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Chapter 1 - The Test

   Do you suppose you know cats inside and out? You think you understand their complex little minds? Come test your knowledge and find out if you qualify to be the purrfectly purrfect house cat and take the Eticat Purrfection Test.
   Bruffleshnif, I dedicate question number 11 especially to you! :3
Enjoy and Good Luck!

Chapter 1 - The Test

Chapter 1 - The Test
Barts Eticat Purrfection Test

Hello everyone! This is Bart speaking. Im Avalis evil black cat/muse, and I want to challenge YOU *points with black paw* to take my eticat test to see if you are the purrfect cat. All cats must take this test before they are actually qualified to be the purrfect housecat. Do you think you can ace it? Lets see how you do&..

(Answer the question on your own before looking at the answer, then keep track of the ones you answered correctly. Right your answers on a piece of paper first, if necessary)

First question:

Where is the best place to cough up a hair ball?

on the bathroom tiles
on the shag carpet in the living room
in your litter box

Answer: C

Your throat is dry. Where is the last place you would go for water?

the toilet
your water dish
the goldfish bowl
the pan of soapy water in the sink

Answer: B

You are so proud, because youve just caught a rat. You:

hide it under the bed
eat it
lay it in front of your owners feet
drop it in the fishbowl

Answer: C

While exploring on the kitchen counters, you find a freshly frosted moose pie. You:

paw through it
kick it to the floor
lick the frosting off one corner and leave, because chocolate is bad for cats
stick your face in it

Answer: C

You are caught using the woodwork as your scratching post by your owner. You should:

Wash yourself
hiss and spat at the wall
run for dear life
jump on the refrigerator

Answer: A

Your owner is very concentrated on building a house of cards. You:

watch from a distance in awe
ignore and take a nap on the windowsill
check your food bowl
pounce on the table and disperse the cards everywhere, so your owner can ogle at you

Answer: D

Your blasting through the house, climbing curtains, pouncing on the beds, and lunging across the hallway to burn off some energy you acquired from your kitty meow mix, but remember to be careful of:

knocking over the vase of flowers on the table
snagging the silk curtains
splattering dirt from the potted plant onto the floor
over tiring yourself

Answer: D

Your owner has just finished putting a fresh coat of paint on the kitchen wall and is still drying. You:

play with the clean paint brushes
wash yourself
rub on the wall and smear fur on it
take a nap

Answer: C

Your owner is way too busy to pay attention to you when you meow, but lets you outside instead. You should immediately:

climb a tree
insist on being let in RIGHT NOW!
paw at fallen leaves
taunt the neighbors chained dog

Answer: B

Your perfectly perfect sharp ears are picking up a sound of a possible robber breaking into the house by the back window. The best thing for you to do is:

continue your nightly bath
hurl yourself at the dangerous robber and unfold your kitty kung-foo
hiss at your tail
hide under the recliner

Answer: A

There are lovely new satin curtains in the bedroom. It is your official duty to:

guard them with your very life
hide from them
make them the worlds best shredding material
eat the rubber band from the box they came in

Answer: C

You are sliding on the wooden dining room table and knock off a dish of butter onto the floor where it makes a huge shatter. To save yourself from your angry owner, you use the sacred cat saver technique. This technique is:

wail and faint to the floor
eat up the butter before anyone sees
jump to the floor and wash yourself
hurtle out the window

Answer: C

Your owner has a visitor over and you are left outside. You feel wary of this stranger that has taken over your territory and decide it is your duty to:

bite your foot
shred the screens
make art with your muddy paws and the clean windshield of the visitors new car
eat a bug

Answer: C

You hear the words shots and vet check up from your owner on day, and notice your blue pet taxi carrier in the living room. Your pure instincts tell you to:

go without a fuss
run under the bed and cling to it with your claws
pretend to be asleep

Answer: B

The most important rule every housecat should know and use effectively when in time of need is:

stay off the house furnishings
eat whatever is put in your food bowl
never sharpen your claws on the leather couch
when in doubt, wash your fur

Answer: D

This is the end of the Eticat Test! Lets see how you did&

If you got:

11 out of 15 or above&&you are very clever and understand the complex mind of the feline. You understand their attraction to trouble and how to relish in the fun of being evil. Drama is a major element of your life and youll do anything to get it. Youve aced the test and you are now qualified to be the purrfectly purrfect housecat! Congratulations!

5 out of 15 or above&&.you somewhat understand the instincts of a cat, but you are too good to be classified as evil. You are considerate of your persons feelings and enjoy being a good housecat and having a semi-normal drama free life. Lovely job!

0 out of 15 or above&&you really dont understand the art of being a cat, but thats OK! You are very agreeable and do whatever you can to make your person happy in exchange for attention. You are very easy-going and a bit predictable when it comes to certain situations which is perfectly acceptable. Well done!

Thanks for taking part in this little quiz, and I hope you enjoyed it and learned a thing or two about the minds of cats. Enjoy being newly qualified housecats and always remember, when in doubt, WASH! Happy hunting&&ways to be evil that is!

Black Bartholomew (Bart)


Member of the Board of Education for Young Felines
Level 13 class Housecat
Major in Candle and Closet tactics


Comments (2)

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zuvelioke on June 15, 2007, 3:13:45 AM

zuvelioke on
zuveliokelove this one...i'm in the middle...^^

bruffleshnif on August 14, 2006, 4:53:29 AM

bruffleshnif on
bruffleshnifOMG , I am the perfect cat xD I got 14 out of 15 ! this test is awesome , *huggles you for including question 11* the word needs to go out >.> , oh , btw , I added a list of quotes about cats, if you have any post them on my profile so the list can expand !!