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Chapter 4 - Shocking memories

She was just a moppy teenage girl who moved a lot. Nut that all changed as her 18th birthday arrived. After a strange dream and a transformation, she was thrown into a whole new other world of wierd friends, demons, and three really wierd alter egos.

Chapter 4 - Shocking memories

Chapter 4 - Shocking memories

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the of the Inuyasha characters. I only own the dad/dog, mom, and Sinani. Oh and the entities. That’s about all.

[/u]Shocking Memories[/u]
[/b][/u]A New Gal[/b][/b][/u]

        I saw blackness. That was all. Blackness. I could still feel my mother's feathery touch on my forehead although I couldn’t see her. It was strange to me, but I was to busy trying to figure out were I was first.

        I let my eyes focus and then an unexpected image flashed before my eyes. I saw six women ,dressed strangely, surrounding another one with a swollen belly. Three on each side. I heard a pained groan from the women in the middle. I jogged closer and saw a beautiful women with brownish black hair. On her head was a black sun with a silver dot in it that stood out on her pale skin, that looked like mine. On the very top was black cat ears like me except lighter. Her eyes were closed as if in pain and I couldn't figure out the eye color.

        Her pale skin turned paler as her eyes squeezed more closed. The women beside her huddled closer to her. I turned my head to look at an older looking one. "Do something. Can't you see that she's in pain?" I hissed at her but the women did nothing. I turned all the way and tried to grab the women to get her attention, but my hands just went right through her and I stumbled. I snapped around and looked at her with amazement. At least, with as much as I would allow.

        Another groan came from the woman. The old woman then said, "It is time. Get the hot water and some blankets." Half of the ladies scurried off. I then jogged back to the side of the pregnant woman. Her eyes then opened and I saw a very familiar sparkle in her calming blue eyes. I tried to remember every face that came to mind. It finally clicked and it astonished me. Looking back at the woman, I whispered, "Mom..." She then screamed and arched her back. The women that got the supplies finally came back and set them down by my mom.

        I turned away in a hurry. I really [/i]didn't want to see child birth. It grossed me out. The room filled with bloody-murder type screams. Another sound was then added. It was that of a baby. I turned my head slightly to see what I looked like. All I saw was a ball of black and red fuzz on top of my head and flat black cat ears. I was dried off of all the blood. I then got a clear sight of the mark on my forehead and my proclaim skin.

        My mom started to scream and my head snapped toward her. She sounded like she was having a baby. ‘Again?' I asked myself. The shock then hit me a little late. I have a younger sibling? It caught me off guard more than growing kitty ears on my head. I turned my head as soon as she gave a VERY loud yell. As soon as I heard another baby I shot around again only to be greeted by, not a hanyou, but a demon. I gawked wide eyed and mouth hanging open at it. The thing had raven black hair and mini claws. I then saw that it [/i]was a he.'[/i] Holly hell!!!! I have a brother!! Why didn't I know?' I yelled to myself.

        Every thing changed again and I was in a clearing. It was night and the half moon was shining over my head. My black cat ears twitched at a snapping twig. Turning to the sound I saw my mother, wide blue eyes with fear and determination, running with enormous speed away from something, holding a bundle. Catching a glimpse at red hair I knew it was me. I turned around again as I heard feral growls. At least a thousand of lower class demons came charging after her. I sprinted off toward my mother in hopes of finding where she went.

        When I caught up to her she was in another clearing near an new looking well. She got into a jump position she bound through the air and straight into the well. I followed right after her. Instead of hard ground I felt weightless as a blue light engulfed me. I finally landed on soil. I looked up to find a little bit of cloth go over the edge. I jumped up right after her and was greeted by the night, again. I saw a house. It wasn't small and it wasn't big either. I saw my mom run straight into the house and then I heard a scream. I rushed to the entrance of the house only to see a frightened woman holding a baby about the same size as me. My mom stood a little ways away just as frightened as her.

        My mom then asked, "Where am I? Your hut looks strange and your clothes are foreign." The women just looked at my mom, who was covered in her cloak, up and down to get a better view of her intruder.

        She calmed down a bit and answered my mom's question's, "You are in my house which is located on shrine. And my house is not strange. My clothes aren't either." My mom was still tense but not as tense as she was before. The women walked up slowly and held out her hand.

        "Hello. My name is Emi. (a/n I don't know the mom's real name)," she introduce her self as. My mom just looked at it and tilted her head to the side in confusion. The women chuckled a little bit and said, "Grab my hand and shake it, and tell me your name." A nice smile appeared on her face.

        My mom took her hand slowly, unsure of herself, she shook it slightly and said nothing. My mom then blurted out, "My name is Hikari." The woman known as Emi looked at her dumbfounded for some reason.

        "Why that's an ancient name. In fact the only person to be named this was the lady of the eastern lands during Rekesh's rule. " she was so shocked that when she stepped back the baby she was hold flew out of her hands as she tripped over a rug. In a flash my mom was holding two babies and they didn't even cry. The women composed herself and stared at my mom more astonished than she was before. Her eyes looked like they were coming out of her head and her mouth was ten times bigger.

        My mom walked up to Emi and gave her ,her baby. “You have a very beautiful baby girl. She will grow up to be very beautiful and powerful," my mom complemented randomly.

        "We..well thanks. And so will yours," she said glancing at the barely visible me. My pale skin shone against my black hair (the red isn't visible right now) as I slept. There was an awkward silence as they each stared at there babies.

        "Ummm... Will you need a place to stay? Because I have an extra bedroom," she said pointing up the stairs and also breaking the silence. My mom looked at her funny and then nodded her head.

        "Yes. That would be nice," bowing she added on, "Thank you." Emi started up the stairs with my mom following her.

        "Oh! I was wondering what is your baby's name?" Emi asked out of the blue.

        My mom looked at her and said, "Sinani. Yours?" she questioned.


        Everything changed again and I found myself in blackness once again. My eyes tried uselessly to see but, nothing. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise as I felt a presence coming toward me. Turning around I saw the people from the willow tree gliding towards me in a bright light. Shielding my eyes from the intensity of it, I thought 'What is it now?'. I then remembered that they could read my thoughts and mentally slapped my forehead.

        "We are here to explain some matters that have now occurred. Including the memories and events." said the miko. She stepped closer to me and pulled out a glowing piece of rolled up paper from her sleeve. Handing it to me I hastily unrolled it only to find glowing letters in some other language. I glared at the piece of paper and then turned it to the priestess.

        "What the hell is this supposed to be? I can't even read it," I hissed angrily at all of the shimmering entities. They just stood there unaffected by my anger.

        "You have to find your demon blood and fully accept it. For example, when your father tried to do this to you your miko powers shot out at him and that is because your miko powers won't accept your demon blood. Since you won't accept it neither will your miko powers." the man said in a smarty-pants tone.

        "So there for if you try to travel in time it will not work. Also you will most likely die earlier than ordinary hanyous." said the cat eared lady that looked like me. All I did was roll my eyes and shook my head.

        "This is not a matter to be taken lightly. You must or else the eastern blood line shall be lost for all time." boomed the man. He then added on to his previous sentence, "Unless your brother can find a mate and change time."

       It then hit her. "Hey, how did I get a brother I never even knew about until now?" she asked as she remembered the memory.

        The demon stepped in front of her and stated the obvious, "Because you were too young to remember him. Now back to the blood subject." He then motioned the priestess to come over. Moving out of the way the priestess then sat down.

        "Come master, sit. We will get your miko powers to accept your demon blood," she said motioning for her to sit in front of her. When She did the miko closed her eyes and Sinani did the same. "Now. Find your miko powers." commanded the entity.

        Sinani nodded and looked deeper into her mind to try and find the purest part of it. She found a glowing red orb at the center. She then whispered, "I think I found it." Getting closer she grasped it inside of her mind's hand.

        "Good now tell it what to do and don't take no for an answer. If it still resists then meld it and your demon blood together and then you are done." instructed the entity.

        'Hey you. The glowing red orb. I want you to get with my demon blood and become one.' she thought stubbornly to the ball of energy. It then flared in a motion that said 'NO!'. Seeing this she took her other mind's hand and grabbed it. Taking it she summoned her demon blood.

        A red glow emitted from the left and a huge black cat appeared in front of her. Taking the flaring orb she pushed it toward the humongo cat and made it go into it. It reared away as the ball entered. Everything went black as the cat roared in acceptace.

~Sinani's POV~

        I jolted up to be pulled right back by something holding my head down. I fell back on some thing very uncomfortable. I sniffed trying to find out where I was. The scent of sickness, old people, and medicine reached my nose. My face contracted in disgust. I turned my head around to see I was hooked up to that blasted beeping machine.

        I ripped the wires and tubes away from my face. Looking at my arm I saw the IVs in my skin. Without hesitation I ripped them out of my skin. I didn't feel the pain Getting out of bed I walked toward the closet to find my clothes and shoes in there. Taking them out I got dressed and slipped my bandanna back on my head. I looked out of my window on the door only to find the halls busting with life. Sighing I looked toward the blowing curtains.

        I sighed yet again and looked out the window. 'shoot. I'm on the fifth floor. Well. Looks like I'm gonna have to jump.' I put one foot over and then the other. Sitting into a crouch position I heard a faint jingling sound. Looked to my neck to find that it now rings. Ignoring it for now I jumped to the side walk.

        I was over whelmed by the freedom I felt in the air. I flipped a couple of time and then landed on my feet in front of some one. Looking to the side I saw that it was a stunned Kagome. Looking around I dragged her off into the nearest ally again. I shook her but she did nothing but stare right through me.

        "Earth to Kagome!!! Wake up Kagome!!!" I yelled in her ear. She was finally snapped out of her stunned self but was quickly replaced by anger.

        "That was not very nice to yell in my ear like that. Oh and don't forget you jumped from the sky and almost landed on me. Scaring the shoot out of me by the way.” she yelled. My ears were flattened on my head with my hand covering both of them from her verbal wrath.

        As Kagome started to settle down she then fully saw who it was. Her face then lit up in recognition. "Oh, Hey Sinani! Sorry I yelled at you and all. I just thought it was Inuyasha. I'm just so used to him just popping out of no where so.." and she just kept blabbering on about Inuyasha being a jerk and that she was sorry again. I yawned and held my hand up. She finally shut up.

        "I accept your apology and just shut up about that dumb dog," I said all but annoyed. I saw Kagome nod and blush. "Oh hey. Do you mind if I sleep over tonight. My mom's in the hospital." I asked.

        Kagome's face twisted in worry. "Yeah sure. My mom won't mind but, is your mom okay? I mean why is she in the hospital?" she asked. My face lowered as I thought back to when I found my mom. It pained me but I quickly covered it up.

        "She past out and I called an ambulance. That's all, nothing serious." I shrugged the question of easily. Kagome looked skeptically at me. I could tell she didn't believe me all the way.

        "Oh. Okay. Well lets go," she said and walked off toward her shrine. I followed right behind her.

        I kept my head down thinking. 'Why did I have to wake up.*sigh* Oh well, I'm gonna have to dream of them tonight' I stopped my thinking as I saw the shrine entrance at the corner of my eye. Looking up to see the familiar wooden gate like thingy, I saw Kagome tense up and sprint up the tall stairs skipping every other step. I sniffed and smelled wet dog the way she was going and knew it was doggy boy. I hopped up the stairs right after her.

        "SIT!!!!!!!!" my ears flattened against my head at Kagome's sit command on Inuyasha. I heard a loud 'THUD' and some groans. I raced up the stairs once again to see Inuyasha with his face planted in the ground. I then looked at the steaming Kagome. She had her hands to her side and she was very tense, like angry tense.

        "I told you the other day, I'M NOT GOING TO GO BACK FOR TWO MORE DAYS!!!" she yelled at him.

        My ears flattened on top of my head inside the bandanna and I covered them just in case of another outburst.

        "Why'd ya do that for, wench?" Inuyasha yelled as the curse wore off.

        "For being a thick-headed, numb-skull, BAKA, " she fought right back.

        Inuyasha jumped up and growled, "Wha'd ya say wench?" He leaned into her face to make his point clear.

        "I called you a THICK-HEADED, NUMB-SKULL, BAKA!!!!!!!!!" she answered as she leaned into his face to get it through to him.

        Sinani just sat on the side lines laughing hysterically.

        "WHAT'S SO DAMNED FUNNY???!!!!!!!" Inuyasha and Kagome yelled/screamed at her. The laughing stopped right away and her ears flattened against her head as her tailed lowered to the ground.

        Kagome then gave a frustrated scream as she stomped into the house , with Inuyasha behind her yelling about god knows what. Sinani got out of her scared position and walked right after them with her ears still against her head.

        As Kagome was taking off her shoes, her mom yelled, "Honey is that you? Good timing because I'm going to go to th-" she stopped mid sentence as she saw an unfamiliar person. "Oh why hello. Kagome you didn't say I was having company I would've prepared more steak," sighed her mom. "Anyway, I'm going to the store and I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Souta and the steaks?" she asked.

        "Sure! Oh! Hey mom this is Sinani. She's goi-" she was cut off by the sound of a 'crash!' [/i]and glass sliding on the floor.

Hehe cliffy and I really want more reviews and thanks again to all the people who commented.


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FireWitch14 on June 10, 2007, 8:42:04 AM

FireWitch14 on
FireWitch14i'm loving this story