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Chapter 10 - Saving Kaili

Seven months after tokyo was nearly destroyed, the origonal mew mews are invited on a trip to paris.
But what if the cyniclons attack again?

Chapter 10 - Saving Kaili

Chapter 10 - Saving Kaili
Well, Let me just say, this chapter is awsume.
Totally awsume. And Ami-chan, I swear that Rikas coming in.
I swears it. And when she does, only I know what kind of heck I'll put these characters through.
So basically, I'm promising ya'll ten times more melodrama, tragedy, randomness and romance then whats already here.
Keep reading for the explosive results of Kaili's turning to the cynical side...........(my true beleivers XD)


Gusts of wind circled the girl as she said her name, strong enough even to peel away
specks of marble from the balcony. Ice spread from where she stood, making it feel like
The second ice-age had come. As the horrified trio watched, Kaili transformed. A icy
white corset appeared on her, with a jagged blue skirt. Her boots and gloves were a
similar style and on her neck, a jet black pendant materialised on her choker, making a
terrible contrast to the pale outfit. Flapping her ragged white butterfly wings, Mew
Midnight rose in the air and held out her palm. Light gathered there, and soon a ball of
piercing ice began to form.
Lucia snapped out of her daze as soon as she realised what was happening. Grabbing
Natasha’s arm and the back of Tsumi’s top, she forced them down just in time to miss the
Orb of ice that swept straight past where their heads had previously been.
‘Quick!’ she yelled, ‘Transform!!’
‘Mew Mew Liquorice Mewtamorphosis!’
‘Mew Mew Autumn Mewtamorphosis!’
‘Mew Mew Forest Mewtamorphosis!!!’
Natasha looked around. Lucia to her right and beyond her, Tsumi-who was wearing a
brown dress and had now gained ferret ears and tail.
Turning her attention back to the front, Natasha faced…nothing. Kaili had vanished.
The three girls raced to where she had been hovering previously.
‘She’s not here!’ Natasha said, swinging her head from side to side.
‘Wait!’ called Tsumi, ‘What’s that?’
Lucia and Natasha followed her gaze to where a lone figure was slowly flying away.
But as they watched, they realised that the figure was beginning to lose altitude.
‘What do you thinks happening to her?’ Tsumi whispered.
‘I…dunno…’ Lucia’s eyes were stern.
Natasha looked at both of them. Then without warning, she jumped off the balcony.


Ryou Shirogane sat at café mew mew, alone at a far away table, sipping coffee.
It was a busy day at the café, and there were a line of girls waiting outside just to get a
Seat. Usually, it made him happy to make little girls suffer, but today he was unusually
‘weird,’ the thought.
Surveying the café with his calm blue eyes, he realised that the boy from the other day was sat there, in the exact same place as before. Was that him? Yes it must have been-
Same white hair, and he was even wearing similar cloths.
‘very weird.’ Ryou murmured. ‘hey Bella!’
Bella turned to him, and gave a little huff before walking over.
‘What is it now, oh great blonde science man who probably like other-’
‘Bella I think that’s enough. Anyway, see that white haired guy? Keep an eye on him, ok?’ Bella nodded.
‘Understood, Boss-man!’ saluting she returned to her business.
‘I knew it!’ she giggled.


‘NATASHA!!!!’ Lucia swung herself to the balcony and, grasping the railing, looked down. She sighed.
Natasha was crouched on the ground, poised like a predator stalking it’s prey.


‘Damn panther DNA.’ Natasha said under her breath. ‘What in the name of good cheese cake was I thinking?’
But, once again, pure impulse grasped her. She watched the black speck, judging the distance
between her and Kaili. Then, she leapt onto the nearest tree branch and
Continued from tree to tree, never taking her eyes off the speck, which was slowly
Getting closer.


Lucia watched and then jumped to the tree, following in Natasha’s wake.
Tsumi cursed- she couldn’t do that to save her life. But, instead of agility
and balance to keep her in trees, Tsumi possessed the gift of pure light footed speed.
Closing her eyes, she dived off the balcony. As she landed, her knees buckled,
but she soon recovered. Standing, she sped off in the direction of the others.


The speck was slowing. Mirroring this, Natasha also slowed her pace until she came to a stop.
She was on a roof top, as the trees had thinned until they were sparse.
Suddenly, the speck faltered.
Kaili began to drop at an alarming pace.
Eyes wide, Natasha ran until she was close enough.
Then, doing the only thing she could,
She leapt into the air.


Lucia reached the roofs just in time to see Natasha’s leap.
‘She ain’t gon make it…’


Ren Fujita trotted along the busy streets. Cars passed him by on one side and
on the other, stalls and shops showed off their wares to passers by.
All around him were bright lights, neon pinks and oranges mixed in with warm yellows and cold greens.
Of course, the brightest light was behind him- the famed Tokyo tower stood towering obove the surrounding building. Yes; the streets in the
heart of Japan’s famed capital were most beautiful at night. Ren looked up, trying to spot stars. Instead he saw a very peculiar sight.
A girl, almost every aspect of her a dull swamp green, leapt from a roof top.
Ren first took this as a suicide attempt but then he caught sight of the girl’s black tail.
Smiling to himself, Ren continued on his way.


Natasha could feel the adrenalin coursing through the fibres of her being.
Continually cursing, she reached out her arms. It was all about timing.
Kaili was closer…
Almost at her level…
Just in front…

Natasha grabbed Kaili and they hurtled onto the roof opposite.
Her breathing was heavy and she couldn’t get up for a while.
Natasha tried to slow her breathing. She half opened her leafy green eyes and
watched as the sky grew grey and cloudy. Icy drops of rain began to fall.
It was cold and wet and Natasha was exhausted.
Slowly, darkness engulfed her.


‘Hey…I think she’s waking up!!’
All Natasha could see was white warm fluffiness. Then, all at once, it vanished.
She groaned. She hurt- a lot. Especially her arm.
It took a few moments for Natasha to realise what was happening. Then the memories of
The past few hours flooded back.
Natasha slapped her head.
‘Stupid panther DNA!’
Before she knew what was happening, Natasha was unceremoniously glomp’d by Bella.
‘Gerrof Meh!’ she said. But her voice was muffled and Bella would have ignored her protests even if she had heard.
‘What the HELL were you thinking?’ she heard Lucia shout.
Natasha managed to look up. She was in the back room of café mew mew and lying on a table. Surrounding her were Rinzen, Bella, Tsumi and Lucia.
The latter walked over to her and punched her good arm.
‘You nearly go’ yerself KILLED!’
‘Great, now both my arms feel dead.’ Natasha said, ‘At least I did something. Anyway, where’s Kaili?’
The girl all looked behind Natasha. She turned and saw Kaili, lying on a similar sized table next to hers.
‘She’s totally knocked out.’ Tsumi said. ‘And she’s got a fever.’
Natasha, who had propped herself up in a sitting position, now swung her legs onto the floor. Attempting to stand, she pushed off the table. She was surprised to find that she could barely stand.
But, she persisted. Slowly taking a step, Natasha came to stand between Ryou and Keiichiro.
Now that Natasha was closer, she could see that Kaili’s breathing was irregular.
Her cloths looked even more ripped , veins pulsing, face grey.
And on her chest laid the black pendant. But it seemed bigger.
Natasha gasped. The pendant had turned the skin around it into a jet black, as if it was burnt paper.
‘It’s like…poison,’ she whispered.
‘It’s not just that… it looks like there’s an infuser inside.’
Tsumi, who was standing next to Natasha looked quite confused.
‘Infusers are what the aliens use to make chimera animas. I read about it on a mew fan site.’ Natasha said as a reply.
‘Either way…that pendant’s ’urting her.’ Lucia said.
‘Why don’t we just rip it off?’ asked Bella.
‘Because it will kill her.’
‘Hey…’ Lucia turned to Ryou, ‘You said there’s an infuser in there right? Well why don’t we just get it out li’ a normal chimera…you know, pur’ify it?’
‘…we could try it.’ Ryou said after a while.
Natasha instinctively began to get her pendant out but then Rinzen caught her arm.
‘Don’t. Your to tired. Let Lucia or someone else try.’
Natasha nodded.
Lucia stepped up and transformed.
‘Okay, call for the Apple bell,’ Ryou instructed.
Lucia nodded and held out her right hand.
‘Apple Bell!!!’ she said and in her hand materialised a star-shaped bell.
Lucia waved the bell in a circle and a burst of red sparkles flew at Kaili.
The pendant exploded in a million pieces and a glowing jellyfish-like infuser came
Floating out. But then Riri ate it.
‘Epic win Riri!’ Rinzen giggled.
‘Hey guys, look!’ everyone looked to where Tsumi was pointing.
The rags Kaili had been wearing shimmered and changed into a light blue sleeping gown.
The wings disappeared and Kaili retuned to her normal self.
She opened her light green eyes, but at once covered them, finding the light far to bright.
‘W-what happened?’ she said in a quiet voice.
‘A eck of a lo’ I can tell ya!’ Said Lucia.
They all gathered around Kaili and told her what had happened.
‘Look Kaili, you’re a Mew Mew!’ said Rinzen. ‘It’s a darn tough job but that’s who you are!’
‘Here,’ Ryou got up from where he was sitting. He handed Kaili a pendent with a little blue butterfly on it, ‘I had a new one made since you’ve lost yours. And Misha’s missed you too.’
A blue ball of fluff jumped down from one of the storage boxes. It looked alot like Riri but instead had cat ears and a thinner tail.
‘Kaili! Kaili!’ it chirruped over and over again as it danced around her.
‘Aww, heya little guy!’ Kaili cooed, patting Misha on it’s forehead.
‘Well…It’s getting late.’ Bella said after a few moments.
‘Yeah. You can all leave if you want.’ Ryou said, ‘C’mon Kaili, let’s get you home.’
Kaili innocently peered over to him and then obediently followed.
‘Aww, Ryou’s got a lil crush! I knew he liked her!’ Natasha giggled.
‘Dang! Now all my theories have gone to waste!’ Bella huffed.
‘Bella, you don’t know what a theory is.’


‘Yeah, so I found her in the park.’ Ryou explain to grandmother Aizawa after he had walked Kaili home. ‘You know, if she feels any better soon, I’d appreciate it if you let her come work at the café again.’
‘Oh yes. I should think a couple of weeks rest though…she needs to re-integrate, you know? But thank you. Your ever so kind.’
‘My pleasure. See you soon Kaili.’
‘Bye Ryou’ Kaili watched as he walked down the driveway.
‘Come in Kaili dear! You had me ever so worried! Now let’s get some food into you!
What are you hungry for, dear? Fish? Beef? I’ll have the maids prepare it straight away!’
‘Some chicken soup will be fine Nana,’ Kaili said. What her Grandmother went on to say next, she did not have a clue. Kaili was quite preoccupied with her own thoughts.


‘Dang it!’ Kenta said, kicking a crate over. ‘stupid mew mews, totally messing our plans up!!! I swear, I will destroy every human on this planet! They’re accursed scum!’
‘No need for language, Kenta,’ Xian said. ‘We’ll just need a better slave next time, won’t we?’
‘I think the epic fail here was the brainwashy.’ Said Toidi. ‘We need someone who shares our ebil goals and will really commit. Plus, we won’t poison them!’
‘What kind of slave?’ Xian whispered to Reik.
‘U G0 DO DAT TOIDI, U GO D0 DATT!!11!!!1’
Both Kenta and Toidi left in separate directions. Then Kenta turned round because his room was next to Toidi’s.
‘Why is it that we are surrounded by retards, n00bs and fangurlz, Xian?’ Reik muttered.
‘Because, the world is cruel. Speaking of fangurlz, where’s Ginni gone?’
‘OH REIKY!!! XIAN-CHAN!!! LOOK AT MY NEW SHOES!!!’ called Ginni’s voice.
‘Damn you, Xian, Damn you.’ Reik said.


Comments (4)

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sailoraqua13 on December 11, 2008, 5:48:23 AM

sailoraqua13 on
sailoraqua13I loves it! ^U^ Yes, Ryou and Kaili like each other, and her theories r put to shame. HE'S MINE!! ^U^

StrawChan on December 10, 2008, 9:21:45 AM

StrawChan on it weird that I ship BellaxRin?

shinypikachu2608 on December 10, 2008, 11:41:30 PM

shinypikachu2608 on
shinypikachu2608But can I ask why?

StrawChan on December 11, 2008, 5:19:51 AM

StrawChan on

You may.

Actually, I'm working on my half of the art trade and in my original idea (that I scrapped) they were all doing cafe things in their Mew Mew forms and I didn't know what to do with Bella and Rin so I had Bella laughing as she chased Rin around and Rin was like WAAHHH STOP IT!

And I was like, "This is so cute! Straw ship them now."


shinypikachu2608 on December 11, 2008, 11:41:02 PM

shinypikachu2608 on
shinypikachu2608Wow. Straw, your imagination's cwazy.
BTW!!!!! someone else is joing teh mew mew teamz, but you dont has 2 drawx dem since i asking and som 1 else like niikgfi also made nu char but yu no hav 2 daadd so yahto tally yah so byez fwend you teh beastdtgf,;urt.i;

shinypikachu2608 spazzed out. RUN. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN.

StrawChan on December 17, 2008, 11:28:04 PM

StrawChan on
StrawChanSame. I'm adding Miyuga back in, but you don't have to worry about drawing her.

shinypikachu2608 on December 10, 2008, 11:37:11 PM

shinypikachu2608 on
shinypikachu2608*almost dies*
Omg, a fanship. You may. I didn't plan it, but it kinds is there. Kinda. Like usagixrei in sailor moon.
Actually, in that chapter I was trying to imply RyouxKeiichiro.