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Chapter 3 - Adventure 3- Relationships

A story centering around Ryouko, Naruto, and the rest of the Hidden Leaf as children.

Chapter 3 - Adventure 3- Relationships

Chapter 3 - Adventure 3- Relationships
“I cannot do it. No matter how hard I try, I am not able to succeed!” a young Rock Lee wailed as he failed yet again at the Transformation Jutsu.

“Just give it up, Lee. Your fate is to be a loser, you have to accept it,” came the cynical reply of Neji Hyuuga.

Tenten watched quietly, not sure what to say. She felt bad for Lee, but Neji wasn’t tops in the class for nothing.

“I will not listen to you!” Lee shouted, trying again, but not getting any closer to succeeding. Neji chuckled at Lee’s failure.

“You’re only serving to prove my point, Lee. Some of us are born to fail, and some to succeed. I have the genius blood of the Hyuuga clan, and you have the stench of failure!”

“You’ve also got a giant ego, Neji-kun,” said the newly-arrived Ryouko. Leaping down from his perch on a nearby tree, Ryouko had heard enough. “It’s not your place to tell Lee what he can and can’t do.”

“Oh, it’s you. Number two, as always. Go study or something, no one asked you for your opinion,” Neji said dismissively.

“I don’t care. Leave Lee-kun alone, Neji-kun. You don’t need to be picking on him just because you’ve got some age-old genius blood. Why don’t you leave him alone, what’s he done to you? And no one asked for YOUR opinion either…” Ryouko’s frown grew longer.

“Are you suggesting I pick on someone else? Such as you?” Neji took a step toward Ryouko. Both boys were starting each other down, daring the other to back off. “And if you’re talking about blood, what about yours? It’s just as empty and worthless as Lee’s! Neither of you should be called Shinobi!”

“Shut up, Neji!” Ryouko growled, shifting his weight in case Neji attacked.

“Come on guys, stop! Neji-kun, let’s just go, okay?” Tenten urged, trying to end this. Even as she said it, she knew it was hopeless. Quietly, Tenten left to get Iruka-sense; he could put a stop to this.

“Make me, then, you filthy little samurai peasant! You’re not even good enough to clean my sandals. You and Lee are both worthless failures. You’ll die the second you’re in combat against someone with any talent, and you know it!”


Ryouko’s fist flashed out and hit a shocked Neji in the nose.

“I’m still alive, and it’s past one second,” Ryouko commented dryly. “I don’t care if you pick on me, that just makes you the same as a lot of people, despite your ‘superior blood’. But you have no reason to bother Lee-kun.”

Neji got up and tackled Ryouko, turning this into a brawl. Both boys punched, then had each other in headlocks as Iruka came running over, followed by a worried Tenten. Being young, Ryouko and Neji couldn’t put much behind their punches, so this was barely a fight. But all the same, it couldn’t go on.

“Okay, break it up! BREAK IT UP!” Iruka collared both boys and held them apart. They didn’t break their gazes on each other.

“Iruka-sensei, I hit Neji-kun first. It’s my fault. You don’t need to punish him, I started the fight,” Ryouko said, not sounding disappointed in himself for a change.

Iruka didn’t believe that for a second, but decided to play dumb. Tenten had already told him what had REALLY happened.

“Okay Ryouko, that’s how we’ll do it. You’ll stay late with me today. And no more fighting, do you understand?”

“Yes, Iruka-sensei. No more fighting,” Ryouko repeated, feeling Neji’s gaze washing over him. He also felt Lee and Tenten’s eyes searching him.


Ryouko waited outside the classroom, still angry at Neji, but even more at himself. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. I hit him first, it’s my fault. It’s wrong to start fights. I deserve what I get.

“Ryouko, come in, please,” Iruka called. Ryouko got up and walked in, his eye blackened and his arm cut from the fight. When he walked in, Ryouko saw Lee and Tenten sitting down next to Iruka-sensei, both of looking a mix of worried and relieved.

“Ryouko, they told me what happened. You threw the first punch, but Neji provoked you and Lee. I can’t condone fighting, but I understand WHY you hit Neji. All three of us agree that it was nice of you to take the blame after defending your friend. Do you understand that hitting Neji was wrong?”

Ryouko nodded calmly. “Yes. I shouldn’t have lost my temper and hit him, no matter what he said. It’s my fault for losing control.”

Iruka shook his head. “Well, okay then. I can’t punish you for doing the right thing. But I don’t want you to hit Neji again. If he bothers you or Lee, you are to tell me, not fight him. Understand?”

“I follow you, sensei.”


Ryouko was walking home when he saw Lee sitting on a rock, despair written all over his face. Something tugged at Ryouko, and he walked over. He didn’t notice Tenten watching the whole thing from a distance.

“Are you okay, Lee-kun?”

Lee didn’t look up. He simply asked “why?”

“What do you mean, ‘why’? Why, what?” Ryouko wanted to know. He was playing dumb, but he didn’t want to make Lee feel worse by sounding superior.

“Why would you defend me? I do not even know you…” Lee murmured, tears running down his face. Ryouko kind of shrugged.

“Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not fair that you get treated like that. I know how it feels, and I don’t want anyone else to go through it. You haven’t done anything to deserve the abuse Neji-kun gives you. You’re also too nice to hit him for it. So, I just heard enough of him mouthing off…and I decided to knock his genius face into the dirt,” Ryouko said the last part happily, laughing at himself. “It wasn’t smart of me, I should have just talked to you instead. But Neji-kun irritates me.”

Lee seemed to calm down now, and could meet Ryouko’s gaze. “Thank you for standing up for me. But please do not do it again, I do not want you to get in trouble on my account.”

“Fair enough. I already told Iruka-sensei I wouldn’t hit Neji-kun again anyway.” Ryouko looked up at the sky. “I’ve gotta go train now. See you in class, Lee-kun!” With that, Ryouko took off running to a training spot in the woods. He didn’t notice Tenten following him at a distance.


Ryouko looked at his weapons, trying to choose which to use first. His hand, by chance, picked his bo. It was a six foot long wooden staff, the most simple weapon. But when used properly, one of the most effective. He was halfway through his first exercise when he heard a crunch behind him. Ryouko turned carefully, surprised to see Tenten standing there.

“Hi, Ryouko-kun…” Tenten said, looking over Ryouko’s weapons.

“Hi, Tenten-chan…” Ryouko replied nervously, trying to figure out why Tenten was here. Why did she follow me? Is she mad because I hit Neji? Is she going to hit me? I can’t hit her back, hitting a girl is wrong! That’s what Dad says, anyway.

Tenten tilted her head, and took a step toward Ryouko. “Are you…afraid of me?”

Ryouko was at a crossroads here. His first thought as a boy was to say ‘no way!’. His second thought was his upbringing, in which you told the truth all the time.

“Kind of…I mean, well, not so much you, I guess. You’re a girl, and I’m…not. And I guess I’m kinda worried you’re gonna be mad at me for hitting Neji-kun…” Ryouko said, his upbringing and his instincts working out a compromise. His upbringing reminded Ryouko. Snapping his arms to the side, he bowed.

“I’m sorry for hitting Neji in front of you.”

Tenten cocked her head again. “Are you for real? You’re apologizing for hitting someone in front of me? Well, that’s kinda cute…but still, don’t apologize for that. It’s not the first time a guy has punched someone in front of me, and it won’t be the last. Besides…” Tenten was playing with a bo of her own now, “…Neji deserved that. Thank for standing up for Lee, it was really nice of you.”

Ryouko blushed with pride. “Th-thank you!” He found he WAS scared of Tenten, just because she was a girl- the ‘unknown’.

“So, what were you doing anyway? That wasn’t like the stuff they taught us at the academy. It was really different, in a good way,” Tenten pointed to the bo, trying to mimic what Ryouko had been doing.

“Oh, that was some stuff from a couple martial arts I took before I came here. I always do them to keep in practice. I could show you, if you wanted…” Ryouko rubbed the back of his head, not sure how to react to all this attention.

“Please do!” Tenten took the same grip Ryouko did on her bo, and tried to follow along as he made different moves, and stumbled through explanation as to what the moves were, and why they worked.

“I get it! You’re a good teacher, Ryouko-kun. Um, hey…can I shorten your name when we’re talking like this, just the two of us, I mean?” Tenten asked, suddenly shy herself. “Can I call you ‘Ryo-kun’?”

“Okay. Can I call you ‘Ten-chan’ instead?”

“Sure, that’s okay. Can we do this again? You’ve got some weapons here I don’t even know about…like this thingy…”

Ryouko nodded, feeling his cheeks turning red. What is this feeling? “If you’d like to. I had fun, and my training was really designed to be done with a partner.”


A couple weeks went by. Tenten and Ryouko trained together with weapons almost everyday. The improvement in both of them was noticeable immediately. Various instructors commented on the improvements. Praise was rare, and getting it was a big deal. But all good things must come to an end.

Ryouko was walking with Tenten to the place they had trained every day for over two weeks. They were both quiet, thinking about their training. Ryouko was confused, however- did being with Tenten everyday make them boyfriend and girlfriend? And was this something you asked the girl in question? Not that Ryouko could get the guts up to. He didn’t even know what boyfriends and girlfriends did. It was pleasant, just hanging out like this. Training, sometimes talking.

“Thanks for training with me, Ten-chan.,” Ryouko said, mostly to break the silence. Tenten usually was a little more talkative. Ryouko could sense something was wrong.

“About that, Ryo-kun…I don’t think we should train like this anymore…” Tenten said evasively, not meeting Ryouko’s eyes.

Ryouko’s first thought was ‘What did I do?’ And he almost said that. Instead, he asked the better question: “Why, what’s wrong?”

“It’s…well, Neji. I like you, Ryo-kun, but I’ve known Neji longer, and he says he’ll stop being friends with me if you and I keep training together…”

Ryouko was filled with a surge of anger. His tiny fist clenched in a ball of rage. He stopped walking, eyes at the ground.

“So…this is Neji…” Ryouko wanted to rip Neji apart, but knew he couldn’t- he had promised Iruka-sensei he wouldn’t hit him again.

“Yeah…I’m really sorry, Ryo-kun…but we can keep being friends, even if we can’t train together. It’s not so bad…c’mon, cheer up, don’t be like that. Instead of being insulted, just think of it as Neji considering you a threat. Or maybe he’s jealous.”

Ryouko’s fist unclenched. “You’re right, I shouldn’t lose my temper. And I understand.” Ryouko put a hand up in a wave. “I’ve got to get to training, okay? See you in class, Ten-chan!”

“O-okay, Ryo-kun…” Tenten said, definitely bothered. But Ryouko’s reaction soon eased her worry. He’s not upset…I thought he would be…But if he’s okay with this…


Ryouko wasn’t okay with this, but what could he do? It wasn’t Tenten’s fault; telling someone wouldn’t help; Neji was irritating. Nothing to be done about any of those things. All the same, Ryouko was upset about losing a training partner. And, in his mind, he and Tenten weren’t really friends, even if he acted the part. He didn’t HATE her, and he didn’t blame her. But it just wasn’t the same. Neji had beat him again, this time at something even more personal. Ryouko’s response was to study even harder.


Ryouko’s ninth and tenth birthdays had come, with still very little turbulence in his life. He was still second in the class, but besides that, things were going very well. It was at this point in his life that Ryouko developed what would become a habit- studying for several hours straight, sometimes forgetting to eat, and not bothering to sleep. But no one questioned him, at least not to his face. Being by himself all time wasn’t healthy, but there was nothing Ryouko could do. There was no one who trained like him at his level, and everyone else was too busy.

But Shinobu was worried, and appealed to Ryouko’s father.

“He’s ten years old, and he’s a boy. He has no creative outlet, and he needs a friend. Every boy should have a dog. It’s only natural. And I picked out the cutest puppy, and I know he’ll love her!”


Ryouko closed his eyes, letting himself drift off to sleep on his tatami mat-covered floor. After a couple hours, he was awakened by something sitting on his chest. It wasn’t heavy, but very warm. As his sleep-hindered eyes opened, Ryouko found two large, brown eyes staring at him.

“AHHH!” he yelled, wondering what monster was pinning him down.

“Ryouko? What’s the matter?! I- oh! I see you’ve found her!” Shinobu said happily, picking up the scary bundle of fluff that Ryouko was currently staring at.

“Mom? What is it?” Ryouko stared at what his mother was holding, eyes wide with surprise.

“Ryouko, it’s your dog! She’s a Keeshonden puppy, and her name is Holly. Your father and I decided you’re alone too often, and you need a companion. That’s what Holly is for. Go on, pet her, I know you’ll love her!” Shinobu said with a big smile. Ryouko stood up and walked over. Slowly, he put his hand out. The puppy didn’t do anything- she just stared back, apparently as curious as Ryouko.

“Holly?” he repeated, making sure of the little dog’s name. At his Mother’s nod, Ryouko extended his hand the rest of the way and touched the dog’s head. She was warm and fluffy. Not the most masculine dog in the world, but she was certainly affectionate. Holly suddenly jumped from Shinobu’s arms, right to Ryouko. Ryouko caught her, still in shock from his awakening. The little puppy seemed to sigh, then proceeded to give Ryouko’s cheek a lick. It was love at first site. Ryouko felt an acceptance from this animal that few humans had given him.


It was while walking Holly that Ryouko met three new people. Well, he knew their names, but not them personally.

“Say, good looking dog you got, kid! Right Akamaru?”


Ryouko knew that this was Kiba. He turned around to thank Kiba, finding that he wasn’t alone. With him was a guy that Ryouko hadn’t heard speak more than two words. One of the two words he HAD said was his name- Shino. Next to Shino was a nervous looking girl Ryouko kind of new. But he only knew her as Neji’s cousin, so he really didn’t know what to think of her. After all, maybe she hated him because of his fight with Neji.

“Thanks. It’s…Kiba, right?” Ryouko asked cautiously, letting Holly wander over to Akamaru. The two began to tumble around. When Ryouko noticed Kiba didn’t mind, he decided that he didn’t either. Both owners watched their dogs at play, then continued talking.

“You’re a year ahead of me, aren’t you?” Kiba questioned. He took a whiff of the air. “You smell older- your chakra is stronger.”

“Uh, thanks, I guess.” Ryouko wasn’t sure what to say to that. It wasn’t a greeting he had gotten before.

“Oh, yeah- this is Hinata and Shino. Our parents all know each other, or used to work together or something. I didn’t really pay much attention, ya know? More important things, like training Akamaru!”

“…He decked Neji…”

Ryouko smacked himself inwards. The kid who was always playing with bugs FINALLY speaks up, and it’s about that stupid fight! Unconsciously, Ryouko looked to Hinata. He was surprised to find that she still looked the same- no anger, no tension, just nerves. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not- maybe she was just too angry to yell or something? Who knew.

“Looks like our dogs get along. Guess that means we’ll be hanging out now, at least until they aren’t puppies anymore. They gotta get their exercise, and it’s better if they learn to behave when other dogs are around. No offense, Ryouko, but you aren’t the type of guy I’d normally hang out with.” It seemed Kiba’s strong point wasn’t subtlety.

“No?” Ryouko was a little surprised- he didn’t know a darn thing about Kiba, but Kiba seemed to know a lot about him.

“Yeah, you’re super-serious, always studying. But you know, you aren’t some teacher’s pet kiss-@$$. You’re good. I can respect that, even if I can’t understand it.”

“Thank you. You really know your animals…” Ryouko tried to think of a way to end the uncomfortable conversation quickly. Training! “I’ve got to get back to training, I just wanted to get Holly out for a while. It was nice meeting all of you!”


Comments (2)

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rlkitten on March 16, 2009, 4:00:25 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenAwww~ Why'd Tenten have to go off and do that? That sucks:[ But I'm glad that Ryo got a dog. :] Now I guess I know where Holly from the RP came from

hflp on September 3, 2008, 10:01:57 AM

hflp on
hflpThat was so cool. I can't wait for more.