My CP's Bio:(aka the OC which I use most often to represent a character within all shows and situations)
Name: Ayumi Shinjite Tamahaki
Race: Half Egyptian, half Japanese, with a very small amount of Demon (out of the Japanese part).
Age: 16
Birthday: July 2nd
Height: 5' 5"
Grade: 11th (in America)
Hair: Long (about 5 in. down back), wavy, and blueish-black
Eyes: Navy
Skin: Slightly Tan
Main Outfit: Lose-fitting flair jeans, a dark blue tank top, and a golden locket with the Eye of Anubis on it.
Personality: Polite, slightly bossy, active.She's generally a happy person, butshe will not hesitate to defendher beliefs/friends/family if someone insults them.She's nice to peopleshe likes, and mean to peopleshe really hates (coughSetoKaibacough). Thus, forthright. She can be a little shy at times, like whenshe first meets someone, butshe's usually very open and friendly. In fact, if your familiar with psychological terms, think of Ayumi as having hypomania. (Either that or mania, but taking medication for it.)
Boyfriend: Pharaoh Yami (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Ex-Boyfriend: Ken Ichijouji (Digimon)
Fav Colors: Coral, Navy, and Peach
Occupation: Singer, High School(er)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Attack Tecniques: She can control water, and she has telekenesis. If she is required to,she can used a sword. (With the same sword techniques as Hajime Saitou from Rurouni Kenshin.) She can also do Karate.
Millennium Item: The Millennium Book, which does time travel, and doesn't have a evil spirit inside.
Sibling(s): Esanan Riyo Tamahaki, Ayumi's adopted sister. She's 13 years old, and known as Nanase in my fanfic Party Time.
Note: About the Mary-Sue-ness: Yeeeaaaah... Well, I'll admit it - she's a Sue. But I must say that what she can do depends on what anime I'm writing for. If it's for Yu-Gi-Oh, I exclude most of the magic/demon powers and sword abilities. If it's for another anime, if I ever right serious fanfiction for another anime, I'll probably exclude some other aspects. Or try, at least.
Maybe someday I'll change her in an attempt to rid her of the Sueness, but for now she shall stay this way.
Some Anime and Corresponding Fav Characters:
Favorite Characters:
Yu-Gi-Oh - Yami,(Yami) Bakura, Duke, Marik, Ishizu, Noah, Tea, Joey, Dartz, Allister, Rex, Mahado
Yu Yu Hakusho - Kurama, Hiei, Shizuru, Jin, Yusuke, Sakyo, Seaman/Matari, Sniper (:sniffle:)
Rurouni Kenshin - Kenshin, Aoshi, Saitou, Hiko Sejiro
Inuyasha - Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Kagura
.hack//sign - Tsukasa, Bear, Maha, Aura
Digimon - Koji, Ken, Soyra, Kouichi, Kari, T.K.
Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo, Vegeta, Deinde, Goku, Supreme/Kabito Kai, Trunks (the age-form from DBGT)
Wolf's Rain - Kiba, Toboe (:sniffle:), Cheza
Dragon Knights - Rune, Rath, Ruwalk, Lykouleon
Fruits Basket - Yuki, Hatsuharu, Shigure, Hatori, Hanajima, Megumi
Duel Masters - Hakuoh, Knight
Naruto - Sasuke, Kakashi, Gaara
Beyblade - Rei, Kai, King, Brooklyn, Zio
Bleach - Ichigo, Karin, Urahara, Renji, Toshiro, Tatsuki
Fullmetal Alchemist - Roy, Hughes, Riza
Least Fav Characters:
Yu Yu Hakusho - Tuguro, Karasu, Sensui, Doctor
Yu-Gi-Oh- Weevil, Seto Kaiba, Lumis, Mai, Serenity
Rurouni Kenshin - Misao, Shishio, Hoji (I think that's his name...Shishio's right-hand man)
Inuyasha - Naraku, Kikyo, Kouga
.hacksign - Sora
Digimon - J.P., Trailmon, Ranemon, Cody
Dragon Ball Z - Hercule, Freiza, Android 17
Wolf's Rain - Tsume, Quent
Fruits Basket - Ayame, Akito
Beyblade - Max, Daichi
Bleach - Gin, Don Kanonji, Mayuri
~Favorite Shippings~
Yu-Gi-Oh! Shippings:
Yami/Tea - Revolutionshipping
Joey/Tea - Devotionshipping
Joey/Mai - Polarshipping
Yami Marik/Mai- Illusionshipping
Seto/Ishizu - Trustshipping
Shadi/Ishizu - Obscureshipping
Seto/Ishizu/Shadi - Crestshipping
Bakura/Ishizu - Exoticshipping
Ryou/Ishizu - Graceshipping
Bakura/Ishizu/Ryou - Warnshipping
Ryou/Serenity - Softshipping
Marik/Serenity - Sedateshipping
Pegasus/Mai - Refineshipping
Pegasus/Cecelia - Roseshipping
~Millennium World~
Mahado/Isis - Pleashipping (Even in the Japanese, when you can't understand a word they're saying, you can tell she likes him.)
Mahado/Mana - Aprenticeshipping
Seto/Kisara - Mizushipping
Bakura/Isis - Floatshipping
Other Anime:
Yusuke/Keiko (YYH)
Yusuke/Botan (YYH)
Kuwabara/Botan (YYH)
Sakyo/Shizuru (YYH)
Kurama/Yukina (YYH)
Kurama/Koto (YYH)
Hiei/Keiko (YYH)
Kenshin/Kaoru (RK)
Yahiko/Subame (RK)
Yahiko/Misao (RK)
Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha)
Naraku/Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Miroku/Sango (Inuyasha)
Bear/B.T. (.hacksign)
Crim/B.T. (.hacksign)
Ash/Misty (Pokemon)
Kiba/Cheza (Wolf's Rain)
Yuki/Motoko (Fruits Basket)
Yuki/Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Kyo/Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Kyo/Uo (Fruits Basket)
Ichigo/Rukia (Bleach)
Chad/Orihime (Bleach)
Ishida/Orihime (Bleach)
Roy/Riza (FMA)
Ed/Winry (FMA)
~Least Favorite Parings~
Yu-Gi-Oh! Shippings:
Tristan/Serenity - Ardentshipping
Yami/Ishizu - Avishipping
Seto/Serenity - Silentshipping
Seto/Tea - Azureshipping
Other Anime:
Kuwabara/Yukina (YYH)
Kurama/Hiei (YYH)
Koenma/Botan (YYH)
Aoshi/Misao (RK)
Inuyasha/Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Sora/B.T. (.hacksign)
-I hate Yaoi/Yuri, especially hikari/yami parings. And especially if it's just randomly stuck in the fic for the heck of it. That is poor writing. But I don't care if you like and/or draw it, just don't expect me to look at your fanart with it.
-I mostly center around Yu-Gi-Oh, but I do extend to other animes.
-I love many unorthodox parings. Although, I don't like incest, but I love crossover parings, as in taking one person from one show and paring him/her with a person from a different show.
FYI, I'm also at fanfiction.net and deviantart.com!
My Full-Blown Bio:
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