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Dark_Alchemist's Profile

Dark_Alchemist's Profile
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Username Dark_Alchemist Gender Other
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I hate to say it, but I have made the inevitable jump over to DeviantART. I will still update here, but quite frankly ... no one on this site cares about art anymore; they just consider it a more private version of myspace, a place to chat with their friends. All the artists I liked have moved on, something that started when the site ceased to be pretty and blue. Quite simply, I feel like the site isn't what it once was. I'll come back when the members of fac start caring more about art and less about their own popularity.


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silverfox on October 22, 2006, 3:38:28 PM

silverfox on
silverfoxSo the part I want you to read is longer than I expected. I'm going to have to post it in multiple parts. o.o;

"Okay, I'm going to bring them in right now. Honestly, it's been hours. They'll freeze if they don't come in now." Indeed, August and Kurogane had been at a stalemate for nearly four hours. Swords clanged nonstop, and the occasional shout from either of the men was heard over the din. Gwen walked to the door and took her coat from the peg on the wall, throwing it about herself and pulling open the door. She left the door open after she exited since Fai, Sakura, and Syaoran were all following her.

"Oi! You're both going to die if you don't get inside right now! The sun's gone down, you loons! I'm surprised you're not icicles already!" the witch huffed. Both August and Kurogane acted for a minute as if they hadn't heard her; indeed, they continued to fight rigorously, dodging, ducking, swinging. Their usually refined sword skills had been abandoned as they fought with reckless abandon.

"Ugh, they're such idiots, I swear," Gwen grumbled. "Well, they made me do it." She lifted her hands into the air and the three behind her watched as her magic surrounded her hands, then saw how it formed around the two men. She clenched her fingers and lifted her arms quickly. Strangled yells were heard as blonde and brunette were wrenched out of their battle and suspended in the air, their swords dropping with soft fumps into the snow.

"Do I have your attention now?" she said sternly. They nodded. "Good. Now we're all going in because it is ridiculously cold. And there's no more fighting for you two tonight." They nodded again. "Alright, I'm letting you down now." She put her hands down and they fell to earth.

"Sorry about that, Ginny. It's just, I've never met someone who could weild a sword quite like that before so I was perhaps overly excited," August said.


"Ehm..." He laughed sheepishly. Ninja and mage both looked rather worse for wear. Their faces were paled, but cheeks and noses were bright red from cold. They had a cold sweat going, and both sported injuries. Kurogane had come out with the least worrisome; a slice across his left cheek and a bruise on his jaw. August had a cut across his left arm that was bleeding into his coat and another on his right shoulder. Gwen sighed as they both bled on themselves and put a hand to her forhead.

"You're going to end up killing yourselves someday."

Part two next. o.o;

silverfox on October 22, 2006, 3:35:11 PM

silverfox on
silverfoxMonday and Tuesday as in tomorrow and day after. Yay!

I don't know if we have school that Wednesday... Probably, though, since our teachers hate us. D:< Apparantly high schoolers are TOO OLD to go trick-or-treating. BUT I AM DEFYING THEM! DEFYING GODDAMMIT!! But yeah. xD; Did I tell you I'm probably going as a vampire mime? o.o; Becuase I am. Probably. Vampire mostly as an excuse to get some high-quality vampire teeth.

NEW FMA NEW FMA NEW FMA!!! It had, like, all my favourite characters except for Havoc, Roy, and Ling. Oh well. IT HAD GARFIEL HOMIGOSH! AUGH! I LOVE GARFIIIEEL~~~~


I'm drinking chocolate soy milk :D


Prolly now. Since I have no life.

But yeah. I like video games. Cristian is playing a new one that's fun. It's called Bully and you get to go to boarding school and beat people up. It's fun!

I have lots of ideas for drawings! Well, mostly there's a scene that has a few facial expressions and body-ness that I want to draw. And I think they all involve August. o.o;; But I love him! He = awesome homg! LOOOVE.

Yeah. It's after Gwen goes out and pulls August and Kuro out from their fight. Actually, I think I might just post the excerpt... Hmm. Heehee, August and Gwen have some very 'sibling-love' moments. It's cute. But yeah. And also August is shirtless @-@ With bandages ~@-@~ I think I must have a bandage fetish, 'cuz when manga guys are all bandaged up I think it's hot. xD;;; But yeah. And August and Kuro hurt each other a bit when they fight. Hence bandaging. But mostly August is hurt. And I'm totally rambling on the subject so I'm shutting up.

Yeah, I'm gonna post the excerpt.

silverfox on October 21, 2006, 2:35:47 PM

silverfox on
silverfoxAhaha. xD

Well, it seems you left Kuro and Fay here last weekend, but don't worry. They're in good hands. >:D I'm thinking I'm going to put them in various poses, take pictures of them, then load the pictures on my computer and put them on that one LJ community. Everyone'd go crazy. xD


I want more Death Note dammit! ;-; It's so awesome!

And I've been writing this over a period of about two hours but I haven't finished it yet because I'm stupid. xD;; And yeah, that guy's name is Reno. The other guy I think is Bald. But I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure that's what it is, though.

Ne... I love how I can look at Japanese fanart and understand what people are saying (for the most part, anyway). Heeheee.

I'm getting a bunny! Well, for my dad's house. She's Cristian's bunny who was going to go to the pound if no one adopted her, and so I begged and pleaded and my dad finally gave in. So I get a large brown bunny. x3


silverfox on October 20, 2006, 9:46:55 AM

silverfox on
silverfoxHaha, that's like a me-length comment.

Ugh. I had, like, the worst day ever in the history of anything. And I'm upset at my dad about it, because it's his fault. So apparantly I'm totally doomed to flunk out of high school because I don't like homework. And of course my dad, who's so melodramatic, felt it was his duty to have my counselor call a meeting with all my teachers. Basically, the whole point of the meeting was to rip on how irresponsible and mentally imbalanced I am, and how if I would just apply myself I could be so awesome. My English teacher had the gall to call me 'rude', even, because she saw me one day deeply immersed in a book while I was in the middle of a group of my friends. Oh, sorry, I forgot it's not okay for me to read ever. But what the freaking hell?! That has happened ONCE. And I was deeply immersed because it was volume 13 of Series of Unfortunate Events, the last one in the series! Holy crap! So my teachers basically all reiterated the same points: That a) I'm so darn smart. b) I'm doomed to death because I dislike homework. And c) They don't think I'm willing to apply myself to get good grades. Then they go all psychological on me and insist that I didn't have any control over my life as a child, and that the effects of that have caused me to not want to do homework. They were all convinced that that was the case, and I'm like, "What the frack! No!" I JUST HATE HOMEWORK! UAKEUghKAJEHG.kJSNELGJKBNSLKEGN KWJEg.

Me = very pissed right now.

And my day just sort of spiraled down from there. However, I guess now I'm being bumped up to Honours English. Doesn't really make any sort of logical sense, but whatever.

But anyway... I also think my drama teacher hates me. xD; Well, she sort of hates everyone, but I think she nurtures a little piece of dislike just for me. Oh joy. She's dumped this huge project on us, and it's due in about a week. Normally that wouldn't be so bad, but all my other teachers I guess agreed, "Hey! Let's torture our students with sleep deprivation and schedule due dates all in the same time span!" So I have, like, five projects due on the same two days. Fabulous.

And thus went the worst day ever.

Did I already say no Tsubasa for, like, ever? D:

silverfox on October 17, 2006, 2:02:57 PM

silverfox on
silverfoxAck. D: That sucks. Those pages must hate you.

I haven't seen Advent Children in English yet, so I can't say whether I like English or Japanese. But yeah, Japanese voices tend to be better. With the possible exception of Fruits Basket, because the Japanese voices just sound weird. But if they ever make Ouran into English there's no doubt that the Japanese will be best, since the character's voices were casted perfectly.

Mmkay, no new chapter for, like, weeks. D: Emooooo. I need more Tsubasa goddammit. It's like the best. Best. And FMA still hasn't come out... And I need the next volume of Death Note (which doesn't come out till November DX), and Bleach, and I want Fruits Basket 21. AUUUGHGHHH.

And I also think that there are monsters in my attic, since the doors that should lead to it just open to a solid wall, and if that isn't scary enough, I always hear weird thumps and scratches from inside it. So of course there are monsters. Probably monsters who have moustaches and drink all my Earl Grey tea, since I swear there was a ton and now I'm out. >:(

HOMG ICON AWESOME. xDDD Best thing ever! And the best part is that no one will get it unless they've read the Xemnas Reports. I say 'arrr, doges' to random people and so far three out of, like, seven billion have gotten it. I could tell because they almost fell down laughing.

silverfox on October 14, 2006, 6:48:16 PM

silverfox on

silverfox on October 13, 2006, 5:03:20 PM

silverfox on


j00 sittin' next 2 me lol

Dark_Alchemist on October 12, 2006, 11:44:11 AM

Dark_Alchemist on

silverfox on October 4, 2006, 2:48:14 PM

silverfox on


silverfox on October 3, 2006, 3:48:37 PM

silverfox on

If that doesn't win the award for most awesome picture of Edward ever then I'd love to see what would.



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