Whitewolf89's Profile
Whitewolf89's Profile

Username | Whitewolf89 | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Currently residing in the TMNT's Lair, NYC sewer system. | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Martian Freedom Fighter/Martian Ninja and Healer. | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 1 | |
# Comments Given | 109 |
Member Info
Member Info

Hello, friends and fellow artists. Whitewolf89 here (better known as Whitewolf, or, to use the nick of my username, Wolf. (Or Wolfie; whichever.) Let me tell you a little bit about myself..............
I'm a female Martian Mouse, of the ancient Martian House and Clan of the BlackRuby, one of Mars' most respected and revered families. My parents are Tredz and Silverdawn BlackRuby, and my siblings are Throttle (my older brother and leader of the Biker Mice From Mars, of whom I am the only FEMALE member), Torque (my younger brother) and Ebony (my younger sister). My cousins are Modo Moonfire (the "Maverick" name was a spur-of-the-moment thing on his part), Vinnie and Aaron (Vinnie's younger twin brother) Stormhawk (the "Van Wham" thing was solely and totally VIN's idea....MUCH to Aaron's dismay). Vinnie and Aaron ALSO have a younger sister, Silverstorm, who disappeared under rather mysterious circumstances back on Mars during the war, and we've never given up looking for her.) My BEST friend is a Martian Moragg-Gi (dragon-horse) stallion by the name of Shiningflame Firecrag (Flame, for short). I'm also close to Flame's younger sister, Icestorm (Ice, to her friends), and their cousin Firefrost Stormfire (also known as Frost). Oh, yeah, and LAST but DEFINITELY NOT least, my cyber/warbike, "Wyldfyre". Currently, the four of us (okay, okay, excuse me, "Fyre"! The FIVE of us! Yeeesh! Talk about a touchy bike!) are hanging out in New York City, looking for Plutarkian infiltrators. So far, we haven't found any sign of them, but we HAVE met some VERY interesting..."people". (See below for details.)
I'm also a Freedom Fighter (just like my rockin' bros!) and a trained Martian Ninja. My rank among my Martian Ninja Clan, the Clan of the StarDragon, is that of White Dragon Rank (this being equal to being a ninja of the First Rank on Earth). My much-beloved Sensei (teacher) and Master is Sandstorm Dragonfire, one of the most highly-respected and wisest Ninjamasters on all of Mars. However, since coming to New York, I have gained a SECOND Sensei (whom, by HIS own, and VERY gracious consent, I ALSO call "Master", in Master Sandstorm's obvious absence), and whom I love JUST as much as I do Master Sandstorm, but who is Terran (Earther) by birth. His name is Hamato Splinter, and he is a mutant rat, a VERY wise, respected and beloved elder who is also teacher, AND adopted father, to four very cool young ninjas who ALSO just HAPPEN to be Mutant Turtles. Perhaps you've heard of them? Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo...the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're pretty cool for a bunch of teenagers, and MY equals in skill, courage and strength (Well, okay, being guys, they ARE just a bit STRONGER than me, but that's cool). They're also very cool to hang out with (even though they ARE teenagers, and I'm in my early 20's). I love them all very deeply and dearly, but my heart is stirred by Raphael. My TruthSeer's Gift leads me toward him as my heart's and soul's-mate, and VERY possibly, my LifeMate, but I don't know. He's young, brash and impatient, and as hotheaded and impulsive as his older brother Leo is calm, cool, patient, levelheaded and responsible. Methinks that I'll just have to wait and see on THIS one..........................
Oh, yes, BESIDES being a Freedom Fighter and Ninja, I'm ALSO a Healer and TruthSeer of great skill, power and ability...things that come in rather handy in MY line of work.
I also like to write and draw in my spare time, as well as listen to music, and hang out with my family and friends.
Anyway, that's all about me for now.
Peace, and Ride Free and Safe Streets to you, Citizens!!!!!
Oh, btw, please feel free to visit my OTHER humble art-pages BESIDES the one that I have here at Fanart Central:
http://whitewolf89.deviantart.com/ ;
http://whitewolf89.sheezyart.com/ ;
(the SISTER-site to THIS one!);
(I now have art up at THIS one! Yays!!!) ;
(This is the full link-addy/URL to my page at MediaMiner. Nothin' UP there yet, though. Just kinda wanted to post it for future reference. ;) )
http://whitewolf.paperdemon.com ;
http://whitewolf89.rc.paperdemon.com .
I also have a page at Side7.com (just a VISITOR's Account here, til I decide whether or not I want to upgrade to an Artist's one), but I'm going to wait to post it til I get the FULL URL for it. I hope y'all will understand, and bear with me. ;) .
I'm a female Martian Mouse, of the ancient Martian House and Clan of the BlackRuby, one of Mars' most respected and revered families. My parents are Tredz and Silverdawn BlackRuby, and my siblings are Throttle (my older brother and leader of the Biker Mice From Mars, of whom I am the only FEMALE member), Torque (my younger brother) and Ebony (my younger sister). My cousins are Modo Moonfire (the "Maverick" name was a spur-of-the-moment thing on his part), Vinnie and Aaron (Vinnie's younger twin brother) Stormhawk (the "Van Wham" thing was solely and totally VIN's idea....MUCH to Aaron's dismay). Vinnie and Aaron ALSO have a younger sister, Silverstorm, who disappeared under rather mysterious circumstances back on Mars during the war, and we've never given up looking for her.) My BEST friend is a Martian Moragg-Gi (dragon-horse) stallion by the name of Shiningflame Firecrag (Flame, for short). I'm also close to Flame's younger sister, Icestorm (Ice, to her friends), and their cousin Firefrost Stormfire (also known as Frost). Oh, yeah, and LAST but DEFINITELY NOT least, my cyber/warbike, "Wyldfyre". Currently, the four of us (okay, okay, excuse me, "Fyre"! The FIVE of us! Yeeesh! Talk about a touchy bike!) are hanging out in New York City, looking for Plutarkian infiltrators. So far, we haven't found any sign of them, but we HAVE met some VERY interesting..."people". (See below for details.)
I'm also a Freedom Fighter (just like my rockin' bros!) and a trained Martian Ninja. My rank among my Martian Ninja Clan, the Clan of the StarDragon, is that of White Dragon Rank (this being equal to being a ninja of the First Rank on Earth). My much-beloved Sensei (teacher) and Master is Sandstorm Dragonfire, one of the most highly-respected and wisest Ninjamasters on all of Mars. However, since coming to New York, I have gained a SECOND Sensei (whom, by HIS own, and VERY gracious consent, I ALSO call "Master", in Master Sandstorm's obvious absence), and whom I love JUST as much as I do Master Sandstorm, but who is Terran (Earther) by birth. His name is Hamato Splinter, and he is a mutant rat, a VERY wise, respected and beloved elder who is also teacher, AND adopted father, to four very cool young ninjas who ALSO just HAPPEN to be Mutant Turtles. Perhaps you've heard of them? Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo...the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're pretty cool for a bunch of teenagers, and MY equals in skill, courage and strength (Well, okay, being guys, they ARE just a bit STRONGER than me, but that's cool). They're also very cool to hang out with (even though they ARE teenagers, and I'm in my early 20's). I love them all very deeply and dearly, but my heart is stirred by Raphael. My TruthSeer's Gift leads me toward him as my heart's and soul's-mate, and VERY possibly, my LifeMate, but I don't know. He's young, brash and impatient, and as hotheaded and impulsive as his older brother Leo is calm, cool, patient, levelheaded and responsible. Methinks that I'll just have to wait and see on THIS one..........................
Oh, yes, BESIDES being a Freedom Fighter and Ninja, I'm ALSO a Healer and TruthSeer of great skill, power and ability...things that come in rather handy in MY line of work.
I also like to write and draw in my spare time, as well as listen to music, and hang out with my family and friends.
Anyway, that's all about me for now.
Peace, and Ride Free and Safe Streets to you, Citizens!!!!!
Oh, btw, please feel free to visit my OTHER humble art-pages BESIDES the one that I have here at Fanart Central:
http://whitewolf89.deviantart.com/ ;
http://whitewolf89.sheezyart.com/ ;
(the SISTER-site to THIS one!);
(I now have art up at THIS one! Yays!!!) ;
(This is the full link-addy/URL to my page at MediaMiner. Nothin' UP there yet, though. Just kinda wanted to post it for future reference. ;) )
http://whitewolf.paperdemon.com ;
http://whitewolf89.rc.paperdemon.com .
I also have a page at Side7.com (just a VISITOR's Account here, til I decide whether or not I want to upgrade to an Artist's one), but I'm going to wait to post it til I get the FULL URL for it. I hope y'all will understand, and bear with me. ;) .
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Whitewolf89 on April 20, 2011, 4:29:09 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Thefamous1 on August 19, 2010, 5:10:19 AM
Thefamous1 on
Whitewolf89 on August 20, 2010, 4:58:18 AM
Whitewolf89 on
RGKameko on April 11, 2009, 10:53:00 AM
RGKameko on
Whitewolf89 on April 14, 2009, 6:36:20 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 8, 2009, 6:18:33 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Comment Deleted
Whitewolf89 on April 9, 2009, 6:33:17 AM
Whitewolf89 on

Anyway, I do NOT accossiate with thieves of ANY kind. So consider yourself blocked from my page, here and elsewehere.
Good riddence to bad rubbish@
Raphaelsgirl on April 7, 2009, 5:04:08 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Comment Deleted
Whitewolf89 on April 7, 2009, 5:35:31 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 7, 2009, 5:01:44 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Whitewolf89 on April 7, 2009, 5:02:23 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 7, 2009, 4:52:18 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Whitewolf89 on April 7, 2009, 4:59:22 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 6, 2009, 5:36:53 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Whitewolf89 on April 6, 2009, 5:38:08 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 5, 2009, 5:12:55 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Whitewolf89 on April 6, 2009, 5:26:36 AM
Whitewolf89 on
Raphaelsgirl on April 4, 2009, 4:51:12 AM
Raphaelsgirl on
Whitewolf89 on April 5, 2009, 5:10:08 AM
Whitewolf89 on
So look for some stuff to start filtering this way soon. Still working on getting the Internet hooked up at home, but I'll get THAT done, and stuff up here soon (as I'm sure that you're ALL tired of looking at that one teeny-tiny l'il pic.;) ) Promise.