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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 26-39 of 39 results.
Gol and Maia are evil, true... but how did they become that way...? I need to do art for this. ~_~
What it is. I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote it, but it came out okay. . .
this kinda the jist of whats stiring up in me, cant explain it though. oh well, hope ya'll like it.
It's my very first fanfic!! It's about the game Legend of Mana. I used the female main character, and it's alot like the game, but better, 'cause it's the way I like it. ^_^
every thing here is all true, cuse of my son-of-a-dog cousin, Sean >_< DRAGONS I HATE HIM! and i heard that his life aint going so well X) as it says though, I'm broken...
heh i was bored (what else is new) but i like it >^-^< its 'sposed ta be
some-what up lifting. comment if u please.
dedicated to the San Diego fires...that are destroying my home town
again, dont ask.
...dont ask...
i thought of this during Spanish class...THATS probly why im failing ^-^"
but i like it, it turned out a lot better than i thought it would. im kinda trying to make it into a song ^-^"
i was bored in math class (u cant learn any thing in the class i was in anyways)
if i messed up my wording, sry, but im not that good at English
A Kingdom Hearts fan fiction. By viicious. Yay.
its kind like whats going on in side me