
(Lucifer's POV)
"I died trying to save my friend..." I heard the other say, his emerald eyes watching me...studying me...judging me. Of course, I would understand why. "Now, why would you be here, is what I wish to know." I said, finally moving, slowly encircling him, to look at him.
"You are a creature that has befriended a digi-destined. You jumped in front of a blast from an evil entity to save said digi-destined....and you died. Very caring, never regretted being friends with them...but, you seem to be unable to return to the digital world because you wish to still watch over your friend...and you cannot do that if you are recreated. Correct?" I speak, guessing...and I seem to do so correctly by the surprise that lingers in the light blue skinned Wizardmon that I circle around.
With a silent nod of his head, I give a grin. "Then there is hope for you yet to be recreated. You see..." I stop abruptly in front of him and twist on my heel, facing the puddle. "Being I am the Keeper of this place...I can see each and every digital creature and human that someone, like you...or I know of..." I outstretch my hand and move it quickly over the water, which allowed to gently glow with a dim and mystical light.
I slipped to the side, and let my raised arm stretch to the side, encouraging the other to come and peer into the liquid.
(Wizardmon's POV)
I saw him tilt his head towards the water, and I carefully came over and kneeled down, gazing at the blue liquid...I couldn't help but give a grin as I saw Gatomon with Kari. "You can watch over her...but you don't have to stay dead in order to do that.."
I glance up at Lucifer...he lacked the smile he had had upon his face a moment ago, now it was a neutral line upon his face. He calmly came over and sat on the opposite side of the small pool of water. "So, that is the one you protected?" He inquired, his head tilted curiously. I gave another nod as an answer to his question...he gave a slight grin. "Would you wish to return to her?"
(Lucifer's POV)
"What?" He asked, making sure he heard correctly. "I said, would you wish to return to her?" I repeated, and a stare was my reply, before the Wizardmon finally managed to string together words. "You mean you could...?" "Yes...if you wish to, however." I told him, my dark honey colored eyes gazing at him.
"Yes...I would like to go back."
I gave a smile, and I bowed my head before rising. The pool of water began to grow larger, and Wizardmon rose to his feet with a hint of interest. I stepped onto the water, standing on it as if it were just glass, and held out my hand. "Then let's go and see Gatomon."
(Wizardmon's POV)
I look at his gloved hand for a moment...I had been dead for so long...what if Gatomon didn't remember me any longer? Lucifer seemed to notice my hesitation and he spoke. "She still remembers you, are her friend, and friends remember friends." With that, I reach out and take his hand, following him onto the water.
The feeling of sinking...sinking into water...was frightening...the fact I couldn't swim just made me quite...uneasy. But the flame clad being next to me just looked at me, a grin on his face, as that dark, freezing liquid came around us....and then was suddenly gone...lights of the city and stars in the sky came to my surroundings...everything just faded into reality..or rather, we faded into reality.
I hear Lucifer inquire as to where Gatomon and Kari live...and after I answered him, he led the way through the chilled night.
(Lucifer's POV)
Eventually, we landed upon the concrete deck Kari's home had outside...we both looked into the interior of the home to find the human and the Digimon inside, watching something on the television...that is...until Gatomon caught sight of Wizardmon. She alerted Kari immediately and they were both quick to come out into the night and see if it was really him.
(Wizardmon's POV)
" that really you?" I heard the cat question, looking up at me with her light-blue eyes. "You died did you come back?" "Lucifer, here...helped me come back." I glanced over at the flame-clad Wizardmon. He bowed elegantly once again, though he spoke nothing. I raised out my hand, like I did before...the feline digimon looked at me, and my hand. I could tell she had the fear of thinking I was just a ghost...she reached out and looked a little amazed when her clawed glove was encased within my own hand, unlike before.
The next thing I knew, I was tackled in a hug from the same little feline, who happily clung to me and wept joyfully that I had returned, and I smiled warmly and returned the embrace, if albeit unused to it.
(Lucifer's POV)
It was quite an emotional moment to see that reunion...I wiped the few tears slipping from my eyes, muttering as 'something in my eye' and I looked at them all. I thought now, I should make my leave. I tilted my hat and turned around, prepared to leave when I heard Gatomon, the little feline, hop down to the ground and tug on my cape. My eyes fell down upon her, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you." I heard her say, while she rubbed away her own tears. "You are welcome." Was a whisper of my reply before I rose up from the ground. I saw them all wave, even the Wizard Digimon I was leaving behind to stay with them. "Goodbye and good-luck!" Were my last words before my physical form finally disassembled ito take me to my isolation once again.
(Wizardmon's POV)
As me, Gatomon and Kari watch as Lucifer disappeared, I could not help but feel a sense of overwhelming happiness as Gatomon came back over to me, back into my arms to hug me once again. I looked up at the sky once more and smiled, before Kari offered for me to come in, saying something about how cold it was. Appreciatively, I thanked her and entered the building, all the while Gatomon told me how happy she was to have me back.
(Lucifer's POV)
I watch through the puddle from the Digital limbo, watching as Kari sat Wizardmon down with she and Gatomon, whom had came out of the Wizard Digimon's arms, and joined them in watching the movie they had been watching till he had arrived...till the feline had kissed him upon the cheek at one point, and he blushed and just looked very dazed..poor guy. Heh.
I chuckle and stand, walking away from the little thing of water. "I am such a nice person."
(The End)
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plushiegang4 on August 25, 2007, 7:57:12 AM
plushiegang4 on