Chapter 1 - It Begins
Submitted June 8, 2007 Updated August 11, 2009 Status Complete | A requested story from Jordanthehedgehog of how me and him found Masheedramon and Leopardmon and stuff. Ps, I will not be adding OC's to this story but If you have a Digimon OC then ask to be in my other story Digimon Destiny!
Anime/Manga » Digimon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 1 - It Begins
Chapter 1 - It Begins
One day, Gina and Jordan were walking down the road when they heard a loud noise coming from the park outside Gina's house.
"Wander what that is?" Jordan said to Gina.
"I dunno, let's go and find out!" Gina shouted as she ran off to where the noise was coming from. When they got there, a giant light was forming in the centre of the park. As Gina and Jordan got closer, they could feel a vortex pulling them in. Suddenly, they got too close and the vortex pulled them into an aurora of colours. They both landed with a thud on some grass.
"What? Where are we?" Gina asked puzzled.
"I dunno, but it feels kinda strange here!" Jordan said. Suddenly, Gina was attacked by a little pink cat ball with a crown and a heart nose and blue markings on her ears and a flame on her tail.
"You don't have to worry Gina! I'm your partner!" The little pink cat ball smiled.
"Partner?" Jordan puzzled.
"That's right! Me and Gina are partners!" Allow me to introduce myslef, my name is Lovemon!"
"Lovemon eh?" Gina said staring at the pink thing in her hands.
"Hmmmm, strange, i'm gonna look around" Jordan said as he started to climb a tall tree. When he got to a branch he sat down to rest and a little leopard ball with spots and a strange marking on his head landed on him.
"Hi Jordan! I'm Lorkamon!" The leopard ball smiled.
"Awesome, so I have one too!" Jordan squeeled as he jumped out of the tree with Lorkamon in his hands. Lorkamon and Lovemon jumped out of Gina and Jordan's hands and smiled at their partners Suddenly, a huge Digimon came charging through the trees roaring.
"AHHHHHH, WHAT IS THAT?!" Gina screamed.
"That's a Dobermon! He's a champion Digimon that looks like a Dobermann but his Grau Realm attack will make anyone suffer!" Lorkamon snarled.
"Grau Realm!" Dobermon howled as dark energy blasts flew out of his mouth whilst he was howling.
"RUN!" Jordan yelled as he picked up Lorkdramon and Gina picked up Lovemon and they ran away. They didn't run far when Lovemon and Lorkamon jumped out of their partners hands and stood face to face with Dobermon.
"LOVEMON, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Gina yelled but Lovemon stood still.
"LORKAMON, MOVE!!!" Jordan yelled but it was no use. Suddenly the 2 Digimon lunged themselves at Dobermon.
"FLAME TAIL!" Lovemon mewed as she hit Dobermon in his face with her flaming tail. Dobermon growled and hit Lovemon to the floor.
"FLAME BUBBLES!" Leopardmon yowled as little bubbles made from fire flew out towards Dobermon and burnt his chest but Dobermon blasted out another Grau Realm and hit Lorkamon to the floor next to Lovemon. The 2 Digimon got up and snarled. Suddenly, a huge light shone around them and they started to glow bright yellow. They grinned and then jumped into the air.
"LOVEMONDIGIVOLVED TO..... MASHEEDRAMON!" Lovemon yelled as she glowed brighter and in her place, a pink cat with the same blue markings on her ears stood in Lovemon's place. She also had a blue marking on her chest, back and stomach and a huge fluffy tail. She also had a heart bracelert on and a diamond studded collar and 2 hearts on her thigh.
"LORKAMON DIGIVOLVED TO.....LEOPARDMON!" Lorkamon yelled as he flew down as a leopard with the same marking on his head but with more spots and also a few stripes all over him and a white bandana around his neck. The 2 Digimon grinned. Suddenly, Masheedramon shouted out...
"Claw Buster!" As her claws flew off her paws with raging heat and hit Dobermon in his face.
"Giga Fist!" Leopardmon yelled as he punched stati energy at Dobermon. Dobermon reared up and howled. The attacks were good, but not good enough!
"Looks like were gonna need more!" Leopardmon hissed and Masheedramon nodded. They started to glow again and grow even bigger! Gina and Jordan stared in amazment as their partners grew bigger and bigger!
"MASHEEDRAMON DIGIVOLVED TO.... EREVUMON!" Masheedramon yelled as in her place stood a huge pink cat with tassly fur on her neck and huge blue and purple wings and 2 cannons on her back.
"LEOPARDMON DIGIVOLVED TO... SABERLEOPARDMON!" Leopardmon roared as in his place stood a huge saber toothed Leopard type Digimon with huge teeth and a red mane.
"Cannon Crusher!" Masheedramon screamed as she shot electric fireballs from the cannons on her back and they hit the Dobermon in his face and chest.
"Saber Claw!" SaberLeopardmon yelled as he struck the Bobermon in his back with his burning claws. The Dobermon howled and then turned and fled. Erevumon and Saberleopardmon de-digivolved back into Masheedramon and leopardmon. Gina ran up to Masheedramon and gave her a hug and Jordan ran up to Leopardmon and they both did a high five.
"WOW, THAT WAS TOTALLY AMAZING!" Gina screeched as Masheedramon smiled.
"It was you that helpe me to Digivolve Gina!" Masheedramon grinned.
"Yeah, same with you Jordan! Look in your pockets and you wil find 2 devices, those are called Digivices and they help up to digivolve!"
"Cool!" Jordan said. And with that, the group of 4 set off into the forest to try and find a way back home.
"Wander what that is?" Jordan said to Gina.
"I dunno, let's go and find out!" Gina shouted as she ran off to where the noise was coming from. When they got there, a giant light was forming in the centre of the park. As Gina and Jordan got closer, they could feel a vortex pulling them in. Suddenly, they got too close and the vortex pulled them into an aurora of colours. They both landed with a thud on some grass.
"What? Where are we?" Gina asked puzzled.
"I dunno, but it feels kinda strange here!" Jordan said. Suddenly, Gina was attacked by a little pink cat ball with a crown and a heart nose and blue markings on her ears and a flame on her tail.
"You don't have to worry Gina! I'm your partner!" The little pink cat ball smiled.
"Partner?" Jordan puzzled.
"That's right! Me and Gina are partners!" Allow me to introduce myslef, my name is Lovemon!"
"Lovemon eh?" Gina said staring at the pink thing in her hands.
"Hmmmm, strange, i'm gonna look around" Jordan said as he started to climb a tall tree. When he got to a branch he sat down to rest and a little leopard ball with spots and a strange marking on his head landed on him.
"Hi Jordan! I'm Lorkamon!" The leopard ball smiled.
"Awesome, so I have one too!" Jordan squeeled as he jumped out of the tree with Lorkamon in his hands. Lorkamon and Lovemon jumped out of Gina and Jordan's hands and smiled at their partners Suddenly, a huge Digimon came charging through the trees roaring.
"AHHHHHH, WHAT IS THAT?!" Gina screamed.
"That's a Dobermon! He's a champion Digimon that looks like a Dobermann but his Grau Realm attack will make anyone suffer!" Lorkamon snarled.
"Grau Realm!" Dobermon howled as dark energy blasts flew out of his mouth whilst he was howling.
"RUN!" Jordan yelled as he picked up Lorkdramon and Gina picked up Lovemon and they ran away. They didn't run far when Lovemon and Lorkamon jumped out of their partners hands and stood face to face with Dobermon.
"LOVEMON, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Gina yelled but Lovemon stood still.
"LORKAMON, MOVE!!!" Jordan yelled but it was no use. Suddenly the 2 Digimon lunged themselves at Dobermon.
"FLAME TAIL!" Lovemon mewed as she hit Dobermon in his face with her flaming tail. Dobermon growled and hit Lovemon to the floor.
"FLAME BUBBLES!" Leopardmon yowled as little bubbles made from fire flew out towards Dobermon and burnt his chest but Dobermon blasted out another Grau Realm and hit Lorkamon to the floor next to Lovemon. The 2 Digimon got up and snarled. Suddenly, a huge light shone around them and they started to glow bright yellow. They grinned and then jumped into the air.
"LOVEMONDIGIVOLVED TO..... MASHEEDRAMON!" Lovemon yelled as she glowed brighter and in her place, a pink cat with the same blue markings on her ears stood in Lovemon's place. She also had a blue marking on her chest, back and stomach and a huge fluffy tail. She also had a heart bracelert on and a diamond studded collar and 2 hearts on her thigh.
"LORKAMON DIGIVOLVED TO.....LEOPARDMON!" Lorkamon yelled as he flew down as a leopard with the same marking on his head but with more spots and also a few stripes all over him and a white bandana around his neck. The 2 Digimon grinned. Suddenly, Masheedramon shouted out...
"Claw Buster!" As her claws flew off her paws with raging heat and hit Dobermon in his face.
"Giga Fist!" Leopardmon yelled as he punched stati energy at Dobermon. Dobermon reared up and howled. The attacks were good, but not good enough!
"Looks like were gonna need more!" Leopardmon hissed and Masheedramon nodded. They started to glow again and grow even bigger! Gina and Jordan stared in amazment as their partners grew bigger and bigger!
"MASHEEDRAMON DIGIVOLVED TO.... EREVUMON!" Masheedramon yelled as in her place stood a huge pink cat with tassly fur on her neck and huge blue and purple wings and 2 cannons on her back.
"LEOPARDMON DIGIVOLVED TO... SABERLEOPARDMON!" Leopardmon roared as in his place stood a huge saber toothed Leopard type Digimon with huge teeth and a red mane.
"Cannon Crusher!" Masheedramon screamed as she shot electric fireballs from the cannons on her back and they hit the Dobermon in his face and chest.
"Saber Claw!" SaberLeopardmon yelled as he struck the Bobermon in his back with his burning claws. The Dobermon howled and then turned and fled. Erevumon and Saberleopardmon de-digivolved back into Masheedramon and leopardmon. Gina ran up to Masheedramon and gave her a hug and Jordan ran up to Leopardmon and they both did a high five.
"WOW, THAT WAS TOTALLY AMAZING!" Gina screeched as Masheedramon smiled.
"It was you that helpe me to Digivolve Gina!" Masheedramon grinned.
"Yeah, same with you Jordan! Look in your pockets and you wil find 2 devices, those are called Digivices and they help up to digivolve!"
"Cool!" Jordan said. And with that, the group of 4 set off into the forest to try and find a way back home.
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sparx on June 8, 2007, 9:25:59 PM
sparx on