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Chapter 3 - Red Love

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Chapter 3 - Red Love

Chapter 3 - Red Love
Sweating profusely, I looked one more time to make sure my target was in range. I half-hoped she would have moved off, or rejoined the pack. Peeking around the corner, I saw that she had started to rejoin her group. Part of me sighed with relief.


I nearly jumped out of my skin at the voice behind me. The chastisement came from an odd source.

Arms behind his head as he relaxed casually, he stared at me with squinted eyes, as if scrutinizing me. His laid-back ways never failed to make me question my own situation.

“What was that?”

I narrowed my eyes, trying to be casual. “What was what?”

“THAT,” he said forcefully, pointing at my target. “Did you just wuss out again?!”

I shushed him, crouching even lower behind the telephone pole I was hiding behind. “To ‘wuss out’ again I would need to ‘wuss out’ a first time!”

“Pfft. Whatever, you perv.”


“You heard me,” he said, accusing finger arched toward me. “You’ve been watching her, and you won’t just talk to her! Look, it’s obvious you’re in lo-”

I clamped a hand over Naruto’s mouth. “Okay, okay, you win! What buys your silence? Ramen? Money? Letting you win in a sparring match?”

Naruto’s grin turned wicked. “Nuh-uh. My silence comes at a heavier price this time.”

I winced, and Naruto took full advantage, making me wait until he announced his demands.
“This time, you’re gonna ask her out. In fact, you’re not going anywhere until she leaves that locker room and gives you an answer!”

I balked; anyone with morals would, right? (Probably just me, I realized belatedly) “I’m not going to stalk her outside the girl’s locker room!”

“She’ll be flattered!”

“She’ll pound me into mush! And more than that, what’s in it for you?!”

I regretted my harsh voice instantly; Naruto may seem carefree, but he’s actually a pretty tender guy. He lowered his eyes to the ground and told me in a low, somewhat sad voice:
“Listen…Sakura-chan…she needs someone in her life. I mean, Grandma Tsunade is one thing, and I’m another. But she needs…you know…a guy. One who isn’t me or Sasuke. She needs a stable friend…lover…someone more mature than me, and less bitter than Sasuke. And…well…if she’s my teammate, I want the best for her. And I think you’re the best thing for her.”

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t both stunned and moved. I’d never known Naruto to understand that kind of courtesy.

“So, are you going to wait for her, or do I have to get things moving?”

I looked up, but I didn’t see Naruto. Instead, I saw “Naruko”- the name Naruto had given his ‘Sexy Jutsu’. His girl form was, dare I say, quite stunning. It was clear he knew exactly what most guys would drool over. Amazingly, he had made this perverted move a combat weapon. But now, he looked like he was going to sneak into the girl’s locker room.

“Hey, you’re gonna get caught!” I protested. He had already gotten caught so many times already.

“I know. And I’m counting on the fact that Sakura will be the one to do it! Then you step up and make your move!”

“How?” I asked, not following.

“Duh! Play your goody-goody role and tell me off! Drag me behind the building and pretend to hit me or something. This’ll probably save my life- even if you DO hit me, Sakura-chan hit’s a million times harder, believe it!”

Before I could stop him, ‘Naruko’ strutted into the building. I waited about a half of a second before I heard the sound of girl’s shouting angrily. Right on cue, Naruto came flying out. But no one particular girl had dragged him out.
Feeling responsible despite myself, I walked over to him and picked him up, dusting him off. My hand ran down ‘his’ breasts, and I withdrew immediately.

“C’mon, it felt soooo good!”

I punched him in the gut. “Don’t toy with me!”

“Heheh! Sorry! Trying to lighten the mood! By the way- red.”

“Huh? Pardon me?”

“Red. Sakura’s underwear is red. Thought you should know.”

Now, THAT was interesting. Red was my lucky color, declared by no less an authority than my horoscope! (Yeah, I guess even non-believers have revelations, huh?) But…

“You @$$! I’ll never be able to look her in the face! All I’ll see is…red.”

Naruto squared my shoulders, nodding resolutely. “Then solidify your resolve. You deserve her; and she deserves you. Now, go to it, man! If you get stuck, I’ll bail you out.”

Waiting outside the hospital, I muttered under my breath as I tried to work out what to say to her. Asking her for anything else would be easy. Bur a date? Not easy in the least.

I was halfway through my tenth failed approach and completely lost to the world when I felt a hand on my shoulder and nearly jumped a foot.

“I had no idea I had that kind of affect on you, Yuji-kun.”

Sakura’s voice was so sweet and innocent, and the little giggles she seemed to be having a hard time controlling made her that much cuter. It made me want her in the worst way. Maybe that was what I needed.

What if your parents object? my inner-voice chided.
They won’t.

What if they’re sad?
They won’t be.

What if she doesn’t like you?
Don’t know ‘till I try. Now SHUT UP!

“Sakura, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. How about going out some time?”
I said it as casually as I could, but I’m sure my eyes gave me away as to what answer I was hoping for.

How, I wondered, could I be so lucky? She hadn’t even hesitated before saying yes! My mind started to assign a negative meaning to her lack of trepidation, but I squelched it. This was MY not. My subconscious be damned!

I was at our meeting point incredibly early. I chose to wear a black, long-sleeved shirt with a collar. I briefly considered a western tie, but that was going to far. Plain black pants, and finally a pendant with a wolf’s tooth completed the look.

Sakura looked stunning- no other word- in her mini-skirt, normal sandals, and red blouse. Something about this look appealed to me. She was an extraordinary girl who was unaware of how beautiful she was. While she didn’t tear herself down, at least to others, she didn’t act like she was hot stuff. She calm, demure, sweet, and just about everything I desired in a woman. About the only thing she didn’t have was a ponytail, which I admit I am a sucker for.

“I just don’t get you, Yuji,” she was saying, her head resting on her right hand, propped up at the elbow. She extended a single finger out, poking me gently in the forehead. She had a curious expression on her face, and I got the distinct feeling that she was experimenting with me a bit.
“You aren’t like the other guys.”

I smiled and raised an eyebrow. “How so?” I knew what I thought, but I was curious. She was, after all, a girl. The great unknown as far as I’m concerned.

“Well, you mentioned you’ve had a crush on me for four years, but you’ve never said anything. You’re a hard worker who stays invisible in the village- somehow. You’re a good looking guy, Yuji. I can name at least three kunoichi who should’ve been all over you. And…”

She hesitated for a little too long for it to be a normal break in the conversation. So I prompted her with an “and?”.

“And, well…”
She paused again, and this time blushed a little. Man, she’s so cute! Such a rare mix of power and femininity in one package!
“Well…you decided to like me?”

I hadn’t seen that coming.
“Why wouldn’t I like you?”

“Well, I’m…y’know. Average. My…proportions are nothing special, and ninety percent of the time you’ve seen me, I’ve been hitting Naruto or obsessing over Sasuke. So, I’m curious: why me?”

I didn’t answer right away, so she added:
“Tenten is good with weapons and likes to train; You and Hinata have the same disposition toward the opposite sex; It kills me to say that Ino has a better figure than me; and that’s just the younger women! There‘s Anko-sempai, Shizune-sempai, That purple haired ANBU agent…”

I was taking a sip of my drink, suddenly feeling more relaxed. Thank you, alcohol!
“So basically, out of all the women, why did I fixate on you?”

“Yeah. That’s what I don’t get.”

I shrugged a little. “All the girls you mentioned have redeeming qualities. And I could offer you theories on why anyone likes anyone else. The best I can do is to say that there’s plenty about you I find special. It’s not just your looks, though I like your figure just the way it is. And your eyes, too. Green eyes are, well, cool. I like that you’re determined, strong, and don’t mind getting your hands dirty in combat. You don’t come off with an attitude to anyone without good reason, and you’re willing to do anything for your friends.”

My hands were sweating now. I gulped back hard, but still felt tears welling up.
“…When I heard about Sasuke leaving, and how you tried to stop him, all I could think of was how lucky Sasuke must be to have someone adore him so much. I thought that if I had a girl who cared about me that much, I would be a happy man. Love, to me, is not a disposable feeling. You can’t turn it on and off, or it isn’t love. It’s something you take seriously. And for you to go that far…well, loyalty is a big thing for me.”

I paused for a second to take a drink, then felt a little daring. I smiled at Sakura, letting a little mischief flow into my eyes.
“And I love your tsundere personality, too.”

She half-shrugged, acknowledging that, joking or not, I had a point. Mercifully, she was taking the lead on our date. I maintain that girls have an instinct for dating that guys are not born with. It just comes naturally to them, and they could, at any given time, be in charge if they wanted. I don’t know if Sakura was naturally taking charge, or if she was just kind enough to help me avoid looking like a clueless idiot. (I would have been guilty as charged, in all fairness)

“How about a walk?” she suggested amiably.

“Oh, sure!”

We both stood up and let the feeling go back into our legs. I tossed the proper amount of money for the bill and a generous tip (I spend money when I’m happy. Good thing I’m usually miserable). We made for the door. Having been raised right, I stepped back to let her go through the flap first. When I stepped out, she was waiting, looking at me a little expectantly. I ran through my mental rolodex of etiquette and could find none to fit the occasion. Sensing this, she snaked her arm through mine and pulled herself tight to me, her head resting on my shoulder.

“Okay, now walk,” she instructed, stifling a laugh as I had to remember how to work my feet. It actually took a deep breath for me to get going. Having a warm head on my shoulder and my arm tightly tucked against my crush, it was just amazing to me.

“The moon is beautiful tonight. Cliché, I know, but I enjoy it.”

She didn’t seem to mind my dorky banter. “Mmm. It is nice. Makes everything glow so peacefully, doesn’t it? You’d never know that there are wars going on outside the village.”

“Something to be thankful for,” I agreed. “Even the most hardcore warrior would cherish such a peaceful moment.”

For some reason, Sakura blushed. I wondered if it was a girl thing, before remembering that I typically was the one who turned red. Sakura’s skin was pale by comparison, especially bathed in the tranquil white glow of the moon. The reflection of the celestial body danced in her eyes as she looked at me.

“I just don’t know what to make of you, Yuji. You’re so…I don’t know. Dark and mysterious, maybe? I don’t know if it’s just me, but I really feel like I can trust you despite that. As if maybe I can learn about you. Make us both happier people.”

“I’d like that,” I replied simply. “I’d love to do this with you again sometime. …”
My voice trailed off as I left her the option of saying yes or no. Surprisingly, she picked another option entirely.

She seemed to radiate light as she blushed. She took my hands, working her way slowly up my arms, her movements both unsure and full of emotion.
“Don’t you have…impulses?”

My mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I managed an answer around the desert that was my tongue. “Of-of course!”

“But passionate impulses? You aren’t like other guys. That’s one thing I really like about you. You’re your own person.”

She was now holding my shirt lapels with strong hands, and was leaning closer. Her body language was screaming so loud I couldn’t have ignored them if I wanted to. And no part of me wanted to reject this girl. Never before had I allowed someone to get this close to me. Never before had I let myself be this open and vulnerable. It felt liberating. I had to make some kind of move now, before she thought I wasn’t interested.

“My impulses are limited. I force that kind of discipline on myself. And I swore to only break that discipline for the most special people.”

She inched closer, her creamy skin and slight yet intoxicating aroma now filling my senses. Our chests were touching; her hand was now moving around my the back of my neck.

“Am I?” she asked. “One of the special people?”

I smiled and made my move. I put my arms around her waist, gently pulling her into an embrace she was eager to return. The slight height difference was no problem. She possessed enough romantic instincts for both of us, it seemed. Thankfully, my body always knew how to respond in a clutch situation. As she pulled us ever closer, my grip tightened as a way of conveying increasing passion.

“I’ve…never been the type to just go with the flow,” I whispered to her. She started to pull back, but I kept my embrace tight. “But for you…I’ve never wanted to follow an impulse so badly.”

It was to be my first kiss. And we didn’t stop there. Passion possessed us both, leading us to her apartment. In what could only be described as a kaleidoscope of emotions showing itself through physical passion, we both let our inhibitions slide off with our clothes.

At the end of it, we both lay panting, exhausted but fulfilled. She looked over at me and smiled sweetly, belying the act we had just committed. Somehow, with her, sex was pure and natural. And it was love, not simple desire that it arose from and vice versa.

“Girls still scare ya?” she asked softly, playfully rubbing my bottom.

“Yeah,” I admitted. “But I’d sooner live with them than without them,” I intoned, smiling a little.

“Woooowww,” she said in pretend amazement, rolling her eyes.

“Don’t misunderstand me,” I began, sitting up and facing her. “I mean that I don’t want to live without you. I love you.”

She smiled back, blushing. For the first time, I had the upper hand in the relationship it seemed. But I didn’t care to keep score like that. If she said the four words I hoped to hear, then I would be fine.

“I love you, too.”
There they were!
“Give me time to adjust, though, okay? I’m still…”

She trailed off, suddenly uncomfortable. I drew in a breath that seemed to rattle my bones.
“You have a mission. I understand. And…you have…him…”

She sat up suddenly. “No, I don’t mean like that! I-”

I held up a hand to stop her, then drew her body to me. Her skin, even damp with sweat, was still so smooth and inviting. I spoke into her neck, my mouth just below her ear.
“If you get the chance…I’ll understand. I don’t mean I want you less. But I want us to be open and honest. And he’s still in your heart. If the chance arises, go for him. And I’ll be behind you, all the way.”

She squeezed back, running her hand up and down my back, nuzzling me with her chin. I felt hot, wet tears fall from her face and land on my shoulder. I had made her cry; the last thing I ever wanted to do.

“How could you say something like that after we just…”

I closed my eyes and spoke solemnly. “Because you needed to hear it.”

I could both hear and feel her sigh. It continued into her sweet voice.
“Thank you. I DID need that. And you need to hear this: I mean it when I say I love you. We wouldn’t be here, like this, if I didn’t.”

Breathing in, I held her at arm length, choking back tears myself.
“I agree. And…well, I never sleep well if people I don’t completely trust are nearby. I slept more soundly than I have in years with you right next to me.”

She smiled and touched my nose; now less a woman and more a cute girl teasing an innocent boy.
“Maybe that’s cause of all the exercise…”

I felt my face flush with red, but I had no desire to object. It was a nice feeling.

“If you could change one thing about me…” Sakura started.

“Not a thing. Well…”

She sat up, a little alarmed. I grinned and planted a kiss on her shocked lips.
“Maybe a ponytail…”

She responded by rolling her eyes, laying her head on my chest, and going to sleep. Good deal as far as I’m concerned.

Naruto knew something had clicked between the two. He stifled a little sadness at the thought that he wasn’t getting Sakura. But, he told himself, he had just made one miserable person happy. Everyone deserved a little happiness in this world. And if Naruto helped someone else find happiness, then he was happy, too. He just hoped his turn for romance would come. It would be a big job, juggling a girl and the Hokage chair, but he wanted both. And with Naruto, that determination was usually sufficient to get the job done, regardless of what logic dictated.


Comments (3)

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YunieXTidus on December 24, 2010, 3:30:08 AM

YunieXTidus on
YunieXTidusLove it! You're quite the storyteller.

andr28a on September 26, 2010, 9:42:45 AM

andr28a on
andr28aAll that on a first date? Talk about quick.
But still, very romantic.

nextguardian on September 26, 2010, 11:18:37 AM

nextguardian on
nextguardianYeah, Yuji works fast! lol. It was supposed to be one of those 'wow, they're so perfect for each other!' things. That, and Sakura was kind of supposed to come across as intrigued by how mysterious Yuji is, then touched by how vulnerable and girl-shy he is. It kinda came out wrong, lol. Good for Yuji, though! About time he got a lucky break!