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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 51-75 of 142 results.
Well, I'm making a story of... " How in the Heck did I think of Collie, Anti, and all of the Other Characters!!!"
Collie: Woooohoooo!!!! I finally get to find out how I got here!!!
Anti:... and how I got stuck with Him...
SPS: Enjoy!!!!
(One shot) Fuu and Jin share a short, but meaningful
conversation. Fuu decides that even a simple response can sometimes mean a lot.
Dedicated To LieDetector16! She is so sweet! I hope you like it! LieDetector16 and i love to cry!
A Song i wrote... so if the words ar kinda wierd its beacause thats how you sing them with the beat! ^_^ Hope you like it! Especially LieDetector16
I've just been feeling a little messed up lately beacause of what someone said... And this is what came out of it... Read it, and tell me what you think.
Vincent's daughter discovers she has a special power on her sixteenth birthday...
. . .
Just suppose...just suppose that there was a final intervention that may have changed the destinies of the key bearers.
One man loves her... and so does another... One man is fortunate... and the other is saddened... The young princess finds the broken man and tries to heal his heart, and the other is consumed with the emotion of envy... (LinkxZelda)(PG-13)
its about a girl who's fater died (she's a princess) and she must avenge him she run into some obstacle along the way and must face them (its really good read it)
Tenshi, a young boy suddenly finds himself lost in the Shadow Relm, where the evil King Akuma reigns. In order to save his life, Tenshi's father must take away all of his son's memories and hide him in a village in hopes that Akuma will not find him.
This is a poem about the battle of mind and heart. It's kind of hard to understand. But i hope you like it!
Hey Everybody! If you like Tear and Haelo I suggest you read the story of how they came to be. I really hope you like it, but please read it. This is a Romance/Comedy/Drama story. YAYNESS I CANT BELIEVE I'M WRITING A STORY!!
The Longest poem so far....
I Hope you like it and please read it, I really want to share this feeling
Yah ummm... this here's my first poem in Fanart central... and also it's my first poem with anything to do with YGO, so please don't hate...
...and if you like Yami no Yuugi and/or Rishid, please don't read this...cuz they kinda get hurt...
okie... since i like Constantine, I decided to make a story out of it. Not sure if it's really good, but I'll try to make it at least interesting, since I'm a newbee... so hope u like ^ ^.. man, I was hoping for the Constantine category, b
Poem of what i feel and of what ive dreamt...
This is linked to the The Third Epic. After the battle with Kahn, Kenshin and his friends experience a new peace. That is until...
Oh just a poem..*wink*
The Dark Empire begins to assemble their forces in great numbers. Their goal, to conquer the entire Anime Universe.
This is really deep. It's all true the disriptions are real. None of this is figurative i swear.
Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
Some deep thought given to time...It's sort of twisted and hard to understand so sorry if you got confused...
Scary and weird
Two friends write letters back and forth between Japan and florida.