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Chapter 2 - 38 thing girls don't realize

I love the first one! Read it! It s hilarious and the second one is random ^^ Comment if you like :D I reply to all comments (Because I am weird >.<)

Chapter 2 - 38 thing girls don't realize

Chapter 2 - 38 thing girls don't realize
1. Guys are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

4.Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him

5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're going for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.

6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

8. Guys don't care how gorgeous you are, if you're a -- Goodbye.

9. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

10. Girls are guys' weaknesses.

11. Guys are very open about themselves.

12. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

13. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

14. Guys love you more than you love them.

15. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole hell of a lot.

16. No matter how much guys talk about butts n breasts, personality is key.

17. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.

18. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.

19. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

20. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.

21. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

22. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me.

23. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something is up.

24. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.

25. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

26. To a guy there is nothing more important than his girl.

27. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

28. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

29. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

30. A guy would give his right nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

31. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.

32. When he calls then he really wants to talk.

33. They love it when girls talk about their breasts.

34. When he says hes missing you it is killing him inside.

35. Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs.

36. Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts.

37. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.

38. Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.


Comments (32)

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TouhouProjectFan22 on March 30, 2011, 1:15:36 PM

TouhouProjectFan22 on
TouhouProjectFan22I have 2 boys at school who tease me... 1st one's just annoying, but the other one.... I don't know what to say about it.

alchemest1 on August 14, 2010, 10:28:36 AM

alchemest1 on
alchemest1Wow! (looks around sheepishly)Who gave out these classified documents? They are true. I admit it! They are true!

_ren_tao_fan_ on July 30, 2010, 7:46:58 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_I must remember these things :)

Dandy4Writing3 on November 1, 2009, 11:19:59 PM

Dandy4Writing3 on
Dandy4Writing3Where'd you get this info?

Funny. I don't see myself doin' some of that, but some of it yes.


Am I a teaser? No.

Am I intimidated by women? OH YES.

Vhee on July 3, 2009, 7:48:57 AM

Vhee on
VheeMy bf broke up with me and cheated a while does that fit into it? Anyway great job!

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:31:59 AM

Goldenlight on
GoldenlightThat's a good question... Boy Crazy Cousin I needeth you!

ShadowAndMaria4Ever on July 24, 2009, 4:30:11 AM

ShadowAndMaria4Ever on
ShadowAndMaria4EverYep, my ex bf still loves me and another grl...i love my best friend, like i said in the other one. thats why i broke up with him

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:34:12 AM

Goldenlight on
Goldenlight:3 <--- I'm obsessed with this face for some reason

orianajones on July 24, 2009, 1:55:07 PM

orianajones on
orianajonesaww if this is accurate (which it most likely is) then guys are quite sensitive and i kinda makes me feel bad

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:33:01 AM

Goldenlight on
GoldenlightYep yep :3

aquaeevee on July 6, 2009, 10:27:31 AM

aquaeevee on
aquaeeveeagreed, it so fits.

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:32:10 AM

Goldenlight on
Goldenlight:3 XD

Toelor on June 30, 2009, 11:24:24 AM

Toelor on
Toelorthose are soooooooooooo right no wonder why this guy won't leave me alone!

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:31:07 AM

Goldenlight on
Goldenlightlolz *high fives*

KokoroTsuki24 on May 3, 2009, 5:42:35 PM

KokoroTsuki24 on
KokoroTsuki24oh i like this one! and all 38 r there right? cuz i kept checking just to be sure ^.^

Goldenlight on August 3, 2009, 8:30:33 AM

Goldenlight on
GoldenlightHmm... I was talking to my boy crazy cousin so I'm pretty sure. Let's ask deh guys!