abitofdrama's Profile
abitofdrama's Profile

Username | abitofdrama | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | California | |
Last Updated | Occupation | my job | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 8 | |
# Comments Given | 453 |
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Member Info

Hi thanks for taking sometime out of your life in order to look at my profile. I feel honored (fake sinfles) Okay anyway… I guess I should tell you some stuff about me.
Also if you don’t want to read my long long and long profile it’s okay with me, but check out my art and stories at least.
My real name is Danielle but is sometimes called Dannie or DGV by my dad (dgv are my initials). There are three reasons why my online name is Dramagirl- (1.) I put up with a lot of drama in my family (2.) I make a lot of drama in my family (3.) I love drama (theater that is)
Hair- long brunette
Eyes- brown (wears contacts, but for health not to fake a color)
Height- I actually don’t know… more than 5 ft.
Weight- why do you need to know this? I’m not fat so that’s all you need to know (101lbs. )
D.O.B.-February 25,1993
Age- do the math!
Shoe size- 7 and-a-half
Race- half Latino (grandpa from Spain and grandma from Tijuana), one forth German, one sixteenth Yugoslavian, one eighth Italian and the rest I have no clue…
Looks like: a light Mexican
Zodiac- Pieces
Chinese Zodiac- Chicken, so go ahead and call me chicken
Shoes- I mean it is my profile pic
Anime/Manga- I can get into any anime/manga pretty much, but here’s the ones I already love: FMA, Inuyasha, Fruit baskets (just started), Rave Master, Naruto, Bleach, Trinity Blood, Eureka 7, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Prince of Tennis, M.A.R., and more that I can’t think of more right know.
Sweets- Ice cream, chocolate, recess pieces, lolly pops, pocky, anything with sugar
Sports- Soccer is my fav!!!!!! But I am learning karate right know
Magazines- ym (yes girly mag get over it), time (I like to feel smart at times* does cart wheel and trips)
Drinks- FUZE is awesome!!! And if you have no clue what that is you need to find out.
The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK.But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE.And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.... Post this on you're profile if you hate racism.(this is soooooo funny oh yea ive heard about people getting mad about this if you flame me it shows YOUR true colors and show whos racist or not)
Color- Blue, like the sky
Animal- I LOVE ALL ANIMALS (sees Bambi’s dad get shot by bro[technally half-brother] just after saying that)
TV shows-Mythbusters, Family Guy, Futurama, Who’s line is it anyway? , Wild n’ Out, Yo Mama, Beyond the break, avatar the last airbender, W.I.T.C.H., Danny Phantom, the Soup, Best Week Ever, Top Chef, America’s Next top Model, Teen Titains, Xiolain Showdown, Robot Chisken, Dirty Jobs,
and of course (drum rolls please)
DEGRASI; THE NEXT GENERATION IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE OUT OF THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couples- I will pretty much like any couple you can introduce me to but here are my favs (also I have no problem with yaoi/ yuri) – SasukexSakura, Edxwinry (yes I support them so all you crazy fan girls or winryhaters back off [but I can see why you hate her lol]), Naruto and Hinata, Kagome and Inuyasha, Temari and Shikomaru or Shikamaru and Ino.
I think everyone needs a hug (gives hug to random person and they get freaked and yells- WTF! XXXXDD)
Books, beside manga – Uglies, Pretties, Perfect, The Giver, Gathering Blue, Holes, Trinity, He’s just not that into you and more
Movies- wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many to type down here
( my favorite genre is humor/drama though)
Plays- Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Phantom, Oklahoma, Music Man, Annie and more
If you read Romeo and Juliet, in act 1 scene1 Gregory says, “Tis well art not fish. If thou hadst, thou had been poor- john ” aka “ It’s a good thing you’re not a piece of fish. You’re died and shriveled like salted fish,” he anin’t talk’n ‘bout no fish.
Fav Girl Celebrities- Audrey Hepburn and Marlin Monroe
Fav Girl Comedian- Kathy Griffen
Fav Guy Celebes- Orlando Boom
Favorite Male Comedian- George Lopez
Music- I like anything from independent to country to rap to pop to anything
Acting- I want to follow a career in acting. I guess you could say the theater’s my passion. I’ve been doing it since I was eight at local theaters. Actually one summer, my friend from a play, Brittany, reintroduced me to Anime/manga. I learned about anime and manga first from Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but wasn’t to into it. Theater has brought me so many of my closest friends and has brought out my natural talents.
Every good actress must know how to lie in order to act.
Dancing- my brother (who is in the Army) has taught me the tango and from their my aunt (I have seven aunts and five uncles together) Veronica has been teaching me a lot.
Singing- I’m in choir at school (I go to a private Christian School full of preps) and I’m going to at my church. (Non-denominational so no strictiness [if a word])
Instruments- I play a whole bunch of instruments- guitar, piano, flute, triangle (everyone should know how to play that, all you have to do is hit it) and I’m learning the drums.
Good art- no matter what it is (unless it offends my religion/race/ me in general) if art is good it will be appreciated. We all know how we want our art to have a fav or comment; it’s important to all of us. I love art and hope that you love mine
Flamers- Evil people who only get joy in insulting others art when they know that they will never be that good (though constructive criticism is another thing)
Cigarettes- my grandma smokes and I can’t stand it so pleas if your reading this remember JUST SAY NO! or quit if you’ve started.
Preps- popular people almost always care only about money and themselves. They pretend to be something their not. They lie and stab you in the back. And over all their nowhere as “pretty” as they are on the inside as the out.
People who only see the outward appearance – inside is where the true beauty lies ( I just rhymed ya!)
When you think of me out of the blue, that’s my kisses catching up with you.
Put this on your profile if you have someone you love far away from you.
Requests; If for a request I can’t promise I’ll do it but if I say I will, I will.
Art trades; will do if I have time and will tell you
I wear a blue rubber band always (I don’t cut or anything I just like stretchy things {pulls on rubber band back and forth and accedently snap herself} Ouch!)
happy peanut song with chocolate covered mountains and waterfalls of caramel, prancing nugget in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the world… THE SNICKERS SONG ROCKS MY SOCKS!
Okay that’s it so what will my final words be
Maybe anything’s possible if you want it bad enough
Or life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get
No they will be:
Hi thanks for taking sometime out of your life in order to look at my profile. I feel honored (fake sinfles) Okay anyway… I guess I should tell you some stuff about me.
Also if you don’t want to read my long long and long profile it’s okay with me, but check out my art and stories at least.
My real name is Danielle but is sometimes called Dannie or DGV by my dad (dgv are my initials). There are three reasons why my online name is Dramagirl- (1.) I put up with a lot of drama in my family (2.) I make a lot of drama in my family (3.) I love drama (theater that is)
Hair- long brunette
Eyes- brown (wears contacts, but for health not to fake a color)
Height- I actually don’t know… more than 5 ft.
Weight- why do you need to know this? I’m not fat so that’s all you need to know (101lbs. )
D.O.B.-February 25,1993
Age- do the math!
Shoe size- 7 and-a-half
Race- half Latino (grandpa from Spain and grandma from Tijuana), one forth German, one sixteenth Yugoslavian, one eighth Italian and the rest I have no clue…
Looks like: a light Mexican
Zodiac- Pieces
Chinese Zodiac- Chicken, so go ahead and call me chicken
Shoes- I mean it is my profile pic
Anime/Manga- I can get into any anime/manga pretty much, but here’s the ones I already love: FMA, Inuyasha, Fruit baskets (just started), Rave Master, Naruto, Bleach, Trinity Blood, Eureka 7, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Prince of Tennis, M.A.R., and more that I can’t think of more right know.
Sweets- Ice cream, chocolate, recess pieces, lolly pops, pocky, anything with sugar
Sports- Soccer is my fav!!!!!! But I am learning karate right know
Magazines- ym (yes girly mag get over it), time (I like to feel smart at times* does cart wheel and trips)
Drinks- FUZE is awesome!!! And if you have no clue what that is you need to find out.
The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK.But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE.And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.... Post this on you're profile if you hate racism.(this is soooooo funny oh yea ive heard about people getting mad about this if you flame me it shows YOUR true colors and show whos racist or not)
Color- Blue, like the sky
Animal- I LOVE ALL ANIMALS (sees Bambi’s dad get shot by bro[technally half-brother] just after saying that)
TV shows-Mythbusters, Family Guy, Futurama, Who’s line is it anyway? , Wild n’ Out, Yo Mama, Beyond the break, avatar the last airbender, W.I.T.C.H., Danny Phantom, the Soup, Best Week Ever, Top Chef, America’s Next top Model, Teen Titains, Xiolain Showdown, Robot Chisken, Dirty Jobs,
and of course (drum rolls please)
DEGRASI; THE NEXT GENERATION IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE OUT OF THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couples- I will pretty much like any couple you can introduce me to but here are my favs (also I have no problem with yaoi/ yuri) – SasukexSakura, Edxwinry (yes I support them so all you crazy fan girls or winryhaters back off [but I can see why you hate her lol]), Naruto and Hinata, Kagome and Inuyasha, Temari and Shikomaru or Shikamaru and Ino.
I think everyone needs a hug (gives hug to random person and they get freaked and yells- WTF! XXXXDD)
Books, beside manga – Uglies, Pretties, Perfect, The Giver, Gathering Blue, Holes, Trinity, He’s just not that into you and more
Movies- wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many to type down here
( my favorite genre is humor/drama though)
Plays- Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Phantom, Oklahoma, Music Man, Annie and more
If you read Romeo and Juliet, in act 1 scene1 Gregory says, “Tis well art not fish. If thou hadst, thou had been poor- john ” aka “ It’s a good thing you’re not a piece of fish. You’re died and shriveled like salted fish,” he anin’t talk’n ‘bout no fish.
Fav Girl Celebrities- Audrey Hepburn and Marlin Monroe
Fav Girl Comedian- Kathy Griffen
Fav Guy Celebes- Orlando Boom
Favorite Male Comedian- George Lopez
Music- I like anything from independent to country to rap to pop to anything
Acting- I want to follow a career in acting. I guess you could say the theater’s my passion. I’ve been doing it since I was eight at local theaters. Actually one summer, my friend from a play, Brittany, reintroduced me to Anime/manga. I learned about anime and manga first from Sailor Moon and Pokemon, but wasn’t to into it. Theater has brought me so many of my closest friends and has brought out my natural talents.
Every good actress must know how to lie in order to act.
Dancing- my brother (who is in the Army) has taught me the tango and from their my aunt (I have seven aunts and five uncles together) Veronica has been teaching me a lot.
Singing- I’m in choir at school (I go to a private Christian School full of preps) and I’m going to at my church. (Non-denominational so no strictiness [if a word])
Instruments- I play a whole bunch of instruments- guitar, piano, flute, triangle (everyone should know how to play that, all you have to do is hit it) and I’m learning the drums.
Good art- no matter what it is (unless it offends my religion/race/ me in general) if art is good it will be appreciated. We all know how we want our art to have a fav or comment; it’s important to all of us. I love art and hope that you love mine
Flamers- Evil people who only get joy in insulting others art when they know that they will never be that good (though constructive criticism is another thing)
Cigarettes- my grandma smokes and I can’t stand it so pleas if your reading this remember JUST SAY NO! or quit if you’ve started.
Preps- popular people almost always care only about money and themselves. They pretend to be something their not. They lie and stab you in the back. And over all their nowhere as “pretty” as they are on the inside as the out.
People who only see the outward appearance – inside is where the true beauty lies ( I just rhymed ya!)
When you think of me out of the blue, that’s my kisses catching up with you.
Put this on your profile if you have someone you love far away from you.
Requests; If for a request I can’t promise I’ll do it but if I say I will, I will.
Art trades; will do if I have time and will tell you
I wear a blue rubber band always (I don’t cut or anything I just like stretchy things {pulls on rubber band back and forth and accedently snap herself} Ouch!)
happy peanut song with chocolate covered mountains and waterfalls of caramel, prancing nugget in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the world… THE SNICKERS SONG ROCKS MY SOCKS!
Okay that’s it so what will my final words be
Maybe anything’s possible if you want it bad enough
Or life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get
No they will be:
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