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ScolexIsGod's Profile

ScolexIsGod's Profile
ScolexIsGod's avatar
Username ScolexIsGod Gender Male
Date Joined Location That big place in the southern hemisphere
Last Updated Occupation Swamped with study ´o__o`
Last visit # Pictures 12
# Comments Given3183

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Snuffle grufph

Hmmm, well I'm kinda back :\ Still doing heaps of work in film though xD; I will do my best to reply to your comments and stuff, so pleeease talk wiff meh D: It might just take a little while >w>;

Hello people!!!
I laugh at the fact that you took the time to visit my profile, but anyhow…

Information about ME. Zounds!

AHAHAHAHAHAH I don’t feel like revealing anything about me at the moment except OMGITRYTODRAW!!!11! (btw, NO. I don’t actually type like that, thank God)
Generally I draw with a graphics tablet in adobe illustrator, although I’m beginning to get rather tired of that and may change to photoshop or just scanning my drawings in soon! ^_^ Seriously, I’ve been using it for about a YEAR now. D: Plus I like the effects in photoshop! *punches the lappy*

You draw WHAT?!?

I enjoy drawing sci-fi oriented stuffs involving vast landscapes, space, aliens etc., however, I also enjoy drawing the occasional anthro if I’m in that mood! ^^ A new drawing style is what I’m trying to invent at the moment, because I am getting increasingly bored with the constrictions of the manga and Jhonen Vasquez drawing styles, although, sadly enough, mine just looks like a horrible breeding of the two, smushed together to make a horrible, glob of artistic failure D: But no matter, I shall continue to develop it! ^^

I want you to draw me and [random character] kissing plzkthxbi!

Uhhhh, no. I’ve decided to completely stop requests and art-trades unless I offer it to you first, or if it’s your birthday or something (unfortunately!!) I mean, I’d love to be able to do them, but having them pile up on me seriously stresses me out and I end up never having the time to get any of them done! ;__; But don’t worry, I will still do them occasionally :3

Music you SHOULD listen to

Bach's organ works
Moi Dix Mois
Malice Mizer
Schwarz Stein
Wednesday 13

Freakishly awesome artists


People you SHOULD admire

Kamimura Ukyou
Per Yngve Ohlin
Jhonen Vasquez
Wednesday 13
Dylan Moran

Birthday Picturrres! <DDD

Thankyou so much to everyone who's done stuff ;D I didn't even mention anything about it or make a big deal and you still went off and gave meh things c:

By Akire: Gir reincarnated C:

By Luzzeh: Our token mad hatter :B

By Kaj, the shota lovin' mad dawg ;D

Websites you SHOULD visit

I study his drawings often to help get certain features correct >w>

He has amazing pixel art! ^-^ Some of his pictures are odd in the way he mixes happiness with tragedy... oO

I’ve tried to keep my profile short, but I ramble >ω<


Favorite Artists' Recent Submissions


Comments (2,539)

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Irken_Akire on October 2, 2006, 9:14:56 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireNUUUUUUUUUUU! I'm stil on, And sure! Me wants tah see ur first chapter? Whaz dah link?

Irken_Akire on October 2, 2006, 9:07:36 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireYEEESSSS! Ur online! *hugs u again* Sure u can add me in ur story, Whats it gonna be about?....Or its a surprise?

Irken_Akire on October 2, 2006, 7:23:18 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireHi Sig, Don't Hit ur Self for dat! *hugs* My e-mail thing-a-ma-jig said u've sent a piccy! SkoF and U. I see it up on ur Featured piccy! YAY! I hope u had fun. *gasp* Ur bruised and ur tooth is loose. *Gives u cookies and Gifts* Don't worry, I tried sking(How ever u spell it) and my legs got twisted around.....The pain....But suffured more than ME! *Hugs* Y u home sick? *gasp* Poor u! *gives u another hug* I think u said u'r gettin out of skool. Did u already? Wow........Well, I'll shut up in peace and let you go on, Bye Sig! *Gets shot*

ScolexIsGod on October 2, 2006, 9:08:07 AM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodWell, I'm not leaving school altogether anytime soon but I am on holidays at tha moment. I am going to the good ol' YuuEssAvAyy at the end of the year to finish school though! YAAAY!!

vesblondie on September 27, 2006, 11:39:03 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondieOOOOOO!!! That's cool!!! ^^ Snowboarding??? Do know how? Awww...sounds so fun....I get a volleyball tournament! WOOT! >,< (sarcasm)
XP I really hope you R having fun! Ya...plane rides are boring...But short train rides ROCK!!! IN 6th grade my best friend, NAtalie, took me to Chicago with her for a day and on a train ride though there and we started singing a very annoying song. Her mom laughed at us. And then this weird guy just sat right next to me*Me and Natalie were sitting across from eachother* and we just busted out laughing. (we're weird people) well, anyway. I hope you're having a good time!
Cry???Who said I was going to cry over YOU being gone fur another week??? NEVER!!!! :'( well...then again

ScolexIsGod on October 1, 2006, 5:07:04 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodYeah, do weird people always crop up around u as well?? I was just walking around with a friend once (he was eating chips) and there was a strange guy following us, every time he ate a chip the guy would wink at us, after he finished eating the guy came up to us and gave us a tissue with hebrew written all over it for some reason and said "this is for you." and walked off. It was creepy. >.<

Irken_Akire on September 26, 2006, 6:58:33 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_Akirelol....Hm....Snowboarding? U must be wreally gwood! (really good.) Have Fun Sig! We all miss yah! Byes! *hugs and runs off to your gallery*

SomekindofFreak on September 25, 2006, 10:13:32 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakooh ok then! Byye Sig siggeh sigger siggly signess! *latches onto your leg* have fun snowboarding! see you in a week! X3

SomekindofFreak on September 25, 2006, 9:59:54 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakHiiii! Siiig! *glomps* how are ye doing? are you leaving or coming bak? 0o; COME BAAAK! or...have fun! ^^

Irken_Akire on September 23, 2006, 9:51:05 PM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireYAY! Sig! ur back! How was it! GREETING TIME! *Gives u cookies and waffles*
Guess what? U r probably gonna get bored when I tell u, but still....Here i go!

My mom comes in my Sisters room where me and Amanada are.
Mom: WHAT IS THIS! *pulls out a letter* Letter for Erika F.'s parents! *Reads it* Ur daughter is invited to go to Australlia to research and blah blah...
Me(Thinking): YAY! I'm gonna go to Sig's country!!!!

I probally won't go anyway. Also, u'll be in L.A when i get there, cause its around 2007 when the kids go. Oh well! Missin yah! *hugs*

Atems_Little_Girl on September 23, 2006, 12:45:49 PM

Atems_Little_Girl on
Atems_Little_GirlHI SIG!!!! Wow! Your in New Zealand. And your welcome for the comments. ^^

vesblondie on September 22, 2006, 7:44:02 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondieNew Zeland...hmmmm *pokes my nose* hmmmm....
I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME!!! HOW R U!!!??? Tis it fun???

I'm always so hyper...evern when I'm sick... >< (like i am now.) I hade to go home early after the yearbook pictures cuz I wasn't feeln' good :'( I think my pic turned out nice though! Oh well...enough about me...

I hope you're having a good time!!! ^^




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