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Chapter 9 - It's all About Loyalty

Your favorite pack of lovable, hard-headed ninjas in a new adventure!

Chapter 9 - It's all About Loyalty

Chapter 9 - It's all About Loyalty
Ekyt raced ahead of Kakashi and Sakura. Now that Sakura was safe, Ekyt wanted to get back to the fight. He saw Naruto and Sasuke, mercifully, still fighting Kabuto, though they were getting the worst of it. Kabuto grabbed Sasuke’s leg during his “Lion Barrage” and threw him, face down, onto the hardwood floor. Naruto was having a hard time too. Kabuto was just too fast and too good. “Now you’re gonna get it! Shadow Clone Jutsu!” There were a dozen Naruto’s in the tiny room. “Mind if I cut it?” Ekyt used his own clone jutsu. Kabuto straightened his glasses. “A Pre-genin isn’t going to scare me off.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Kabuto saw Sakura turn the corner. Well…this is quite the opportunity, isn’t it? Kabuto whirled around and threw a series of five kunai at Sakura. She didn’t even see them coming. Sasuke and Naruto attacked, not knowing Sakura was in the line of fire. Ekyt’s clone joined the fray, joining the others in knocking Kabuto back. The real Ekyt, though, was sprinting across the room, trying to out run the five knives.

Sakura looked up in horror at the knives coming at her. She winced, waiting for the pain. It didn’t come. She opened her eyes, just in time to see Ekyt fall to the floor. Two knives sticking out of his right leg, one in each arm, and one in the center of the back. “Ekyt!” she dragged his unconscious form out into the relative safety of the hallway. He woke up seconds later, shaking with pain. “I’ve got to get back in there! Where’s Kakashi-Sensei?” Ekyt asked. “He got jumped back there! He told me to run ahead!” “Okay. Try to stay hidden, all of us are going to need medical attention after this.” For some reason, that was ironic, coming from a guy with five knives sticking out of him. “Disappearing Jutsu!” Sakura covered herself with a blanket from one of the cots, disappearing behind it. Ekyt scurried back inside, joining Naruto and Sasuke.

“I only need you, Sasuke. I’ll just have to make you go away.” Kabuto said, raising his hands to perform a jutsu to do just that. “I don’t think so.” Naruto ran directly at Kakashi, kunai drawn. Kabuto cut him down, only to have the REAL Naruto grab him from behind. “Now Sasuke!” “Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!” Kabuto appeared to be hit dead-on. “Yes! Wait, what?” Sasuke had just roasted a log. “I can see there’s no point in continuing to fight. But Sasuke Uchiha, don’t think you can dodge Lord Orochimaru forever.” Kabuto dissapeared.

Sakura came out of hiding and started darting around, checking everyone’s pulses. Sasuke’s first, then Naruto’s. Ekyt excused himself, something about “Clearing his head”, and leapt out the window. “Oh Sasuke, I’m so glad you’re alright! I don’t know what I would do if you were to get killed!” She snatched Sasuke in a hug. “Okay…let go.” Sasuke murmered. “Eh-heh-heh, sorry.” Sakura let go. “And how are you feeling Naruto?” “Nothing some Ramen won’t cure!” Normal…for Naruto. And for Sasuke too…why can’t he see I really care about him? Am I not good enough? *sigh* I’ll win him over someday! But I wonder what was up with Ekyt? Kakashi joined them, tuggins headband back down. “Sorry I’m late, you wouldn’t believe how many ninjas were waiting for me. Is everyone alright?” “Sure thing Kakashi-sensei, believe it!” “Just fine.” Sasuke said. “I’m alright, thanks.” Sakura answered. “And where did Ekyt go?” Kakashi asked. “He went off to clear his head sensei. Oh! I never thanked him!” Sakura said suddenly. “Well, apparently he needs some time to think things over. For now, why don’t you tell me what happened?”

The crisp night air suited Ekyt, though it stung his wounds. He couldn’t be bothered with them right now, aside from zipping his jacket up tighter and moving his kunai holster higher on his leg to stop the bloodflow. He shimmied up a tree, looking out over the dark landscape. Taking those knives…brings back memories…not just my eye…but Linda…damnit, that girl is haunting me! What a waste of time it was, trying to earn her love…either it’s there or it isn’t. And Chakaro…I trained a villain, a turncoat. I KNOW how people are, they’ll come back to haunt me if I get too close. No more of this touchy-feely crap until I’m sure, without a doubt, I can trust that person. A sudden gust of wind knocked Ekyt off his perch. He free-fell, righting himself at the last second. “Bad timing.” He said to the sound Ninja in front of him. “Why, I’m supposed to be scared of some barely puescent pre-genin with one eye?” the other ninja taunted with a laugh. Ekyt ignored him. “Think whatever you want. But get out of my village.” There’s never just one of these guys, it seems… Ekyt thought to himself. Sure enough, three more leapt down from various spots. “YOUR village? Hah! Where’s your Hatai Ate if it’s your village? Are you a wannabe leaf?” one taunted. “You mean like you’re a wanna-be ninja?” Ekyt countered. “Guys, he’s no wannabe.” Ekyt recognized the voice. “Akira?”

“That’s me.” Akria looked different, wearing the blue and gray camo of the sound village, instead of the black jumpsuit that he had donned before. “You’re in with them? No wonder that match was so hard. You’re no pre-genin, are you?” “You’ve got me there. I’m a chunin from my village. Although, I will admit that you gave me more of a match than I expected.” “I’m flattered.” Ekyt said dryly. “So, what? You’re a spy?” “More or less, though I prefer the term “Elite Information and Reconaissance Specialist.”” Ekyt looked around him. Surrounded. “Hmm. Let me guess, you were sent to watch Sasuke Uchiha, right?” “Wrong, though not a bad guess. Actually, YOU were the point of interest.” Akira said in a friendly tone. “Really? I’m honored. And just what’s so interesting about me?” Ekyt asked, trying to summon up his chakra for a fight. The multiple bleeding stab wounds were making that difficult. “What’s so interesting is how good you got in such a short time. We want to know what makes you tick.” “Loyalty, dedication, and training.” Ekyt answered. “We mean…internally.” Akira said in a less pleasant tone of voice. “Well, since you’ve got your friends here, I’m going to assume you’re going to kidnap me and dissect me.” “Right.” Akira said brightly. Ekyt flipped one kunai to a reverse grip, leaving the other in a standard grip. “Well, then I hope you’re up to fighting for me.” “MORE than up to it. Get him!”

“Whoa! Mind if I jump in?” someone called. Ekyt turned in surprise. “I am Iruka Umino.” “I’m Ekyt.” “I’ve heard good things about you. But that can come later. Right now, let’s remove the waste from our village. Sealed Bombs Square Release!” BLAM! Four exploding tags took out two of the ninjas. In their surprise, they dropped their guard. “Dragon’s Ember Jutsu!” Ekyt’s fire attack hit Akira dead center. With a wave of his hand, he put out the fire that had started on his stomach. “You must have a guardian angel kid…Flower Technique: The District End!” “Dragon’s Ember Jutsu: Clone Instigation!” Ekyt and a clone used twin jutsus, setting the petals on fire and blowing them back at Akira. Ekyt noticed a piece of paper on the ground behind Akira. If that’s what I think it is…I’ve just got to drive him back… Ekyt leapt up high over the two attacks while his clone continued the attack. His foot struck down on Akira’s chest, knocking the older ninja into Iruka’s exploding tag. BLAM! Akira was down, holding his charred left leg. “Ugh! Impressive! Sound Ninja, retreat!” All four ninja’s leapt away.

“Nice work!” Iruka offered his hand to Ekyt. “I’m lucky you came along when you did.” Iruka smiled. “Do you eat ramen?” “Yes I do.” “Well, how about a bowl, and you can tell me a little about yourself?” “Sure, that’d be fine.” As they walked into the lights of the Ichiraku Ramen Bar, even a seasoned ninja like Iruka had to flinch. “What happened to you? And you might want to think about pulling those out.” Ekyt realized he still had kunai sticking out of him, making him look, no doubt, like some sadistic pin cushion. Ekyt reached down and pulled the one out of his leg, letting it clatter to the floor. Teuchi, the owner, turned around, handing them each a bowl of ramen. Or, he tried to. The bowls wound up flying as he yelled “Yow! What happened to you kid?!” “Just a little scratch.” Ekyt mumbled as he pulled the last one out of his back.

“So he knocked us down. That’s when Ekyt rushed in and siked a clone on him, then turned himself into a pincushion by leaping in front of Sakura.” Kakashi sat back, his eye half-lidded. “I see. I’ll report this to Lord Hokage. In the mean time, why don’t you go get some rest? No training until noon tomorrow, seeing as you’ve had quite the workout the past two days.” Sakura had something on her mind suddenly. “I’ll catch you guys later, see you!”

Iruka sat back, his stomach satisfied, his brain disturbed. “You’ve got a very interesting tale. If I understand, you’re group is broken up, you’re new here, and you’ve studied day and night.” “More or less.” Iruka leaned forward, a look of cunning on his face. “Kakashi tells me you and Sakura seem to be bonding.” The area under Ekyt’s visible eye turned red. “Bonding? What do you mean by bonding? Iruke laughed good-naturedly. “Relax, I know you’re friends. By “Bonding” I mean how much time you two have spent studying together.” Ekyt thought about that. “No argument Iruka-Sensei. She’s an exceptionally bright girl who genuienly seems to care about my well-being.” “She just happens to be adorable as well.” Iruka quipped. “Well…yeah. But I feel guilty about that as well.” “Why would you feel guilty about that?” Iruka asked. “It’s perfectly normal.” “My team disbanded. My top student is now Orochimaru’s disciple, and a girl I admitted my love for once…well, we’ve all gone our separate ways.” Iruka already knew that Ekyt had taken the knife to the eye for her. “Well, from what you’ve told me, I can tell you’ve got potential. Maybe we can train some time?” “I’d like that. I need all the help I can get.”

“Awww, Kakashi-Sensei, why do I have to deliver these?” “Because I said so. Besides, YOU wanted a mission.” “I MEANT something hard!” Naruto was struggling with a large leather case, holding over 100 scrolls, to be delivered to the town of Nashisa. In a grave voice, Kakahi wanred Naruto. “There WILL be danger Naruto. But I’m sure you can handle it.” Kakashi said, nose in his book again. “Oh boy! What kind of danger?! Ninja attacks? Assasinations?” “No. Hernias and chronic back pain. Remember, lift with your knees, not your back.”

Ekyt had to pick a new place to live, this time choosing a stand-alone cabin. It could have been nice if Ekyt put the money into it, but he didn’t have any interest in that. He had no one to impress but himself. His money went to the necessites; food, weapons, clothes, etc. As he was setting up in the new spot, there was a knock on the door. “It’s open.” He called, hand reaching for his kunai. Maybe that attack had made him paranoid, but he was expecting the worst. “Hey, just wanted to see how you’re doing.” Ekyt straigthened up, hand away from his kunai. “I’m doing a little better today Sakura, although I’m really starting to feel those knife wounds.” “I’m not surprised. Listen, I…wanted to thank you for saving my life.” Ekyt shrugged. “No problem, glad I could help.” “W-would you mind if I walked you to school?” she asked shyly. Ekyt let a small sound of surprise escape his lips. “I-I’d like that.”

As bandaged up as Ekyt was, he could still enjoy a walk with Sakura. It was fall now, the time where you wore a light jacket. The cherry blossom’s were falling. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Sakura asked. Ekyt nodded, finding his vocal cords in a knot. “I’m going to stick around today, Lee’s going to be around.” Sakura told him. “Lee? I haven’t seen him in a while.” The sudden look that crossed Ekyt’s face told Sakura Linda had just crossed his mind. “I’m sorry. You know exactly what I was just thinking, and I’m sorry.” “Oh, it’s no problem. Mystery men like you and Sasuke…maybe you aren’t always such of a mystery.” “Girls are a mystery to me.” Ekyt muttered. “Oh crap, that came out loud, didn’t it?” Sakura laughed. “Well, you’re likewise a mystery! Hopefully, it’s one of those mysteries you can solve.”

“Alright, listen up. We’ve got a number of guests today. First of all, Rock Lee. Iruka Umino is here as well. The reason being the Genin exams are in two weeks. They’re hear to supervise the tryouts. That being said, please come down here if you intend to try. Take a medical waiver, in the event of your death.” Ekyt got up immediately. Linda and Kayla both grabbed him. “You can’t be serious!” Linda said. “Dead serious. I’m going to try.” “Like heck you are!” “If that’s how you want to put it. I’m signing up.” Ekyt said dryly. “C’mon teach, don’t do that! You heard Anko-sensei, you could die!” “Kayla, I’d rather have the training. I’m likely to get killed without it. Chakaro is out there, gunning for me.” Linda sat down suddenly. “Give it up Kayla. But Ekyt, you remember this: We tried to stop you, so our consciences will be clear. If you die, don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

Ekyt was seething with rage when he finally reached Anko’s desk. “I’m not surprised you’re signing up. Sign here, and your sensei needs to sign here.” “I don’t have one.” Ekyt remindned her. Then Ekyt looked over at Iruka. “I’ll sign for him Anko.” Anko looked surprised, then leaned back. “You, Iruka? Aren’t you usually stopping the ones who aren’t ready?” “He’s ready. I have complete confidence he’ll pass.” Iruka jotted his name down, then passed the paper to Ekyt. “Thank you Iruka-Sensei.” Iruka gave a thumbs up and a grin. “Maybe you’ll be one of my students during training!” “I’d like that.” “Alright. You’re all set Ekyt. But you’re going to have to face off against Lee for evaluation.”

Sakura and Tenten were talking with Kayla and Linda. Their whispers grew to shouts, with Linda and Sakura knocking their chairs backward, standing face to face. Ekyt and Lee both ran over. “Hey, c’mon, take it easy!” Ekyt said. “Girls, please! There is no need to fight. Now, what started this?” “What she said! What kind of friend are you, telling Ekyt he can’t do it!” Sakura shouted. “I’m watching out for his well-being! He’s my friend!” “I’d hate to see how you treat your enemies!” Ekyt and Lee exchanged glances. “For the record Ekyt, I do not hold you at fault for this. However, do not expect me to pull my punches in combat.” “I insist on the real thing Lee.” Kayla was holding Linda back, while Tenten had Sakura around the waist.

The other students were looking forward to seeing Ekyt vs. Lee. The top Pre-genin against an accomplished Tai-justu prodigy. It looked like it would be a heck of a match.

Both running full speed, Lee and Ekyt punched high, then kicked low. Their strikes were flying at such speeds that no one wanted to blink. Ekyt swept his leg low, then did a back handspring as Lee’s leg swung down. Lee’s kicks started to flow, and all Ekyt could do was block them with his forearm.

“Yeah! Go Lee!” Linda called. Kayla and Sakura exchanged shocked glances. “C’mon Ekyt! You can do it!” The two girls gave each other hard looks. Tenten and Kayla stretched out, just in case they had to pry the two apart again.

Ekyt saw an opening when Lee kicked low. He leapt over it and swung his leg out with a cresent kick, knocking Lee’s guard down. In the same motion, the same leg hit home against Lee’s chest. The strike knocked them both back. “Lee! Take them off!” Guy called to him. “But Sensei…” “He can handle it Lee.” Lee took of his leg weights. All the students gaped. Ekyt realized just how quick and powerfull Lee was . Especially when Lee ran at him, hitting him the cheek with a punch that knocked him across the practice field. Anko looked ready to stop the match, but Ekyt got up immediately.

“Nice one Lee! I hope you don’t mind if I try out some other jutsus.” “I do not mind at all. I look forward to the challenge.” Lee suddenly disappeared, moving incredibly fast, landing a kick under Ekyt’s chin. “Primary Lotus!” Lee yelled. “No you don’t!” Before Lee’s bandages could wind around him, Ekyt threw two kunai, pinning the bandages to the wall. Flipping forward, he kicked Lee with both legs, spinning to the ground.

“Whoa!” “Did you see that?” “He countered that!” Ekyt landed, crouching. “He countered my move…” Lee said to himself. He yanked his bandages hard, but he kunai wouldn’t budge. So he cut himself free. “You had the opportunity to strike. Why did you not take advantage?” Ekyt gave a laugh. “We’re friends of good standing Lee. Besides, if I’m going to fight you, I don’t want any advantages. Of course, if it’s an enemy, I would strike without hesitation. For now though…let’s go!”

Their match continued, the crowd reacting to everything. Lee threw in a move that Ekyt always admired. He walked on his hands while kicking. The obvious choice would to sweep Lee’s arms, but he was so fast, he could give you the opening and then take it away. Instead, Ekyt stepped to the side and feigned a kick. As Lee flipped up-right, Ekyt’s leg was there to meet him with a roundhouse, then a front kick that struck just below the solar plexus. This forced the body to bend over. Ekyt hooked Lee in. “Konoha Backward Snap Dragon!” Ekyt landed the move, which effectively put Lee into the ground. But it exhausted his stamina. He was on one knee, panting. Anko peered into the crater. “The match will continue!”

Lee leapt out of the hole. “That was an excellent move.” For the duel, the two used blunted kunai, so they wouldn’t actually kill each other. They could still cut you to ribbons, though. They charged again, leaping all over, every strike being blocked. Both were near exhaustion. The “Backward Konoha Snap Dragon” and the “Primary Lotus” took a lot out of you.

Naruto dropped the scrolls at the feet of a warrior monk. “Here ya go old man!” The monk looked curiously at Naruto. “You seem a little banged up. Are you okay? Were you attacked.” “Huh? Attacked. Oh, yeah! Twenty ninja! But nothing a future Hokage can’t handle, believe it!” I can’t tell him I really just tripped down a hill…

“Are you serious! That guy lost an eye for you! And now you want him dead?! (let go Tenten!) Come on!” “He’s my friend! If he can’t move anymore, he won’t fight, and won’t get killed! I don’t want him killed! (Kayla, let go of me!)” “You’ve got a funny way of showing support!” Sakura shouted back. “You wanna settle this? Once they’re off the field, you and me!” “You’re on!”

Pnating heavily, Ekyt and Lee looked at each other. Both using the last of their stamina, they rushed each other. Ekyt aimed low, while Lee aimed high. Everyone stood up to see who had won.

Ekyt’s kunai was against Lee’s neck. But Lee’s Kunai was up against Ekyt’s. Ekyt was crouching, while Lee was standing up straight. Slowly, they both pulled their kunai back. Adrenaline revitalized them both, but Lee was a split second quicker. Ekyt managed to soften the blow, but it still struck home under his chin. He flew backwards, hitting a wall, then falling forward onto his face. He tried to get up, but Anko stopped the match. “Winner: Rock Lee.”

Ekyt’s face was burning with shame, but he was glad no one could see it under the mask. He couldn’t get up, he was so exhausted. When some medical personel tried to grab him, he asked them to leave. When they physically insisted, Ekyt snarled “Get away from me! I don’t need your help!” Slowly, agonizingly, he pulled himself up to his feet, controlling his anger and shame.

Kakashi, Asuma, and Iruka made their way over to Ekyt after congratulating Lee. “That was quite a showing.” Kakashi said. “But no jutsus? I’m surprised.” Asuma said, questioning. “Lee’s a friend, I thought I owed him a fair fight. I assure you, no enemy will get that luxury.” Ekyt said, falling back down to one knee. “I guess I’ll catch the Genin exams next time around.” “You’re not backing out, are you?” Iruka asked. “I just failed, didn’t I?” “You weren’t supposed to beat Lee, it was a test of your skills. And I’m certain you’ve passed.” Kakashi said calmly. “And, here. This is from us, to wish you luck during the exams.” “But you might want to open it later. It looks like the girls are about to fight.” Ekyt raised his head to look at the field. He saw Linda and Sakura squaring off. “Oh no. It must be what Linda said to me…I’ve got to stop this!”

“Listen, I don’t want to bang you up! But to say I don’t care about Ekyt is an insult!” Linda said, pointing at Sakura. “Since when does caring mean wishing him paralyzed?” Sakura shot back. “Ekyt and Lee are friends, and we could be too! But I’m not letting you insult him! Maybe YOU aren’t grateful he saved your life, but I am!” They rushed toward each other.

Lee blocked both their kicks. “Girls, please. That is your friend. I may have just defeated him, but I enjoyed the match! Should you not go to him instead?” Linda turned on her heel and leaned up against Lee. Lee lost track of his thought, he wasn’t used to the affection. Sakura and Tenten nodded to each other, then went over to Ekyt, who was just getting up again.

“Sakura, what’s the deal? You’ve got your sights on Sasuke, but your spending your time looking after Ekyt? If I didn’t know better…” “Don’t go there Tenten.” “Don’t try to fool me, Sakura-chan!” Tenten sang. “Admit the new guy’s cute.” “Well…sure! Can’t I help out a cute guy without the notion of romance.” “Nuh-uh Sakura!” Tenten said irritatingly. That’s what friends did, though. “Okay, I admit, he’s cute, he’s got that mystery, and he actually pays attention to me! But you know Sasuke is the guy for me!” “You and everyone else. Who’s to say this guy isn’t the one who could make you happy?” “Come on Tenten!” Sakura said with a laugh. But Tenten’s words had gotten her thinking…




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alchemest1 on September 25, 2007, 8:15:56 PM

alchemest1 on
alchemest1Nice taijutsu in this chapter! It makes me reminis. Lol. Well sort of. Anyway. Sweet chapter. The girls fighting one another really threw me. It was a great plot part. Great job. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAP!