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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-13 of 13 results.
Just a little RP Rei_Anul_sama and I have been working on with our OC’s…Explicit yaoi, so BE WARNED!!!
Anyway hope you enjoy XD…Go check Rei’s work out to *points evil finger of doom*
I haven't figured out a name for the story yet, so this default title shall do for now. :D

Anyway, this is just a snipet of my web of thoughts surrounding a particular group of characters I created.

Hmm, I've got this idea going, and I have a few chapters of it down, but I'm not sure if I'll go through with it. I trash a lot of ideas. So, don't be surprised if the next sample of writing I put up is totally different.

And no, I do not have a title for this story. It will remain nameless until I find one.

Any critique and comments are highly appreciated.
Strange things have been taking place caused by the darkness and the cruel beings that live within it. Sora, Donald and Goofy must fight against the heartless joined by some new characters Princess Kita, Ti-Day and Ni-Ne Nite. Appointed by King Mickey t
After stealing the Rose Orb, Brendan finds himself in quite a situation. Now he must save himself and his friends from Team Aqua. Who are they? and why exactly do they want this Orb?
It is six years after the last of Sakura's cards were changed into Star Cards and there seems to be new mysteries to solve and new enimies to fight.
Testing out some possible story lines.
A story told in first person by the one and only Yami Atemu! I got the idea from the song i named it after. It's not very long, but different for a change. Enjoy!
My newest Yugioh fic like Phantom of the Opera with a twist! ^_^ Read and Enjoy! Bwahahaha!
A story of the future i wrote for Language Arts last year. I like it, so i thought i'd post it.
This fic is a collection of bloopers that happened to the YGO cast as they were filming for the show Yu-gi-oh! Sure they make everything look simple in the show, but in reality, it takes a lot of trial and error to look as cool as they do on the show
The Yu-gi-oh characters get into a fight and the only way to solve it is to duel. However they're using ordinary playing cards instead of duel monsters. This story relates to real life and also has some cliches from the show to make it funny. Enjoy!:
This is a poem i wrote for someone when they seemed to be really depressed and i was under the impression that i could help. I don't think it did help. I found myself following the advise it gives to get through my own difficulties at one time. I