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Chapter 1 - transformation

She was just a moppy teenage girl who moved a lot. Nut that all changed as her 18th birthday arrived. After a strange dream and a transformation, she was thrown into a whole new other world of wierd friends, demons, and three really wierd alter egos.

Chapter 1 - transformation

Chapter 1 - transformation
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the InuYasha characters except for Sinani which is my character. But I will someday.*laughs evily*
Just read

        Chapter 1: What?!?!?!?!

        BEEP,. BEEP, BEEEEEP! a young women about the age of 17 slammed her alarm on snooze and pulled the covers back over her head. After about 9 minutes it went off again and she finally turned it off and got out of bed. She looked in the mirror to see her abnormal silver hair all over the place. She got the brush and yanked out all the tangles out. Soon it was straight and frizzy. She got her normal school clothes, black baggy pants, black shirt that said 'I'm Not in the Mood'. She got the rest and went to take a shower.

        After she was done her hair shined if the sun hit it right. She looked her self in the mirror. Her eyes were a golden speckled red color. She had curves that her outfit fit perfectly against. She sighed, “Well another pointless day at school." her voice was had a little bit of icyness to it.

        She then messed with her choker that had a silver bell attached to it. But it never rang which was strange to her.'I've had this since I was born and it never rang once. Hmmm the little thing inside of it might be missing.' she thought.

        She was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard her mother call out," Sweetie, you're going to be late for school." She got her black backpack and ran down the stairs. She grabbed a piece of toast and walked right out the door taking her damn sweet .

        When she got there the class was almost over. The teacher gave her a dirty look and asked, "Sinani, why are you late? Again?"

        "'Cause I wanted to be." she replied in a smart assy tone. The teachers face almost turned in to an apple but the bell rang and she was out of there. 'Stupid teachers. Think they can run my life.'

        She put her stuff in her locker and grabbed her science stuff. ‘Oh, gawd I hate science. I could skip it but then my mom will get on to me about it and nag me for a week.' She sighed and walked to science class. Finally lunch came and she went straight for her favorite place. Under a big shadowy sakura tree.

        She sat back and didn't do anything not even eat. She wasn't hungry. She looked up just in time for a sakura blossom to fall on her nose. Taking it she held it in her hand.'What did I do to to have you bother me little flower?' she thought amusingly. Throwing it up she blew it away with all her might. 'But now good bye.'

         The school day ended slowly for her. When the final bell rang she was out and headed home. When she arrived, she saw her mother smiling unusually and yet she saw sadness in her eyes.

        "Mom are you alright I mean your smiling for like no reason. It's kinda scaring me," she laughed at her. Her mother just smiled even bigger at her

        " Sweetie don't you now what tomorrow is?" she asked. Sinani just looked at her weird."Tomorrow’s your birthday. Your 18th birthday to be exact."

        " Really!? I can't believe I didn't remember." she hit her self in the for head." I'm so stupid."

        " Dear please don't get mad at me but we are moving this weekend." her mother said abruptly with shame laced on her every word. She couldn't believe what she said. ‘We’re moving already? I can't believe she would do this to me. Again.'

        She looked at her mother with a sad and angry expression and stormed off to her room. ‘One day you will under stand my dear Sinani. But you are to go back home and fulfill your destiny. As soon as we arrive there.' Her mother thought to herself.

        Sinani slammed her door and turned on her CD player and hooked it on to her ears. It was on full blast so she could drown out her sadness and any other emotion that had control of her now. Miss Murder was playing and that helped a little. After the next few songs she was asleep.


        She was in a field of flowers, sakura trees, and a lone giant willow tree. She then heard voices 'Sinani go to the willow and you will find us there.' She went straight to the willow tree. When no one was there she yelled, “Who’s there? Show your selves?," She went closer to the tree to find strange markings that were a different language.

        'But we are here Sinani. You just have to look deep inside you and read the text that is engraved in this tree' the voices said again. She looked up and looked back down at the text and Started to read it." My body is graceful. My spirit and soul is strong. My heart and mind are one of a kind. But my whole being is beautiful and holly. And I shall be the one." When she was done she looked back at the sky and then at her hand and it glowed a crimson red color. She looked at her other hand to see it on fire and iced surrounding it. She was then lifted off the ground. Before she was knocked out she saw three figures. Two women and the other a man. And then blackness.
        She saw the three figures again as she was in her dream land. One looked to be a miko with black raven hair that went to mid back and ice blue eyes. She was wearing the original miko garb.

         The other was a hanyou with black ears and golden eyes speckled red and long raven black hair with red highlights that went down to her ankles. She was wearing black kimono that had pink sakura blossoms on the sleeves.

        The other a man that had beautiful silver hair in a low ponytail, along with red eyes. He was wearing a black hoari with matching hakamas, with white fang marks at the end of his sleeves. And his ears are pointed. His face was decorated with markings. Black stripes that started down at the end of his face almost touching his eyes. She gaped at them all. They looked so beautiful compared to her.

        'Hello Sinani. We are your dormant sprits. We have lived inside of your since the day you were born. But we are awakened now an here to help you transform into your hanyou form. A Inu-neko hanyou miko.'(that rhymes) they all said at once.

        Now she was confused.' What the hell do they mean when they say dormant sprits? And what’s this about a hanyou form?" she asked herself

        'That is simple. Your mother cast a spell on you so that you looked and age like a human until your eighteenth birthday, which is today. So we will combine and become one to help break the spell so you don't die. You hanyou form is the way you were supposed to look before the spell was cast. And that is the Inu- Neko hanyou miko. Now relax and let us begin.' they said at once again.

        "Wait how did you now that I thought that?" she asked them. But all they did was smirk. So she just did as they asked and relaxed. She heard chanting from them. Then a light red and black light came from the ground around here. She was then lifted up into the air. She felt a searing pain inside of her and she screamed.

END DREAM       

        She woke up and looked around. She jumped up and went straight to a mirror. She was in front of it in a flash and she looked at herself.

        She gasped at what she saw. Her hair was black with red highlights that went all the was down her thighs. Her eyes where blue speckled gold. On her forehead was a silver sun with a black dot in the middle. Then she saw them. On top of her head. Cute black cat ears. She pulled them and winced as a pain shot through her head. She looked at the rest of her. Her body was slimmer. Her skin paler. Then a pain started at her @$$. She looked to find a scrunched up black tail with a silver tip. She grabbed it and took it out to see it in front of her. She dropped it and swiftly ran downstairs to see her mom.

        "MOM!!! What happened to me?" she asked her in a shrill panicked voice. Her mom didn't even jump as she suddenly heard her daughter voice.

        " You are a hanyou miko." she replied a-matter-of-factly. And she went back to what ever she was doing like it was normal. She just stared at her in disbelief.

        " How can you be so calm when I look like this? Is this normal to you?" she asked her mother. Her mother just shrugged and left the room to do something else. She just went up to her room. 'How can she be so damn calm? I mean look at me I have frekin' cat ears and a tail!!!!!' she yelled at herself.

        Sinani plopped down on the bed and tried to figure something out so that she could go out in public, without being stared at. '*Sigh* this is gonna be hard' she groaned to herself.


Comments (2)

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AriaGunnir on December 29, 2006, 10:16:19 PM

AriaGunnir on
AriaGunnirLOL -- I really like the story!  I hated it when my mom would drop a bombshell and act like nothing was going on too...  Is this the end, or are you adding chapters?

rego_vampire on December 30, 2006, 3:10:34 PM

rego_vampire on
rego_vampireNo I just added another one enjoy :D