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sexy miroku

sexy miroku

sexy miroku by SilverKitsune
sexy miroku by SilverKitsune


yummy, tight leather pants always seem to make priest MUCH more sexier, doncha think? ^_^

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Miroku
Date Submitted
Views 4426
Favorites... 23
Vote Score 0
Comments 32
Media Unspecified
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Comments (32)

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SakuraLvr on January 2, 2008, 9:00:46 AM

SakuraLvr on
SakuraLvrOMG u did really good on this how long did it take you?!?!!?!?!?!?

mirokuforever on July 1, 2005, 11:56:58 PM

mirokuforever on
mirokuforevero my god o my god o my god ahh *faints* Miroku runs over to help me
Miroku:My love are you alright
Me:O Miroku*puts hand behind his head and makes out with him*

dark_marieriddle on December 20, 2004, 10:45:18 AM

dark_marieriddle on
dark_marieriddlethat's good!!!!

Kitsune_the_priestess on October 22, 2004, 7:50:09 AM

Kitsune_the_priestess on
Kitsune_the_priestessMe:*twitch twitch* ummmmmm *falls over dead*
Miroku:*sweat drop* ummmmmm?

becca_the_fox_demon on September 19, 2004, 6:17:38 AM

becca_the_fox_demon on
becca_the_fox_demon*drooling* Wow, i guess he really is hotter than Sesshomaru.<br />
Fluffy: WHAT?!?!<br />
me: SAorry dude is just miroku is a sexy beast.<br />
Fluffy: T_T

Kogaslittlesis on September 5, 2004, 11:33:52 AM

Kogaslittlesis on
KogaslittlesisEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE mine all min e get back * start to foam at the mouth.* <br />
Miroku : UMMMMMMMMM<br />
Me: kills everybody who loves M <br />
besides herself<br />
Miroku: she loves meh thats how it is

Ritzu4ever on September 1, 2004, 4:59:17 AM

Ritzu4ever on
Ritzu4everOh Yea! GO Miroku!! VVVVVVVVVery Exellent Picce!!

PootPoot on August 24, 2004, 5:38:40 AM

PootPoot on
PootPoot*Hides from rabid fangirls* Very nice...Miroku is coolio *^_^*

Chanika on August 18, 2004, 3:06:25 PM

Chanika on
Chanika*DROOL* he's so hot

Papercut_Dragon on August 18, 2004, 6:31:07 AM

Papercut_Dragon on
Papercut_DragonLovin' the pose. ^_^ And you shaded the pants cool :)

anime_rox on August 10, 2004, 6:04:27 PM

anime_rox on
anime_roxmonks are so adorable and sexy and hot

japan_girl_168 on August 2, 2004, 2:31:03 AM

japan_girl_168 on
japan_girl_168...all i can say is...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks at pic some more then drools*

Kamaya_the_Cat on July 29, 2004, 10:14:47 AM

Kamaya_the_Cat on
Kamaya_the_CatMe: He's a monk, dammit!!! A MONK!!!<br />
Miroku: She's too defensive of me. -.-;

Spike_Spiegel on July 24, 2004, 3:29:12 PM

Spike_Spiegel on
Spike_Spiegelhey guy!HOLY SH...cow...THATS HO...ugly<br />

Kristi_Sagara on July 24, 2004, 3:22:55 PM

Kristi_Sagara on
Kristi_Sagara-cant picture the monk in normal clothing...- But its Nicely well drawn. loves -adds to faves-<br />

orange_head on July 23, 2004, 1:57:33 PM

orange_head on

legolaslovingsnapefan on July 22, 2004, 3:37:43 AM

legolaslovingsnapefan on
legolaslovingsnapefanMe-ow!!!! he is sexxxay!!!!

NightmareShinigami on July 21, 2004, 3:18:13 AM

NightmareShinigami on
NightmareShinigami..............*drool* O_o awesome....*speechless*

ookami_youkai_vixen on July 21, 2004, 2:38:13 AM

ookami_youkai_vixen on
ookami_youkai_vixenAs Miroku would say, Must resist all temptation....luv the pic.. *adds 2 favs*

Kerushi on July 21, 2004, 2:34:42 AM

Kerushi on
Kerushioooh.. those pants do look good on him....*drools*<br />

battousaisgurl on July 21, 2004, 1:23:14 AM

battousaisgurl on
battousaisgurlOMG that is the most bestes pix of Miroku i ever saw. *drules* he is so so so so so dang hot. ads to faves. you rock

a-drawer-4ever on July 21, 2004, 1:14:16 AM

a-drawer-4ever on
a-drawer-4everLiz: O_O HELP!!! HIDE ME!!! MIROKU!!!! <br />
Ren: -_- liz it's a picture it can't touch you<br />
Liz: how do YOU know that<br />
Ren: call it reality<br />
Liz: well great pic thou miroku scares me! ^^; oh well you rock *favs*

huanted_one13 on July 21, 2004, 12:58:17 AM

huanted_one13 on
huanted_one13OMFG! Miroku is awesome! ... but I like inuyasha better... good work!

sai on July 21, 2004, 12:36:20 AM

sai on

Ran on July 20, 2004, 11:41:46 PM

Ran on
RanWow thats really good

XxTinkerBeLLxX on July 20, 2004, 11:31:06 PM

XxTinkerBeLLxX on
XxTinkerBeLLxXthat soo good ^^ you are an awsome artist XP

UltimaMewtwo on July 20, 2004, 5:03:52 PM

UltimaMewtwo on
UltimaMewtwo*outward gasp* @.@ Besides InuYasha, what will Sango think? XD =^.^;=

sora_lover on July 20, 2004, 5:00:18 PM

sora_lover on
sora_lover@_@ *drools* miroku was always my favorite character.......HE LOOKS SO SAK SAY!!

KikaiderNegative on July 20, 2004, 4:20:26 PM

KikaiderNegative on
KikaiderNegative@_@ go away now, im gonna do things to miroku.

Vampire_Elf on July 20, 2004, 3:30:17 PM

Vampire_Elf on

Inu-Tasha on July 20, 2004, 3:21:31 PM

Inu-Tasha on
Inu-Tashaquack i am not me ... ur right thoughout *slaps self* no what will inu think *drool* *slaps self* mush run awayyyyyy