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Chapter 2 - Belated Birthday Wishes

Just some fanservice! There WILL be lemons included, and I will always warn you in the chapter title, so no excuses.

Chapter 2 - Belated Birthday Wishes

Chapter 2 - Belated Birthday Wishes
Sakura had just finished cataloging some documents for Tsunade-shishou, and it was way before dinnertime, so she decided she’d go have a walk down to Training Ground 3. No one ever really used it on days like this, anyway. As she walked through the village, she couldn’t help but smile as she saw all the little shops and venders that lined the streets. It was right in the middle of spring, the best time to be selling your wares- everyone was out and about in such fine weather. The cool breeze that gently blew through was refreshing, and it tousled her hair playfully in the way Kakashi-sensei sometimes did to make her feel like one of the boys.

Her step was lithe and full of bounce- today was a good day. The sun warmed her back gently as she walked, and all the little tykes running about brought back some nostalgia for the old days. Sakura’s mouth turned up in an amused smile as she had to sidestep to avoid getting bowled over by some enthusiastic kids, the one in front screaming delightedly as the other two chased her. She passed a vendor who offered her a sweet, and she declined politely, continuing on her way.

Soon she saw Naruto running full tilt at her, and she had to hide another amused grin. He was as energetic as ever.

“Sakura-chaaan!” He cried gleefully, skidding to a halt a few feet in front of her.

“Yo,” she replied, smiling as he fell into step next to her.

“You’ll never believe this!” He exclaimed in a cheery voice, squirming with delight.

“Oh?” She couldn’t really be bothered with more than one-word answers.

“Pervy Sage just promised me another year of training, so I can become the next Hokage!”

She rolled her eyes, but said, “Good for you, Naruto. But you do know he’ll spend half of that time trying to peek in a woman’s bath house, or practically live in the red light district, right?”

“Well…” He looked slightly crestfallen; this hadn’t occurred to him.

Sakura couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, Naruto. Really.”

Naruto grinned and laced his fingers together behind his head. “Yeah, with Pervy Sage’s help, I’ll be the next Hokage in no time! Oh, have you seen Sasuke today? I wanted to show him something…”

“ ‘Fraid not. Have you tried his house?” She replied helpfully, trying not to roll her eyes again.

“Oh.” He looked like this, too, hadn’t come to his mind. Then his mouth spread into a wide grin. “Great idea, Sakura-chan! See ya later!” He ran off with a wave.

She shook her head, sighing, and continued her walk to the outskirts of the village. Is he really that dense? Well, of course he is, he’s Naruto.

When Sakura laid eyes on Genma coming her way, she stifled an inward groan and thought, Great, here comes trouble. Outwardly, she smiled in what she hoped seemed an amiable way. Genma grinned at her in a way she could hardly describe as amiable; she felt like he was melting the clothes off her body with his eyes.

“Hey, Sakura-chan. How’s it going?” His greeting seemed platonic enough, but he waggled his eyebrows suggestively and he shamelessly gave her a once- twice- no, three-times over. She tried not to giggle at his obvious dirtiness. It would do no good for her to encourage him.

“I’m great, Genma, how are you?” She replied in an innocent voice, as if she had no idea he’d been ogling her. Like she couldn’t notice.

“Well,” he started, his mouth turning up in a slow, seductive smile, “I could be a lot better, if you know what I mean…” He finished with a wink.

She had to laugh at that one. Sakura grinned back and said, “Is that so?” in her innocent voice.

“You know, Sakura, I think you should let me take you out to dinner tonight. What do you say?” She wasn’t really surprised, but he was totally shameless! Just shameless.

“Hmm,” she pretended to think about it. “Maybe when you’re older.”

“Hey, wait!” Genma protested. “I’m older than you!” His arms folded over his chest in a pout.

“I meant… up THERE.” She enunciated this by poking his forehead playfully. He winced and rubbed it, pouting at her with puppy-dog eyes.

“You’re a cruel woman, Sakura Haruno,” he replied teasingly as she moved to pass him. On her way by she patted his shoulder reassuringly.

“Maybe that’s why you keep coming back for more,” she laughed, and continued on her way.


When Sakura finally reached the training ground, she sighed. So many of her best memories were made here. Like the time when they almost failed Kakashi’s bell test. Or when she and Naruto took him on again. The expression on his face when she found his hiding place underground with just one punch… That was a memory she’d always treasure. Finding out Kakashi’s weakness, then exploiting it to get the bells. His expression then was also near to her heart. She realized that most of her favorite memories involved Kakashi in some way. But that was normal, right? All of her friends were close to their instructors, to varying degrees. Then again, if that was all, then why did she find Kakashi so appallingly sexy? It just wasn’t fair.

She fell back against the soft grass with a gentle thump, sighing. It wasn’t like the thought had never crossed her mind. Kakashi-sensei was a mysterious man. Mystery was actually what had attracted her to Sasuke in the first place, really. Kakashi was a private man who kept to himself whenever possible. He always covered most of his body, which left so much to the imagination. Her eyes drifted closed, and Sakura found herself blushing as she tried to imagine what her sensei looked like without all those clothes on.

“Kakashi-sensei…” the name slipped out of her lips like a caress, barely above a whisper.

“Sakura?” A familiar silky voice called out to her, and her eyes snapped open. Was she imagining things? “Are you talking in your sleep?” She sat completely upright instantly, looking frantically around for the owner of that beautiful voice. She found him quickly as he emerged from the trees, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

“Kakashi-sensei!” She nearly shouted, then covered her mouth with her hand in embarrassment. He wasn’t deaf, she needed to chill out. So why was her heart pounding so fast?

“Yo,” he said as he approached her in his usual unhurried gait. “And you don’t have to call me ‘sensei’ anymore. You’re a jonin now, remember?”

“Ah…” Sakura’s face flushed. “Right. So, what brings you here, Kakashi-sen-” A sharp look from her former instructor caused her to backpedal quickly. “Kakashi…sama?”

Kakashi rolled his eyes and let out a breathy sigh as he crouched down beside her. “Sakura, there’s no need for THAT. We’ve known each other for a long time. Just ‘Kakashi’ is fine.”

She looked up at him, hardly daring to breathe. “Right… Kakashi…” She tasted the word, feeling like it was naked without the regular suffix. That thought led to certain other thoughts about her former sensei. Kakashi… naked. A hot blush spread across her cheeks, and he looked down at her, bemused. He ruffled her hair with a smile, much like he did in the old days, but his fingers lingered on her scalp for just a fraction too long, and the way he gently moved his hand down toward her neck as it slid off was hardly platonic. Tingles began at the trail his fingers left, raising the hair on the back of her neck. Was she just imagining it? She hardly dared breathe.

“So,” he said, breaking her out of her thoughts, “what brings you here? Need a break from Tsunade-sama?” His smile touched his exposed eye, much like it always did. What would he do, she wondered, if she reached up and drug off that mask? Would he stop her? Would he be too surprised to do anything? She wondered… would he kiss her? Her eyes snapped shut and she shook her head slowly, continuously, trying to shake these inappropriate thoughts out of her brain.

“Sakura…?” She opened her eyes and met his gaze, which was full of amused confusion. She had sat there shaking her head for a good 20 seconds.

“I… um… sorry,” she managed, blushing again.

“Oh!” He snapped his fingers together, drawing her attention. “It was your birthday a few weeks ago, right? And you were promoted to jonin status a few weeks before that, right?” Humor danced in his dark grey eye as he sat back on the grass, propping himself up on his elbows.

“Well, yes… You missed it, you know.” She gave his thigh a hard smack, and he winced, rubbing the spot indignantly.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” he replied sheepishly. “Anyway, do you remember the time you, Naruto, and Sasuke tried to figure out what was behind my mask?”

“Yes…” She smiled at the memory. “Naruto thought you had blimp lips, but Sasuke was convinced you had buck-teeth.” Sakura giggled, then put on a serious face. “You were so cruel! Making us think you were going to show us your face like that, then pulling such a stunt.” She aimed her hand to slap his thigh again, but he caught her hand before it hit him. Instead of letting go like she thought he would, he turned her hand over and traced the lines in her palm absentmindedly with his fingertips. She looked up at him uncertainly, drawing in a shaky breath. What’s he playing at?

“Well, I had been trying to think of what to get you for your birthday, and I couldn’t think of anything to get you for your ‘promotion.’ “ He paused, fixing her with an unreadable stare. “I thought, well… Maybe I could grant you your childhood wish.” Childhood wish? What’s he talking about? The confusion on her face was evident, so he sighed and added, “I was thinking maybe you’d like to see what lay beneath my mask.”

Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open slightly. She was too distracted by her thoughts to notice the way his eye traced the line of her curved, pouty lips.

“I… Well, I’d be honored, Kakashi-sen- I mean, Kakashi.” She couldn’t help herself from grinning at the thought of finally being able to see her old sensei’s face. She held her breath, and leaned forward slightly as his hand crept toward his face. She leaned forward a little more as his index finger hooked under the fabric right by his nose and slowly began to drag it downward. She didn’t realize how close she was to him until his hand actually brushed her nose as he dragged the mask down. By then, she didn’t even care.

She stared wide-eyed at the beautiful man before her, a slow blush creeping across her face. He had flawless, ivory skin and a beautiful straight nose, not too wide but not too small. A set of exquisitely chiseled lips lay beneath the nose. The bottom one was slightly fuller than the top one, and they were colorless, but that didn’t make them any less beautiful. He had a firm jawline that led down to a strong, but pointed chin. Sakura slowly raised her hand to his face and brushed her fingertips across his cheek, as if she wasn’t quite sure he was real.

Kakashi took in her expression, and pride swelled within him at how enamored she seemed to be. He’d never really thought of himself as good-looking or bad-looking. He was just himself. That was the way he looked. But by the gentle, disbelieving way Sakura’s fingertips and eyes roamed his face, he couldn’t really come to the conclusion that he was ugly. Her fingers grazed his jawline, and he had to suppress a shiver. He gently put his hand over hers and put it on the ground between them, but he didn’t move his hand away. She didn’t really seem to notice, as a question was already forming on her lips.

“Why would you ever want to hide your face? You’re beautiful!” Sakura’s green eyes held wonder and amazement, still not realizing how close her face was to his.

Kakashi shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding the question expertly as he asked her a question of his own. “You really think I’m that attractive?” A smile touched his lips, the same mischievous smile he’d smiled a thousand times before, and Sakura was entranced at the way they moved, forming words more sensually than anyone had a right to. This man, she quickly decided, was a hazard to women everywhere.

She blushed and met his gaze, saying, “Well, yes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more gorgeous person in my life.” Sakura clapped her hand over her mouth with shock and embarrassment. She can’t believe she just said that to her TEACHER. Well, former teacher, but whatever.

He broke out into a wide grin, and whether it was from her comment or her reaction, she wasn’t sure. She was sure that her heart definitely skipped a beat when she saw that smile. Those abominably gorgeous lips framed perfect white teeth, and she vaguely wondered what they would feel like under her tongue. She blushed again, harder, and even her ears began to turn red.

“Sakura, I think if you blush any more, you’ll turn into a tomato,” Kakashi teased, leaning forward as she leaned back out of embarrassment. He moved one hand from hers and put it on the side of her neck, leaning in.

“S-sensei, what are you doing?” She stammered, too surprised to back away.

“I told you not to call me that, Sakura,” he sighed. “But that was just your inauguration present. This is your birthday present.” And with that he slowly leaned in, keeping eye contact with her, giving her ample time to move away or tell him “no.” She didn’t.

When his lips met hers, Sakura sighed. It was warm and gentle, and the fingers tracing patterns on the back of her neck made her shiver, though it was hardly cold. His kiss seemed to be asking her a question, but she couldn’t decide what it was. Her eyelids drifted closed as Kakashi slowly dragged his fingertips up and down the length of her arm. A slow buildup of pool beneath her stomach. He gently pulled away, and for a few moments, Sakura just kept her eyes closed, savoring the lingering taste of Kakashi’s warm lips on hers.

Sakura’s eyelids slowly fluttered open as he tucked a stray lock of her pink hair behind her ear.

“Sensei, I-“ She was silenced by a single long, tapered finger pressed over her mouth.

“I told you not to call me that, remember?” He smiled at her, leaving her more dazed than she was a moment ago.

“That…” She touched two fingers to her lips as his fell away, a small, gentle smile forming. “That was my first kiss.”

“Really?” Kakashi’s expression was inscrutable as he tilted his head to the side.

She nodded in silence, butterflies rising in her stomach again, and he leaned forward again until his lips grazed her ear.

“Then how about another?” She shivered as his voice hit a deep, seductive note, filling her mind with all sorts of images that she definitely shouldn’t be picture about her teacher. Sakura gasped aloud as he found the sensitive skin under her ear where her jawline started, alternatively biting and kissing gently, making a trail down her neck to her exposed collarbone. When his tongue darted out to trace the indent there, she inhaled sharply and her hand went to his untamed hair, knotting her fingers at the base of his skull.

Kakashi gently took her hand and pried it from his hair, putting it together with her other hand as he grabs both wrists in a one-handed grip. Her breathing quickened when he leaned in again and pressed his lips to hers for the second time. It started out as gentle as the first but quickly became more passionate as his tongue granted itself entry into her mouth. She wasn’t sure what to do at this point, so she just went on instinct, following his lead. When he put on hand on the ground beside her hip and gently lowered her to the ground, pinning her arms above her head, she broke the kiss and looked up at him, confused.

“K-Kakashi, what are you…” She lost all ability to think coherently as he slipped his headband off in a well-practiced move and leaned over her, their legs overlapping. She was acutely aware of how close his knee was to the open part of her skirt. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to keep him from sliding closer, but it was counterproductive. She squeaked as his hand found the zipper of her shirt. “Sensei… I…”

He paused, giving her a bemused look. Looking at his Sharingan made her dizzy, so she settled on his grey eye. What she saw there made her head spin and she felt another flutter of arousal, more intense this time. He was looking at her with a combination of intense desire, frustrated restraint, and a mix of other emotions Sakura couldn’t identify. He was clearly waiting for permission to continue. Contrarily, she sat up, forcing him to sit up as well. A flicker of… rejection?... crossed through his eye for a moment, before she saw his usual distant, aloof manner slide up like a windowpane. Regret washed through her- she hadn’t meant to hurt him. Sakura put her hand on his face, letting one thumb trace his lower lip.

“Kakashi… why?” She had to ask. Regardless of what some people thought (or wished for), she didn’t just go around giving herself to anyone who asked. She had to know his motives before she let anything more take place.

“Because I love you,” he replied with a shrug, his tone indicating that it should have been obvious.

She looked at him, quite shocked. Her thumb froze its movement. “I’m sorry,” she said evenly, “I thought I just heard you say you love me.”

“That’s right,” he replied, solemn.

“Don’t mess with me, sensei. This isn’t funny.” Sakura felt a slight hint of panic knotting in her stomach. Whose idea of a cruel joke is this? She would have made a glance at the treeline, but Kakashi’s gaze demanded her full attention.

“No, you’re right. It’s not funny.” His voice had even lost the usual deadpan. He was totally serious. Apparently.

“Since when?” Her voice was an octave higher than usual; nerves tended to do that to you. She hadn’t picked up anything strange from him to suspect this.

“Well…” He sighed, looking away from her. “I’m not even sure. If I had to put down a specific date, though, I’d have to say that it was the day you and Naruto were assigned to retake my bell test. That was the first time I really noticed you.” He sighed again, running a hand through his unkempt hair. “I’m sorry… This was a bad idea.” Kakashi got up and began to walk away.

Sakura didn’t even hesitate; she just ran. She flung her arms around her sensei, and a muffled, “I love you, too, sensei,” into his back along with warm tears staining his jacket was all it took. He gently grabbed her wrists and disentangled himself from her. For a moment, she thought he was going to keep walking away, but Kakashi was Kakashi. He couldn’t be predictable. He turned around, gracefully switching his grip on her wrists from one hand to the other as he came to face her. Pure happiness danced in that gorgeous grey eye of his as he looked down at her. He let go of her hands and pulled her into an intimate hug, burying his face in her neck. Sakura could feel the radiant smile on her neck. He planted kisses on her collarbone, on her jaw, on her nose, and on her forehead. She felt an embarrassed blush rise to her cheeks, and he kissed those, too.

“Say it again,” he said in a voice trembling with happiness. “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.” His eyes fixed on her lips, now kiss-swollen.

“I love you, Kakashi,” she said in a stronger voice, amazed by the amount of emotion he showed. She can’t recall ever seeing him this happy. She was actually quite confused; why would anyone love her? She was short-tempered, had a wide forehead, and average looks. Her bust size had improved since back in the day, but not enough to really matter. She was freakishly strong, which most anyone would find off-putting. Nobody wanted to have to worry about being put through a wall by their angry girlfriend.

Kakashi interrupted her train of thought by leaning down and giving her another soft, lingering kiss. This one seemed to have a resolution, instead of a question. Sakura’s lips turned up in a smile underneath his as she realized he’d read her thoughts and was putting them to rest. His kiss had translated as, “I love you for being you.” Her arms went around his neck, and she kissed him back happily. They’d finally found someone who understood the other. Sure, they’d get into their fair share of arguments. Sakura imagined most of them would have to do with his reading habits and his tardiness. She broke the kiss, needing to get something off her chest, figuratively.

“First things first, I will not be having sex with you on the first, second, or third date.” His face fell, but at her serious expression, he just had to laugh. She was so cute when she was trying to boss him around. “Second, my favorite flowers are white tulips, so you know what to bring me if I get pissed off at you. Third, you have to take me out at least once every two weeks, or you can cook for me yourself. You can cook, right?” She gave him a skeptical glance, to which he pouted indignantly. “And whatever you do, don’t be more than half an hour late to anything I invite you to. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Kakashi saluted, grinning down at her. She gave him a cross look, and he responded with a quick, but sweet kiss. He laced his fingers in hers and began to steer her back toward the village. Sakura blushed, still not used to this kind of affection from her former sensei. Her petite hand, though, felt like it was made to hold his large, calloused one. The spaces between their fingers held each others’ perfectly. “Now, I want to set out some rules, too, if you get to.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Don’t use my toothbrush- ever.” Kakashi glanced down in exasperation as she giggled. “I mean it!”

“Yes, yes,” she replied, rolling her eyes. Only Kakashi would think up something that weird right off the bat.

“Next, I want to put off meeting your mom as long as possible. She is –“ An elbow to the ribs shut him up right quick. They continued like that all the way back to the village, not noticing the stares and whispers that followed them down the streets.

Isn’t that Hatake Kakashi?

Yes, and isn’t that his former student, Haruno Sakura?

Are they seeing each other?

When did this happen?

What a scandal!

They should be ashamed!

Of course, there was that old stigma to overcome, but not as many people thought that way any more. After all, they ranked the same, and she was of legal age, so there really was nothing to frown upon.

They walked all the way back to Sakura's apartment, hand in hand, oblivious to the commotion.


"I guess this is goodnight, then," Sakura said softly as they both looked at her apartment door.

"I guess so." His voice was unreadable, and she wondered for the thousandth time what he was thinking. "I guess... I'd better give you a goodnight kiss."

Sakura barely had time to murmur her assent before he swiftly, but gently, pushed her up against her door. A slow, sexy smile spread across his lips as he tugged down his mask. She had barely time to register the intense butterflies that rose in her stomach before Kakashi's lips began their wonderful assault. Her eyes fluttered closed as she fumbled for the doorknob.

She finally managed to open it, and they both stumbled inside. Kakashi looked down into those jade green eyes, his confusion evident.

"But you said..." His lips were puckered in contemplation.

Sakura giggled- that was a face she'd never seen him make before, mask or no.

"I said after the first, second, or third date."


Really? He could be so dense sometimes.

"This wasn't a date."

A slow smile spread across Kakashi's face as he renewed his assault on her lips, picking her up and carrying her toward the bedroom. As he gently laid her down on the soft bed, Kakashi's silky voice caressed her ears-

"Happy belated birthday, Sakura."


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nextguardian on January 24, 2011, 1:55:25 AM

nextguardian on
nextguardianNow THAT is a romance fic. 5 stars there. From the nostalgia to the happy ending, absolutely stellar effort. Very believable, vivid storytelling, and a great description that left me hanging on every word.

In other words, good job! I want to see more!