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Chapter 5 - Meetings greetings shopping

She was just a moppy teenage girl who moved a lot. Nut that all changed as her 18th birthday arrived. After a strange dream and a transformation, she was thrown into a whole new other world of wierd friends, demons, and three really wierd alter egos.

Chapter 5 - Meetings greetings shopping

Chapter 5 - Meetings greetings shopping
Disclaimer: i don't own any of the inuyasha characters except Sinani

[/b][/b][/u]The New Gal[/b][/b][/u]
[/b][/b]Chapter Five[/b][/b]
[/b][/b]Meeting, Greetings, and Shopping[/b][/b]

        Kagome darted into the kitchen with everyone behind her. Her mom was stunned hands shaking, eyes wide, and just staring out into space.

        "Mom!! MOM!!!! Are you alright? Sinani get the broom it's in the laundry room. The doors over there, " she demanded pointing to her right. Sinani instantly was there and back with broom in hand.

        "I...I...I... can't believe she's back already." Kagome's mom stuttered. "It's just been too long and...and-" Her mom all of a sudden fainted.

        "Mom!! Wake up please!" Kagome screamed. Inuyasha then came and picked her mom up and brought her on the couch. Sinani then started to sweep up the shattered plate and placed it in the trash bin.

        Walking over to were Kagome sat crying by her mother's side, she patted her on the back and whispered, "Come on we have to let her sleep. Obviously she's had some bad memories about someone she cares not to now." She then thought back to her dreams/memories. Kagome's mom... She looked familiar.

        'But I have no idea where I've seen her though. Gah! Remember you idiot!' Sinani yelled at herself. She then examined where she lay and she noticed something very interesting. Kagome then got up and went up to her room without a word, followed by Inuyasha.

        As soon as they were out of view Kagome's mom opened her eyes. Sinani just smirked. "Fake sleeping and worrying your own daughter is not very nice you know," she mocked.

        She just ignored the comment and spoke, "Listen, Sinani, I want you to go back with my daughter." She spoke softly and quietly so not to be heard by th half-demon up stairs."Your mom will know if she doesn't see you tomorrow" she added on.

        "Go?Go where? And why would my mom know anything about this?" she asked all at once, confusion clear in her voice.

        "Just go home and pack what ever you would need if you were to go camping." she said. "Because you are." She just smirked and set her head right back down and fell back into a fake sleep.

        Sinani got up and strolled up to the stairs. She then slowly climbed them, just thinking, 'Should I really do this? I mean I'll be leaving my mom to fend for herself. Well, she would know where I am.' She stood there. Not even noticing she had stopped, but those sentences kept running through her head.

        "Oi! Wench! What ya doing just standing in the middle of the stairs for?" Inuyasha yelled in her face. She just gave him a glare that said shut-the-hell-up-now. He just gulped and yelled shakily, "He-hey! What was th-that look for!?"

        Sinani just blew off his question and head back up the stairs with an icy exterior that made Inuyasha freeze and tumble down the stairs, paralyzed. She was determined to have some major questions answered. Coming to the top she pushed open the door in which Kagome's scent was and made Kagome fall right out of her chair.

        "IUNYASHA!!!!! SIT! SIT! SIT!" she yelled when she got up. The sit effect didn't work on her but slammed a poor solidified Inuyasha deeper into the already dent made hole, rendering him unconscious. "He he. Oops." she announced sheepishly at the sound from downstairs. She then looked at the real intruder and flushed slightly out of minor anger. "Sinani why did you do that?" she demanded.

        She just shrugged and walked to the bed and plopped down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. "I was just wondering... where do you go?" she asked randomly.

        Kagome just gave her a really weird look and asked, puzzled, "Huh?" Kagome once again took a seat in her chair in front of her desk. "I go a lot of places. Why?"

        Sinani sat up in a sitting position and asked more firmly, "Where do you go with Inuyasha?" Now that caught Kagome's attention. Her face paled a little and she turned to look away from Sinani's intense, scrutinizing glare.

        "Umm..." she staled. "Yeah... Well. Umm." she didn't know how to say it and she didn't know what on earth was making her want to explain it to a girl she had just met.

        "Just spit it out, please," she said impatiently with a hint of desperation.

        Taking a deep breath, she said, "As you well know by know, Inuyasha isn't exactly from this world." Sinani just nodded in emotionless understanding. Kagome brought her hands in front of her and focused on them while she explained, "Yeah.. Soooo. Well he's not from this time either. He's from 500 years in the past, or the Fudel Era." Kagome closed her eyes and braced her self for the laughing and the 'Your crazy and I'm gone' speech or the 'Yeahhh.... Well to the nut house with you!'.

        After about five minutes She opened her eyes to see Sinani deep into thought. 'Hmm. That's weird. I would assume people to think I'm crazy and just go. Then try to call a nut house and arrange a room for me there.' she externally sighed.

        'Okay. Well that explains a whole lot about Inuyasha. But how the hell do they go back and forth.' she then growled out loud as stupid ideas came popping in and out of her head. Kagome backed up away from Sinani at the sound of the feral growl.

        "I think I understand. It does explain a whole lot about Inuyasha. But how the hell do you get there?" Sinani asked irritably Kagome sighed in relief. 'At least she has a better temper then Inuyasha. Thank Kami.' Kagome thought.

        "Hehe. Yeah about that. You see there is a well in the back along with a god tree. That well lets me and Inuaysha pass through time to the Fudel era because it was said to be made from the wood of that or another god tree," she explained hesitantly

        "Hm," was her reply. She then got up and looked out the window. She spotted the tree and a well house. She smiled a little one and then said, "I'll meet you and Inuyasha there in two days. I need to pack," she announced firmly. Kagome's jaw hit the floor and almost broke it.

        "WHAT!!! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!! IT WON'T LET YOU PASS TRHOUGH!!!! ONLY INUYAHSA AND I CAN!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

        Inuyasha then came barging in with two large goose eggs on th top of his head. He screamed, "What happened?!" Sinani turned around and laughed at the sight of her two new friends. One's mouth was turned into a fly catcher and the other a punching bag. She laughed even harder when she thought that.

        She then stopped laughing as Inuyasha yelled, "What's so damn funny!?" She just gave him a blank look.

        "Your face," she stated.

        His face then turned red and he mumbled irritably, "Why you mangy cat.." He then jumped at her, nails ready for action. She then side stepped and grabbed him by his ears. "Oooo. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" he yelled. "Kagome! Please Help me!"

        Kagome was then knocked out of her stated of shock at Inuyasha's yelling. She stifled a giggle at the sight before her.

        Sinani had a mischievous smirk on her face and Inuyasha's ears secured tightly between both of her thumbs and pointing fingers. Then there was Inuyasha and him trying to struggle out of her firm grasp. He was also yelling for help from Kagome.

        She then caved under the pressure. Bursting out laughing she said, "In... Inuya... Inuyasha! Si... sit boy!"


        "WHAFF WUZZZ ZAT FUR WHENTH!!!!" came the muffled yells from the dog-eared boy.

        Kagome just ignored the screams of the hanyou and just laughed on until her sides hurt. Finally she calmed down and whipped her eyes with her hand. "That was too funny," she said in one breathe.

        "What? What I said or Inuyasha?" Sinani asked curiously.

        "Both. But you still can't pass through the well. Only me and Inuyasha can. It's sort of a connection thing that I have no clue how to explain," she responded a-matter-of-factly. Sinani just crossed her arms and huffed.

        "We'll see about that. I'll meet you and Inuyasha here in two days okay?" Sinani said stubbornly. Kagome sighed in defeat.

        "Okay but you better not be late. Be here early in the morning or else we're leaving you. Got it?" Kagome ordered. Sinani nodded her head.

        "Well... I guess I'll be seeing you in two days. I'll go and pack right now," Sinani said with a burst of random energy. Then pivoting on one foot she strolled out of Kagome's room and skipped down the stairs. Then walking across the hallway she opened the mahogany door and slammed it behind her. Her energy died down within those few seconds after closing the door.

        Leaning against it she looked toward the side of the house. 'I wonder, does that well really go back in time? Maybe I'll go and see.' she thought as she started to go around the house. Then some thing stopped her. Like an invisible force. 'No my master. Not yet. You must wait until Kagome is with you.' yelled very smooth voices. It was her demon, cat and miko. She listened to them without back talk and turned around and left.

        'Well it's still pretty yearly in the afternoon and the salon should be open,' she thought happily. She heard her dog demon laugh and the miko and cat demon gasp. They knew what she was going to do.

        She walked down the endless amount of stairs and took a left. She walked fast toward her destination. The salon. Finally the see through glass doors and neon lights stared back at her happy face. Then walking in, she heard a chime and "Hello. Welcome to Beauty is Everything," in the most bored tone I've heard out of anyone.

[/u]Sinani's POV[/u]
        I walked up to the receptionist. She had white blonde layered hair and way to much make-up on. "Yeah I would obviously like to have a hair cut," I said rudely. The girl just gave me a snooty look and asked, "Name?"

        I had to fight back the urge to just roll my eyes and slug her. "Sinani," I replied not to happy anymore. She then wrote it down and said nothing else. I pivoted to my left and took a seat in a brown leather Lazy Boy. I waited there for like ten minutes then, "Sinani," said a very pretty women from behind the tall desk. Her hair was a natural dirty blonde in a low loose ponytail. Her eyes were lightly outlined with eyeliner and pale blue eyeshadow.

        I then got up and went over to her. "That would be me," I said bordly. She just gave me a bright smile and said, "Right this way."

        She lead me to a blue leather chair. I took a seat and looked at my long hair for my last time in the huge mirror. "I want it to make a V shape down my back and don't touch my right bangs. I want it a little bit past my shoulders," I said as I pointed to the right side of my face.

        "Okay!" she said as she put the cover thingy on me. She then just started to snip away. I was kinda freaking out. I mean the only person to actually cut my hair had been my mom. My thoughts faded away as I felt the aura of sadness drape over me. There was absolutely nothing I could do. My mom's energy was fading away fast and it was only because of a stupid permanent cloaking spell. She was going to die and I was here getting my hair cut. I'm so heartless but this is what she wanted. For me to go on whatever adventure awaits me. This was the first step.

        "Okay! Done. And if I do say so myself you look even better than before!" she said cheerfully. She then took off the cover thingy and spun my chair around so I was facing the mirror. I think she was right cause I looked really hott. And I don't mean to be full of myself either but I did. 'I like it a lot master.' said my cat demon. 'I have to agree with you but you look 'hott.' said my miko. I then saw her give me a thumbs up. 'Hn' was All I heard from my dog demon. I smirked. I knew he liked it.

        "Thanks," I said and then paid for it at the desk. Pulling out my platinum I handed it to her. Swiping it she then handed it back to me and announced, "Have a great day."

        I then walked out into the city and headed toward the clothes store. I need more durable clothes and fast. I then slipped into the sliding doors and roamed the place searching for the big sign that said 'Juniors'. Going to the very back I found it. I roamed the sweaters first, looking for some black ones. I found at least four. One had a heart with thorns and roses surrounding it. It was okay. The other had Gir on it with him announcing "I like Tacos!!". 'Mine' I thought joyfully. One other was black and red stripes from side to side. That'll work. Finally the last one. I laughed at it. It was red with a cat mouth on it and the bold black words of 'MEOW!". At the bottom it had cat ears. Definitely mine. I put the heart one away and started looking at the medium sized shirts.

         I picked up a totally sleeveless plain black shirt that didn't cover my belly button. Then a short sleeved one with vivid designs on it with a butterfly too. I then found one that had Edward scissor hands on it with blue stuff surrounding him. I then went to the One sized jeans and pants. I found a pair of skinny jeans with a crown in the right back pocket. I then picked up a black mini skirt that only went to mid thigh it looked like. I fell in love with it. The last pair I saw were absolutely amazing. They were black cargo pants that had a bass patch at the bottom, a patched rose on the knee and a patched cat on the upper thigh. It also had black chains hooked to the back then wrapped around to the front There were four. Two on each side. I almost fell over dead with excitement.

        I grabbed them and went looking around. I then saw something that made me smirk mischievously They were panties that had red lace and bows on the front and back supporting mid thigh length tights 'Those will go great with my skirt.' I thought sneakily. I heard my cat demon saying 'There is more to those than going with the skirt master'. The other egos agreed. I just mentally laughed as I looked at the hats. Looking around I found a black beanie with spike studs on one side. I then found a black and white stripped head band that tied in the back. I then found one that went with my kitty outfit. It had a kitty sticking it's head out from the bottom and it's paws supporting it. It was absolutely MINE!

        Having all I wanted and needed, I went and paid for them. The situating all my bags I headed to my new home.

        When I walked through the door I took off my converse and set my crap down on our tan couch. I then plopped down lazily and thought of what I should bring. 'Okay I need clothes, shoes, sleeping bag, food, first aid kit, hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush and paste, razor, Ipod, and a lot of other stuff too.' I thought exasperatedly Pulling my self off the couch I went and packed everything into my giant black back pack. I looked around to see if I was forgetting something when a belt caught my attention. Walking over I looked at it. My black belt from when I took karate. And under neath it was a picture of me two years ago graduating with it. My mom was next to me smiling her warm gentle smile.

        I felt tears that I haven't shed in years threaten to fall now. I held them back though. I would not cry. My mom would not let me let me and I wouldn't let myself either. Turning away I picked up my back pack and left my room. I set it down on the floor and looked at my shoes at the front door. An idea popped in my head I found the black sharpie and grabbed my converse. On the white part I made an Anarchy sign on both shoe. I smiled at my little work of art. Perfect. I set them down and sprawled out on the couch. I let sleep over come me and the world of dreams welcome me.

[/b]DREAM TIME[/b][/b]

        I was floating again. "Aw shoot! No more memories please," I pleaded to the gods. I then looked down to see a man walking down the hall with a pissed expression on his face. His black hair flew around him as a breeze through a window caught it. On his forehead was an upside down crescent moon on his forehead. His cheeks held one line that went from his lover face to his lower cheek. And furious honey golden eyes glistened in anger. He looked just like her father. "Wait a minute... " she said as she took a long pause. She put him and her father side my side in her dream mind and gasped. "HOLLY shoot!!!! HE'S MY BROTHER!!!" I yelled. I looked down to see that he was staring right at me with wide eyes. "AHHHH. He can see me now too!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I saw him cover his ears and narrow his eyes. This was no dream.


BEST CLIFFIE EVER!!!! I love this chappie. It's so full of.. of.. stuff yeah that's the word. But bah It's 2:30 In the morning and I want sleep!!!
anyway comment and do what ever.

        Luvs ya!




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