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Chapter 11 - Mad Dash

In this series, Ryouko and Sakura record their innermost thoughts. Sakura's diary and Ryouko's journal contain thoughts that could ruin either Ninja!

Chapter 11 - Mad Dash

Chapter 11 - Mad Dash
Tok tok tok tok tok tok!

Don’t think, don’t think, just cut and run, no choice now! Go, move it!

“There he is, grab him!”

Damn it! I don’t want to have to kill them! Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique!

“Gah! Damnit! Throw it off and go! Hurry up!”

If I hadn’t been found…they’d all have been alive…Can’t be helped now. They live to kill others, it’s my job to see that others live. If that means my honor goes on the chopping block, then I’ll wield the axe and chop it off myself!

tok tok tok tok tok- whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh- tomp!

Which way? Which way? Damn it, my mission is compromised- there’s no choice now! I’ve got to make this a hit and run, and get out of here!

Does this damn hallway ever end?! Where is it, where is it? C’mon…I’ve got to get out! And I’ve got to do it now!

The light at the end of the tunnel, finally in sight. Time to make a break for it. Hit the ground running, don’t stop. Anyone gets in the way…don’t think about that, just do it. To them, you’re the prey. It’s kill or be killed. Time for the hunters to become the hunted. It’s time for the game of death to end.


Sai was being followed. He recognized the agent that usually gave him his orders as one of them. The other two were fellow ROOT members. But they didn’t know anything but loyalty to Danzou. Sai had seen the outside world now, and had become a part of it. He would, most likely, never become one hundred percent integrated with society, but he also couldn’t go back. It was more than that, actually- he wouldn’t go back.


Naruto heard Yamato’s order via headset:
-‘Make sure that Sai reaches the Hokage Mansion, no matter what. He holds our only evidence.’-

To Naruto, that meant that he fought, and Sai ran. Against three ANBU agents, Naruto didn’t know if he stood a chance. Even his trademark confidence wavered a little bit. But in this case, he HAD to, and it was more than orders. Naruto would never, ever admit it, but he had started to befriend Sai, and genuinely wanted to help him.


Sai braced himself for a fight, ink and brush at the ready. But he heard the tell-tale sound if Naruto’s arrival:

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Sai didn’t quite understand friendship yet. Sacrificing yourself for another was still very foreign to him. In the back of his mind, he registered that Naruto’s mission was to get him to the Hokage Mansion, and that was it. Nowhere in those orders was ‘stay alive, Naruto’ included. Sai felt a small seed of something, but couldn’t quite place it.

Perhaps it’s an emotion that I can’t understand. I know I have formed a bond with Naruto-kun, perhaps this signifies that this bond has strengthened?

“Sai, move your @$$ already! I’ve got you covered!” It was amusing to hear all those Naruto’s shout that insult in unison, but Sai got the message. He had heard the order, too, and that was the one thing that had stuck with Sai from his time with ANBU- orders came first.

With that in mind, Sai took off at top speed, the Hokage mansion in site.


Naruto squared off against three ANBU members, not liking his chances.

“You jerks wanna tangle with Sai? You’re going through me, first!” he declared, hoping that his show of bravado would be enough to stop this fight before it started.

“You’ll find that we have no qualms about fighting you. You are collateral damage to us,” came the terse reply. Naruto gulped inwardly- that hadn’t gone well.

“Why the heck are you after Sai, anyway? You’re serving a traitor! Don’t you know what would happen if this elder guy killed Grandma Tsunade? You’re going to kill the village! We can’t afford to deal with this right now!” Naruto decided, for once, to try reasoning.

“Alright, time to break this up. You ANBU pondscum get moving,” a strong voice said from behind Naruto. Seated atop a toad, Jiraiya, flanked by Asuma and Kurenai, had arrived at the perfect time to save Naruto from dying.

“You go on ahead, Naruto- this has become our battle now,” Kurenai stated forcefully, giving Naruto a nod in the direction he should head in.

“Kurenai’s right, get moving. There might be more trouble ahead. That kid is running the gauntlet. Go on, now. We’ll handle this.”


Sakura woke up and stretched herself. She congratulated herself on getting through the night without needing any help. Then, with a small sigh, Sakura noticed she was holding his coat again.

“It’s not a crime to need someone…” Holly said, sitting on the end of the bed. “At least that’s what my boy always said. It’s funny, because he never followed his own advice. And I’m the last to admit it, but-”

Holly jumped off the bed, her nails scraping against Sakura’s floor as she walked toward the window. Climbing onto her hind legs, she used her mouth to rank on the blinds, opening them and letting rays of sun into the room.

“-but my kid isn’t stupid. He knows things because he watches everything. Every exercise, every movement, every last, insipid detail. And he’s learned things. Needing someone is a human thing, and trust me, Sakura- it’s necessary.”

Sakura clutched the coat tight to her chest, drinking in the feel and scent of the fabric. It had been a long while since Ryouko left. With each passing day, it seemed unlikely that he’d come back alive. That thought dawned on Sakura as she pulled off her robe to get ready for work. As she was getting ready, it occurred to Sakura that she hadn’t been sent on the mission to capture Danzou.

I’m glad Lady Tsunade didn’t send me…it’s just too emotional, too tiring…I couldn’t have stood up to him, not the way I am now. I’m too laden with worries…I know it’s unhealthy, but I’m only human! That bastard Sasuke, trying to rape me…Ryouko, playing the hero, nearly dying on my account. THEN he’s sent off to the Sound Village, to work for that scum because our village finally had a use for him! Why do we throw away things with so much good in them? Why can’t we see what we have before it’s gone?

Sakura finished dressing, tying the hitai-ate in her hair. As she looked in the mirror, she could see herself- a mostly-grown, healthy female. But her worries weren’t the typical teenage kind. Sakura didn’t have time to be a seventeen year old girl- she was a warrior, and age was irrelevant until you got a title or became an Elder. But, for once, Sakura wondered what it would have been like if she hadn’t been obsessed with Sasuke.

I might have had a boyfriend…I might have dated…I might have studied harder from the start…I need to forget all this nonsense…even if I feel something towards Ryouko, it’s not real, just like he said. Besides…he has to be dead by now.

Holly closed her eyes. “Another one from my kid- The past is just that- the past. Let the past worry about itself, while you look toward the future…”

Sakura gave Holly a few strokes and a smile.

“Your boy knew his stuff, Hol’.”

Holy shook her head. “No. He KNOWS his stuff. He’s not dead, and you know that. But if it’s easier for you to believe he’s dead…well, he’d want you to do that.” Holly was smart, and could read Sakura’s feelings a little bit.

She’s confused…she wants to love SOMEONE, but she’s not sure who to love. I’ve got to get her to talk to me more and loosen up- that’s the only way she’ll heal herself. I didn’t tell her Ryouko sent me here to watch over her healing. That’s a secret that she’s not supposed to learn. But I can’t help but feel that there was another reason Ryouko sent me away…something he had to do…but what?


Kakashi and Gai made their way through the trees as quickly as possible, their conversation turning away from Ryouko. The topic was still very sore to a lot of people. Gai felt bad about being left in the dark, and even worse for lecturing people on what an evil person Ryouko was.

“If I had just known…poor Lee was devastated when I told him what his favorite sparring partner had done…I wish I had known…”

Kakashi had less remorse for the situation. “If you had known, the ruse would have been less perfect. We needed it to work- and it did. A lot of people found loyalty to the Hidden Leaf after this act. The casualty here was Ryouko…”

“Why do you say that?” Gai asked, looking over at Kakashi with a questioning look on his face.

“Because all he wanted was to belong…when he agreed to this, he was devastated. He, for the first time, considered disobeying an order. I found him after our ‘battle’ and talked to him. He was so worried for Sakura he was near tears…”

Gai closed his eyes. “So the rumors were true…he really DID have feelings for her?”

Kakashi nodded gravely. “Or so I believe. He might have truly only cared for her well-being…but I don’t think that was it, at least not by itself.”

“Her well-being…Kakashi…just what is it that happened at Orochimaru’s hideout that day? You’ve been more quiet than usual when it comes to this subject…that tells me that you’re holding something back. We’ve got time, you might as well tell me.”

Kakashi debated whether or not to tell Gai everything. He decided to go ahead and tell him- it seemed like the right thing to do.

“Well, my team went to capture Sasuke. Orochimaru and Kabuto got the drop on us and kept us distracted. After a while, we realized Sakura was missing. At that point, though, we had been defeated and captured, so we couldn’t do anything about it. Before they confiscated my headset, I sent a distress signal…”

“…And Ryouko came by himself…” Gai had figured that out for himself based on Ryouko’s personality.

“He wouldn’t let his student risk himself, so he came alone. As far as I know, I’m the only one he told, but before he barged in and stopped things, he heard Sasuke’s plan…if I had been there, Gai, I would have murdered Sasuke for this…” Kakashi paused and took a breath, looking away for a moment.

“He planned to rape Sakura.”

Gai closed his eyes. “It’s so hard to believe…all the times he shot Sakura down, now he’s interested?”

Kakashi exhaled deeply again, bracing himself. “He’s always said he wanted to rebuild the Uchiha clan…that’s what he told Sakura. That was his plan, don’t fight, you’re finally getting what you want. Ryouko was torn- was this what Sakura wanted, he wondered later- but he broke into the room and stopped Sasuke. Sasuke captured him as well. But Ryouko had one last move up his sleeve…Sasuke’s very own order…he used it against him…”

Gai was a little confused now. “What order was that, Kakashi?”

“He told Ryouko to go to Sakura on his knees and admit that he loved her. Sasuke was going to humiliate Ryouko, then make him watch as he went for Sakura. Ryouko threw a wrench into his plans- he kissed Sakura…or so it seemed. In reality, he asked Sakura to bite his lip.”

“Blood for a summoning…” Gai murmured, seeing Kakashi nod out of the corner of his eye.

“Ryouko summoned Enma, the monkey king, and used the Third Hokage’s ‘Adamantine Nyoi’ Jutsu to cut himself and Sakura free…After this, there’s a lot of details, Ryouko doing his usual stuff…but what stands out is when he noticed Sakura had suffered psychological damage…in her mind, Ryouko had become her savior, and she formed an attachment to him. It’s what Ryouko wanted…but it was a lie. Sakura’s psyche had confused ‘gratitude’ with ‘love’, and Ryouko knew it. So, before he left…on Valentine’s Day, he told her.”

“That must have shattered her…” Gai said breathily, shocked that Ryouko would just come out and say that.

“No, it didn’t. It strengthened her resolve to care about him…she’s worn his trench coat on every mission, and has slept with it every night…her psyche is still so damaged she can’t wean herself away from him…it’s something that’s haunting them both… I just hope, for both their sakes, Ryouko get the guts up to tell her that he likes her.”


Temari made no bones about it- she wanted revenge to the people that were targeting her little brother. Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji were, in essence, backup for her. The four functioned surprisingly well.

“Wind Scythe Jutsu!” Temari didn’t wait long to attack, either- she took out as many enemies as she could right away.

“Human Boulder!” Choji added, barreling his way through the ranks of the enemy. His mass hid Ino’s attack and Shikamaru’s trap- perfect teamwork. Ino’s jutsu blasted someone in the stomach, and she set to work taking out who she could, capitalizing on the surprise factor. While that was happening, Shikamaru’s Shadow Possession Jutsu and his Shadow Strangulation Jutsu were wreaking havoc. The fake Akatsuki had no idea where to turn next- they were getting hit from all sides. A counter-attack had been rendered impossible. The members that weren’t attacked physical began to drop, courtesy of poison from Shino’s insects. The battle had turned into a rout.

“We surrender!” shouted the handful of enemies left. Shikamaru had them all snared with his Shadow Possession Jutsu, and they were surrounded instantly by the Leaf and Sand Shinobi.

“It’s a shame my favorite interrogator is away, but I’m sure we can find someone to crack these little pea-brains of yours,” Temari snarled, a nasty smirk curling across her lips. Temari wasn’t naturally violent- until you crossed her brothers. As the eldest of the sand siblings, Temari took it upon herself to take care of Gaara and Kankuro, despite the fact they didn’t seem to need it. In truth, Temari’s motherly instincts could keep the group in check when necessary. Right now, Temari’s raw anger was keeping the prisoners in check as they were restrained and brought to Sunagakure.


Sai reached the Hokage mansion, followed shortly after by Naruto. Immediately, he handed over his orders from Danzou. But when Tsunade opened the envelope, she quickly used her chakra to form a barrier.

The envelope exploded. Sai, Tsunade, and Naruto had survived, but injured. Elder Danzou had taken a vindictive swipe at his sworn nemesis.


Yamato heard ANBU exclaiming what had happened through his headset. He narrowed his eyes, hearing Danzou try to make a move. Without hesititation, Yamato’s next wood attack crushed Danzou’s body, ending his threat. There was evidence enough now- the testimony of enough trusted Shinobi was worth more than any papers. Danzou’s threat had passed.


Gotta keep going! Detonate!

In a hallway parallel to him, explodings tags went off, collapsing that part of the structure as he ran. The sent of sulfur and blood was a combination with the potential to induce vomiting, but there was no time for that. Movement was all that separating the living from the dead now. To die now would mean failure…failure was unacceptable. Intolerable. Unforgiveable.

He wouldn’t let that happen. Detonate!

More explosions, more screams, more violence. Life went on.

No turning back now. There was the light at the end of the tunnel. Home free.


“You’re just going to let that happen?” came the questioning voice.

“Such disrespect!” came another voice, this one disgusted.

“If this surprises you two, you’re fools. That one…he will die. He’s signed his own death warrant now- he has no one to turn to. Betraying us was his biggest error…”


Sakura’s mind was hurting today, that much was evident. Too much to think about, too many possible outcomes, too much uncertainty. Tsunade had sent her home early, and Sakura went to bed, hoping to heal quickly and rejoin the fight. For now, she had Holly and her diary to keep her company.


My mind has become overtaxed, apparently. With worry about myself, about Ryouko, about Sasuke…it just hurts so much. Sasuke never got to touch me, but at night I can still feel snakes wrapping around me, slithering all over…it’s such a scary thought…I don’t ever want to face it! But…I know I have to. Running away won’t solve my problems. I can’t back down forever.

Is clutching Ryouko’s coat a weakness? I’m starting to wonder- I don’t know what to think of the boy anymore. He told me…that anything I felt for him wasn’t real. But for how long? Do these lingering feelings I can’t quite decipher mean anything? Or is it still misplaced affection? (sigh) It would have been so much easier if he had never told me. But at the same time, I’m glad he did. Honesty is such a rare thing, and for Ryouko to tell me that…well, let’s say I would want him to be the one to tell me anything of meaning. He told me so gently, so carefully…I almost thanked him for giving me bad news!

With all the time I’ve had to think, I’ve realized just what it took for Ryouko that day. To be ordered around by Sasuke, forced to his knees to beg for my life…it must have been so humiliating for Ryouko. I know he’s never backed down like that before…but he did for my life. He let himself be humbled and beaten so I could escape. The grotesque picture of him, falling slowly to the side, knives in his back…I’ll never forget it. All so he could give me enough chakra to escape. His chakra felt strange to me…warm, pleasing…comforting.

But that’s just it- are these thoughts real? How do I tell? Is my mind playing tricks, or do I really think so highly of him? It’s so hard to tell, it’s unfair! But I suppose…that’s how life is, too…

Holly sat up with a start, sniffing the air wildly. Her ears perked up and her eyes came alive.

“Sakura, Sakura! It’s him! He’s back! Ryouko’s back! My boy is near the village!”

Sakura’s diary fell to the ground, forgotten. Ryouko had come home…



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hflp on September 19, 2008, 11:34:41 PM

hflp on
hflpAwesome chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter. The anticipation is pure torture.