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Chapter 1 - Memories/Escape

Alley Wings (roll playing Character) is going through hard times and has left home, she strikes out on her own, but her troubles soon follow.

Chapter 1 - Memories/Escape

Chapter 1 - Memories/Escape
Yes i own these characters but i do not own Verticle Horizon, Your a God (Only have the CD! XD)

        Alley sat looking out a large window with her hair blowing out infront of her. Her eyes were in a daze as if her mind was trying to catch up with what had just happened. A cool wind was blowing over her face and her bare sholders had goosebumps to the tip of her shirt hanging losely onto her upper arm and the thin strap on her right shoulder. The long, baggy sleaves were following her deep red hair on it's ride in the wind and her legs were curled up around her.


        A dark figure ran silently, through a small dark tunnel. Determination shined in the red of the figures eyes, and the strids of the figure.

::..end flashback..::

        "Hey," a masculen voice interupted Alley's thoughts, "You were supposed to be ready and down half an hour ago hurry up Al." Alley smiled at her old nickname being put to use.
"Dare i want to stay up her for a wail alright... i need to think." Alley answered her brother Darek before he could haul her to her feet and down the stairs of the tower.
"You can think later Al, that's the only thing you've been doing sense we got here so loosen up and come and talk to us! You are worrying our hosts." Alley laughed
"I'm not worrying them the size of your stomach is! You eat like a horse!" Alley teased and stood up finally surrendering herself to her fate. Darek pulled her down the stairs chating the whole time.
"Father has been so great! Can you believe he let us set up our own practice range? and arena? This is fantastic! Mother would be so angry if she found out and Anne would simply love being able to do anything she wanted!"
"Do you think we did the right thing?" Alley asked with her gaze looking down at the stairs. Darek stopped and spun around to look Alley in the eye.
"Of course Al, you know Anne wouldn't want us to stay there and be unhappy." He said in a soothing tone, "She told us to go remember? She'll be fine mother wouldn't do anything to her or the people would have her head and there wouldn't be any one to take the throne after she dies."
"She could always find a replacement you know the only thing stopping her from doing anything to Anne was us!" Alley was looking desperate now.
"Al... Anne can take care of herself and you know it. She'll be fine and anyway we are going back to save her remember?"
"But what if-" Darek cut her off before anything else came out of her mouth.
"No what if's! Everything is fine don't be so hard on yourself we came her for help and that's what we are getting so come on lets go see Rach and the others and see if father has come up with any ideas to help us." Alley smiled Darek had a way of getting rid of her worries she was glad that he had come with her even if he did bring the others as well. Darek had began dragging her the rest of the way to the dinning hall and they we're just about to go through the doors, when a voice sounded from behind them.
"Dare, Al, I've been looking all over for you two!" A girl with black hair that seemed to shine blue ran up to them,
"They want us to go to this dinner thing in the main hall, I don't know why i mean they just meet us."
"Rach cool it, I think it's a great idea we can find out the differences between mother and father." Alley giggled and then went in the direction that Racheal had come from.
"Al are you sure this is a good idea?" Darek questioned.
"Of course i do! What is the worst that could happen?"
"You could be recognized." Racheal muttered
"Don't be so depressing! Who is going to believe that one girl can do all that." Alley stopped in front of a part of large, decorated door.
"Well is there any other objections? You know they would find it even more rude if we don't go." Darek shifted his weight and Racheal looked uneasy.
"Well you do have a point.." Darek finally sighed
"Point or no point, what are you going to say to these people? I mean your not going to just walk in and say that you are the daughter of the queen... are you?" Racheal asked
"Of course not what do you think i am? An idiot? I'll let father introduce me" Alley gave a wave of her hand then pushed open one of the large doors.
        The room was huge, everything was decorated like a 16th century ball room and there were so many people! They were everywhere some talked outside on the balcany even it was so crowded. Alley's eyes lit up as she walked in to the room,
"Omg i want a party like this!" Alley cried
"You'll get your party... at your hanging." Racheal muttered
"Where are Rose and Tim?" Darek asked trying to avoid the looks he was getting from some of the young ladies in the room.
"Don't be so shy Dare, I bet they are waiting for us at the other end with the food." Alley had imidiatly looked around for the food (A/N There are so many people why wouldn't there be lots of food?hehehe)
"Tomboy Alley strikes again." Darek commented to Rach
"Yes, and i fear that it is striking more often."
"Who can blame her you know how mother can be."
"Sadly i do, so lets hurry and find the others."
"Hey Dare weren't we invited to one of these along time ago and Mother refused to go?" Alley cut in.
"Yep, she said that you shouldn't be anywhere near your enemies you have to keep your distance they might be forming a new way of fighting."
"Al! Dare! Rach!" A loud voice came from the other end of the hall
"Hey Tim there you are we were just looking for you!" Alley yelled back.
"You have to come see this! The impossible has finally happened." Tim grabbed Alley's arm and pulled her through the crowd to a small opening near the tables. Tim pointed them to a girl with long, sandy colour hair talking to a man, they seemed to be ingrossed in their conversation and didn't see Tim dragging Alleh through the crowd toward them. Alley's jaw dropped in disbelief, the others had also taken on a look of total surprise, other then Tim who looked proud of himself. Alley slowly got back her composure and moved beside Rach,
"Do you see what i see?" Alley whispered
"Either i do or we are all hallucinating..."
"I think we are hallucinating." Darek joined in
"Nope, thats our Rose." Tim still looking proud. Alley walked up beside Rosemary and quickly put a smile on her face.
"Hey Rose what's up?" She acted as if she just saw the man and then added, " I see your having fun." Rose blushed then quickly shook her head.
"Al this is Kyle, Kyle, Al."
"Your name isn't really Al is it?" Kyle boldly asked
"Well only my friends call me by my real name, it's tradition." Alleys' head moved slightly to the side after she said this to see over his shoulder at the food on the table.
"Anyway i'll talk to you later Rose there is a fest with my name on it." Alley walked away from them without a second glance.
"You have got to be kinding me you are just letting this slide like it's nothing!" Rach cried as if it was the strangest thing ever, finally catching up to Alley.
"I don't want to embaress us to much and anyway there is lots of time for it later." Rach's mouth moved into a 'o' position.
"And i want someone to have fun before the world comes crashing down on us," Alley looked a little grim at this and then smiled weakly at the others,
"Come on lossen up a bit we aren't in any imidiate danger, and we have a party to enjoy!" Alley smiled but you could see it was a forced. They wondered around the party for a few minutes dancing, eating, and forgetting there troubles coming up with ways to tease Rosemary later. Alley was dancing with Darek when their father interupted the party with a speech.
"I'd like to thank you all for coming-" He droned on with his speech making it to the point and polite, "-and i would like to introduce our newest guests." He motioned toward Tim, Racheal, and Rosemary standing around the tables and then searched to crowd for Al and Darek, "They are travellers who have stumbed across our door, I hope you will greet them as warmly as i have." Alley's father finish finally seeing her and Darek and motioning with his hand for them to come up and stand next to him. Alley looked at Darek and the at Tim, Rach, and Rose on the other side of the room. They made their way to her father the people letting them go through easily, as if there was a walkway there the whole time that only they could walk on. Alley and Darek were first to arrive next to their father and Darek turned to the people and in a voice as loud as their fathers, "We are very please to be here, it is one of the most grand parties we have ever attended." Darek gave a slight smile and bow to their father, "and we apretate your kind welcome your majesty." With that Tim, Rach, Rose and the rest of the people went back to the party leaving Alley and Darek to talk to their father.
"I do not think it was wise to tell everyone that we are not from around here what if they suspect something." Alley said nervesly
"They would suspect more if they didn't know who you are." There father easily answered,
"I can't run a kingdom without telling it what is happening around them."
"Right you are your majesty it would be asking for trouble." Darek agreed and then said to Alley,
"Don't worry so much, you are only going to get stressed out and then we will get into trouble." Darek smiled
"I'm already in trouble remember? Anyway you know how i am around so many people watching every little thing you do it is.... nerve racking." Alley glanced around at the people. Darek laughed,
"Of course i know, you haven't changed in the last hundred years why would you change now?"
"Hey, i'm onder then a hundred! You make me sound like a little kid crying for it's mother." Alley glowered at him.
"We both know they would be the day-"
"Enough both of you." Their father interupted smiling, "We have more important things to do then listen to you two quarrel. Like how you are getting along with everyone else around here."
Darek looked up at him and smiled, "You have done the impossible already, letting us stay and now the impossible has happened again." He smirked,
"It seems our friend is falling for one of your people." Alley contiued for him smirking just as evily, "Hope he doesn't break her heart though, he'd regret it." Their father looked confused,
"You aren't ploting against the person are you?" He looked a little worried
"Nope," Darek laughed, "Rose doesn't take well to heart breakers, expecially when it's her heart broken." Alley and Darek laughed.
"Anyway how nice this is i think i need some air." Alley said stretching her arms behind her, and waving to them as she steped away. Darek grinned at her then redirected his attention to their father, who seemed to want to have a longer conversation with her but unsure how to get her to come back over.
Alley walked out on to one of the large balconies coming directly off of the ball room. She leaned agaisnt the rail gazing out over the garden below and marveling at the way the moon shawn in the water of the fountain.
"You shouldn't be outside alone," A voice that Alley couldn't recognize said from behind her
"I can go were ever i want, how ever i want," Alley remarked with a slight frown, she turned around to face Kyle.
"No one can stop me expecially not you." Alley said firmly. The Kyle simply smiled at this,
"You don't seem like one for solitude." Alley said slowly
"Ah people are mysterious in that way." Kyle replied, Alley signed,
"Not really it just makes them more annoying." She said coldly,
"As cold as ice! You are nothing like Rosemary are you?" Kyle said in surprise.
"Of course not that's why we are such great friends," Her voice dripped in sarcasim, Kyle grinned, "by the look of it you get along fine with the people that you like."
"What do you want?" Alley said exasperated.
"Nothing, just making friendly conversation,"
"Well stop with the 'friendsly conversation' and leave me alone!"
"But it is bad luck to leave someone alone on a balcany," He reasoned, Alley sighed,
"Fine then i'll make it so that you don't leave me alone on the balcany ok?" Kyle riased his eye brow in interest, "And sense i can't leave you on the balcany alone i'll have to get you off as well." Alley pushed Kyle back into the large ball room and then jumped backwards, flipping so that she landed on her hands on the railling and then flipping off the side with a wink at Kyle, and landing in a crouched position. She waved up at Kyle then turned and walked away.

*~*~*~*~* in the garden

Alley wondered into the maze of the garden, unsure of where she was and how to get out of the maze. She was hopelessly lost and had stated mumbling to herself, "It was this way, no maybe not... what about this one? Nope, isn't it that you are suposed to go right all the time or something?"
"AL!!!! AL!!!!" A voice screamed, Alley shoot to attention, looking straight toward where the scream had come from. She saw a large dog running straight towards her with it's fangs bared and it's claws diging in to the earth underneath it, her eyes widened in surprise then fear, unsure of what she should do. She spread her wings out just as the dog leaped off the ground and it's claws aimed for her throat. The dog pushed her to the ground, her wings coming around to hit it's back with the same force that she had landed with. She brought her hands up to protected her face from the creature, grabbing onto it's snout, some of her fingers where inside of it's mouth and it tried to close it's mouth on them to get them out of the way of it's attack. Alley was trying to kick it off but the dog was just out of reach of her kick, it's claws sticking into her skin that was now bleeding.
"O my god!" The other voice screamed again, it sounded like thousands of people were coming into the area that Alley was desperatly trying to defend herself from the dog. Finally Alley had had enough, her eyes narrowed at the dog, changing it's colour from a soft yellow to a blood red. She began crushing the dogs jaw with her hands, forcing some of the dogs teeth to go deeper into her skin. The dog whimpered slightly trying to get her to release it's jaw, but Alley only tightened her hold, finally she released the dogs jaw from one hand and punched it in the side of it's head trying to get it off of her she rolled to the side forcing the dog into it's side, then using her wings she pushed off of the ground and flew slightly into the air and landed in a tree not far off just outside of the dogs reach. The dog followed her toward the tree but it just sat at the bottom glaring and growling at her, with blood running through it's fur. Alley was a little worse for were, with blood dripping from the scratches and her hands that had most damage from the dogs teeth.
The person that had screamed was Racheal, Alley noticed she was out of breath and it looked like she had been running during the short fight between her and the dog. The dog didn't even notice when Racheal came in to the area it's whole attention was focused on Alley, it only let out a low growl as Racheal aproaches. Alley watched Racheal with a mix of amusement and confusion wondering why this dog was not attacking anyone else.
"Al i'm so sorry about this," Racheal said nervously, "I didn't mean for anyone to find out." Relization dawned on Alley.


Alley stood over a feild of burnt land, the people that were there before now burnt with the biuldings belonging to the town. Only one surviver came crawling away from the fires, a large black dog with blood pouring from it's fur. Alley's eyes were icy cold and she agnored the dog thinking it would die soon and there was no reason to take care of it her mother wouldn't take it in and she would be ordered to go kill something else anyway there was no time for meaningless pets. Alley flew over the reckage looking for survivors to kill and get rid of. The dog moved away from what was left of a once thriving town, into the forest nearby using it as cover to hide from the now flying threat. It transformed into a man soon after glaring as Alley flew around as if she was a vulture and then flew off toward enimy lines.

::..end flashback..::

Alley looked down at the animal,
"So you lived did you?" She mused,
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that but i can not change my actions in the past. I can only try to redem myself in the future." Alley said sadly. The dog transformed to the man, and Alley looked on in slight confusion, then her eyes seemed to glaze over,
"Yes i lived, and i remember how you kill everyone witch. Why have you come here? To spy and take what was left behind? Or maybe to kill the only survivor of your deeds?" The man demanded.
"I have come for nether though i doubt you would believe me," Alley looked at Racheal, then back to the man,
"Then come down and fight!" The man demanded, Alley looked down at him her eyes focusing, she jumped out of the tree and landed infront of him. The man took a step back in surprise, not thinking she would actually come down. Alley straightened her posture and looked him directly in the eye,
"You wish to kill me?" There wasn't a hint of emotion in her voice,
"Yes," The man answered directly meeting her gaze,
"Then do it," Alley said in a wisper as if she wished he would hurry up and kill her.
"I'll get revenge for my friends and family, and rid the world of your evil," Alley didn't move a muscle or try to speak again, the man drew a sword from the seth on his side.
"Why do you not move? Will you not protect yourself?" The man demanded, after waiting a few minutes for an answer and still not reciving one he was getting impatient,
"Why do you not defend your honor? Are you so much of a clone to not care?!" To this Alley looked at him and when he meet her gaze he saw how emty her eyes really were.
"I have killed millions and left few alive, I have been through hell and back, what could you do that is worst then what i have already been through?" The man raised his sword inches from her neck,
"You want your revenge then take it. Few have had this choice, you can kill me in one swift movement so why do you not act? Are you afraid? Or is it that you do not believe that this is true? If that is the case i can asure you that it is. I Alley Wings stand before you waiting for your judgement, what will you do?" Alley waited, but he only dropped the swarod at her feet,
"This is not a honorable death. You should be killed in a great fight not because you have given up." He looked her in the eye, "You look as if you are already dead, how can i kill you if it is to late?"
"You can not, i have been dead for long time. That is why people fear me so, i have no heart left, it has been distroyed along with my arm and eye," She waved her hand over her left eye and the skin became grey and the eye turned yellow,
"It was changed to inhanse my fighting ablility, and my arm," She held up her other arm that was now metal as well, "was riped off when i was younger and has been replaced resently." The cold look on her face, sent shivers up the mans back, and he found himself staring at her arm and then her eye.
"Who did that to you?" he said slowly. Racheal cut in though before Alley said anything else.
"Alley cover your arm and eye, we have to get back before they find us gone and this is not to be discused." She said firmly
"As you wish," Alley replied, returning to her cool expression, as the metal turned into flesh.
"What? You have to answer my questions it isn't fair!" The man demanded,
"All's fair in love and war, and as Racheal says we should be getting back, besides we don't even know your name how do we know you are trust worthy?" Alley said sternly. The man's mouth turned into a thin line as he observed them,
"Do you always watch people so much? Staring is rude you know," Racheal snapped. The man seemed to make up his mind,
"I'm sorry for my bad manners but i am in no stat to correct them at the moment," His eyes never leaving Alley's face. Alley turned to Racheal then with a nod began walking toward the castle the way that she saw when she was up in the tree, Racheal hot on her heels. The man watched for a few seconds then turned and left in another direction.

*~*~*~*~* Tower

Alley sat on a window seat looking down over the garden that she had been in just a few minutes before. The party had bored her so she left to find solitude in her room. Of course she didn't think of it as hers but it was nice to get away from prying eyes.
She sighed as she watched the people below her, it was such a nice night and they all looked so happy down there dancing the night away.
"What am i doing here?" She asked herself, "I don't belong here, the only people that do are Rozemary and the others." She sighed again,
"They would think i was crazy if they heard me, 'Talking to yourself again eh Al? Have you learned anything interesting yet?'" Alley laughed, a small smile gracing her lips.
"Maybe i should leave, they wouldn't notice, it's not like i'm that inportant." Alley muttered knowing that what she said was nonsence they would be out the next morning looking for her even if they followed her to the ends of the earth.
"Enough!" She exclaimed to herself as she stood up, "Stop wellowing in self pity, just because i have a hard life doesn't give me permision to slack off."
She walked briskly out of the tower down to ward the kitchens, "All i need is something to eat then i'll get some rest, i have to much to do tomorrow to stay up to late." As she walked down the stairs she remembered, back at her real home.


A young girl ran down the stairs leading to a tower, her hair flying out behind her, and a boy chasing her.
"Last one there is a rotten eggs!" The girl squilled, the boy just laughed,
"And the first one's gotta eat it!" The children laughed as they ran through the confusing hallways, not even missing a beat sense they had grown up in these halls.

::..end flashback..::

Alley had made it to the bottom af the stairs and suddenly realised that she wasn't in her home anymore, she had no idea how to get to the kitchens less likely find the hall that she had been in just hours before. She looked around the hallways hopping to find someone that can give her directions, but to her dismay there wasn't a soul in sight. Suddenly she heard faint music coming from her right.

I've gotta be honest
I think you know
I'm covered in lies and that's ok
Miss somewhere beyond this

She followed the music, where music was people are.

no ooo
Well i hope i can find the words to say
Never again no ooo
No never again

She was a little hesitant when she can to a large door way that was slightly ajar, she moved up to the door and peered in.

Cause your a god
and i'm am not
And i just thought that you would know

She say five people on a stage playing and singing,

Your a god
and i am not
and i just thought i'd let you go

There where three guys and two girls and one she noticed was the man that Rosemary had been talking to at the ball, Kyle, and the kings son himself.

And not been unable
to put you down
still learning things i aut to know by now
it's underthe table so ooo
i need something more to show somehow

She wasn't sure about the others but now that she had gotten herself completely lost she had no choise but to ask them for directions.

never again no ooo
no never again
Cause your a god
And i am not and i just thought that you would know

She took a step back and took a deep breath, it was now or never.

Your a god
and i am not
and i just thought i'd let you go

Alley pushed the door open wider and then entered watching then as they played, they didn't notice her at all as she pushed the door back into it's original position and moved toward them walking through the maze of tables and chairs in the large room.

Alley was almost up to the stage when one of the girls noticed her, the girl keep playing and smiled at Alley, gesturing with her head to sit down. Alley gave her a weak smile then sat down at a nearby table to wait. The other girl and the guy playing the drums noticed her soon after but the other guys seemed oblivious sense Kyle was playing the guitar and the kings son, was singing with his eyes closed.

I gotta be honest
i think you know
i'm covered in lies and that's ok
Miss somewhere beyond this
no ooo
Hope i can find the words to say

Alley watched the kings son, as he sang, wishing that that was her life back home. It would have been great to not have to be fighting all the time.

No never again no ooo
No never again

She let herself get lost in the music, as she slowly closed her eyes to soak up the sounds.

Cause your a god
and i am not
and i just thought that you would know
Your a god and i am not
and i just thought i'd let you go

Your a god
o and i am not
and i just thought that you would know (O just thought that you would know)
Your a god (O and i am not)
I just thought I'd let you go (I'd let you go)

As soon as the song was over Alley's eyes snaped open, and the kings son finally looked down at his surprise audiance.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in shock.
Alley stood up quickly knocking over her chair, she blush cherry red wail picking it up and then stuttering,
"Well.. I.. uh.. yeah.. heh.." Fianlly getting her composure back and a few giggles from the two girls and the guys all trying to hide there smiles, other then the kings son, who had just raised a eyebrow at her performance,
"I was wondering if you could help me." Alley lifted her head up to look him in the eye,
"And what do you need help with? Perhaps it is your balance," He grinned, and making Alley blush more. With a sigh she continued,
"I seem to be a little lost, please point me in the direction of my tower and i'll be fine." She gave up totally on the idea of a midnight snack, if she stayed in their presence for much longer she would make a fool of herself. The kings son had other plans though,
"Well it is the middle of the night you should have been in bed already by my watch, you must have another reason for being up at this hour." Alley mouth was now just another line on her face,
"Yes, it is the middle of the night and if you don't mind i would love to be going to bed. Seeing as you don't seem to need any sleep sence you are up at this hour singing. I would appreciate you giving me directions, away from your wonderful entertainment, to a part of this dang building that i know." Alley keep hearing the words, 'Calm, cool and collective' in her head as she talked sarcasticly to the kings son, who just smirked at this.
"Touchie aren't we? Well miss i'm sure i can direct you away but you will have to be more discriptive to where you want to go." Alley gave a slight nod,
"I'm one of your fathers guests, does that help?"
"So you do know who i am, well this is a joy. You know you could be hung for your disrespect?" He was now off the stage and infront of Alley,
"Disrespect? Me? Of all the people?" Alley said in fake hurt, "You really need to get your ears looked at, you must be hearing things," Her voice dripped with sarcasim.
"Enough you two," One of the girls said stepping between Alley and the prince, "I'm sure there are better things to be doing with our time then arguing about wiether or not to give directions." The girl stated, "The tower you are looking for is through the door you can in, take the first right, a left at the third turn and up the stairs on your right, down the hall and there will be another set of stairs on your left."
Alley took a step back away from the prince and the girl,
"Thank you for your help." She turned and walked out of the doorway she had come and with a sigh of relief followed the girls instructions till she found the stairs to the tower,
"How do i get myself into these problems?" She mummbled to herself as she climbed the stairs.

*~*~*~*~* Grazing fields farthest away from the castle

Alley leaned against a tall old tree with a black horse grazing nearby, she was hummin softly to her self as she read a book in the shade of the tree. She suddenly looked up when the large black horse put it's nose in the middle of her book,
"Hey girl, what are you doing?" She said softly to the horse,
"Tired of the easy life yet? I know i am, and it's only been a few days." She sighed moving her hand up to the horses ears and giving them a nice scratch,
"I need adventure DarkAngle, this is just to boring. If Darek and the others didn't like it so much we would have been gone age's ago." She sighed again,
"What our life to tame for you?" A voice side from beside her, making her jump slightly,
"You know it isn't very nice to listen to things that don't concern you." She snapped, spinning around to see the drummer from last night leaning against the tree beside her,
"Wow, and i thought it was just Micheal that got on your nerves." The man laughed
"I don't like it when people sneak up on me or when they are rude," Alley stood up, closing her book and holding it under her arm,
"Leaving already?" The man asked curiously, "You shouldn't let me bother you, you are welcome here and everywhere else in the castle,"
"I have no reason to stay now do i?" Alley answered, talking about both the grazing fields and the castle, the man's eyebrows went together,
"What is your problem?"
"Problem?! You sneak up on me, your friend insults my intelligents and you are asking what my problem is?"
"It looks to me like you are trying to find away out of here. Planing on running away?"
"What am i running from?"
"That's my question," He smirked standing right infront of her
"I'm not afraid of you, the king, or his son," Alley stated stubbornly
"I never said you were." The man reasoned, Alley sighed,
"What do you want anyway? I don't think you can to argue with me did you?"
"No i didn't i can to apoligise for my friends manners last night."
"You don't need to," Alley walked up to DarkAngel and jumped on to her bareback, "i'm sure he can do that himself." She kicked DarkAngel and she began to trot toward the castle, the man jogging beside them,
"I'm sure he could be you have to understand, it's not in his personality. He often talks before he thinks and then gets himself in trouble," Alley looked down at the man,
"Who are you?" She slowed DarkAngel down to a walk, "Have you ever heard of not bugging people?"
"Well I-" Alley cut him off,
"It is really annoying having someone that you've never meet before follow you around," She let out a small laugh, "And besides don't you have something more important then bothering the new girl around? Or are you just one of those people that make there lives revolve around a pretty face?" The man looked bewildered for a minute then grinned up at her, grabbing DarkAngels head to stop her from walking away from him,
"You know if you weren't riding away from me as if i was the embodyment of evil i wouldn't be following you and maybe i don't have anything more important and am wasting time but i already told you that i wanted to apoligise for Micheal, so i do have a reason to talk to you. If you had asked me my name earlier i would have told you but you seemed to not like the idea of talking and prefer running away, so i'm Aaron, Aaron Wilder, and you are Al right?" He smiled at her as she frowned down at him,
"Yes my name is Al, and i am sorry for being rude," She said calmly, and the sighed, "I don't like the idea of staying in one spot to long it makes me edgy, and i take it out on the closest thing," Alley reasoned more to herself then to him,
"Well i thank you for the apology and i would like to ask you to come to lunch with me," Alley looked at him startled,
"It's lunch time, come on." He pulled DarkAngel into a trot before she could say anything back to him.

*~*~*~*~* Stables

"You didn't have to lead her in you know," Alley commented softly
"You trained your horse pretty well then?" Aaron asked
"She's the best horse i know," Alley gave DarkAngels neck a pat,
"You been around many horse?"
"I used to spend every waking our with them back home," Alley smiled at the memory then suddenly frowned, "Well i used to anyway," she added softly
"Your a horse fenatic then?" Aaron choose to agnore her last comment. Alley smiled,
"Not really, just like to know about the animals i depend on." Aaron just nodded stopping before the door to the stables. Alley jumped off letting DarkAngel go back to grazing or anything she wanted, and walked into the stable.
Suddenly a loud banging noise came from behind her and she wipped around to see what it was. Aaron was on his back after being hit by something, and Alley was at full alert looking for the problem, but cooled down quickly after she heard him start laughing.
"You little sneak!" He grinned at a boy nearby, Alley's expression turned blank as she looked at Aaron and the kid that had hit him with the bucket in his hands.
"You where asking for it by agnoring what was going on around you," The boy grinned,
"O sorry about that," Aaron blushed lightly seeing Alley's expression, "This is Matt." He put his hand on his head and ruffled his hair. Alley gave the Matt a tight smile then turned to go into the castle through the stables. Aaron jumped to attention and ran after her waving to Matt,
"What's wrong? Did i affend you or something," he questioned hurriedly,
"No," Alley said making sure that she faced straight ahead,
"Then why are you acting so strange," He questioned hopelessly, with his hand moving behind his head in confusion. Alley stopped walking and looked him in the eye,
"Memories," was all she said as she turned away from him and continued walking. Aaron sighed a little then quickened his pace so that he would be walking beside her, not knowing what to say they both walked to the dinning hall in silence.

*~*~*~*~* Alley's room

        Alley was lieing on her bed in the tower looking straight up at the ceiling, reflecting on what had happened that day. From the morning when she went out with DarkAngel and lunch with Aaron and the others. It turns out that the band that she saw the night before and all of her comrades wanted to eat at the same time. She sat with Darek, and Racheal talking about ideas of where they should go when they leave. Darek wanted to plan ways to mess up mothers plans and Rach, wanted to travel around, and leave the castle before we all got to comfortable.
        Alley rolled on her side to look out the window, as the sun started to set throughing orange and purple over the walls of the room. Alley smiled gently at the colour before sighing and rolling off the bed, there was no way she could sleep, with this dicision to be made. She sat on the window set with her leg folded under her and her hand on the door of the window. She pushed the windows open so the breeze would come into the room, see closed her eyes to enjoy the breeze blowing her hair out of her eyes, and ruffling her loose shirt and the tips of her skirt. She smiled slightly as she looked down over the fields, she could see DarkAngel in the distance, grazing without a care in the world, the only thing she had to worry about is to follow Alley's orders when ever she was being riden. Alley sighed as she jumped up onto the window ledge, she legs bent beneth her. She jumped out into the open air with her arms straight out and her eyes closed, she could hear the gasps coming from below her, as she let her wings out and moved then swiftly to slow her fall and land in a crouched position in the courtyard. She stood up slowly pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, and then finally opened her eyes. She looked around at the astonished faces, staring at her but didn't take much notice, as she began walking toward the gardens her wings spread out behind her and the tips dragging on the ground, she swayed softly as she walked.

*~*~*~*~* Great Hall

"What on earth do you think you were doing?!" Dareks voice rang through out the hall, seeming to echo in Alley's ears as she took another deep breath to stay calm.
"I was flying," she sad calmly, smiling up at him, "Is that such a crime?"
"Around here it is?! Do you have any idea how many of them think you are a lunitic now?!"
"They already did Darek," she was losing her cool slowly, "The girl that that spends all her time with the horses because she never talks, remember?" Darek was taken back for a second,
"I thought you didn't hear that," his voice was a whisper
"My ears pick up more then i let show," Alley looked up at Darek as he was towering over her.
"You still should not have been flying! Do you want to blow our cover?! Do you want to go and live off of nothing again?!"
"Darek, sit down before you hurt yourself, your going to give everything away if you don't," Rosemary stood up pushing Darek toward a set, she sighed and then looked at Alley.
"Alley please we are suppost to keep a low profile around here, we could get into a lot of trouble."
"You only want to stay because of Kyle." Alley snapped regreting the words after then came off her tongue, Rosemary quickly shut her month and looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry Rose, i didn't mean it," she said calming down after her last remark, "I know you all like it here, and who could blame you," Alley stood up, "But i don't belong here, like everyone around here says, i'm just some freak here for entertainment."
"Alley please don't say that, you aren't a freak, it's just that they don't understand." Racheal stood up grabbing one of Alley's hands, "Don't let them get to you, just because they don't care doesn't mean we don't." Alley smiled weakly at Racheal and the others. Darek looked up at her the concern obvious in his face,
"Alley i don't want you to get hurt again," He sighed, "After i heard what happen last time--"
"It was nothing," Alley cut him off quickly, "It's in the past." she looked around at the others,
"I'm going to bed i don't need to learn anymore bad jokes from the people around here," she joked lamely, as she walked out of the hall, none of the others stopped her but none followed either, they wanted to stay and discuse what they should do now.

*~*~*~*~* Midnight Alley's room

        Alley tied her hair up into a long braid and threw it over her shoulder, she was wearing all black, a black skirt, and tanktop with a long black sweater over top. She crossed over to her dresser, and set a folded paper standing up on it so that it would catch your eye, in blond black cursive letters it said, "Darek and Friends". She moved swiftly to the window seat across the room, pushing open the window, she paused for a second on the window seal looking back into the room to make sure she had everything and then let herself fall out the window. She let her wings spread out and then allowed the wind to choose her direction as she left the castle and it's grounds. At the wall around the castle she stopped and landed looking back over at the castle, "Sorry Dare, Rach, Rose, Tim, but i need to get away for a while, there are to many memeories." she muttered as she jumped off the wall and flew into the distance.

*~*~*~*~* end chapter


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Night_Wolf on March 30, 2005, 1:49:02 PM

Night_Wolf on
Night_WolfThis is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it

Night_Wolf on March 30, 2005, 1:48:48 PM

Night_Wolf on
Night_WolfThis is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it