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Chapter 6 - Three Minute Challenge

In this series, Ryouko and Sakura record their innermost thoughts. Sakura's diary and Ryouko's journal contain thoughts that could ruin either Ninja!

Chapter 6 - Three Minute Challenge

Chapter 6 - Three Minute Challenge
“So you’ve turned traitor to the Hidden Leaf? I find that hard to believe,” Kabuto’s sardonic voice informed Ryouko.

Kabuto pushed up his glasses. He knew Ryouko well enough to know that the boy didn’t take his loyalty to the Hidden Leaf lightly. Kabuto respected him as an opponent, and Ryouko respected Kabuto in the same way. But Kabuto had to be cautious where Orochimaru was concerned.

“So do I, Kabuto,” Ryouko replied, genuine sadness in his voice. “But there just wasn’t a place for me anymore. And it’s not like any other Village would take me. Strange as it sounds, I trust you.”

That was partially a lie. Ryouko DIDN’T feel like there was a place for him in the Hidden Leaf. But he didn’t want to leave them. He would do what he had always done, and that was create a place for himself. But things weren’t going to work that way. Instead, Ryouko had to play the traitor, and side with one of his worst enemies. Yes, that meant he could sabotage the Sound Village, but at the same time, he would be forced to act against the Leaf at one point or another.

Kabuto stared at Ryouko, trying to decipher his thinking. But that wasn’t any easier now than it was the times they had met in combat.

He knows how to disguise his thoughts, feelings, and emotions very well. But at the same time, I know Ryouko is a genuine person…what does my ninja information card say about him?

Ignoring Ryouko for the time being, Kabuto pulled out a card that, when activated with his chakra, could tell him about any ninja he’d faced and taken notes on. Kabuto’s collection had swelled to nearly five hundred Shinobi from various villages.

“Let’s see…Ryouko…Adopted name of ‘Sarutobi’, potential in Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu…ANBU Interrogation…genin…good stamina and speed. And, from our battles, I know about your instincts…” Kabuto looked back at Ryouko, his glasses reflecting off the sun.

“Full of potential, and a favorite of the Third Hokage. Well, you’re quite the interesting one, Ryouko. I don’t doubt that Lord Orochimaru would love to have you in his ranks…but it may not be in his best interests to trust you…”

Ryouko shrugged. “Whatever you want to believe, Kabuto. The ball is in your court, now. I’m on the market as a free-agent. I’m not going to take a side until that side takes me. No point in aligning myself with anyone but the best. And that’s either the Hidden Leaf, or the Sound.”

Ryouko spun sharply toward one shadowy part of the shady meeting place he had chosen upon hearing a stifled snicker. In this old quarry, there was lots of rocky overhangs. Ryouko decided that, if Orochimaru himself attacked, that Ryouko could bring this quarry down on every involved, and at least ruin Orochimaru somewhat.

Orochimaru slithered from the shadows. “Now, Kabuto, you could be a LITTLE more hospitable to such a guest! After all, he’s been quite the pain over the years. And he’s only grown since! But…”

Orochimaru melted up from the ground, forming next to Kabuto.

“…with a teacher such as the Third Hokage, how could he be a failure? Sarutobi-sensei has only trained a few students, but they’ve all become great.” Orochimaru and Kabuto were both half-glaring at Ryouko.

“So tell me, why are you hear? Such a zealous little Leaf, coming to me?”

Ryouko didn’t break his gaze. “I’m here because the Leaf doesn’t have a place for me. This is my way of life, asking me to do without acting as a warrior is like asking a bird not to fly. That’s why I’ve come. Does the Sound have room for me?”

Orochimaru’s grin spread. “For you? I think so- but there IS a little problem. Someone so loyal to the Leaf would have to prove to me that they have no affiliation with their village anymore. So prove it…by killing Tsunade!”


Ryouko’s flat, short answer earned Orochimaru’s attention.

“Why not? Do you have a soft spot for that old elixir hag?” Orochimaru touted. Kabuto was on his guard, not sure about this.

“I mean, it’s not possible. After I left, security was tightened, even though I faked my own death. I couldn’t leave a corpse, obviously, so that means that I’m still a wanted criminal in their eyes. If I left on bad terms with Tsunade, who would I aim for? Of all the people I know…only Itachi Uchiha would stand a chance against the forces the Leaf have mounted. Besides…wouldn’t the village guessing that I MIGHT be dead work to your advantage?”

This seemed to amuse Orochimaru. But he didn’t say anything about that, instead looking at Ryouko, as if trying to decide what to do with him.

“I think we’ll have a little fun, first. To test your potential. Sasuke-kun and I didn’t perform this little ritual, it wasn’t necessary. But for you…” Orochimaru nodded to Kabuto, who stepped away.

“…I want to see what you can do! We will fight for three minutes. If you do well, you’ll have a place in my village. If not…then I kill you. So, on your guard!”

Ryouko ducked and kicked backward. He hit Orochimaru, who was surprised at that move. Ryouko didn’t let him marvel for long, he went on the offensive. Orochimaru parried his punch and returned fire with a heel kick. Ryouko stepped under Orochimaru’s foot, suspending it high in the air. Orochimaru wound himself around Ryouko’s arm, as he was one of the rare Shinobi that had his bone structure altered to allow him to move like a snake, when necessary. Ryouko decided to play one of his ace’s now. He had to prove himself competent without showing everything he could do. If he was incompetent, he was dead. If he showed everything he could do, when he had to fight Orochimaru for real, Orochimaru would know all his moves.

“Dragon’s Fire Extension!”

Fire ran down Ryouko’s arms and legs, to the soles of his feet and the palms of his hands. Orochimaru got singed and backed off. Ryouko stepped forward and tired a side kick, fire jetting out of the bottom of his foot, forcing Orochimaru back. As strange as it sounded, Ryouko wanted Orochimaru close. Up close, Ryouko didn’t have to use a ton of chakra. Orochimaru had far more chakra than Ryouko, and knew more jutsus. But in close, taijutsu would be the biggest concern. With that in mind, Ryouko darted forward, dodging Orochimaru’s incoming tongue, then blocking Orochimaru’s kick with his shin, using his leg to pull Orochimaru off balance. Ryouko pulled Orochimaru in and tried to punch him, but Orochimaru dodged aside. Ryouko’s fist glanced off the side of the quarry, sending a huge rock tumbling down over the mountain. Orochimaru hadn’t seen it, so Ryouko made handsigns.

“Dragon’s Flame Wall!”

Ryouko positioned the flame wall above Orochimaru, to slow the rock’s descent, while giving Orochimaru a kick to the side to move him outside of the rock’s path. Ryouko let it crash to the ground, the earth shaking as the giant boulder hit the dry ground. Ryouko leapt on top of the boulder, leaping up high, then sailing down with a Dynamic Entry. Orochimaru caught Ryouko’s foot and threw him. Ryouko righted himself in the air and landed on his feet. Orochimaru came to him this time. Ryouko ducked low and aimed a kick upward. Orochimaru blocked the kick, though the force moved him backward, giving him momentum enough to jump the sweep kick Ryouko threw. Orochimaru dodged backward again.

“Striking Shadow Snakes!”

Snakes burst out of Orochimaru’s sleeves, aiming for Ryouko. Ryouko leapt over the first half of the snakes, who hit the ground with enough force to crack it. The second half of the snakes followed Ryouko in the air. Ryouko used a Chakra Scalpel Jutsu to cut at the snakes as they came at him. None of them managed to grab him, but Orochimaru did land a hard punch to Ryouko’s stomach, propelling him into the air even higher. Orochimaru extended his head up after Ryouko. Ryouko knew what Orochimaru was plotting. He couldn’t let that happen! If he got bitten…

Ryouko grabbed Orochimaru’s hair and tugged as he fell. Close to twelve times Ryouko’s knee came up and hit Orochimaru in the face. Ryouko landed, and Orochimaru’s head snapped back to it’s normal position.

“Time’s up!” Kabuto informed them. Orochimaru opened his mouth and- spit out a new body?

“You did very well. But you didn’t want my curse mark, I see. Not everyone can handle it. You may be better without it, because you would only reject it. Very well…you’ve earned a place in the Sound Village.”


“Now it’s back to work for you three. Ryouko is working on Orochimaru from one end, you’re going to work from the other end. We have a lead on Orochimaru’s whereabouts…” Tsunade unraveled a scroll, reading through it herself, then pointing at something.

“…But this source is questionable. It’s your job to investigate it. Let me see…Naruto, Sai, Sakura, Yamato, you four go and investigate the lead. Kakashi will be backup for you if it turns out the lead is a trap, or if you can pursue Orochimaru further.”

Sakura was surprised she hadn’t been reprimanded, at least. She had given Tsunade a piece of her mind about how Ryouko was treated. Before she was stopped, she had let Tsunade know that she felt this was a horrible thing, and a million other things that should all have earned Tsunade’s ire. But Tsunade had let it slide without question. Maybe she was happy to know who Ryouko had told. It was more likely that she PLANNED for Ryouko to tell people. Whatever the case, she knew what was going on.

“Understood, Lady Fifth. We’ll set out now,” Yamato addressed Tsunade.

“Very good…oh, one additional mission parameter- if you find Ryouko, DO NOT engage him in combat until HE fights with YOU. Do not throw the first punch- do you hear that, Naruto?”

“WHAT IS IT ALWAYS ME, GRANDMA?!” Naruto shouted, earning himself a sharp whack on the head from Sakura to shut him up.

“Because it’s always you doing it, you idiot!” Sakura hissed in Naruto’s ear, holding him back. She knew Tsunade’s wrath all too well, and Naruto was practically begging for it. Not a healthy thing to do.

“You’re on your way, then. Dismissed.”


Naruto, Sai, Sakura, and Yamato were ready to go very quickly. They were itching for this mission. Their only hold-up was Kakashi, who wanted a few quick words with them before they went. Everyone settled down- Kakashi wouldn’t be here for three hours, knowing him. In “Kakashi time”, fifteen minutes equaled three hours. This had been demonstrated time and time again over the years.

“Oh, yeah…” Sakura muttered to herself, kneeling down and digging in her backpack, fishing around until she found what she was looking for. “Ah! There it is!”

Sai, Naruto, and Yamato watched while Sakura pulled on a long, black trench coat.

“What do you think?” Sakura asked playfully, sticking her tongue out jokingly while striking a pose with her arm behind her head.

“Whoa, you look hot, Sakura-chan!” Naruto exclaimed. “Hehehe, if only that was ALL she was wearing…


“Naruto-kun, you should stop thinking out loud. Sakura-chan will only hit you if you say things like that,” Sai pointed out, settling down to draw. It wasn’t every day he got to sit down and draw the beautiful foliage outside the Hidden Leaf Village, so he couldn’t pass up the opportunity when it came.

“Gah, I didn’t mean for that to come out loud!” Naruto massaged his aching head, his fingers running across a welt the size of a cantaloupe.

Yamato smiled tolerantly. Upon seeing Sakura don Ryouko’s coat, he had to stop and think.

First Sasuke kidnaps her, and tries to have his way with her…Ryouko shows up, saves her, but is hurt in the process…Then Ryouko is forced to leave her…it must be difficult. Sakura’s training has encompassed CARING for people…but there isn’t much in her training, or in her constitution, to give up on someone. That’s admirable, but it may mean painful times for her…For all of them. Naruto will never give up on someone, and Sai wants to form bonds, so he’ll follow Sakura and Naruto’s ideals.

“Remember to stay within wireless range, everyone. If we have to split up, Sai will go with me, Sakura will go with Naruto. Also, remember that OROCHIMARU is the target, no one else.”


Kakashi appeared, vaguely waving over the top of his book. Without looking up, he handed out three small scrolls.

“Hey, these are empty?! WE WAITED ALL THAT TIME FOR THREE EMPTY SCROLLS?!” Naruto wailed.

“Not exactly. They’re only empty until you put something in them. For example, I use mine to carry extra tools, provisions, and even other scrolls.” Kakashi, seeing the bewildered looks he was receiving, sighed and bit his thumb. He ran the bleeding digit down a length of the scroll. Then he reaching inside the scroll and extracted a second copy of ‘Makeout Violence’.

“Oh! It’s a summoning scroll!” Sakura understood now. She had read about these, and had always wanted one.

“Huh?!” Naruto clearly didn’t get it. This was a new concept to him. Unlike Sakura, he wasn’t so much into reading.

“A summoning scroll allows you to carry a certain number of objects inside it, without the objects weighing down the scroll. But to open it, you have to pay a blood tribute. How thick and long the blood tribute is determines how long or wide the opening to the ‘inside’ of the scroll is,” Yamato explained.

“These are for your mission. It’s very possible you’ll run across some item that Orochimaru has discarded. That could be valuable to us. When you find something, put it in that scroll for safe keeping. Alright? (Everyone nods) Okay…good luck.”

POOF! Kakashi disappeared again.

“Now we can go. Otogakure is a two-day trip at top speed. The first night, I’ll pay for a hot spring resort, to, once again, foster team work, since we haven’t worked together in a while.”

“YES! Captain Yamato is the best!!!” Naruto declared.


“What a drag, Choji. The chunin exams are coming up, and I’ve gotta show this lady around. Ugh, it’s such a pain!” Shikamaru drawled.

Shikamaru, Choji, and Temari were walking lazily through the Leaf Village, enjoying the day. Soon, the village would get busier with missions and training, since the chunin exams were coming up, to be held in Sunagakure this year.

“WHAT was that, Shikamaru? Did you say something? Or do I need to beat you up again? Hah, those chunin exams were fun!” Temari said with a laugh, nudging the stiff Shikamaru, who shrugged off the verbal jab.

“Yeah, whatever. You won because I gave up, don’t forget that,” Shikamaru reminded Temari, hating the thought of losing to a girl, no matter how strong she was. Man, seeing Dad strung up by Mom’s apron strings…You’d think a guy would have more control over his destiny that that.

“Sure, sure, it’s not like I couldn’t have won!” Temari said with a dismissive snort.

“Man, are you two married or something? You fight like a couple!” Choji said around a mouthful of chips.

“Me and THIS slob?! Hah, don’t make me laugh! Like he’d EVER have a shot at me!” Temari looked over at Shikamaru, to see his reaction.

“Like I’d ever bother with this one, Choji. Girls are troublesome in general, but this one is special- extra troublesome. Oh well, I guess I can’t complain. This is my job now, dealing with her.”

Choji continued to eat his chips, but in the back of his mind he thought: Man, Shikamaru, it’s so obvious you like her! She reminds me of your mother, come to think of it! Man, you’re gonna wind up whipped, the same as her! Choji started to chuckle, showering Temari with bits of potato chip, to her disgust.

“Ugh, hurry up and take me to the Hokage, Shikamaru, this is disgusting!”

Shikamaru, of course, high-fived Choji, while Temari glared at both of them. Maybe I should sic Gaara on them…


The hot spring resort was great, no question. An enormous feast ready to be eaten, rooms with plush beds, and, of course, hot springs. It’s said that a hot spring can cure many ailments. With that in mind, everyone took their robes and towels for a quick bath before dinner.

The hot springs were largely empty, since this was during the day. This also wasn’t a big tourist time of year. That was just fine with Team Kakashi. After the last of the lunchtime bathers filed out, they had the run of the hot springs. Naruto and Sai were splashing on the other side. Or, rather, Sai had made a comment about Naruto’s dick, and Naruto splashed him angrily, while Yamato tried to relax. Sakura giggled at that for a moment. It WAS funny, after all, while the team was alone. In public, it was embarrassing.

While I’ve got a minute…

Sakura pulled out her diary and tried to sum up her thoughts.


In a word, I’m confused. I haven’t given up on Sasuke yet…but at the same time, I never want to see him again. I just don’t have it in me to let go of someone I was so close to for so long. I guess that’s normal, even though it makes things harder. Should I hate him for what he tried to do? Yes, I should. But at the same time, I know that isn’t the same Sasuke I used to know. He’s changed, but I can see the old Sasuke underneath the ‘new’ Sasuke. When we catch up to him, we’ll get him back, this time for sure! I’ll never let that sick Orochimaru get him! No matter what Sasuke thinks of me, I’m going to force him to admit I’ve gotten stronger! I’m going to prove I don’t need his protection, and I’m going to show him just how much of a fighter I am!

Ryouko’s coat is pretty comfortable. I still need it to get through the night some times, when I dream about Sasuke. It’s not an easy thing to face, and I feel bad that I need a ‘security blanket’, but I know I can’t handle this alone. I WILL get stronger, and I WILL beat this. I’m not the scared little fangirl I used to be. I’m a full-fledged kunoichi now, and I’m going to do more than ACT the part!

Valentine’s day is still in my head. I only later learned what Ryouko risked by meeting me. With the whole village believing he was a traitor, he would have been killed on site by them. By risking that, Ryouko proved to me that he is a special person. Not too many would risk that to say something to a girl they had no relationship with. That made it all the more meaningful to me.

Hope he’s alright…

With that last, worried thought, Sakura went back to enjoying the hot springs.


Comments (2)

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overlordlaharl on July 21, 2008, 1:37:02 AM

overlordlaharl on
overlordlaharlvery good chapter!the emotions you're getting the character's to express,yet still holding Naruto's comedic nature at some points,is amazing!Bravo! P.S. btw,i've focused on "The Story of Heroes",go check out the new chaps!

hflp on July 21, 2008, 12:08:25 AM

hflp on
hflpCool Update.