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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-18 of 18 results.
PC's immune system has always been lousy, but Mac's never seen him this bad. (I am on such a kick with these two.)
Mac/PC. Done at request for fic or art about "Mac, PC, and a shared external hard drive".
PC/Mac. Very light on the slash. Short and sweet. PC's POV.
It's strange to see Mac asleep.
PC's upgraded to Vista, but the honeymoon may be over. NOTE: This is going to make a bunch more sense if you've seen the most recent ad. If you haven't, . It's the one called "Security".
More Mac/PC. Yep.
Dear comrades, this is my first English-language fic! Fanfiction about Rath’s bad day.
This is comedy.
[Republic Commando, post Hard Contact] The clone commandos contemplates the simple things as Omega Squad prepares for their next mission onboard a luxury liner. Go comment at deviantART, pretty please!! :D

This, needless to say, is based on The Magic. You'll learn more about that later.
I want to thank Infusions for inspiring a tidbit of this - the first customer
"We don't always remember our dreams, but they're there anyways." Iruka isn't a sound sleeper. Kakashi reflects.
Kakashi's supposed to be smart, but he just doesn't get it. Oneshot. Suggestions of KakaIru, but that's not the main focus.
*What's so great about eternity, anyways?*
Deidara's musings. Shonen-ai implied. Angsty. One-shot.
After stealing the Rose Orb, Brendan finds himself in quite a situation. Now he must save himself and his friends from Team Aqua. Who are they? and why exactly do they want this Orb?
De traan in de sterren

De nacht brak aan
Ze voelde de zonnestralen omlaag gaan
De sterren kwamen in de hemel te staan
En als je goed keek zag je de maan.
Ze staarde naar de mooie hemel die kwam
Daarvan had ze iets raars een dwang
The one . . . the only . . . Me Myself and I movie. Starring Me, Myself, I, Johnny C., Zim, Jeremie, Spot, Sparky, Wilt, Kevin, and VT.
Tenshi, a young boy suddenly finds himself lost in the Shadow Relm, where the evil King Akuma reigns. In order to save his life, Tenshi's father must take away all of his son's memories and hide him in a village in hopes that Akuma will not find him.
A little girl developes a crush on Zim. What will happen? Read to find out!
(Rated PG for mild violence)
It's like an episode of Zim I wrote in my sleep.