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Chapter 8 - Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...

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Chapter 8 - Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...

Chapter 8 - Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...
I know it's short, but I got a kick out of this one and couldn't honestly think of something better to add to it. Hope you enjoy it! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


Yuji always hated his yearly physical. Standing around in his underwear while some quack poked and prodded his body, culminating in fondling his testicles to ‘check for hernias’. It sucked, put simply.

It would be so hot if Sakura was the one giving me the physical, Yuji thought, amusing himself as he stripped to his black trunks. They were something in between boxer-briefs and regular briefs, and Yuji found they moved into uncomfortable positions less often than their counterparts, eliminating the need to attempt to discreetly adjust the necessary components when everything got bunched up.

The door opened, and in walked someone in a white lab coat, holding a clipboard.

“Okay,” said the familiar voice, “This is just a yearly physical check-up, correct Mr… Yuji!”

Yuji was frozen; he felt like someone had caught him with his pants around his ankles.
That was a surprisingly accurate metaphor.
Then he shook his head to dispel the thought.

There was his crush, Sakura Haruno. There were his clothes, folded neatly on the exam room table. And there were the trunks that seemed to offer so much support before, now seeming to bare his physique in the worst possible way at the worst possible time.

Oh my God! I didn’t realize I had Yuji!

Sakura could hardly keep herself from smiling. First of all, Yuji never even took off his shirt in front of girls, let alone showed himself in any kind of advanced state of undress. Second, he was so girl-shy that this had to be painful for him. But it was a lot of fun from Sakura’s end.

He’d kinda hot, she noted, clipboard to her mouth. Especially all embarrassed and fidgety like that. Makes him seem like a real person that way. I wonder how this little scenario will play out…

“Okay, well then,” she said, clearing her throat. “Let’s get on with it.”

She took out a stethoscope first and placed the cold metal piece on Yuji’s chest. His heartbeat sounded like a drum roll.
Normal. For Yuji, anyway.

“Okay, now take deep breathes. Breathe in…Breathe out…one more time…Breathe in….Breathe out…Good. Sounds like your lungs are normal.”
Normal for hyperventilating. But I can’t stop! Teasing him is so much fun! The big, strong, warrior boy is completely at my mercy. Wow, I’m growing a sadistic side. Must be all the time I spent Lady Tsunade.

Sakura made some notes on her diagnostic chart. She asked Yuji to continue breathing, and to try to get his breathing back to normal, for that matter. She had taken his height and weight, and was working under the premise of organizing the data.

In reality, she was making a sketch of his body. As the only girl to see Yuji so close to naked, she decided that a sketch for posterity wouldn’t hurt. Besides, it gave her a chance to see his muscles expand and contract as he tried to slow his breathing.

Once she had a fairly good sketch done, Sakura returned to his medical exam.

“Any pain, illnesses, changes in medication?’

Yuji shook his head. “Nothing besides the usual aches that go with the job.”

Sakura nodded, making a note. “I see. And here it says that you were treated for severe anxiety. How has that worked for you?”

Yuji tried to appear nonchalant, but to Sakura’s eye, he was dripping with emotion as he told her “Well, it’s pretty frustrating that I couldn’t do so much of the normal stuff for a long time. Training filled the void somewhat, but I still wish I could have a second try at the time I lost.”

“What do you feel you missed out on?” she asked. The question was in the line of medical duty, so she didn’t feel too guilty about asking it. Thank you medical loop holes!

“Well, stuff like just relaxing, making friends, playing…and, well, dating, having a girlfriend, stuff like that.”
He laughed in a self-depreciating way. “It’s probably on the pathetic side, at my age, to not have ever dated.”

At this point, Yuji became aware that he was saying things that he’d only ever admitted to himself and to his parents. Maybe part of him was hoping for Sakura’s sympathy?

Sakura frowned at that. She knew Yuji had been having a difficult time with this sort of thing, but she never knew just how deep the problem ran. Not all of it was his fear of girls, either. But she could tell that he was longing for a companion.

He’s always alone. It’s no wonder he’s lonely. What’s amazing is that he’s in this good of shape. Having such little human contact is bound to have adverse affects. Dating is one thing; making friends is another. He doesn’t seem to be doing either very well…

Sakura chewed the end of her pen thoughtfully, looking up at Yuji through her eyelashes. A smile played on her lips as she watched him squirm and try to appear as though being more than half naked in front of a girl wasn’t bothering him.
He’s damned cute, and not at all vulgar or abrasive, like a lot of guys. So why…

Sakura straightened up. “Okay, Yuji. I’m going to check for hernias now, alright?”

Yuji gulped and nodded, trying to ignore the pleasant feeling below his waistband. He was cursing himself for enjoying this even somewhat. Not that he’d never had a fantasy about Sakura as a nurse before, but still! This was real life, and it was a medical exam. If Sakura could be mature about this, so could he. It’s not like they were playing doctor or X-rated house or something! This was standard procedure.

Sakura was completely professional as her hand rummaged around ‘down there’, her hand only making slight contact with his genitals at one point. It tickled like hell, and Yuji had to try not to squirm. He was determined to be adult about this.

“Okay, looks like you’re clear of any hernias,” Sakura told him with a smile. “I think we’ll skip the prostate exam, though. I’ve put you through quite enough today.”

Yuji had to admit that was funny. He briefly entertained the idea of it, though, had it been required. Would he have been okay with it? Yes, he decided, as if someone had to do that to him, he’d rather it be a girl he liked, rather than any guy or an evil Lady Tsunade (God only knew how she would torture him).

“Is there anything else I can do for you, Yuji? Any medical problems?”
Besides severe loneliness?

Yuji was reaching for his clothes, but stopped. “Yes. There is something else. Because I won’t get another chance like this. How about a date sometime?”

Sakura actually laughed; a genuine, spontaneous laugh. She hadn’t seen that coming. “You picked an, ah, interesting time to ask me,” she intoned, eyebrow arched.

“What the heck. It’s not like I could get more humiliated if you said no, seeing as how you‘ve seen me practically naked already. Doctor-patient confidentiality, besides, so I know you wouldn‘t tell anyone.”

Sakura admitted his logic was sound. But she had to mess with him a little.
“You sure it’s not because I’ve seen you nearly naked? Maybe you hoped I’d like what I saw and jump you?”

He winced. “Well…I guess we all have fantasies.”

Another incredulous laugh from Sakura. “God, you’re so honest! You’re like this innocent creature or something! Ah well…here.”

Sakura tore two sheets off her prescription pad. One bore the name of some drug that Yuji knew handled anxiety; the other had her answer on it, in her neat little handwriting:

I get off work at seven. My number is xxx-xxxx.

Yuji smiled at her. She returned the smile, then turned to walk out the door, giving a smile over her shoulder.
“I look forward to seeing what you’ll wear tonight. If it’s anything like what you wore for your physical, I’ll be pleased.”


Comments (2)

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YunieXTidus on February 14, 2011, 8:59:05 AM

YunieXTidus on
YunieXTidusI freely admit that I lol'd at several parts in this. Especially the ending. Love it! xDD

andr28a on February 14, 2011, 8:19:14 AM

andr28a on
andr28aLol Yuji needs some kind of love, even if it is as humiliating as this