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Kitsune's Yaoi Rant

I'm getting a little ticked about all the anti-yaoi stuff going around. So I just kinda blew off steam...please read!



Chapter 1 - Kitsune's Yaoi Rant
Submitted: March 30, 2004 • Updated: March 30, 2004
Word count: 293 • Size: 1k • Comments: 29 • views: 950


Comments (29)

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KichigaiNeko-Chan on October 11, 2006, 9:07:54 AM

KichigaiNeko-Chan on (Chapter: 1)
KichigaiNeko-Chanpreach on!! xD

hirataitokyo on July 22, 2006, 10:09:42 AM

hirataitokyo on (Chapter: 1)
hirataitokyoI agree

crazy_jamaican_gurl on June 28, 2006, 11:26:50 AM

crazy_jamaican_gurl on (Chapter: 1)
crazy_jamaican_gurlHere here to that. personally i don't mind the whole guyXguys thing. who cares it is a freakin' free world. So i say go to you and all other yaoi fans/writers/drawers/yata yata ya. (that includes the crazy obsessed ones, like Dms_chesseshirted_chorusneko, and yes i probably spelled thar wrong)

Albels_Girl on March 1, 2006, 7:42:45 PM

Albels_Girl on (Chapter: 1)
Albels_GirlOMFG! I totaly agree! and i have came upon a few NAST e-mails flaming the words i have said in nicnic's yaio rant page thing! and drawings even thoe mine arent as bad as some like just simple kisses... AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNND! to the people who think this way... JUST BECAUSE WE ARE FANS OF YAIO DOSE NOT MEAN WE ARE GAY OURSELVES!!!!! SPME CAN BE AND SOME ARNT... ITS LIFE PEOPLE! GET OVER IT!
ah, finaly got that off my chest! ^-^

NicNic on February 20, 2006, 11:01:34 AM

NicNic on (Chapter: 1)
NicNichmmm now that i looked , i've commented this before.. ^^; hehe opps but anyways GOOD POINTS!!

NicNic on February 20, 2006, 11:00:09 AM

NicNic on (Chapter: 1)
NicNicTOTALY AGREE!! omg on my profile i wrote a yaoi and flames thing as well^^ you brought out alot of the same points wich to me just proves that you are rite!! *bows to you* im gona fave this!! and may we stand by what we believe..


Astri on January 17, 2006, 11:13:12 AM

Astri on (Chapter: 1)
AstriTHANK you! Somebody else who operates on more than two brain cells! Kitsune, I love you. ^.^

lotrgal55 on November 26, 2005, 5:15:06 AM

lotrgal55 on (Chapter: 1)
lotrgal55Two words- HELL YEAH.

A bunch of people in the YGO fandom hate me because of my various pairings- even the het ones- because 'he/she/that muffin is MINE, you tard!' and we really, really, really needed this. I'm not a solely yaoi-drawing fangirl ( I like fluffy, sweet and all-around non-pornish reading, and even some yaoi fans have verbally kicked me for that) but we really, really needed this said.