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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 426-450 of 869 results.
... they are saying somthing -_-0
its like a little part that some characters do and its a little funny or weird one of them XP.........
WARNING story may contain characters doing idiot stuff X3
An Arthurian legend of epic proportions! Made for English class. hehe.
Sometimes you just gotta say goodbye when all someone does is hurt you
a poem i did awhile ago...few days actually only because i felt sad i hate it when my heart falls in love >.>; hope you all like. tell me what you think ^^ and sorry if i couldnt find it in the right category >.>;
what you need to know about me...
This is my journal of my thoughts on art, myself, and life.
The basic timeline of all the Characters in my story. Hopefully I can finish it soon
Imagine this...
Neji finds every night he sleeps, he goes to the past... NejiHinata.
ah, its been a long time since i have written a naruto fic. anyways, this is a song fic starring three characters with the most depressing childhoods: uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke and gaara of the desert.

[screencaps taken from]
Shonen-Ai/Slash. ONE-SHOT. For Alicifer. Touch those you hold dearest to yourself, and never let them go...
Just a bunch of poems and stuff I've written over the years.
This is a story about the new hope for the Varden and elves, a new rider. will be a multiple chapter story.
When Soren met Ike, it was the first time he ever felt like he belonged. Like he was home. Path of Radiance story.
Old scars hold lots of old memories. Path of Radiance, TibarnxReyson
what I got the yuyu and the Naru gang for christmas...
I love that big cat eh dog thing, so I have writen a story about his past and how he might have ended up as a research speimen of Dr. Hojo, that mad Scientist.
Hope you`l like it and feel free to comment
this is a story i have done about life
I transleated it 4 orangegirl beacause she wanted to read it in norwegian too ^^ so here ya go ;)
What happens if your in love with someone?
What happens if you kiss
What happens if there is a battle?
Find out!!!!!!!!!
A little poem dedicated to Hiei and Kurama....
how to explain Naruto in less than a minute
A truly sad story.. It was an essay i wrote at school..
the continuing of the comic i was about to do......................warning stupidity included XD only a little