Chapter 2 - dreams, nightmares, and pie
Submitted January 23, 2006 Updated January 28, 2006 Status Incomplete | my first Htf fanfic, NuttyRulez221 told me i should post this, so here ya go, flamers will be eaten by rabid flippy
Cartoons » Happy Tree Friends |
Chapter 2 - dreams, nightmares, and pie
Chapter 2 - dreams, nightmares, and pie
We join Flippy once again in his predicament.....
Flippy was still standing motionless, trying to discourage Lumpy from waking up he cautiously tried to edge out of the moose's grasp. Lumpy furrowed his brow and mumbled something, Flippy's eyes practically popped out of his head. His gaze was locked on Lumpy, who was showing further signs of waking. Without thinking Flippy started to sing a lullaby...
"er... rock-a-by Lumpy... in the tree-top... when the wind blows the couch will rock... when the bough breaks... the er, couch will fall.... and then I'll go flippy and kill you all!"
He was rather pleased with his ending to this song, trying to stifle a cry of joy as Lumpy let go of his legs and rolled over, Flippy jumped to the top of the couch and quietly unlatched the window, he leaped out karate style and landed soundlessly on the sandy beach outside. After a little victory dance he started padding silently down the beach. He passed Handy and Petunia's sandcastle and made sure not to look inside this time... He looked momentarily to the sky, nodded, and ran off the beach into the woods nearby. It was dark and gloomy, and would have scared any normal animal half to death, but he traveled through the dense undergrowth with such familiarity it was almost scary, in fact it was.
It was morning by the time he finally reached the forest's edge. He peered out from behind a tree and stepped into the light of the new day. He was at the outskirts of a town, one he had seen such a long time ago...
Candie was sprawled contently sucking a lollipop by a poolside in in noon sun. She flipped her hair back and looked over the rims of her shades at her friend Cami setting up a picnic. She was humming and old army song cheerfully and setting out an assortment of sandwiches, snacks, and PIE. Candie got up off her lawnchair and strolled over to Cami, her beautiful blue bikini going nicely with her pink fur. Cami looked up, her hat adding a cute touch to her purple camo bikini.
"Hey, wanna go for a swim?"
Flippy walked briskly down the street, he was constantly glancing at a piece of paper in his hand.
...../He went back to the spot where he had lain... A small piece of paper crumpled, spattered with blood.... "I had to go back, but I hope someday you will find me, in the place nearest here, the place ravaged by this war, I will meet you there...." He knew, someday he would go back there, but later, he was still unsure of what to do, to say, and he had to finish this war once and for all...
But then he had lost track of time, hadn't forgotten his promise, but had been so caught up. No excuse though, not for this. Not for never coming, for putting it off, any of it, but now he was finally making his way back there.
Stars had begun to emerge in the sky when Candie said she ought to be heading home. Cami waved until she was over the next lush green hilltop and then went into her house to take a shower. She had just started to wash her "hair" when her phone started ringing. Cursing out loud she grabbed a towel and ran out into the living room. She picked up the phone, it was Candie...
"Hey! It's me! Ok, on my way home I saw the creepiest person ever! They are not from around here, I have never seen them before. They were lurking around in the town park, and they saw me look at them, and then i ran as fast as I could home!"
"Ok, ok, calm down, we can get this straightened out..."
"But what do we do?"
"I'm not sure yet, I mean..." Her mind drifted off "...I don't know how to say this, but I am kind of... afraid."
"You? Afraid? You have got to be kidding."
"I know it sounds weird but... I have a bad feeling."
"Yea, me too, they especially freaked me out because at first I thought they were you."
"O_o" She dropped the phone, Candie's worried voice on the phone brought her back to her senses, she picked up the phone. "Sorry, I just uh..."
"You know this person don't you?"
"I don't know, I'm kind of worried now."
"I'd come over, but I really don't want to go outside now!"
"No no, no trouble, I'll be fine, I always am, aren't I?"
"Well I suppose."
"Ok, well I should probably get some sleep."
"Sounds like a good idea,"
"Ok, well, night Candie!"
Cami hung up the receiver and dropped onto her couch with a sigh, wearily she got up and pulled the the curtains of all of the windows in her house, pausing to look cautiously out of each one... She made sure her front door was locked and went to bed. She lay there, staring at the ceiling, every little sound making her jump. She finally fell into a fitful sleep... where her dreams were few and tortured...
.../ I knew it would happen, I could see it in his eyes... When I left he completely lost control of himself... He killed friends and enemies... I ran, my eyes welled with tears thinking about the note I had left, maybe he would find me. I had wanted that before, when I saw his innocent-looking face, but now I am afraid, had I saved a monster? Saved one who tore life from others? So guilty, it wasn't even his fault, he doesn't have control, and I let it continue, so I am the guilty one, and now he's back... Will he kill me too?.../
She woke the next morning with tears dried to her face, she dragged herself into the living room and tore her curtains open. Falling back onto the plush carpet she closed her eyes and drifted away into sweet sleep in the morning sunshine.
A beautiful day graced Candie as she stepped out onto her front lawn. Humming a happy tune she skipped down the path to town.
Under a park bench, Flippy was waiting for Candie to walk by again. He had a slight suspicion she was friends with her. Was it a hunch? Or perhaps the fact she wore a "Candie and Cami BFF" bracelet? we may never know... His target was in sight, springing from the bushes he ran after the unsuspecting cat.
Candie, who was wearing her headphones, was completely unaware of her "attacker"
"lalalalala.... it goes around the world just lalalala......."
For no reason at all, the battery on her CD player died. She was disappointed, but then she heard the psychotic bear behind her who had driven himself into a flippified frenzy.
She sprinted like a jack rabbit dancing ballet in the hot flying beaver of poland to Cami's house, not even realizing she was leading a completely crazy war veteran right to her...
haha, talk about crazy/depressing/random
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NuttyRulez221 on January 27, 2006, 11:03:24 AM