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Chapter 51 - Hang On

Ennaka was the newbie in Konoha, and a very mysreious one at that. She lost one of her greatest childhood friendships that haunts her to this day and she's is determined to get it back- even if it kills her.

Chapter 51 - Hang On

Chapter 51 - Hang On

   Ennaka fluttered her eyes open. She yawned and streched her arms feeling sore. Gyoumaru laid across from her twitching. Ennaka shook her head, unused to having her hair down like that. It felt so weird. She gripped her extra hair band on her writed and put up her hair.

Now where did Gyou take me? She asked herself exiting the tree. She notice a burnt stick hanging from one of the roots. The flame had expired, but at least it hadn't caught the rest of the tree on fire. Ennaka looked back into the shelter. Something held her gut and made her fidgety. Something was wrong. She rushed to Gyoumaru and saw two puncture marks on his chest. "oh-no..." She gasped knowing where they came from. Orochimaru had poisoned him! She gritted her teeth. Curse her for not knowing any medical ninjutsu. She played with her hands wondering what she should do. She couldn't leave the spot. If anything all mothers tell their kids this over and over again: When you're lost, stay where you are.

   Ennaka sighed, it was gonig to be a while before Tetsu arrived. Or maybe he was lost? Ennaka looked at the ground for no reason. Could she try finding him with her mind? It was better than sitting and doing nothing. Ennaka closed her eyes and probed the area for a human conscience. None came in contact with her. But she didn't stop. If Tetsu were to come near, she could tell him exactly where she was. Suddenly a small jolt came to her. A conscience had entered her area! And what luck! It was Tetsu!

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but boy Tetsu, am I glad to see you!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, keep talking. Where's my brother?!"  Tetsu asked unpolitely.

"He's here, don't worry!" She assured, " But Orochimaru poisoned him."

"Orochimaru!? A sannin? Crap... Where are you?"

"Giant willow, hard to miss." She said swiftly.

"I see, I see."  Tetsu said as he came into veiw.

"Where is he?!" He said almost running Ennaka over.

"In here. C'mon." She said waving her hand in Gyoumaru's direction. Tetsu shot in and knelt at his brother's side.

"What happened?" He said with wide eyes, "What's going to happen to Gyoumaru?"

"I don't know. But I'll try to explain everything best I can on teh way to the Castle. We're going to have to get him to the tower. There's bound to be medical ninja waiting there."

"But we don't have another scroll, do we?" tetsu said with mournful eyes.

"I think your brother solved that..." She said taking out the Heaven scroll from gyou's pack. "We need to get moving. Carry Gyoumaru and I'll lead the way."

"Right..." tetsu said slinging Gyoumaru's arm around his shoulder. "Hang in there buddy..." He whispered.


Comments (2)

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rainbowfox16 on November 13, 2007, 1:36:14 PM

rainbowfox16 on
rainbowfox16Aww. Sweet. *sly grin* Not as sweet as Gyou and Nakki sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes lurve, then comes the marriage. Gyou's got himself a baby carriage!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Lanayru on November 13, 2007, 7:07:12 PM

Lanayru on
LanayruEnnaka: That's it! *goes on a rampage*
Gaara: here she goes again... hey, Nakki?
Ennaka: *stops imidiantly* Yes Gaara?
Gaara: Tobi's callin' ya.
Ennaka: TOBI!!! *runs to Tobi and glomps* :D
Tobi: Uh, Deidara-senpai? We're going to need the Ninja Off spray repelant again.

rainbowfox16 on November 14, 2007, 9:17:57 AM

rainbowfox16 on
rainbowfox16Me: *sniggers* Hehehe. Here, I have the Extra-Strong Repelant. (tosses it to him)

Aria: What a pain. Cant you even take a little joke, Nakki?

Lanayru on November 14, 2007, 7:12:09 PM

Lanayru on
LanayruEnnaka: ONLY GAARA CAN CALL ME THAT!!!... and sometimes rainbowfox... And no, I can't take an insulting joke. *shudders* I can already see it in fanfics now.... GyouXEnna... Then it's going to be in fan art... *closes eyes* YUCK! XP
Tobi: Awww, Deidra-san... It's kinda cute... can I keep it?
Deidara: NO! Do you know how much she torments me?!
Tobi: Puuurrlleeeeezz?? *puppy eyes no jutsu* and *kawaii no jutsu*
Deidara:... Fine.
Tobi: YAY! I will call you...
Ennaka:... Since your an Uchiha, you can call me Enki.
Tobi: YAY!!! X3