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Displaying 51-61 of 61 results.
So as you might have guessd if you've been to my website, Dusk Hunter is my internet avatar (for the most part). This is a poem I wrote when the idea of "Dusk Hunter" first came to me, 4 years ago in grade eight.
I like to philosophize in my spare time, and this is the longest one I wrote. It's a little deep, so if you don't get it at first don't worry, I've had to explain it to just about everyone who's read it.
This is a fan fiction that I'm working on. It's about a two friends (based on me and a friend) who stumble upon a time travel device blah blah blah, and basicaly wreak havoc. I'm a SLOOOOOOW story writer, so once you've read this boring first part do
Yes, well...I was laying in bed one night and I couldn't get to sleep. So I was thinking...what if HP and LotR had computers? Or the internet? Or even...dare I say it...screen names?'s your answer...
A story filled with humer brought on by late nights filled with sugar! Me and my friend write this togeather, and you might understand some of my PH art if you read it!
Want to know more about the God of Death? *^_^*
It's a modern version of the Lord of the Rings. Same story and everything. My most SPECIALIST friend worked on it with me. We are both amateurs at writing fanfics, so spare us both.

~*BlooD (Angela) and Kristen
A Short story I wrot one mornign when I was bored... yeah...

Please coment!
What if in the episode Kagome's Voice And Kikio's Kiss, Inu-Yasha DIDN'T wake up as Kikyo was dragging him down to hell? A Sesshomaru/Kagome fic, even though I really don't believe those two are a good couple.
Done by prompting from Verg, which was recieved long, long ago. An interesting pairing with an interesting outcome. Sort of, lol.
When at night he goes to sleep, what does Kenshin dream about? Is it a reality--a waking dream, or is it simply a concoction of his own imagination.