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Displaying 1-25 of 35 results.
PC's immune system has always been lousy, but Mac's never seen him this bad. (I am on such a kick with these two.)
Mac/PC. Done at request for fic or art about "Mac, PC, and a shared external hard drive".
PC/Mac. Very light on the slash. Short and sweet. PC's POV.
It's strange to see Mac asleep.
PC's upgraded to Vista, but the honeymoon may be over. NOTE: This is going to make a bunch more sense if you've seen the most recent ad. If you haven't, . It's the one called "Security".
More Mac/PC. Yep.
Just random crap that I got bored with ^^ hehehe

This was also like.... 2 to 3 years old

Highlight to read it, cause I like to see you suffer

not really.....
Fandom: Utena
Pairing: Juri x Shiori
Song: The Rasmus - Guilty
Rating: 13+ (Femmeslash)

I love this song, because it describes the relation of Juri x Shiori best.
[Republic Commando, post Hard Contact] The clone commandos contemplates the simple things as Omega Squad prepares for their next mission onboard a luxury liner.
Nami x Vivi One-shot. Contains WAFF and Shoujo-ai. Rated: PG-13+

Need to collect ideas :P Go comment at deviantART, pretty please!! :D

This, needless to say, is based on The Magic. You'll learn more about that later.
I want to thank Infusions for inspiring a tidbit of this - the first customer
ZukoxSokka. Zuko longing for Sokka. Based off a Zutara image.
Nami x Vivi. Oneshot, Songfic. The day before both of them have to gotheir own way. so I thought the Song "Listen to the rain" byEvanescence would fit into this :)
I wrote it in Vivi's view... and I hope the words fits to her character. and... well...
Nami x Vivi a kind of teaser to my german fanfiction Desert Children. I will do an english version of it.Nami left the mugiwaracrew and lives together with Vivi in Arbana....
Shonen-Ai/Slash. ONE-SHOT. For Alicifer. Touch those you hold dearest to yourself, and never let them go...
just another poem i wrote ^^
"We don't always remember our dreams, but they're there anyways." Iruka isn't a sound sleeper. Kakashi reflects.
Kakashi's supposed to be smart, but he just doesn't get it. Oneshot. Suggestions of KakaIru, but that's not the main focus.
Raven and Starfire
Shoujo-ai and dogyness included
Blackfire x Jinx... Slight Shoujo-ai
Here is a little poem about when Robin is Slade's Apprentice...tha's it, though...
Mild shonen-ai/slash. ONE-SHOT. A young boy just wants to see his brother again...
*What's so great about eternity, anyways?*
Deidara's musings. Shonen-ai implied. Angsty. One-shot.
After stealing the Rose Orb, Brendan finds himself in quite a situation. Now he must save himself and his friends from Team Aqua. Who are they? and why exactly do they want this Orb?
a poem of Raven - dedicated to starfire... shoujo ai
Shonen-Ai/Slash? Just another little piece, an old idea of mine. Heaven's falling down...